Wednesday, November 19, 2008

  • Wednesday, November 19, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press has a feature in its Arabic website of pictures of Palestinian Arab children.

Normally they are just cutesy pictures, but sometimes you will see something like this one.
Name: Ahmed Hossam Attia Muslim
Age: 7 years
Address: Rafah, Gaza Strip _ _ Tel Sultan

Look how adorable his smile is!

One of the commenters writes:
Ikhalih protected by God and to his family and is commander of Abu Ammar and uniforms free-Aqsa and liberate all of Palestine
Clearly, when readers of Firas see this picture they see someone who will be using such a weapon against Jews when he is a bit older.

And when they say "all of Palestine" I somehow don't think they mean the Green Line.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

  • Tuesday, November 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon

  • Tuesday, November 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Does it mean overtime, off-topic or open thread? You decide!
  • Tuesday, November 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
First, the ones you have seen:

Haim Ramon: "Israel is ready to make painful concessions for peace."

Ariel Sharon: Israel is "ready to make painful concessions" for the
sake of "genuine, durable, real peace."

Ehud Olmert: "We want peace. We are prepared to make a painful compromise, rife with risks, in order to realize these aspirations."

Ehud Barak:
"Both sides must make painful concessions for peace."

Shimon Peres: "Israel is ready to make painful concessions for peace."

And the one you will never see:

Mahmoud Abbas: "We are prepared to make painful concessions for peace."

Why exactly does only one side keep telling the world that they are willing to make concessions while the other side only makes demands?

It is almost as if only one side is serious about wanting peace....

The ironic part, of course, is that the person who makes demand after demand is considered the "moderate peace partner" and the side that keeps making goodwill gestures and giving up real, strategic assets is considered an intransigent warmonger.
  • Tuesday, November 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Arab world's irrational hate often rises to absurd levels.
MPs are threatening to take action unless Israel's name is removed from Gulf Air's website among a list of countries under its frequent flyers services.

The parliamentary Palestinian Support Committee plans to send a letter to the airline on Sunday demanding answers.

Under the scheme, passengers from any nationality can apply for frequent flyers membership stating their country of origin.

Committee chairman Nasser Al Fadhala said that the airline had been alerted previously on the issue, but they never responded.

"We don't normalise ties in any possible way with Israel and the inclusion of Israel as one of the countries, in which its citizens are allowed to benefit from the scheme, implies the opposite," he said.

"Bahrain is a country that refuses to accept any normalisation with Israel, especially with the Palestinians being evicted from their homes, tortured and killed."

"Gulf Air and officials behind it will pay the price heavily if they insist on not having Israel's name removed," he said.

"We plan to start using our monitoring tools, which will certainly enable us to reach the bottom of this issue.

"The minister is not responding, but maybe if we take a tougher approach, he will take action, or else we will force him to do so."

A Gulf Air spokesman said the reference to Israel on the website was merely in a dropdown menu so passengers registering for the frequent flyers offer could enter where they live.

"In fact, we have a number Israel-based Arabs in our programme already and it would be a pity to deny future passengers the opportunity to join our programme," he said.
In the end, the people who they are hurting are the Arabs who have the audacity of living in Israel. You know.... the very "Palestinians" whom they claim they are doing this for.

Here is the outrageous webpage that is causing members of Bahrain's parliament to spend hours of their time seething, with a visual aid so you can find the problem yourself. Israel is listed in the drop-down menu along with some 200 other countries:

Just in case anyone is still wondering how much the Arab world really cares about "Palestinian" rights, as opposed to destroying Israel, here's a little clue:

"Palestine" is not mentioned in Gulf Air's list of countries for "nationality." But the MPs are not complaining about the absence of "Palestine" on the website, but the existence of "Israel."
  • Tuesday, November 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestine Press Agency mentions that when Hamas is telling the world that 70% of Gaza is dark because of a shortage of fuel, it is lying.
The source pointed out, as is well known to all that the Gaza Strip .... gets 70% of its electricity supply from the Israeli and Egyptian lines.

The source of electricity that comes from the Israeli company and the electricity that comes from Egypt has not been affected and never stopped.

