Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Usually, raving paranoid anti-semitic losers at least pretend to make a modicum of sense when they write their thoughts down.

Not so Bobby Meade.

Bobby is a blogger who writes bizarre, essentially unreadable fantasies that betray serious mental illness. Which is fine, really.

What is more bizarre is that his retarded ramblings are also published by various far-left Indymedia sites, which then get indexed by Google News.

Here is the last paragraph of his latest lunatic screed:
Update 12/2: Bush Nazi report (blog addition): After kicking about 250 miles since September, I confirmed what the benefit was of trying to heal the scorpion sting sores that way. I learned that the lymph fluid in the lymph vessels is moved by muscle contractions; thus such exercise promotes the elimination of the toxic material from the body. A few weeks ago they filled my bedroom with bedbugs as they did in Ithaca eight years ago. I discovered that all prior bites become inflamed when you get new bites, producing a condition that Nazi doctors would probably call a rash. I bet all instances of bedbug infestations are promoted by Bush Nazis; i.e. sh*theads, queer boys, Jews, or someone of that ilk. It is extremely difficult to get rid of them. If you call an exterminator, they will probably spray then dust the places with eggs so they have to return every 30 days. Standard business procedure? They have also been making it so there is only one available computer at the library where I am surrounded by riff-raff throwing such insects. I have even witnessed fleas that were dumped from an upstairs window being blown in my open window. To top things off there is a WARNING sign on the front door, informing people that my building is under the protection of the Sheriff. That's odd because I was certain that the jurisdiction of the Sheriff was restricted to the town, the county, and the state roads within the city. Then again, if Broome County is anything like Tompkins County, every single police officer would be at the beck and call of the sh*t-eating Bush Nazi that rule the Sheriff Association. Ask Emery Guest, former Chief of Zion's Secret Police in Tompkins County. Do you wonder why the Star of David is on Sheriff vehicles? As for the massacre in India, that looked like Special Forces. You know the group that was apparently involved in the murders of @ 700 soldiers in the bogus portion of the 21 Day Persian Gulf War 2/6/91-2/24/91. Nevertheless Dumb Boy could play cowboy and go start a war in India, couldn't he? I bet that they picked India because so few people have guns over there. Can you imagine the number of murders if they didn't have such strict gun control?
Yes, this is real.
  • Tuesday, December 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Syrian Arab News Agency:
The 22nd convoy carrying humanitarian aid from Syrian citizens to their brothers in the occupied territories left Damascus on Tuesday. The convoy includes 4 trucks loaded with foodstuff, clothes and medicines. Chairman of the Syrian Popular Committee for Supporting the Intifada and Resisting Zionist Ahmad Abdul-Karim said: " This convoy is a gift from the Syrian people on the advent of the blessed Eid Al-Adha to their brothers in the Gaza Strip who suffer hunger because of the Israeli unjust blockade and depriving them of all means of life. Abdul Karim reiterated Syria's stand by the Palestinian people's struggle to achieve their legitimate goals including the right to return, self-determination and to establish an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.
It is unclear how often they send this "aid" and how the trucks travel from Damascus to the PA, but it appears to be once or twice a year, if this is the 22nd shipment.

So how effective is four trucks of humanitarian goods?

According to UNRWA, it needs 15 trucks a day to support Gaza only. Which means that four trucks would be enough to support the PalArab population in the West Bank and Gaza for about two hours.

Now, do you think that Syria spends more money on these largely symbolic truckloads of goods to pretend to help Palestinian Arabs - or on arming Hezbollah? A Katyusha rocket costs roughly $1000.
  • Tuesday, December 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Times of India:
Mumbai's 26/11 was actually a plan hatched by "Hindu Zionists" and "Western Zionists", including the Mossad, said a self-styled Pakistan security expert on a Pakistan news television show, uploaded on www.hotklix.com.

