Thursday, June 23, 2011

  • Thursday, June 23, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week, Angelina Jolie visited Syrian refugees in Turkey.

Not everyone was happy about this.

In an open letter to Jolie reproduced at a number of Arabic sites, a very angry but anonymous Palestinian Arab writes:

Dear Angelina Jolie, I saw you in Turkey, carrying gifts for Syrian refugees who were only a couple of days within the Turkish borders. Did you ask this International Foundation: How could such a decision be taken for the Palestinian people who were refugees for 60 years? Did you ask about the number of Palestinian refugees who were displaced from their homes to spread all over the world because of the usurping by a racist Zionist military of their right to their land?

"A basic question, my sweet: Do you even know where Palestine is?

How dare Jolie seem to care about anyone besides Palestinian Arabs, the Exclusive Licensed Refugees of the Middle East®?

How dare those upstart Syrians dare flee for their lives to another country, taking vital attention away from Palestinian Arabs! The  media that could have been talking about a new flotilla was instead momentarily distracted by an actress helping non-Palestinian Arabs!

The nerve!
  • Thursday, June 23, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
On YouTube there is a satirical cartoon video representing the leader of the Al Qassam Brigades as a baby, playing with a doll that represents Gilad Shalit and refusing to give him up, even for all the prisoners.

Here is it translated into English:

While it appears that it was created by a disgruntled Arab, the Arabic media is claiming that this video is part of Israel's psychological warfare against Hamas.

No evidence is given.

The YouTube user who uploaded it, "FreedomForPrisoners," just joined the day he uploaded it.
  • Thursday, June 23, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From ABC News:

Colombian pop singer Shakira promoted her global education campaign with a stop at a joint Israeli-Arab school in Jerusalem on Tuesday.

Kicking off Israel's third annual Presidential Conference with a plea for children's education worldwide, Shakira, a U.N. Goodwill Ambassador, said the Holy Land was the "perfect place to talk about how urgent it is to invest in education."

"The most crucial decision we can make for a better tomorrow is how we educate our children," she said, speaking alongside her host, Israeli President Shimon Peres.

"How wonderful it would be if the world would act like a team. We have so many challenges ahead of us, so many problems to solve," she said. "This is the time to behave like a team, to wear the same T-shirts and to win the match of discrimination, to win the match of inequality and segregation."

Born Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll in Colombia, she has Lebanese roots. This is her first visit to Israel.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Shakira said she had great respect and love for the people of Israel.

"I'm very proud of my Lebanese heritage ... but it has nothing to do with the fact that I respect and have great affection for this country and the people of this country, both Israelis and Palestinians, and that's why I'm here, because I think that kids need us — kids don't understand about conflicts," she said.

Shakira said her experience in developing countries and charitable foundations persuaded her that investing in future generations was the answer.

"I am convinced that the road to peace has to be traveled hand in hand with education because that is the only way perhaps that we are going to achieve global stability and peace," she told the AP.
Of course, what she said is outrageous, hateful and bigoted, and she must be boycotted!

Which is just what a few new Facebook groups are calling for.

Shakira is scheduled to give a concert in November in Egypt, and some Egyptians are calling for a cancellation of the concert.

Four years ago, the pop star performed in Egypt at the foot of the Pyramids.
  • Thursday, June 23, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Today quotes "Zionist sources" saying that several Molotov cocktails were hurled at an Israeli car east of Qalqilya.

No one was injured, so it is as if it never happened.

Not even the Israeli media bothers reporting such incidents in English (with the occasional exception of Arutz-7.)

This is a mistake. The impression in world capitals is that the Arabs who live in Judea and Samaria are behaving responsibly and that terrorism is a thing of the past. Incidents like the Fogel family massacre are presented as anomalies, the exceptions that prove the rule.

While the anti-Israeli side widely publicizes every minor incident, real or imagined, there is no similar English-language resource I am aware of that monitors and lists every case of rock throwing, firebombs and shootings against Jews. Neither is every case of fires set on Jewish lands and crops uprooted on Jewish farms systematically reported anywhere. The IDF will publish cumulative statistics and sometimes tweet specific incidents but the majority go unreported, at least in English.

