Monday, October 06, 2008

  • Monday, October 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon

Our heroes at the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice know well how devious sinners can be. Some unmarried couples who may want to spend time together alone - which is the grievous sin of khulwa - will pretend to be married in order to keep the virtuous vice police off their backs.

So it is simple Muttawa logic that any man and woman who are alone must be unmarried!

This is why the Commission dispatched one of their ubiquitous white SUVs to Al-Jurf, west of Medina, to chase a couple in a car who were acting suspiciously - by being alone with each other at 1 AM.

As the Arab News reports:
“As we were driving home, my husband and I realized we were being followed by three men in a car,” said the woman, who did not want her name published. “They were coming from both sides of the car and (at one point in the chase) were also in front of our car. I was afraid of having an accident. The whole scene looked just like something in a movie.”

She also said that because no police officer was accompanying the three members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, her husband was afraid to stop. Eventually, the commission vehicle got in front of the car they were pursuing and forced the couple to stop, according to the woman.

Abdullah Al-Zahrani, the head of the Madinah branch of the commission, confirmed to Arab News yesterday that the commission was tailing the couple, but he maintains that the three commission members did not abuse the suspects. He also claims that the two are not married.

The woman is neither his wife nor his cousin,” said Al-Zahrani.

According to the woman, she and her husband had been visiting her husband’s family and decided to return home late at night.

After the two were pulled over, said the woman, “one of them pulled my arm and was shouting at me, telling me to get into their car. I was shocked. How could a man from the commission touch a woman when he is not her mahram (a woman’s legal male escort or guardian)? He ordered me to get into the commission car and said they would keep everything secret in order to protect my reputation.”

The commission considers unrelated men and women in cars to be committing the moral crime of khulwa.

The woman said that her husband objected to her treatment, and asked the men to take him in custody instead. At that point, the woman said an older man who happened to be passing by intervened and protested against the commission members touching a woman, “but the commission member told him that I had forced him to do so.”

The woman says that two of the commission members got into her husband’s car with her and accused her of being an immoral woman for being out late at night with an unrelated man. The members of the commission also said that the woman had committed a crime and that she therefore deserved to be punished.

“This is the first time I have seen anything like this,” she said. “The members refused to come to the police during the investigation and said that I had insulted them. I did no such thing; I simply told them over and over: ‘I swear to God that I am this man’s wife.’”

The woman said that after hearing what had happened, her brothers went to the commission branch in Al-Jurf, furious and telling the commission members to stay away from their sister.

She said a commission member then hit one of her brothers and broke his nose.

“My brother became unconscious and an ambulance came and took him to the hospital,” she said.

Stupid unmarried woman! Doesn't she realize that the Commission is allowed to break Islamic law in order to uphold Islamic law?

It would be outrageous to think that Muttawa members go into that profession because they are a bunch of perverts who want to project their own desires and actions on others. Injuring, lying, khulwa, touching women - all are perfectly allowed for Commission members in their zeal to stop others from khulwa and touching women.

Our heroes have prevented another moral crime, and Saudi Arabia is a better place today because of their love of Sharia.

  • Monday, October 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
It's been a links to any interesting stories you've seen.
  • Monday, October 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last month there was a deadly attack against the US Embassy in Yemen, killing 18.

Now, Yemen authorities are claiming that they found the bombers, and guess what - they were Israeli spies!
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh announced on Monday the dismantling of a "terrorist cell" which he said was linked to Israeli intelligence services.

Saleh gave no details but sources close to the investigation said he was apparently referring to a six-member cell arrested on suspicion of involvement in a deadly attack against the US embassy in the Yemeni capital last month.

"A terrorist cell was arrested five days ago and will be referred to the judicial authorities for its links with the Israeli intelligence services," Saleh was quoted as saying by the official Saba news agency.

He said the group operated under the "slogan of Islam."

The Yemeni president made the statement during a meeting with politicians, tribal leaders, security and military officials at Al-Mukalla University in the southeastern province of Hadramawt.

Saleh did not say how many people were arrested or detail his allegation that the cell was linked to Israeli intelligence.