"They look like Hindus. No Pakistani speaks the language they chatted in," said Zaid Hamid while referring to the terrorists on the show Mujhe Ikhtilaf Hai (I differ) on Pakistan's News One channel. The sensationalist channel was launched in November last year.

Hamid said that it was a "badly planned" operation that had gone horribly wrong. "The Americans executed the 9/11 attack perfectly. They managed the media very well. The Indians tried to repeat the formula but goofed up. The idiots made a complete mess of it."

He said that the attackers wore saffron Hindu Zionist bands, which no Muslim would tie. Hamid also said that within the first 5 minutes of the attack, the three ATS policemen investigating the network of terror within India's security agencies and radical right were killed.
The video is available here, but no subtitles.
From Ma'an:
Palestinian Authority (PA) security forces disguised as civilians detained two Ma'an journalists in the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem on Tuesday.

Ma'an's Tulkarem correspondent, Sami As-Sa'i, and cameraman, Muayyad Al-Ashqar, were assaulted on Tuesday by PA security forces wearing civilian clothes before they were taken to a police station. Forces confiscated Al-Ashqar's camera, as well.
Reporters Sans Frontieres remains silent.
  • Tuesday, December 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Knock yourselves out.
  • Tuesday, December 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Moshe Ya'alon's article in Azure.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German priest executed by the Nazis, once wrote, “If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the opposite direction.” Fifteen years ago, the signing of the Oslo accords with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) raised hopes that Israel had boarded the “peace train.” Over the years, however, it became clear that the train was not headed for the promised destination. Nevertheless, Israel’s leadership has been pointlessly running along the corridor ever since.

If we truly seek to understand why the Oslo peace process failed, we must reevaluate the fundamental principles of the strategy employed by the architects of the agreement, one of which—arguably the most important—was the assumption that bold diplomacy is the driving force behind historical compromise between two nations. Accordingly, the logic that dominated the Oslo process was based on the idea that negotiations and agreements are a necessary prologue to the achievement of tangible change in security, economic, and social conditions. Put simply, Israeli statesmen hoped that diplomatic breakthroughs reached at the negotiating table would pave the way to ending the larger conflict. They believed that treaties, goodwill gestures, and territorial concessions would ease tensions and violence in the region, and, as a result, security and stability would return to Israel’s narrow strip of land.4
This doctrine had already begun to falter before the outbreak of the Palestinian war against Israel in September 2000, but the extent to which it was in truth a monumental mistake has since become abundantly clear. Over the past eight years, the gap between the aspirations of the peace process and the dismal reality on the ground has expanded ad absurdum. Ostentatious international summits and the celebrated declarations they produced—including the pretentious Annapolis summit in November 2007—have yielded nothing but broken promises. In the face of the Palestinian Authority’s descent into corruption and violent chaos, the “peace process” has turned out to be an empty delusion.

In light of this, Israel and the West have no choice but to revise their entire policy toward the Palestinians. This requires not merely cosmetic alterations, or still more intensive efforts to advance the old Oslo process, but an alternative strategy that will redefine our objectives and the means necessary for their realization.

In outlining such a strategy, we must learn from our bitter experience, and realize, once and for all, that even the most impressive treaties carry no weight if one of the signatories is unable—or unwilling—to fulfill its commitments. Therefore, we need to turn the Oslo approach on its head: Instead of trying to achieve historical change “from the top down,” exaggerating the importance of declarations handed down to the masses as if from the peak of a diplomatic Mount Olympus, we should adopt a new, more pragmatic policy that promotes change “from the bottom up.” Such a strategy should seek to establish stability and security first, to be followed only later—and perhaps after a great lapse of time—by peace.
Read the whole thing.
  • Tuesday, December 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Some interesting gleanings from the Arab press this morning:

Oil prices fell below $50. Egypt is increasing its own oil output.

An Egyptian writer, columnist for Al-Ahram for 22 years, is quitting over continued government censorship.