The fact is that a Molotov cocktail is thrown with the intent to kill people. Guns are shot with the intent to kill people. Stones are thrown with the intent to injure or kill people. The violent intention is there and widespread.

Violent incidents, with deadly intent, happen every day. The lack of reporting on these incidents is a major shortcoming in the pro-Israel camp.

UPDATE: Kramerica found the monthly reports, from the Shin Bet:

Data regarding terror attacks in May 2011
Following is a regional distribution of attacks:

3 attacks in the Gaza Strip (66 in April); 44 attacks in the Judea and Samaria (19 in April); and 25 attacks in Jerusalem (16 in April).

Jerusalem and the Judea and Samaria area: Most attacks executed in May (64 out of 69) were in the form of firebombs (April: 32 out of 35).

Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:
Following is a distribution of attacks in May according to regions:

The Gaza Strip – 3 attacks: 1 rocket launching and 2 small arms shooting.

Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem – 69 attacks: 1 small arms shooting; 1 explosive device; 3 object / stone throwing and 64 firebombs (25 in Jerusalem).
  • Thursday, June 23, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Islamic Jihad leader Ahmed Mudallal has reiterated that Palestinian Arabs will not rest from their jihad until every grain of sand of Palestine is under their control.

He said that "Zionist terrorism will not deter the Palestinian people from trying to establish their state of the river to the sea through the resistance and jihad."

He added that the Palestinian Arabs cannot rely on the UN to give them what they demand, but it must come from jihad and resistance.

There isn't much room for interpretation in his words.

None of this is new, but good luck finding the Western media bothering to quote a leader of the second-largest terror group in Gaza.
  • Thursday, June 23, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:

EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton said Israel's foreign minister could not undo the Oslo Accords in response to a Palestinian statehood bid at the UN, in an interview with Israeli daily Haaretz published Thursday.

"I'm not sure that it's up to him to declare that Oslo is void really," Ashton said, adding, "I don't accept that Oslo is void, [if] so, it would be a different world."

The EU leader met with Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Friday as part of tour of the Middle East and meetings with Israeli and Palestinian officials in an effort to give peace talks a push.

Ashton confirmed reports that Lieberman said in their meeting Israel could back out of past agreements, including the Oslo Accords that established the Palestinian Authority, if Palestinians seek UN recognition in September.

Lieberman said "something to the effect," Ashton told Haaretz.
I'm not sure about the specific 1993 Oslo agreement, but a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian Arab state is definitely an abrogation of the 1995 Interim Agreement that was part of the Oslo process under Article XXXI:

7. Neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip pending the outcome of the permanent status negotiations.

It is also an abrogation of the 1998 Wye River Memorandum:
V. Unilateral Actions

Recognizing the necessity to create a positive environment for the negotiations, neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in accordance with the Interim Agreement.
Not to mention the identical wording in the 1999 Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum:

10. Recognizing the necessity to create a positive environment for the negotiations, neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in accordance with the Interim Agreement.

Apparently, the EU interpretation of the previous agreements between Israel and the PLO is that the PLO can violate the agreements with impunity but Israel must still adhere to them.

This is not exactly the textbook definition of an "agreement."
  • Thursday, June 23, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From BBC:

The remains of 17 bodies found at the bottom of a medieval well in England could have been victims of persecution, new evidence has suggested.

The most likely explanation is that those down the well were Jewish and were probably murdered or forced to commit suicide, according to scientists who used a combination of DNA analysis, carbon dating and bone chemical studies in their investigation.

The skeletons date back to the 12th or 13th Centuries at a time when Jewish people were facing persecution throughout Europe.

They were discovered in 2004 during an excavation of a site in the centre of Norwich, ahead of construction of the Chapelfield Shopping Centre. The remains were put into storage and have only recently been the subject of investigation.

Seven skeletons were successfully tested and five of them had a DNA sequence suggesting they were likely to be members of a single Jewish family.

DNA expert Dr Ian Barnes, who carried out the tests, said: "This is a really unusual situation for us. This is a unique set of data that we have been able to get for these individuals.