...Where [Hamas] cuts electricity off for long periods of time for most of the areas of the Gaza Strip, especially Gaza City, knowing that the Hamas leadership' homes and neighborhoods where they live do not suffer from the disruption of electricity like the rest of the regions.
UPDATE: The Gazans claim that the extra 40% electricity shortfall came because of overloading the power from Israel, causing transformers to be burned out.
  • Tuesday, November 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
AINA: How Sharia law punishes raped women

Melanie Philips: Another banana moment?

MEMRI TV: The Mickey Mouse cleric clarifies his position on cartoon characters:
Muhammad Al-Munajid: I never issued a fatwa about the killing of Mickey Mouse. Nobody asked me for a ruling with regard to Mickey Mouse, and I did not say that it is permissible or necessary to kill Mickey Mouse. None of this ever happened. I was talking about the effect of films on people, how they are used for Christian proselytizing, for spreading atheism, for spreading witchcraft, like in the case of Harry Potter, and for arousing urges, which make people dissatisfied with their spouses. One thing led to another, until we got to the issue of cartoons and their effect. I said that some cartoon characters, such as dogs, pigs, and mice – reprehensible animals according to the Shari’a - are glorified in animated films. I said that it is inappropriate to show such things to people, and that a mouse is a “little corrupter,” which should be killed in all cases. I mentioned Mickey Mouse, or that Jerry, by way of example only. Nobody who knows Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character would ever issue a fatwa that it should be killed. It can only be killed in the world of fantasies, movies, and dreams.

And Barry Rubin: Welcome to MEWorld. The link is down now, so here is the article from his mailing list:
MEWorld stands for Middle East world. It is a realm with its own ideas where the scientific laws of the rest of the world might stand but the political and intellectual standards applied elsewhere just don't happen that way.

Let's begin your visit with a very mild example of what happens when tourists encounter MEWorld. Here is a quote from the New York Times of November 12, 2008, chosen pretty much at random. The author is one of the better reporters covering the region; the topic is the Israeli mayor's election in Jerusalem. See if you can spot the problem:

"Palestinians in East Jerusalem have consistently boycotted city elections in the belief that participating would be tantamount to recognizing Israeli sovereignty.''

If you can understand why this sentence is off it is possible that you might comprehend the Middle East.

The assumption in the sentence is that Palestinians are, like the Western readers, people who live in a social and intellectual atmosphere of free will in which individual decisions are made on the basis of rational calculation. The process goes something like this:

Version A: Khalid: "I'm thinking of voting in the election because I want better schools and roads."

Version B: Khalid: "I'm thinking of voting in the election because I want a candidate to win who will be more dovish and will favor giving this part of the city to a Palestinian state as part of a comprehensive two-state solution."

This is the kind of process which a Western reader would expect. It implies massive voluntary action on the basis of choice. After all, the individual "Palestinians" have a "belief."

In practice, the real issue is that before the decision not to vote is made the Palestinians in east Jerusalem are told:

"Anyone who votes is a traitor. If you vote it is against Islam and you are a heretic; it is against our people, and you are a monster. And if you do vote and we find out about it we will boycott your business, shun you personally, and perhaps someone with a big club will smash down your door one night and hit you upside the head until you pass out or die."

In MEWorld, every Palestinian knows this and the message is repeated before each election. Of course, even without threats not all the Palestinian residents would vote but perhaps, 20 or 30 or 40 percent would.

After I wrote this article I came upon Khaled Abu Toameh's piece on the same story in the Jerusalem Post. After making the same point the Times did, he added--which the Times did not mention--the following:

"The PA issued several warnings to the Arab residents not to participate in the election. Issam Abu Rmaileh, a shopkeeper, said he didn't vote because he was afraid that PA activists would harm him. `I heard that they were standing outside the voting centers and threatening people who wanted to come and vote,' he said. `I would have liked to vote because it's in our interest, but who's going to protect me and my family afterwards?'...

"Graffiti painted overnight on the walls also warned the Arabs against participating in the election. The warnings were issued by masked men belonging to various Palestinian factions, including Hamas and Fatah."