In what can only be described as child abuse, a Palestinian Arab baby was forced to wear this keffiyeh showing child-molester Yasir Arafat wearing a keffiyeh, in the Firas Press website.

Another Firas story speaks of a US delegation in Egypt inspecting the Gaza border. In a throwaway line, it says they also looked at areas around Kerem Shalom that Israel "occupied" in 1948, indicating that Egyptian land claims against Israel might have quieted down but never really ended after Camp David.

While Hamas claims to want to keep the "calm" with Israel, the PRC - affiliated with Hamas - shot several mortars to Israel this morning.

An Egyptian official claims that Egypt is not biased towards either Hamas or Fatah. Wonder what the incoming US administration thinks about that?

In another indication of the crippling Israeli occupation, a brand-new and rather large mosque opened in Jenin.

A Saudi woman argues against marriages of children 10 and below. Yet she never quite says that it is socially acceptable child-rape:
Just imagine your 10-year-old daughter marrying a man even if he were somewhere between 20 and 50. How will she behave as a mother who is supposed to bring up children or a woman who is responsible for her husband and his family?
Is that really her primary concern?

Monday, December 01, 2008

  • Monday, December 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Middle East Times:
Al-Sharq (QATAR): Azhar Sheikh's Handshake With Peres Sparks Crisis in Egypt Parliament – The Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc in Egypt Thursday denounced the handshake between the top cleric of al-Azhar, Sheikh Mohammed Tantawi, and Israeli President Shimon Peres during a U.N. General Assembly interfaith meeting in New York this month. The Islamist group said the handshake provokes the sentiments of the Egyptian people and harms the image of al-Azhar, the highest Muslim Sunni authority, at a time when Israel is besieging "our people in the Gaza Strip." The lawmakers demanded an apology from Tantawi.
The MEMRI blog follows up:
In response to photos published in the Egyptian and Arab press showing Al-Azhar Sheikh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi shaking hands with Israeli President Shimon Peres, Tantawi stated that he hadn't known who Peres was and that the handshake was by chance, not intentional.

He added that on this occasion he had shaken the hands of over 20 people all at once, instinctively and with good intentions.

Source: Al-Jarida, Kuwait, December 1, 2008

The shocking photograph is flying through Islamist message boards.

Jew Cooties is of course a horrible disease, and it is communicable, so now Sheikh Tantawi cannot touch anyone else until he goes through a painful decontamination procedure which is a cross between the process used to clean up people exposed to high doses of nuclear radiation, and an exorcism.

Of course, after this scandal, he is now washed up as a leader of Al Azhar. It appears that he might be growing his beard to get a new job as a department store Santa.
  • Monday, December 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the pro-terror "International Middle East Media Center":
Emad Bornat, documentary film maker of Bil'in, Palestine, who toured throughout Puerto Rico and the North East US with Tito Kayak, has been in a coma in Tel Aviv Hospital for about a week now. He sustained critical injuries when the brakes and gears of his tractor failed, and he collided into the barbed wire fence of the Israel's occupation wall that cuts his village land in two.

According to his wife Sorya, he is still in serious condition, but the doctors have hope of his recovery, because he is young and was healthy before this accident. He will need to undergo further surgery, and will be weaned off a respirator in the next few days. Sorya said that he opened his eyes for a few minutes only, yesterday but cannot speak yet.

According to another local organizer from Bil'in, the Israeli officer who made the decision to allow Emad to go to the Tel Aviv hospital did so because the road to Ramallah Hospital would have been too bumpy and he wouldn't have survived the trip, because of loss of blood.

The family has a one month pass to enter Israel to go to Tel Aviv to visit Emad. Before this they had to ask for a pass on a daily basis to travel to see him.

The Popular Committee Against the Wall blames the Israeli construction of the Wall on village land, in violation of international law and of Israeli High Court decisions, for the tractor accident.
Of course it is Israel's fault that his tractor malfunctioned and he happened to run into barbed wire (not even the dreaded wall!)