"I am not aware that this has been done before - that we have been able to pin them down to this level of specificity of the ethnic group that they seem to come from."

Eleven of the 17 skeletons were those of children aged between two and 15. The remaining six were adult men and women.

Pictures taken at the time of excavation suggested the bodies were thrown down the well together, head first.

A close examination of the adult bones showed fractures caused by the impact of hitting the bottom of the well. But the same damage was not seen on the children's bones, suggesting they were thrown in after the adults who cushioned the fall of their bodies.
(h/t T34)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

  • Wednesday, June 22, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Once again, a top US official has warned about the supposed demographic threat facing Israel:
Chief Middle East Adviser Dennis Ross said at the President’s Conference in Jerusalem on Wednesday that the greatest risk at a time of sweeping change in the Middle East was to think that this was the time to sit still and “do nothing.”

Ross said that while he understood the impulse to “stand pat” and avoid taking risks, certain realities – such as demographic trends that will present Israel with the dilemma of being either a Jewish or a democratic state – could not be “wished away.”

Ross’s comments seemed a gentle criticism of voices in the Israeli government saying that at a time when everything is changing in the Middle East, this is not the time for Israel to take far-reaching risks, not knowing what will be tomorrow in countries such as Syria, Egypt and even Jordan.

Obama, in his speech on the Middle East at the State Department last month, made a very similar statement.
The argument is not new; it has been around for a long time. Simply put, the "demographic threat" argument is that if Israel does not give the territories to the Palestinian Arabs, then Israel will be faced with a majority of the people living in the area of the Palestine Mandate being Arab in a few years.

Others, notably Yoram Ettinger, have spent a lot of time debunking the basic argument that demographics are so much in the Arabs' favor.

But there is another more subtle issue with the "demographic threat" argument. It is based on a very flawed assumption. The people who make this argument may not entirely realize the logical flaws in their assertions.

Their assumption is that a Palestinian Arab state must be based on the 1949 armistice lines.

However, even if a much smaller Palestinian Arab state is created, one that takes into account Israel's security requirements, then the demographic issue disappears as well.

Over 95% (perhaps as many as 98.5%) of Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank live in Areas A or B.

If there is going to be a Palestinian Arab state, it will include all of Areas A and B.

In other words, over 95% of the Palestinian Arabs in Judea and Samaria already live in areas that would become part of a Palestinian Arab state under any Israeli peace offer, right or left wing.

To put it bluntly: if Mahmoud Abbas declared a Palestinian Arab state in Areas A and B (and Gaza) today, even though they take up less than half of the West Bank, the demographic issue disappears.

So the "demographic threat" is a fantasy. If the Palestinian Arabs would accept any of Israel's peace offers, their state - no matter what size - would eliminate this threat.

The viewpoint that Israeli intransigence is creating a demographic threat is exactly backwards. It is Palestinian Arab refusal to compromise with Israel - and bring freedom to their people - that is artificially creating and aggravating this issue.

In fact, this threat is part of a Palestinian Arab strategy to pressure Israel to make concessions, because Palestinian Arabs have insisted on an "all or nothing" approach to peace with Israel. The slightest compromise on their part would create a Palestinian Arab state that would take away this so-called threat completely.

The world has swallowed this "all or nothing" thinking, believing that Palestinian Arab insistence on its maximal demands cannot be modified. So the world tends to conflate the "demographic threat" with "1967 lines."

If President Obama and Dennis Ross and J-Street and Americans for Peace Now and Walt and Mearsheimer and Thomas Friedman and Roger Cohen and Jeffrey Goldberg and a host of other pundits and politicians are so concerned over this supposed threat, the only logical thing for them to do is to pressure the Palestinian Arabs to accept a compromise that would give them a state as soon as possible, and to dismiss their maximal demands that they have made since Oslo. It is PalArab stubbornness that has kept this threat in the forefront of the conversation. Even the smallest state would ensure that this threat disappears.

