top story in the "Palestine Telegraph," and English Gaza-based publication, is a little piece of Holocaust denial, by "Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore."
If the number of Ashkenazi Jews that died in any circumstance whatsoever, so long as these deaths were unquestionably linked to the actions of the Third Reich and those of its associates, when added to those that are known to have been slaughtered in the many concentration and death camps throughout Europe, comes to six million or more I'll be the first to publicly abandon my scepticism and wholeheartedly embrace that figure; but over the years the overt posturing and highly intimidating conduct of those that have set themselves up as the sole guardians of this contentious issue, and doing a rather poor job of it I must add, and when legitimate issues are raised have nothing to contribute and can only resort to hectoring, using the worst kind of disparagement they can think of and back this up in the most infantile way by employing the old and disingenuous chestnut of anti-Semitism in respect of a faith sect that isn't even Semitic: Ashkenazi Jews are the direct descendants of white (Caucasian) Europeans that converted to Judaism in the 10 century in the same way that their white Christian counterparts did in relation to their religion - and dishonestly using the legal process and questionable laws to get their way and silence critics or even those whose only purpose it is to impartially seek out the truth, only serves to reinforce my reservations about the iconic figure of six million Ashkenazi Jews being killed at the time of Europe's holocaust, as those that would like for everyone to slavishly believe and accept this version of events, because they say so, hope for and even demand.
...if this malicious falsehood is to be believed about the Nazis wanting to eradicate all Jews from the earth, how come that not a single Falasha or Sephardic Jew ended up in concentration or death camp anywhere while allegedly six million of their European counterparts were being toasted on a regular basis? The truth is Adolf Hitler and his Nazis had it in for white, European Jews but the post-war white spin doctors along with their propagandists can bring themselves to accept that no Falasha or Sephardic Jews were on the Nazis' death list.
If, in that amazingly run-on sentence that takes up the entire first paragraph, the "professor" is trying to say that the actual number of Jews killed in World War II was closer to 5 million than 6 million, that might be a defensible position - some Holocaust researchers do believe the number is closer to 5 million, and the proof that he craves for that somewhat lower number can be found
here. The implication of the article is that he believes the number is far, far less.
He is on less sure ground in his other claim of not a single Sephardic Jew being killed or imprisoned in the Holocaust. While European Jews took the brunt of Hitler's Final Solution,
thousands of Jews from Northern Africa were rounded up and placed in concentration camps and truckloads were sent to Europe for their deaths.
Not that we need any more proof for the most documented crime in history.
More interestingly, for someone who is so interested in the truth, "Professor Dr. Stanley Collymore" seems to be a fiction. The only place he exists on the Internet is in articles and emails; there is no indication of any professor at any university with that name, and no real academic would refers to himself as "Professor Doctor".
Which just goes to show the level of scholarship and veracity one can expect from "The Palestine Telegraph."