If he would have run into his own house, it still would have been Israel's fault because they didn't repair his tractor for him.

If he would have gone to a Palestinian Arab hospital and died, it would have been Israel's fault for not allowing him to enter a hated Zionist hospital.

If he dies in Tel Aviv, it will be Israel's fault for not taking care of him properly.

If the tractor was a Caterpillar, it is Israel's fault for propping up that company by buying its tractors to demolish houses.

If there was no fence and the tractor would have run into an Arab village, I'm sure it would be Israel's fault too.

Because Arabs will just blame Israel for everything bad that happens. Even when they are the ones going above and beyond to save the life of a man who travels worldwide to demonize Israel.
  • Monday, December 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • Monday, December 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Across the political spectra of Democrats and Republicans, Likudniks and Kadima and "Peace Now," everyone seems to agree on one thing: that peace can only be achieved by Israel conceding land.

It is an appealing thought. A people who yearn for real peace on one hand, and who grew up on the ideals of social justice on the other, seem to agree that it is untenable to hold on to Eretz Yisrael in the face of unremitting Muslim and Arab terror and international pressure.

They all have various reasons for this idea: the demographic threat, fears of "apartheid," fears of another intifada, idealism, a sense of "fair play," an appeal to "justice" or "international law" and so forth.

Very few of them, however, take a realistic view of how the Arab and Islamic side would react to such an act.

Batya from Shiloh Musings recalls that when Menachem Begin gave up the Sinai to Egypt, he moved the Yamit residents to Gush Katif in Gaza. His intent was that by Israel giving up land, it would strengthen its hold on other territories and that the world would be more willing to let Israel keep them. This of course didn't happen - on the contrary, it emboldened the Arab side and their "peacenik" friends. It solidified the idea that territories are negotiable, and that Israeli moves to accept Jews there were reversible.

Likewise, Ariel Sharon felt that giving up the very Gaza and Menachem Begin thought he was "strengthening" would also strengthen Israeli claims in Judea and Samaria. And likewise, this was a fantasy, as the world witnesses daily Qassam attacks from the very areas that peaceful Jews had built beautiful, thriving communities, ostensibly sympathizing with the residents of Sderot but explicitly calling on Israel to stop defending itself.

To be sure, there are short-term gains in world public opinion for Israeli concessions. Israel did gain economically by abandoning Gaza. But those gains are, by their nature, ephemeral. The collective memory of the world is quite short, and it is only a matter of a few weeks or months between Israeli "goodwill gestures" and unremitting pressure for the next round.

Meanwhile, what Israel loses is permanent.

Part of the reason that the West is so keen on pressuring Israel is the unstated but very relevant viewpoint that, somehow, Israeli concessions will take the wind out of the sails of jihadists, that Israeli sacrifices - or the sacrifice of Israel - will appease the terrorists who will no longer have broad-based support in the Islamic world. There is not a shred of evidence to support this wishful thinking; and there is plenty of evidence that shows it to be false.

The West is attuned to short-term thinking. Perhaps this is because of the need to elect new leaders every few years, but it sacrifices long-term strategy for vaporous short-term gains. It would be laughable to even consider that the West has a plan to defeat the Islamist world that spans more than a decade.

The Arab and Muslim psyche, on the other hand, is very much attuned to long-term trends. A hundred years is but a blip in Islamic history and, from their perspective, Israel has not yet lasted as long as the Crusades. The battle takes decades and centuries; it is not something that has to be mopped up by the next election cycle.

As a result, every Western concession to the Islamic world is tactical from the Western perspective and strategic from the Islamic perspective. Tactics without strategy is a loser's game.

This is what drives Islamist confidence against the West.

(It is also why Islamists fear Judaism and Christianity much more than America and Europe - because religious groups do have a long historical memory, and Islam itself cannot stand the scrutiny of history.)