Because the demographic threat is not a result of Israeli intransigence - it is directly because of the Palestinian Arab refusal to compromise.
  • Wednesday, June 22, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Flotilla commentary:

Major news media to be on flotilla - at Commentary and YNet

Gaza boat sails into fantasy world of desirable despots at National Post

Flotilla should go to Syria, not Gaza at the Irish Examiner

Flotilla fools are scamming you, from Sydney Morning Herald

A site where you can volunteer to help combat news bias when the flotilla finally sails from 5 Minutes for Israel

And in other news:

Burqa battle in Australia - Herald Sun and Fox

Greek anti-semitism

More on Interpal at Harry's Place

And here's one of those British Palestinian Arab moderates we hear so much about.

BBC's Big Question asks the wrong question at Raymond Cook

The story of a happily married couple who were on the Kindertransport

And a nice cartoon from Hezbollah:

(h/t jzaik, Israel Muse, Ian, T34, sshender, Challah Hu Akbar)
  • Wednesday, June 22, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From CNN:
Four years after an Israeli high court initially ruled that the path of the barrier separating Israelis from Palestinians around the West Bank village of Bilin needed to be rerouted, the Israeli military Wednesday began to dismantle parts of the controversial fence.

Peter Lerner, a spokesman for the Israeli central command, told CNN that "We are in advance preparations for removing the old fence so there (are) some elements that are being removed." He acknowledged that the action was being taken in adherence to a subsequent 2008 Israeli court ruling which found sections of the fence had been built illegally on Palestinian land.

"We are implementing the court ruling to the letter," he said. "We negotiated with those that appealed to the high court and sat down with them and basically drew out the new contours for the security fence."

The barrier in Bilin has become the focus of a weekly protest that has been going on for over six years, pitting Palestinians and international activists against Israeli soldiers. Hundreds have been injured in the protests and a number of demonstrators have been killed.
So will the weekly Bil'in protests end when the wall is rebuilt, since they accomplished their putative goal?

Only if you believe that their goal is really to protest the fence, and not to protest Israel's very existence. And if you do believe that, prepare to be disappointed.

CNN ends the story with this sickening paragraph:
Many Palestinians refer to the barrier as the "apartheid wall" and view it as nothing more than a land grab by Israel to help support and expand settlements in the West Bank. The Israeli government chooses to refer to it as the "security fence," necessary to protect its citizens from what it views as terrorist attacks.
"What it views as terrorist attacks"? CNN was already making clear that it was writing that sentence from the point of view of Israel, so that extra Reuters-style disclaimer to imply that people blowing themselves up in restaurants might not really be terrorism is beyond disgusting.

Note also that there are plenty of Jewish communities, with tens of thousands of people, beyond the fence. How exactly does the fence help "support and expand" those settlements?

(h/t Yasher-El)
  • Wednesday, June 22, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is most of a fairly typical article in Al Manar (Hezbollah/Lebanon) that highlights the difference between the worldviews of Hezbollah, and those of normal people:

Member of the Baath parliamentary bloc in Lebanon MP Assem Qanso said that the conspiracy against Syria has failed in achieving its goals. He expressed belief that the campaign against Syria was not new, and put it in the framework of the economic, military and political blockade on the resistance path against the American-Zionist scheme.

The Lebanese lawmaker told Al-Manar Website that the recent developments in Syria come in the framework of the international political, economic and military blockade against the resistant country. He explained that Syria, like Iran as well as the Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine, was targeted by the so-called international community because it belongs to the resistant anti-American and Zionist scheme path. He admitted that the latest battle was the strongest, but kept it in the same context of the American-Zionist scheme.

Qanso said that the immunity of the national and Arab Syrian people was enough to put an end to the crisis. In this context, he also pointed out Syria’s history with Arabism since the days of Sultan Basha Atrash. “The Syrians are the most immune people at the patriotic level,” he said.

While noting that Americans and Europeans failed in breaking the patriotism of the Syrian people, Qanso noted that “unlike the case in Yemen, Libya and other places, they also failed to break the Syrian ideological army.” He emphasized that “the Syrian army remained united and faced, with full determination, the Salafist groups that were militarily and financially supported by Lebanon, Turkey and Iran.”