If you don't understand the reality of dictatorial behavior, threats of violence, and a social pressure that forces conformity, anything else that happens in the region is a mystery to you.

Now you are ready for a more advanced course in MEWorld. Let me stress that the following is not typical but it is revealing. On November 12, 2008, MEMRI published its video clip No. 1903 which you can see here: It is from a television show aired on October 31, 2008. First, I will tell you what it says which is profoundly shocking. But then I will give you seven reasons why it is far more shocking than you thought.

The person being interviewed proposes that Arab men sexually harass Israeli women as a new means of resistance against Israel. "They are fair game for all Arabs," the interviewee explains, because they "rape the land" by their very existence.

Might this cause a legal problem if an Egyptian or Jordanian rapes an Israeli tourist? No problem, the interviewee explains, "Most Arab countries do not have sexual harassment laws. Therefore, if [Arab women] are fair game for Arab men, there is nothing wrong with Israeli women being fair game as well."

If an Israeli woman is threatened, abused, or harassed, she has no right to defend herself. They are merely being given a choice: "Leave the land so we won't rape you."

Now you might say that is pretty shocking. Even in the context of Arab political discussion, the above-quoted position is very different. There are many Arabs who would disagree and even ridicule such an idea.

And yet it still tells us a great deal about mainstream thinking and the weakness of moderation. Consider these points:

  • The person saying this, Nagla al-Imam is a woman. She obviously has no idea of women's solidarity. Nationalism and religion come first. Her priority is not to demand stronger laws in her country to protect women but the exploitation of such law's absence to lower the level of treatment for all women. The philosophy is: It doesn't matter if you abuse me if you treat the Israelis even worse. Don't take that idea lightly, it defines how millions of people behave.
  • She is a young woman. The optimistic idea that time is inevitably bringing about moderation is just plain wrong. All too often, the younger generation--especially since it is imbued with Islamist ideas and much more intensively propagandized--is more extreme than its parents. I remember here the anecdote, and this is not a joke but a real story, in which a Saudi girl pretended to play Brittany Spears records to appease her wealthy, educated parents but when they weren't around put on radical Islamist diatribes about martyrdom by becoming a suicide bomber.
  • She is a secular young woman, obviously not, judging from her rhetoric and clothing, an Islamist or even a traditionalist living in a previous century. Thus, while Islamists are most radical, their basic thinking is often duplicated by Arab nationalists and permeates among the less pious as well.
  • She is a lawyer, meaning she has a high level of modern education and intelligence. She is of the middle class at least and not an illiterate peasant or fanatical cleric. While people in the West are still babbling that poverty causes terrorism, the most extreme are often the best-off and most-schooled. Being poor usually requires spending most of your time in the practical pursuit of economic survival. Education does not necessarily mean discovering the wider world and the humanity of the "other." It teaches people to hate systematically and justify their inner beast with an ideological gloss.
  • She is from Egypt, not Saudi Arabia. Egypt is a country which has been formally at peace with Israel for almost thirty years and an ally of the United States. Extremism is found in all Arab states. Even the most moderate either refrain from opposing such ideas to avoid confrontation or--more often--actively fomenting them to muster popular support and a blind eye toward their own failings.
  • The interview appeared on al-Arabiyya, arguably the most moderate of the main Arab satellite television stations. The opinion spectrum is much skewed to one side. This is clear on al-Jazira television programs where there is a moderate and a radical speaker, followed by phone-ins during which every single caller favors the extremist position and the host insults the moderate to side with the radical guest.
  • The interviewer asked reasonable questions but did not seem to find this suggestion shockingly extreme or something that had to be angrily rejected. People are not signaled toward moderation by their political leaders, teachers, clerics, intellectuals, and other authority figures. On the contrary, these are often sources for the most violent, hate-filled, and anti-reality ideas.

Now, if you believe that MEWorld is going to make peace with Israel, love America, and become democratic or moderate in the near-term future--even to please President Barry Obama-- consider the intellectual, political culture, and social atmosphere that breeds Nagla al-Imam as a person who thinks as she does even though she fits the profile of someone who should be, according to the conception of reality held in WestWorld, a booster of the opposite worldview.