The Yemen Observer adds:
The network was comprised of 40 people from different Arab nationalities spying for Mossad, the Israeli international intelligence said sources from National and Political Security Units. The members of the espionage network entered Yemen on the premise of conducting business, tourism and even for preaching in mosques. Saleh said that the suspected spies form a terrorism cell that uses also Islam to reach their targets.Members were arrested individually and found to be in possession of detailed maps for sensitive security sites, intelligence telecommunication units and advanced tracking devices.
This is pretty funny, considering that last month Yemen was blaming al-Qaeda:
Yemeni authorities have arrested six people believed to have issued statements claiming responsibility for the last week's car bombing against the US embassy in Sanaa, the defence ministry has said.

In a statement posted on its web site on Sunday, the ministry said that among the detained suspects was a man identified as Abu al-Ghaith al-Yamani, who signed two statements claiming responsibility for the bombing, which killed 18 people, and threatening more attacks.

The ministry said that al-Yamani and five other people were arrested for disseminating statements "in the name of the Jihad Organisation, threatening to target Arab and Western embassies in Sanaa".

A group calling itself the Jihad Organisation in Yemen said on Thursday that it was behind the bombing outside the US embassy and threatened to attack the British and Saudi embassies.

The police have said the statements could not be authenticated.

Sixteen people including six suspected al-Qaeda attackers were killed at the scene of the attack on the embassy compound, in which two car bombs and automatic weapons were used. The attackers were unable to penetrate the embassy wall.

Apparently, the six people arrested last month, who were apparently from al-Qaeda, "admitted" being Mossad agents!

Which just goes to prove how you can't trust the Mossad - they'll become Islamic preachers, turn people into Islamic fanatics and attack US interests, just to make Yemenis look bad.
From Arutz-7:
Archaeologists excavating north of Jerusalem have found a piece of a sarcofagus - a stone coffin - belonging to a son of a High Priest. The visible inscription reads, "the son of the High Priest" - but the words before it are broken off. It thus cannot be ascertained which High Priest is referred to, nor the name or age of the deceased.

Many other findings in the excavation are from the late Second Temple period, and archaeologists assume that the High Priest in question lived between 30 and 70 C.E.

The sarcophagus cover fragment - 60 centimeters (2 feet) long by 48 centimeters (19 inches) wide - is made of hard limestone, is meticulously fashioned, and bears a carved inscription in Hebrew letters that are both similar to today's script and typical of the Second Temple period.
AFP adds:
The discovery was made along the West Bank separation barrier north of Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority said in a statement.

"It seems that the fragment was plundered from its original location approximately one thousand years ago and was used in the construction of a later Muslim building that was erected atop the ruins of the houses from the Second Temple period," the statement said.
The use of the "k'tav ashuri" proves that it is from the Second Temple period.

But Muslims plundering ancient Jewish cemeteries to build their own buildings on top of Jewish cities? Nah.....
  • Monday, October 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The JCPA has an enlightening table:

Table 1
Referrals and Permits to Enter Israel for Medical Care,
Gaza, 2006-2008


No. of patients applied for permits

No. of patients given permits

Proportion of patients given permits


















































Total 2006





















































Total 2007





























Total (6M) 2008




Sources: COGAT and WHO, Jerusalem Office 2008. Data from Jan. 2008 ff not yet confirmed by WHO.

Which means that during this horrible "siege," Israel has been doubling and re-doubling the number of patients allowed from Gaza to Israel or the PA for treatment.

While the percentage of permit approvals has dropped, the number of permits has increased dramatically, despite these salient facts:
During this period there were some 30 foiled attempts at terrorist infiltration, including at least 20 incidents where Palestinians used medical missions to attempt terror attacks. In June 2006, a female suicide terrorist was arrested at the Erez crossing while on her way to carry out an attack on an Israeli hospital. In May 2007, two female bombers received permits but were caught after slipping through security checks.7 On May 22, 2008, a truck loaded with 4.5 tons of explosives exploded just before reaching the crossing.