The Baath Party MP expressed belief that the conspiracy has failed in achieving its goals, adding that the crisis was reaching its end. Meanwhile, he praised the Russian and Chinese role that prevented the United Nations from imposing sanctions against Syria through the Security Council (UNSC). Qanso said that “this great stance consolidated Syria’s national stance and thwarted all attempts to overthrow its resistant regime.”

Answering a question, Qanso said that “all the symbols of resistance against the American-Zionist plot will be targeted by the so-called international community that will always attempt to break their steadfastness. He expressed belief that these attempts would have no limits at all, but added that the Resistance has proven that it was able to change the balances everywhere.

Asked whether the conspiracy against Syria has ended, Qanso said: “It was a difficult experience, but we’re the victorious ones, God willing, thanks to our resistance and steadfastness.”

Turning to the local developments, Qanso was asked whether he would give the government a vote of no-confidence at the parliament as he was quoted as saying last week. He said that he would follow the recommendations of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah. “Everything will proceed according to the recommendations of Sayyed Nasrallah,” he explained. “We will remain behind Sayyed Hasan until death,” he pointed out.

Qanso also said that the new majority would overcome all the difficulties and challenges. “We will also triumph the US and Israeli agents in Lebanon, i.e. the March 14 forces,” he added. He said that he would not give these forces any value or consideration from now on.

Qanso warned against some groups seeking sabotage in the country, in reference to Hizb Ut-Tahrir which is holding anti-Syria demonstrations in the north. “Those people have been prepared since a while for such incidents. They are worse than Takfiris and Salafis,” he said. “They are extremists. I know them since 1956. They have links with the English intelligence and work for the Americans.”
So now we know that Syrian protesters are Zionist and American stooges, and that the Lebanese March 14th opposition is filled with Zionist and American stooges and spies.

More interestingly, the socialist Baath party in Lebanon has been magically transformed into a Shiite group that slavishly follows whatever Nasrallah says.
  • Wednesday, June 22, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
I had quoted MEMRI last week about an article at an Iranian Revolutionary Guards website that seemed to say that Iran was actively working on nuclear weapons.

Now there are reports that it was a hoax.

From YNet:
An Iranian blogger revealed on Tuesday that the controversial article published on a Revolutionary Guard website in April, describing a hypothetical nuclear experiment by the Islamic Republic, was nothing but a figment of his imagination.

The essay caused an international stir as it was not inline with the official Iranian claim that its nuclear program is being developed for civilian purposes only.

Seyed Ali Pourtabatbaiee, a 30-year-old journalist from the central Iranian city of Qom, first published his essay on his blog, Kheyzaranonline, which is dedicated to Shiite messianism.

"I wrote that blog out of anger that Iran does not have a nuclear weapon," Pourtabatbaiee said in an interview with British newspaper The Guardian. "I think sanctions will just continue until the end of days, and they make us so angry.

"We don't need nuclear weapons otherwise, but if we are going to have these sanctions, we should do a nuclear test to bring them to an end," he added.

Pourtabatbaiee said that his article was arbitrarily linked to Gerdab, a site run by the Revolutionary Guard's cyber security wing and often features links "to what it thinks is good content."

"There was a university student I know working for Gerdab and he read my blog and liked it and put in a link to it," he explained. "He has to put up five links a day to get paid in his job. I don't think Gerdab management knew anything about it."
I remember that I could not find the original article in Gerdab, but I got my information from MEMRI.

So was the article on the Gerdab site, or just a link to it?

I emailed MEMRI, hopefully will get a clarification soon. It would be most disappointing if MEMRI did not translate the article directly from the website.

Incidentally, this brings up my only complaint about MEMRI, which is a fantastic organization and provides invaluable services. Why don't they publish the actual links to the original web articles they translate?

UPDATE: Challah Hu Akbar did have a link to the original on Gerdab. I cannot find any indication that the article is linked to from somewhere else. But if I am reading the Persian date correctly, it does appear that the blog post was a day earlier than the Gerdab post.

Here's the blogger's explanation of what happened in English.