The same applies if you think you are going to win over such people and their societies by kind words, apologies, concessions, appeasement, confidence-building measures, or even dramatic policy shifts.

"Oh you, who philosophize disgrace/And criticize all fears/Take the rag away from your face/Now ain't the time for your tears." --Bob Dylan

  • Tuesday, November 18, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the UAE's National:
In the mid-1980s, my father’s cousin, a noted scholar, travelled to madrassas along the Pakistan and Afghan border that were heavily funded by the Saudi government. These schools were the lynch pins of the jihad, because they taught the children of Afghan refugees and churned out thousands of fighters.

My cousin observed that teachers who taught history or basic scientific concepts – such as that the earth revolved around the sun – were fired and replaced by mullahs who knew only a few verses of the Quran and the “importance” of killing the infidels.

The ignorance of these men was highlighted by one particularly dumb question posed to my cousin by a mullah: “How can anyone know the distance between the earth and the sun? No one has created a ruler long enough.”

Monday, November 17, 2008

  • Monday, November 17, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Toronto Star reports:
A mosque asking that Canadian workplaces respect a strict Muslim dress code is at the same time disseminating slurs against Jews and Western societies, and warning members against social integration.

The Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque near Kipling Ave. and Rexdale Blvd. serves as the religious authority for eight Somali women complaining to the Canadian Human Rights Commission that UPS Canada Ltd. violated their religious rights at a sorting plant. The mosque, founded in 1990 and serving upwards of 10,000 people, preaches strict adherence to sharia, or Islamic law, and no compromise with the West.

Teachings on the mosque's website,, refer to non-Muslim Westerners as "wicked," "corrupt" and "our clear enemies."

Sometimes Jews are singled out.

"Is it permissible for women to wear high-heeled shoes?" begins one posting in question-and-answer format. "That is not permissible," comes the reply. "It involves resembling the Disbelieving Women or the wicked women. It has its origin among the Jewish women."

Modern pastimes are condemned.

"What is the ruling on subscribing to sports channels?" another question begins. "Watching some of the female spectators, when the camera focuses on them time after time" stirs "evil inclinations," the lesson reads. "Some (players) may not even believe in Allaah."

Mosque leaders refused repeated requests for an interview.

A disclaimer on the website says questions and answers do not necessarily reflect the mosque's views. But the About Us page says: "All questions and answers on this site (are) prepared, approved and supervised by (the mosque's imam) Bashir Yusuf Shiil."

A few days later there was a follow-up article:

The Toronto mosque that once warned its members to avoid wishing others "Merry Christmas," equating it with murder, is once again pitted in controversy.

And now the Muslim Canadian Congress is calling on Ottawa to strip the charitable status of the Somali Islamic Society of Canada, which owns the Khalid Bin Al-Walid mosque in Etobicoke, founded in 1990 and serving more than 10,000 worshippers.

Congress president Farzana Hassan said postings on the mosque's website are "in contravention of what a moderate Muslim should stand for."

Asked for specifics, Hassan cited the site's "statements about women." For example, she said, "they say female circumcision is honourable and yet they find piercing your ears reprehensible, wearing high heels reprehensible, laughing objectionable. It's very disconcerting that their priorities are where they are."

But the mosque defends its postings, arguing in a statement posted on its website that "different scholars of Islam may have differing opinions on the same subject."

The statement, signed "Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque Management and the Board of Directors," continues: "We try our best to enrich Islamic knowledge for anyone who visits our web site and show to them the differing views of Islamic scholars on a particular subject."

The mosque's website has since cleansed itself of all problematic references. Yet on its front page, it threatens the author of the original article with an open letter, written before the article was published:

We are very concerned by the tenor of your questions that you may unintentionally harm the image of Somali Muslims in Canada with the words you write. As the Board of the Khalid Bin Al-Walid mosque, we are preparing ourselves for the inevitable backlash of hatred and threats that will come with the suggestion that we support radical Islam and that we are therefore terrorists. While we have become accustom to this form of racism, we never get used to it and it is very harmful to our people. We will reserve judgment on your article until after it is published and we are hopeful that it is accurate, fair and balanced. If it is not, we will seek the appropriate advice from our legal counsel.

