Friday, April 08, 2011

  • Friday, April 08, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
CNN's story on yesterday's terror attack on a school bus seems to go out of its way to downplay the seriousness of the episode.

Written already after Hamas accepted responsibility, it says:

The school bus was traveling in southern Israel near the Gaza border when it was hit by a type of anti-tank missile known as a Kornet, said Israeli military spokesman Capt. Barak Raz. The Kornet is a Russian-made anti-tank guided missile system that is thought to have a maximum range of 5 1/2 kilometers (3 1/2 miles).


It was not immediately known if the bus was targeted, but [IDF spokesperson] Leibovitch said it looked like "a direct hit."
The Kornet is a laser-guided anti-missile system. It is not a Qassam. The people operating it know precisely what they are aiming at. The Hamas website admits that they targeted the "Zionist bus." It was clearly marked as a school bus. It was colored the distinct yellow of all Israeli school buses. Undoubtedly Hamas was hoping that the bus was filed with schoolchildren, and a few minutes beforehand, it was.

Hamas was deliberately targeting scores of children with a laser-guided missile that simply would not miss. But CNN feels it important to say that "it was not immediately known if the bus was targeted." Yes, it is absolutely known at the time CNN filed the story. The entire purpose of that sentence is to cast doubt on Hamas' bloodlust.

And CNN even quotes an IDF source as saying that Hamas wanted to target the rescuers as well:
There was an attempt to fire a second missile after emergency personnel had responded to the scene, the official said. For reasons unknown to the IDF, the second launch failed.
This is a major escalation on the part of Hamas - a well-planned and deliberate attempt at mass murder. You would have to read CNN's story twice before even beginning to understand what should have been made clear in the first paragraph.
  • Friday, April 08, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JPost:

Friday morning, two Palestinians were killed as a result of an Israeli air-strike on a terrorist cell in the Gazan village Haza'ae, near Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian sources reported. According to their claims, an Israeli aircraft struck a group of civilians, killing two Hamas members.

Wow, the IDF is even better than I thought, to be able to kill only two Hamas members in a crowd of "civilians"!

In case you are wondering on the identity of the two dead terrorists, the Al Qassam website identifies them as Abdullah Qarra and Moataz Abu Jamea.

Oh, and they admit that they were in a "group of resistance fighters." Just in case you had any lingering doubts about how easily Gaza officials lie.
  • Friday, April 08, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Daily Show on Wednesday had a hilarious bit about women creating their own country - and religion - in the Middle East.

In light of the Muslim world  being upset over the photo of two British women in front of the Temple Mount, I bring you the women's holy place:

The entire, politically incorrect sketch:

Thursday, April 07, 2011

  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Over the past few hours, lots of  Palestinian and leftist sites have been repeating a rumor that looks like this:

Israel have just announced that "Operation Scorching Summer" will resume tonight. The UN have evacuted all their staff, and 1.5 million people are preparing for another massacre.

It seems to have started on a Facebook page called "Breaking News Gaza" and it got copied all over the place. The most prominent website behind it seems to be "Occupied Palestine", claiming it was on Israel's Channel 2.

Of course, this is completely ridiculous.

If you actually need proof that it is not true, meaning if you actually believe that the IDF announces its attacks on TV a day ahead of time, just look at the website that is dedicated to the safety of NGOs in Gaza. If the UN was evacuating, they would be telling all their people.

Of course, they are not.

But just for fun, Google it or search Twitter. See how unbelievably gullible the Israel haters are, and how easily rumors can spread among the idiots who hate Israel. Not to mention how litte regard they have for the truth to begin with.

Or, if you want, make up a scary graphic so they can make themselves look even dumber when they start spreading it:

(h/t Cesar)
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today on Radio Ahram, the subject was whether Egypt should stop accepting the $2 billion it received annually from the US. That aid had been meant to keep Egypt friendly to the US and to keep its part of the peace agreement with Israel.

The comments on the web are generally in favor of stopping the aid, and stopping agreements with Israel such as the natural gas deal.

One commenter says, not unreasonably, that if Egypt recovers the money that was stolen by the Mubarak regime every year, that could offset US aid. Of course, this presupposes that the new regime in Egypt won't be as corrupt as the last one.

Now, the better question is should Israel wean itself from US aid, and therefore US pressure?
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades English webpage says:
Gaza-Ezzedeen Al Qassam Briades (E.Q.B) the military wing of the Islamic resistance movement Hamas declared in a military communiqué released on Thursday April 7, 201l the full responsibility for the operation of targeting Israeli bus traveling in the nearby Israeli settlement of Kfar Sa’ad east of Gaza Strip.

The operation left two Israeli settlers injured, one of them was in a critical condition and evacuated by the Israeli medical crews to Soroka hospital.
They include a few photos of the bombed bus.

Unlike previous communiques, Hamas is not even claiming that this was a military target.