UPDATE 2: MEMRI stands by the story (via email.)
MEMRI's piece was a translation from Gerdab , which is an official IRGC site. Ynet does not (and can not) negate any of the facts. they just buy into a possible Iranian attempt to clean themselves off the problems this article may have created for them once it got translated and distributed in the west. No fact was challenged. It was an article on Gerdab. calling it a hoax does not make it one.
  • Wednesday, June 22, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Foreign Policy and The Fund for Peace have come out with their Failed State Index 2011.

According to their criteria, Israel is a "borderline" state, ranked 53rd worst, slightly better than Egypt and worse than Zambia.

The question is: what are their criteria?

They seem to include the West Bank with Israel, but it is unclear if they include Gaza.

Given that, here are their stated criteria:
Demographic Pressures, Refugees/IDPs, Group Grievance, Human Flight, Uneven Development, Economic Decline, Delegitimization of the State, Public Services, Human Rights, Security Apparatus, Factionalized Elites, and External Intervention
And how do they score each of these criteria?
Full-text data are electronically gathered from a range of publicly available print, radio, television and Internet sources from all over the world, including international and local media reports, essays, interviews, polling and survey data, government documents, independent studies from think tanks, NGOs and universities, and even corporate financial filings. The software determines the salience of the 12 indicators as well as hundreds of sub-indicators by calculating the number of "hits" as a proportion of the sample for a given time period. Quantitative data is also included, when available. Subject-matter experts then review each score for every country and indicator, as well as consult the original documents, when necessary, to ensure accuracy.

...The raw data are from millions of news articles and reports. As a practical matter, it is not readily transferable without the methodology and the software.
Essentially there is a black box where data from the media, interviews, essays, NGOs and so forth are magically converted into numbers. But exactly how this is done, so others can critique the methods, is hidden. And then they have "experts" ready to massage the numbers if they seem out of whack!

To even call this a "methodology" seems a stretch. I could do just as well by Googling country names and keywords, graphing how often the pairs are found in web searches, and then modifying the results to make sure that they don't look too outrageous.

Does the index consider the UNRWA definition of "refugee" to be operative when it applies to no other region? How exactly does a news report get converted into data - is it number of stories? Which NGOs are considered reliable and which are not?

Moreover, including the territories with Israel here means that they are combining data from two (or three) governments, each with different agendas and priorities. But guess how the results will be reported? No question, it will be looked upon as if Israel is responsible for the government of the PA and Hamas.

Science, by definition, must allow independent researchers to reproduce the results. By putting a numeric ranking next to each country, this index fools the casual reader into believing that these are all measured objectively. It takes some digging to find out that it is literally impossible for this index to be objective. Other people looking at the identical data could easily come up with different conclusions.

Which is what makes these exercises into quantifying the world's problems often worse than useless.
(h/t Ron)
  • Wednesday, June 22, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the anti-Zionist 972 magazine:

Six months ago, nineteen Jews broke the usual partisan norms when it comes to visiting the “Holy Land” by choosing to hear not only the Israeli Zionist narrative—with which most of them are already familiar—but also pushing themselves to learn and experience the Palestinian narrative on their synagogue’s trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories. They chose to shatter the classical stereotype of tourists who come to Israel to experience the luxurious hotels and touchstone religious sites but that prevent them from experiencing the “other” important local culture.

Tourism packages excel in keeping tourists in a bubble. The guests visit restaurants, hotels, and venues that are designed to give them the illusion of having a local experience, without having to step outside their comfort zone. Tourism in Israel and Palestine is largely dependent on “religious” pilgrimage trips where tourists are rushed from one archeological site to another without fulfilling the spiritual aspect of the trip they had aspired to experience.

This kind of tourism doesn’t characterize all visitors to the Holy Land, however, because there is emerging lately an alternative kind of tourism. There are people who have interests that go beyond the usual religious sites. They understand religious pilgrimage to mean creating a connection with the land, the people and the culture. Such special people choose to come for an educational and practical experience. This not to say they avoid typical sites, nor do they fail to indulge in relaxing and luxurious experiences, but they refuse to ignore the full potential of a Holy Land trip.