The ISA published reports on 11 individuals, including those just cited, who used permits for medical care or for family visits to patients already in Israel for the purpose of carrying out terror-related activities. At Erez, three patients admitted under questioning that they had purchased referral notes with bogus medical information from doctors in Gaza. According to the ISA, terror organizations were making a special effort to recruit women, including those who are pregnant, who are less likely to be closely examined and whose heavy clothing more readily conceals suspicious objects.8 PHR-I forwarded these patients for approval, unaware of their true status.

Another point is that the number of patients traveling to Israel via Gaza dwarfs the number who go to Egypt.

Here we have another example where Israel's humanitarianism towards a hostile Gaza population, which is is under no obligation to provide, is used as a weapon against it.
  • Monday, October 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
What do you do if you are ethnically Jewish, hate Israel but hate the Jewish religion too?

You make your own tiny, ineffective organization to find people like you so you can kvetch about Israeli crimes!

The "International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network" just started and it is a funny case study on wacky Israel bashers:
For the past two years, we have been building an international network of anti-Zionist Jews to support existing and seed new Jewish anti-Zionist organizing in solidarity with Palestinian resistance. The enemy we face is international, and what we can do is limited unless we find ways to work together across boundaries and regions.

We are building an international voice which challenges Zionism and its claim to speak on behalf of Jews worldwide. As an international force, we can contribute to the movement to defeat Israeli colonialism. Click here to read more about the history of IJAN.

The site, which has more than its share of broken links, naturally has nothing "Jewish" about it, as to these people the only purpose of Judaism is to use it to gain legitimacy in their joining the masses of anti-semites in their quest to destroy Jewish self-determination.

Just like the Neturei Karta, only without the black hats.

So you will not find reference to anything Jewish at all on this site; nor will you find anyone who also wants to fight for human rights in the Arab world (for Jews or anyone else.) Although they will pretend to have a vague sort of "spirituality."

It used to be called the "International Jewish Solidarity Network" but apparently that was too generic for these wackos, plus it is easier to pronounce IJAN than IJSN or IJAZN.

But the funniest part of this organization is the new niche in Jewish Israel-bashing that it attempts: it pretends to be fighting for the rights of Mizrachi Jews (from Arab countries) in Israel!

Yes, the IJAN is dredging up Israeli racism from five decades ago in an attempt to say that Israel is racist against some Jews today.

We are a network of Mizrahi Jews (Jews of Arab and African descent), Jews from the global South, and Jews of Color living in Western countries. The IJAZ Network is committed to challenging the white racism within Jewish communities and the privileging of Ashkenazi Jewish traditions, history and culture.

As such, the JoC-Mizrahi Network seeks to promote the voices, cultural work, writing and activism of Jews of Color, Jews from the global South and Mizrahi Jews. IJAZ is committed to confronting the role of white anti-Zionist Jewish activists and activism in undermining alliances between Mizrahi Jews and Palestinians in their struggles against Zionism.

Purpose and goals: Some of the project ideas have included:

  • Increase visibility of the voices, cultural work, writing and activism of Jews of Color, Jews from the global South and Mizrahi Jews
  • Support the building of joint Mizrahi-Palestinian struggles against Zionist colonialism and racism
  • Support the inclusion of Mizrahi anti-Zionist voices and perspectives in anti-imperialist movements

Current projects: Building of off interest from our Mizrahi Jewish organizers in Israel, there is interest in an international digital storytelling project to capture the histories and perspectives of Mizrahi anti-Zionists, anti-Zionist Jews of Color and anti-Zionist Jews from the global South.

As far as I can tell, this "network" has approximately one person, give or take one.

If any segment of Jewish society in Israel is anti-Arab, it is the Jews from Arab countries. They are the ones who know what it is like living as real second class citizens in Arab countries and the idea that they would prefer to live in an Arab-dominated "Palestine" is beyond absurd.

There are, unfortunately, no shortage of Jews who care nothing about their own culture except to use it as ammunition against their own people. Watching them flail is amusing but ultimately these people end up sinking and disappearing in their own sea of hate.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

  • Sunday, October 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A few years ago, Greece won a motion in the EU's highest court saying that only Greek feta cheese may be called "feta" in Europe.