Thank you, may Allah guide you to right path.
Some vestiges of the original articles remain in Google's cache, but they seem to be disappearing fast. Here's one:

A man stood o­n a branch of a tall and expansive tree. He began to saw off the branch that he was standing o­n. Instead of sawing the tip of the branch, he was sawing the branch at the place that it was attached to the tree. This put him directly in danger of falling. Yet, whenever someone tried to instruct and warn him that by cutting the branch at that location he was harming himself, he would not allow him or her to speak or take their advice.

This is a direct example of the situation that the Muslim woman is in today when she follows the unknown theories (destructive Western arguments) that are being perpetrated. She never asks herself why she is willing to follow these ideas. Not knowing that these ideas are what have taken away her personality and change her perception of reality. She becomes like a ball that is batted around with no control of her own. She becomes completely immersed in these illicit arguments that possess her completely. The o­nly way of saving herself is by isolating herself from those destructive opinions, and by turning to her trusted and verified Sharee‘ah.

Her Fitra (natural inclination to believe in Allah and do good while abandoning evil) protects the Muslim woman of this era, from dissolving into evil. Even though she is in an ominous predicament.

This quickly changes o­nce she becomes introduced to the wickedness of Western ideology and concepts. She quickly begins to sink into a void of restlessness and misguidance.

The Muslim woman may become so infatuated with their Western culture and practice, that she begins to abhor her own culture and dress. She becomes fixated o­n trying to appear and act like her “role models” of corruption. This is something that Western companies and factories are more than willing to capitalize o­n.

“Lo! You are the o­nes who love them but they love you not.” Ali-‘Imran 3:119
Only the o­ne with Islamic intuition and direction can see the pattern of Zionist influence and behaviour upon the many nations and people. They are morally, religiously, and ethically destroying society after society.

Muslim women’s identity has been under attack as a way of destroying her self-image. The Jews have shown their determination in trying to destroy Hijab. This habit is not new. During the life of Rasool-ul-Allah (saaw) a group of Jews uncovered a Muslim woman in the market place of Bani Qainuq‘a. To this day their intentions and habits are the same, they intend the defamation of our Muslim woman. They know that destroy the woman equals destroying the society that she is a part of.

Saddening indeed is the situation of the Muslim women who have relented to the calls of those who are our clear enemies. Many have been brainwashed into believing the words of the disbelievers. Some have accepted the concepts and ideology of the disbelievers in their hearts while their tongues profess Islam. They strive to remove Hijab from our woman while calling to so-called “Islamic Feminism.” Surely they attract those who hate what Allah has revealed, the worshippers of woman and lust.

Also, know my Muslim sister that to conceal your face and allow your eyebrows, cheekbone, and bridge of the nose to remain uncovered is clear error. Some women use this as a ploy to cover up their inadequate features. They will uncover what they like and cover what they dislike. If our woman folk exit their homes having beautified themselves, uncovering more that what they cover, perfumed, while using their eyes and movement to attract the attention of men, they are indeed calling to deviance and disorder.

Here's something I didn't know:
o­n the authority of Jaabir who said: "The Jews used to say that if a man entered his wife in the vagina but from behind, their child would be cross-eyed! Then Allaah revealed the verse: "Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will;" [al-Baqarah 2:223]. The Prophet said : "From the front or the back, as long as it is in the vagina". [Al-Bukharee and Muslim]
...this despite their hearts containing different shades of jealousy, arrogance and hatred towards their brothers. In this there is a clear resemblance to the Jews.
This article makes it clear who these Canadian Muslims considered their enemies:
Indeed, fear is a weapon, which Allah implants in the hearts of His enemies. This is why the strength of the Muslims, is not in their great numbers - weapons or wealth - but it is in their aqeedah (belief) and their adhering to it. For today there are plenty of Muslims, but they are like foam, like the foam carried by the waves. And their riches are many but cannot be for them. Rather, it has become the possession of their enemies. For example: The Muslims today approximate over o­ne billion and they grow in number everyday. However, at the same time they are the weakest of nations in every country they are in, being persecuted - why?