The Arabic version of the communique said they attacked "infidel Zionist usurpers."

Hamas brags that it targets civilians. Which means, according to the bizarre logic of "human rights groups," there is no need to write reports and issue lots of press releases condemning them.
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP, a story that you can find all over in English:
A gunman opened fire at a public elementary school in Rio de Janeiro on Thursday and killed at least 11 students before killing himself.

Earlier, police said at least 13 people died in the shooting, but Rio state Health Secretary Sergio Cortes said 10 girls and one boy were killed, along with the gunman. The ages of the children were not immediately known.

Officials said the 23-year-old gunman was a former student at the Tasso da Silveira school, located in a working-class neighborhood in western Rio. A motive was not immediately known, but authorities said the man left a rambling and mostly incoherent letter at the scene indicating he wanted to kill himself.
I had to go to Al Arabiya to find out that he was a convert to Islam, that the letter said that Islam was the true religion and that the letter glorified terrorism and suicide bombings.

Brazilian media is frightened of a growing Islamist movement associated with Al Qaeda that is operation in South America, according to Al Arabiya.

Whether Islam had anything to do with his actions remains to be seen. It seems, though, that the English-language media has already decided that his fascination with Islamist terror is not an important detail to mention in the thousands of stories already published on the incident.

UPDATE: Serjew comments:
I´ve just seen a part of the letter left by the murderer, and it´s not clear from it that he was muslim. Though that part mentions his desire of a burial with some islamic traits, it later says he expects to be resurrected by the coming of Jesus.

So, till now, it just seems he was a religious fundamentalist nut, maybe evangelical, maybe not.
Al Arabiya is pretty clear that he was a convert, but he might not have quite gotten the concept....

UPDATE 2: Renguinho adds:

I'm Brazilian and I've been following this story the whole day (though not quite closely). It seems the bits of info that the shooter was HIV-positive and Muslim were rumours (the first was said by a politician, a "vice-mayor"). I've read the whole letter and it doesn't mention anything Islamic. (The obsession with cleaning and purity etc. cannot be attributed to Islamism on his part, since he mentions Jesus later on).

However, ..his sister told the media that he was "obsessed with Muslim things" (that was what the media was reporting, that she said that). If he was "obsessed" or something like that with some religion, no common person would say, out of the blue, that it was with Muslim religion if that person didn't hear/see for certain that it was Muslim - they'd say "church", "evangelical" etc. (in Brazil). I mean, that is very specific and the general common Brazilian person don't even know what "Muslim" or Islam is. And she said, together with that mention of Islam, that he'd grown a long beard the last time she saw him.

Beats me.
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From LA Times blog:

A device believed to be a pipe bomb exploded about 6:45 a.m. Thursday in the parking lot of a Jewish temple in Santa Monica, authorities said.

No details were available regarding injuries or damage.

The incident occurred at a synagogue near 17th Street and Broadway in Santa Monica. Police evacuated a four-block area and were investigating the possibility of a hate crime.

[Updated at 9:50 a.m.: Multiple sources familiar with the investigation said the device exploded just north of the temple. Authorities were trying to determine whether the temple in the 1400 block of 17th Street, Chabad House of Santa Monica, was specifically targeted.

There were no reports of injuries.

The FBI, Los Angeles Police Department bomb squad and Santa Monica Police were all on scene.]

An explosion that sent an object hurtling onto the roof of a home near a Jewish school and prayer house on Thursday was an accident — not a bomb, police said.

Sgt. Jay Trisler said a mechanical failure caused a pressure buildup resulting in the blast at about 6:45 a.m. Thursday.
(h/t Dusty)

UPDATE: It was a bomb, and it looks like it was set off by a Jew. More at YWN.
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From iLoubnan:
US embassy officials visiting south Lebanon Thursday were attacked, but unhurt, by residents accusing them of being "Israeli conspirators," in the second such incident in a week, an AFP correspondent said.

Around 60 supporters of leftist groups gathered outside a government office in the port city of Sidon and pelted an embassy convoy with stones as it drove by, with some shouting "Americans, Israeli conspirators, in our government offices."

On Saturday, Lebanese youths threw stones and bottles at a US embassy group that was visiting Sidon.

Lebanese security forces accompanying the Americans intervened, but stones continued to be thrown, breaking car windows. The army then arrived and arrested three of the attackers. Again, there were no injuries.

South Lebanon is the heartland of the country's Shiite Hezbollah militia, and saw heavy fighting in the short but sharp summer war of 2006 between the group and Israeli forces.
On Monday, the United States warned its citizens against traveling to Lebanon "due to current safety and security concerns."
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Now Lebanon:
President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday granted citizenship to Syria's Kurds, the majority in the northeast who have been denied nationality for nearly half a century, said SANA state news agency.

"President Assad issued a decree granting Arab Syrian citizenship to people registered as foreigners in the [governorate of Hassake]," said the news agency.