In December of 2010, I had the privilege of coordinating a tour for the nineteen Jews from Chicago led by their rabbi. Contrary to normal tours, ours was led equally by two tour guides for the entire trip, a Palestinian and an Israeli. The purpose was to provide the tourists with a context of the Israel/Palestine conflict and allow them to learn the different narratives that exist in the region. They visited many religious sites in Jerusalem, Hebron and Bethlehem. Everywhere they visited, locals welcomed them and spoke to them about a vast variety of issues. They learned about the life, challenges and aspirations of both the people of Palestine and of Israel.
While the article did not mention the rabbi's name or the group he is a part of, luckily he commented so we can see exactly how even-handed this tour was.

The rabbi who led the trip is a Reconstructionist rabbi named Brant Rosen. He blogged the entire trip, so we could see exactly how much the of itinerary was dedicated to the "Zionist narrative."

It turns out...essentially none.

The Israeli tour guide is supposedly a former Kach member and settler who turned into a "peace activist" and co-founded Breaking the Silence. And the Palestinian Arab guide, who authored the +972 article, isn't any more Zionist than the Israeli!

On the first day, they visited Jewish, christian and Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem, and then met with the Imam of Al Aqsa - and, for balance, a member of "Rabbis for Human Rights."

This was the theme of the entire tour: meeting with Palestinian Arabs, sleeping in their homes, and then with extreme israeli leftists who agree with the Palestinian Arab narrative in toto.

Not a single visit with a religious Jew. Not a single talk with a Jewish resident of the areas they visited in Judea and Samaria. No visits with government spokespeople, or IDF representatives, or anyone who could remotely be associated with the Israeli center or right. No talks with victims of Arab terror. No visit to Sderot or any scenes of intifada bombings.

Even worse, Rabbi Brand makes no secret of his own skewed feelings. Look how he describes his visit with a leading Christian anti-Zionist:

Our Wednesday began with a visit with Reverend Naim Ateek (above), founder and head of Sabeel, a well-known institute that advocates Palestinian Chrisitian Liberation Theology. As readers of my blog might know, I’ve long been an admirer of Reverend Ateek’s theological writings. In particular, his work has informed and challenged my own thinking about the Jewish conception of the land and the dangers inherent in wedding religion to power. It was a great pleasure to finally meet Reverend Ateek personally and to introduce him to members of my congregation.

To my dismay, Ateek has been unfairly and relentlessly attacked by the American Jewish establishment – largely, I believe, because he does not shrink from illuminating the problems that come with the land-centric nature of Zionist ideology. For myself, I’ve learned much from Ateek’s suggestion that Zionism represents a kind of “Constantinian Judaism” – i.e., a fusing of Judaism with Empire.
So this tour was led by a non-religious rabbi who believes that Zionism is inherently a form of colonialism. And who seems to admire the theological writings of a Christian anti-Zionist more than any Jewish theologian.

And now Palestinian Arabs, represented by the author of the +972 article, are bragging how open-minded they are in allowing nominally Jewish anti-Zionist Jews to enter their homes to be fed propaganda.

It is worthwhile to mention that the self-congratulatory Palestinian Arab author of the article doesn't seem to find the Jews he led around human enough to mention their names, or even the name of the group they were with. But he "loves" them - because they are exactly the types of useful idiots that Palestinian Arabs rely on to push their fake narrative.

It is ironic that the Palestinian Arab who is so upset that Jewish tours of the Holy Land are in a "bubble" led the exact same type of tour - and has the audacity to pretend that it presented both sides of the story.

Even the many skewed political brainwashing tours of Israel pretend to be even handed by giving an hour or so to a "settler" after a week of propaganda. Rabbi Rosen didn't even do that.
  • Wednesday, June 22, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
A 25-year old member of Hamas' terrorist Qassam Brigades died today, supposedly of a heart attack.

The auto-translation of his eulogy at the al-Qassam website says:
"...with all the verses of faith in God and worth, and dignity of believers trusting in Allah's victory and his private parts...."
They must be huge!



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