Because they have become like foam, like the foam o­n the waves. Also, the lands of the Muslims possess many riches and minerals, but where does it all end up? With the disbelievers in Europe or America, or it goes to the jews of palestine. The Muslim oil constitutes approximately o­ne third of the world's reserves, but the Muslims are the poorest of people - why?
The mosque has now apologized to the Canadian Jewish Congress about these postings, but it has not come even close to repudiating them.
  • Monday, November 17, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The IAEA, in its infinite wisdom, has said that the fact that they found processed uranium in Syria where Israel bombed them last year was not proof that Syria was actually building a nuclear facility there.

Because, after all, there are many possible reasons to find enriched, processed uranium there:

5. Some old atomic worker relieved himself at the site.
4. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad misplaced some on his last visit.
3. A meteorite landed in Syria.
2. Syria imported bottled water from Connecticut.
1. Obviously, Israel bombed the site with uranium!

Given these likely reasons, it is absurd to even consider that Syria might have been trying to develop any nuclear weapons. Thank God we have Mohamed ElBaradei to put things in context.
  • Monday, November 17, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
It appears that despite being under constant rocket barrages, Israel allowed some 33 truckloads of food to Gaza, including "15 trucks of dairy products and frozen meat destined for the private sector and 18 others shipping aid for UNRWA and international organizations."

Rafah, however, seems to be enjoying a bazaar atmosphere as the starving Palestinian Arabs are freely selling food, clothing, TVs and motorcycles. Arutz-7 shows a series of photos, including these:

But while Gazans can feel free to publicly sell their smuggled goods, their leaders are a bit less likely to be seen in public. Hamas leaders are in hiding in underground bunkers out of fear of Israeli airstrikes against them.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

  • Sunday, November 16, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Firas Press website is very upset at Hamas for publishing this picture of dead PRC members next to a rocket launcher, killed in an Israeli airstrike.

Firas thinks that Hamas is giving up too much intelligence information by showing where the rocket launchers were.

But that doesn't stop this from being a nice picture to look at:
  • Sunday, November 16, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The messages at the pro-Fatah Firas Press site are humming over the sight of a crow pecking at the Hamas flag on the anniversary of Arafat's death:

Some commenters are calling the crow a "hero!"

Another commenter claimed that he was a Hamas member but left the movement after seeing the crow nip at the Hamas flag.

Many are saying this is a sign from Allah that the Hamas movement will be destroyed.
  • Sunday, November 16, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
You learn something new every day.

From Daily News and Analysis (India):
Emphasising the relevance and importance of Islam, religious leaders from across the country said it was meant for the “governance of humanity”. People following Islam ensure that actions taken by them are in the best of the interest of mankind, they said.

The religious leaders spoke at a press conference held on the sidelines of the 10-day Islamic Peace Conference (IPC), which began on Friday at Somaiya ground in Sion (East).

“This religion was introduced to tell people how to govern humanity,” said Maulana Abul Waheedi. Maulana Fuzail-ur-Qasmi of Amir Jamaat-e-Hind, said: “There are grave problems the world faces and Islam can provide a solution to these.”

The Quran can be a panacea for all problems, including medical problems,” said Maulana Ashfaque Salafi.

Who can resist?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The West's favorite "moderate" politician, Mahmoud Abbas, peacefully threatened Israel saying that if Israel doesn't go back to the pre-1967 "Auschwitz borders," there will be perpetual war.

Which goes to show that the PLO letter to Israel at Oslo that solemnly promised to abandon violence was not worth the paper it was written on. And brings up the question that people are afraid to ask: what is to say that any "peace agreement" will not be torn up as well?

Fatah is planning a conference to debate this exact issue - whether to stay with supposed peace while supporting terror implicitly, or to return to supporting terror explicitly.

A "work accident" killed 2 terrorists in Beit Hanoun, but predictably the PalArabs blame an Israeli airstrike. After a lull, the 2008 PalArab self-death count rises to 213.


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