The Palestinian Arabic media is reporting that Lebanon is trying to sue Israel for selling traditional Lebanese foods as well.

The autotranslation is a little muddled, but it appears that Lebanon is upset over Israel marketing hummus, falafel, tabouleh and fattoush.

The president of the Lebanese Industrialists Association claims that Lebanese losses over Israel selling these foods rather than Lebanese is in the tens of millions of dollars annually.

For the record, falafel is supposed to have been invented in Egypt, the earliest verifiable use of hummus was in Syria, and tabouleh and fattoush are both from the Levant as well.

So, will Lebanese food manufacturers be suing any other Arab or Levantine countries who market these foods as well?

Apparently not. The articles about this refer to this lawsuit as a new type of "resistance" - meaning it is just like terrorism against Israel, but meant to take place in various legal venues for the purpose of hurting Israelis economically rather than physically.

(We've seen Arabs upset over Israelis making falafel in the past, and it is always good for a laugh.)

UPDATE: I scooped YNet.
  • Sunday, October 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I had missed this article in the NYT (h/t EBoZ):
Iran’s interior minister admitted Tuesday that a doctorate he said he had earned from Oxford was a fake, and said that he was pressing charges against an intermediary who had forged it without his knowledge.

Later on Tuesday, the leader of a parliamentary investigation of the matter said it appeared that the minister, Ali Kordan, had lied about his bachelor’s and master’s degrees as well, the ILNA news agency reported.

In a letter released to the public, Mr. Kordan informed President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that he doubted the validity of the degree only after members of Parliament raised questions about it during a vote of confidence in August, the state newspaper, Iran, reported.

Mr. Kordan said he had been victimized by a man who introduced himself eight years ago as a representative of Oxford and had given him the fake degree in return for a thesis he had written previously. “My degree was issued, based on my management and executive experience and in return for a thesis, by a man who had opened an English-language school in Tehran,” Mr. Kordan wrote.

Mr. Kordan said that he reacted with “utter disbelief” when he discovered that his doctorate was a fake. He said that he had filed a complaint against the man, but had not been able to trace him. He did not give the man’s name.

Mr. Ahmadinejad appointed Mr. Kordan as the interior minister in August. But one of the president’s opponents in Parliament, Ahmad Tavakoli, later posted on his Web site a letter from Oxford denying that it had granted Mr. Kordan a degree, honorary or otherwise.

A member of Parliament, Ali Abbaspour, who was in charge of the investigation, told reporters that a decision on Mr. Kordan’s status was the responsibility of the speaker of Parliament, Ali Larijani, and other members of the presiding board.

Mr. Abbaspour added that Mr. Kordan, who has taught at the university level, had taken courses at Iran’s Open University, but that the dean there said Mr. Kordan had not been granted the bachelor’s and master’s degrees he claimed he had, ILNA reported.
I found a copy of the "degree" online and it is a hilariously poor forgery, filled with grammatical and typographical mistakes:
Let's hope that Iran's nuclear scientists have similar qualifications as their interior minister.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

  • Saturday, October 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From BBC:
A Muslim cleric in Saudi Arabia has called on women to wear a full veil, or niqab, that reveals only one eye.

Sheikh Muhammad al-Habadan said showing both eyes encouraged women to use eye make-up to look seductive.

Sheikh Habadan, an ultra-conservative cleric who is said to have wide influence among religious Saudis, was answering questions on the Muslim satellite channel al-Majd.
Because why would women need depth perception anyway? It's not like they can drive or anything!

A Bahraini commented on this story in Mideast Youth:
I have a more fitting proposal for clerics in favor of this bogus call; gouge your eyes out with a tack hammer if you wish to refrain from being seduced. Women should no longer pay the price of your disturbing and sickening mentalities.
  • Saturday, October 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas, proving again that it controls the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt, demanded that the tunnel operators pay a penalty for each death as a way to ensure that the diggers are in safe working conditions.