The measure, which would benefit about 300,000 Kurds, comes a week after Assad tasked a committee with "resolving the problem of the 1962 census in the governorate of Hassake."

Kurds in Syria’s northeast took to the streets last Friday for the first time since pro-reform protests erupted in mid-March, calling for the right to citizenship and "freedom as well," Kurdish rights activist Radif Mustafa told AFP.
This is interesting, as apparently Assad really doesn't want to have the Kurds pressuring him on top of the other protesters.

Of course, Palestinians in Syria have no chance of becoming citizens, and if they start protesting Assad will happily, but quietly, slaughter them.
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Various tweets and reports are coming in saying that Iron Dome successfully intercepted two Grad missiles aimed at Ashkelon.

Tweets say that this is being reported by Fox News and Reuters. JPost here.

Full Ha'aretz report.

As many as 50 rockets have been shot from Gaza to Israel today.
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Al Aqsa Heritage Foundation has found a new thing to seethe over: Two British women.

Trinny and Susannah were two of the stars of the British TV show, "What Not to Wear." Since then they have been working on other TV projects, and they are now touring Israel, presumably to help people who have little fashion sense.

Israel's Channel 10 is carrying their Israeli adventures, and after they did a Tel Aviv episode they are ready to do one in Jerusalem.

The Al Aqsa Foundation is very upset over their Channel 10 advertisement, saying it is an obscene picture with Al Aqsa as the backdrop.

Here's their ad:

They are offended that the holy site is being used for fashion, and demanded that the media stop publishing such ads.

They emphasized that the ads offend a billion and a half Muslims. They also reminded the Arab world that previously, Israel has placed similar pictures on sugar packets and wine bottles.

This might put a crimp in my marketing plans for Elder of Ziyon Beer:

  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Times reports that Egyptian foreign minister Nabil el-Arabi stated that Egypt considers Gaza to be one of its biggest priorities.

El-Arabi was speaking at a press conference with his Austrian counterpart, Michael Spindelegger.

He said, "We consider the situation in Gaza is a priority for Egypt, especially because what was happening is not acceptable from a human rights perspective."

Here's an idea: Egypt can allow Gazans to freely choose to become Egyptian citizens! After all, we know that many Gazans want to become Egyptian citizens, but Egyptian law discriminates against Palestinian Arabs from among all Arabs in its naturalization laws. Egypt has other laws that discriminate specifically against Palestinians as well.

If Egypt is so concerned with the human rights of Gazans, why not allow their brethren who want to move to Egypt to do so freely? Why not eliminate the discriminatory laws in effect in Egypt today?

Why not stop being such hypocrites?
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JPost:
An anti-tank missile shot from the Gaza Strip exploded near a school bus outside Kibbutz Sa'ad in the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional Council on Thursday, injuring two people.

The bus driver was listed in moderate condition, and one 16-year-old passenger was critically injured. They were the only people on the bus.

Magen David Adom paramedics were fighting for the 16-year-old's life as he was being transported to Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba.

Police sealed off roads in the area due to the threat of additional projectile fire. Civilians in the area were asked to remain in their homes.
The flip side of Israel's successful deployment of anti-tank missile defenses: now Gaza terrorists have all these wonderful anti-tank missiles that can no longer hurt tanks.

So, naturally, they change their targets to school buses.

UPDATE: 16 rockets and mortars were fired at southern Israel. And it was later revealed that the injured boy was 13 years old. 

He suffered head injuries and is in surgery.
  • Thursday, April 07, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an writes:

Palestinian security officials said that target in what has been alleged to be an Israeli strike on Sudan was the successor to assassinated Hamas official Mahmoud Mabhouh.

Abdul-Latif Ashkar, one of two men killed in a strike on a car in Sudan, is said to have taken over the role of weapons gathering formerly carried out by Mabhouh, who was assassinated by Israeli intelligence officials in a Dubai hotel room last year.

Hamas Deputy Politburo Chief Moussa Abu Marzouq, however, told the Jerusalem daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper that the two "were not Palestinian and had no connection to Hamas."

While Sudanese media said both victims were nationals of the country, daily London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Arabiya said one of the victims was a national of an Arab country, and said the man was involved in arms smuggling for Hamas.
YNet says that Hamas relatives are denying that Ashkar was killed:
Member of the Palestinian legislative council from Hamas Ismail Ashkar announced Thursday that his nephew Abdul Latif Ashkar survived the Port Sudan strike on Tuesday. Al-Arabiya reported earlier that Abdul Latif, who is considered Mahmoud al-Mabhouh's heir, was one of the victims.

The legislator stressed that his nephew is doing well. "God saved him," he said. Ashkar described Abdul Latif as a prominent leader in Hamas's military wing who had escaped several attempts on his life.
Either way, this means that Hamas is pretty much admitting that it is smuggling arms in from Sudan. Why else would Ashkar be there to begin with?


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