Islamic extremism does not look at "Palestine" as the be-all and end-all of their expansionist goals. Al Qaeda's founder put it succinctly when he said “jihad will remain an individual obligation until all other lands which formerly were Muslim come back to us and Islam reigns within them once again. Before us lie Palestine, Bukhara, Lebanon, Chad, Eritrea, Somalia, the Philippines, Burma, South Yemen, Tashkent, Andalusia.” And this is hardly an exhaustive list of land that Islamists covet.

Each of these seeming "land disputes" is prosecuted locally, as if they each have individual merit, and the fair-minded West will look at each dispute dispassionately and tactically. Well-meaning Westerners will be "even-handed" (and subconciously pro-Islam) in many of these claims, all the while ignoring the worldwide pattern that they represent of inexorable Islamist encroachment and expansionist thinking.

The Islamists have a strategy, we do not.

In Israel's case, every square centimeter of land handed over by Israel is an irrevocable weapon, quite literally, that will be used to get the next piece. When Israel's government speaks of giving Palestinian Arabs land on the west of the "Green Line" in a "land exchange" it means that even that boundary, which the Arab world never accepted before 1967, is negotiable, and the border disputes would not even end if Israel gave up all of its 1967 gains to what Abba Eban famously - and accurately - called the "Auschwitz borders."

To even entertain the thought that Israeli concessions would have forestalled the Mumbai (or Madrid or London or New York) attacks is to engage in the worst kind of self-delusion.

In the Arab and Islamist world, Palestine is the most high-profile and successful implementation of the Islamist strategy. We have shown countless times that the Arab and Islamic world cares little about Palestinians and very much about Palestine. The long-term, strategic approach is hardwired in the brains of Muslims and Arabs.

Over the weekend, yet another extremist quote from a "moderate" group, affiliated with Fatah, was published and ignored by the West:
"Palestine is our land and it belongs to Palestinians. Israel has no right to our property."

"The resolution to divide Palestine into two parts is totally rejected," the statement added, insisting that "resistance" is the only way to "take back Palestinians' rights."
Just as Israel giving up land will not appease the Palestinian contingent of the Islamic and Arab expansionism movements in the least, neither would the sacrifice of all of Israel appease the worldwide Islamic expansionist movement.

The Westerners who support Arab and Muslim claims against the West would have been butchered in Mumbai along with the Jews. No amount of appealing to the terrorists' sense of fair play or "human rights" or "international law" would have made a difference.

Those terms are used as tactics in the grand Islamist strategy against the dhimmis and kaffirs, and we refuse to see the big picture the way our enemies do.
Q=Qassam (may include Katyusha-style rockets)
QS=Qassam landing short in Gaza
M*- Apparently upgraded 120mm mortars
MS=Mortar landing short
P - unnamed "projectiles"
(Paren) indicates unconfirmed Palestinian claims
Yellow background=Israel sent aid

November 2008

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa









Sunday, November 30, 2008

A "work accident" injured four Hamas members in Khan Younis.

Saudi Arabia denied Hamas accusations that they didn't give Hajj visas to Palestinian Arab pilgrims, as both sides continue to trade accusations and insults.

Hamas attacked, beat and killed a 41-year old chicken seller in a public market in the Maghazi camp in central Gaza.

The PalArab press quotes Maariv as saying that Israel will intercept the Libyan ship headed for Gaza, purportedly filled with humanitarian aid that is due to arrive on Monday. (UPDATE: They did.)

Meanwhile, Turkey says it will send its own ship to Gaza, in coordination with Hamas. It would supposedly contain medicines and "Palestinian campaigners."

Islamic Jihad said that it has no intention of continuing the illusory "calm" in Gaza past the six month mark, whose deadline is due in the coming weeks.

It is instructive that while the world media has been tirelessly reporting on the smuggling of food and fuel (and motorcycles and TVs) to Gaza, Egypt keeps intercepting shipments of weapons and explosives also bound for Gaza. These smuggled goods somehow escape the radar of the intrepid journalists.

Speaking of tunnels, an enterprising young man in Gaza has found a good use for the soil that is dug up by the tunnel diggers - he is building old-fashioned ovens out of the mud mixed with straw, and selling them for 150 shekels each. Apparently the mud is ideal for these ovens.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 216.
  • Sunday, November 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
An article from a London based blogger named Muhammad al-Arabi, reprinted in the Google News-indexed Redress website, shows how "moderate" terror supporters can simultaneously say how horrible the Mumbai attacks are but at the same time blame the victims.
But why India? The answer, in my view, is very simple. Since the early 1990s relations between India and the racist, Zionist entity known as "Israel" have been getting increasingly closer, with defence and intelligence cooperation being at the top of the bilateral agenda. Simultaneously, over the same period India has refocused its foreign policy away from Russia and the Third World and towards the USA and its British lackey.

So, for discontented Indian Muslims – or Kashmiris or Pakistanis, if there is indeed a Pakistani connection – India is the South Asian symbol of the critical mass of evil accumulated by the US and Britain in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.

This really saddens me. For one thing, the targets in Mumbai – innocent civilians – cannot be held responsible for the shortsightedness and stupidity of the Indian government or, in the case of the foreign tourists, for the policies of Israel's puppets in Washington and London.

It also saddens me because, when I think of India, I would like to think of Gandhi, Nehru and the non-aligned movement of the 1960s and 1970s, not racism, Zionism, imperialism and sheer greed.

Unfortunately, it would seem that one outcome of the Mumbai outrage is that India will be driven further into the arms of the devil. However, as the saying goes, "If you dance with the devil, you will get burnt".

Sadly, as we have seen in Mumbai, those who pay the price for recklessness are the innocents.
Here we see the extent of Muslim "moderation." While they will pretend to cry over the deaths of innocents, in their warped and sickening worldview, it is not the fault of the terrorists at all - it is entirely because the victim country has done things that the terrorists find distasteful.

The subtext, as we have seen numerous times before, is that Muslim terrorism is a natural phenomenon, one that cannot possibly be fought because it is as inevitable as night following day. How can Muslims be blamed for blowing up innocent women and children - they are pushed to the edge by such crimes as India's foreign policy! They have no choice! They have no free will! They are like animals who act out of instinct and cannot think independently!

So since the Muslim apologists have defined their co-religionists as subhuman, as being utterly unable to think like normal people, then the responsibility for keeping them under control goes to the adult world. This moral midget is saying that since India knows that Muslim animals will attack India for pursuing its own foreign policy interests, India should be held hostage to the extremist Muslim hordes (no, not the intellectual columnist, but his unfortunately animalistic co-religionists who are called "extremists") and India should do what the animals are demanding.

Since they have no independent ability to think, they bear no responsibility. But the West cannot treat them as animals, because that would be degrading to them. No, they are unthinking animals who must be treated with respect - or else they will kill you!

It is only sheer coincidence that the unthinking animals happen to want the same thing that their "moderate" Muslim brothers want as well, and that these "intellectuals" therefore want the West to react to the animals in such a way that will advance their own political interests.

What is amazing is that this subtext, that Islamic extremists are acting in a natural way when they rabidly attack people, is so endemic throughout the West as to seem shocking when one actually looks at the justifications given by their liberal and "moderate" Muslim friends.
  • Sunday, November 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
As if anyone needed proof:
Kasab has told police that they were sent with a specific mission of targeting Israelis to avenge atrocities on Palestinians. This was why they targetted Nariman House, a complex meant for Israelis. Sources said Kasab's colleagues killed in the operation had stayed in Nariman House earlier.

"They have stayed in Nariman house on rental basis identifying themselves as Malaysian students.'' said a source. Police are trying to find out how Nariman House rooms were given to non-Jews. Police has taken all the records books of for verification. The second target was the CST railway station because casualties would be high.


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