Al Jazeera English had a story about the Rafah tunnel industry, both in print and in video, where they claim that Hamas doesn't allow the tunnel operators to smuggle in people, drugs or weapons. Al Jizz romaticizes the smuggler, saying that they are necessary for Gazans to survive, and that they only bring in things like "shoes, chocolate and 7-Up."

Of course, the esteemed journalist doesn't bother finding out if Hamas operates any of its own tunnels to smuggle weapons. Clearly, the tons of weapons and explosives that Egyptian authorities are finding constantly are meant for Gaza, so the Jazeera reporter is being more than a little disingenuous.

Meanwhile, there was another tunnel death, this time by "electrocution," in Rafah.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 193.

A trader was murdered in Gaza. 194.

Friday, October 03, 2008

  • Friday, October 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last night, during the debate, Joe Biden claimed:
[Bush] insisted on elections on the West Bank, when I said, and others said, and Barack Obama said, "Big mistake. Hamas will win. You'll legitimize them." What happened? Hamas won.
Practically no one expected Hamas to win those elections, and I cannot find any record of Biden or Obama saying any such thing. All polls from before the elections has Fatah winning by double-digits.

But here's what I did find:

There was a letter with 73 Senate co-signers urging Bush to press Palestinian leadership to bar terrorist groups from participating in Palestinian legislative elections in December, 2005. Joe Biden did not sign it (although Obama did.)

And Joe Biden helped monitor the 2006 elections, and was quoted as saying:
I have just returned from observing yesterday’s Palestinian legislative elections. The process was free and fair. But the apparent results – a victory by the terrorist organization Hamas – are very sobering.
If he was so certain that Hamas was going to win, why would he have been so eager to legitimize the elections by monitoring them (as he did the previous year with the 2005 elections that Fatah won?)
  • Friday, October 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice has been under pressure lately. Saudi newspapers have been criticizing it, their members have been associated with murdering and fatal high speed chases, and in general the religious police have felt that their grip on power has been slipping, and with it the morals of the entire great country of Saudi Arabia.

To counteract this, they have been stepping up their activities against the most immoral and depraved of Saudi society - the shopkeepers who sell adorned abayas:
In an attempt to reassert their power, Saudi Arabia’s religious police have ordered shopkeepers in downtown Riyadh to get rid of all adorned abayas, the black robes worn by women in the kingdom, as shopping picks up ahead of the Eid religious holidays next week.

Salesmen in Al-Maagaliah market, just across the block from the headquarters of the religious police, or mutawa’a, this week were turning away frustrated shoppers who wanted abayas with a hint of colour or decoration, telling them that shopowners could face fines or prison.

In recent years, the signature flowing robe that covers Saudi women from head to toe started to show some form with trimmed sleeves, beads or colour, a sign of relaxation of the strict social norms in the conservative kingdom.

Though the changes were subtle, abayas provoked a tug of war between the liberal voices lobbying to give women more choice and conservative religious institutions determined to impose their austere ways through the religious police.

Liberal commentators say the religious police who roam shopping malls and public places are using the crackdown to demonstrate their continued authority after recent moves that have curbed their arbitrary powers.

After allegations of gross violations of human rights led to media uproar, the mutawa’a have been banned from chasing suspects without an escort from the regular police. They have also been forced to carry government-issued identification cards.

Women’s rights activists, however, are concerned that the crackdown on the abaya marks a setback after early symbolic gains achieved since King Abdullah came to power in 2005.

“They [the mutawa’a] want women to be faceless, nameless and shrouded in blackness,’’ said Samar Falan, a women’s rights activist and writer based in the city of Jeddah.

“We kept quiet when we should have confronted the radicals. I believe Muslim women should dress modestly and cover their hair, but they do not have to look gruesome.”

They should focus on fighting vices, not women,’’ says Buthaina Nassr, another activist. “I do not understand why they force us to wear black in such a hot country while men can wear white.”
In other Sharia news, Saudi Arabia announced that terrorism suspects will be tried in Sharia courts.

Which means that if the terrorists memorize enough of the Quran, they should be able to get out of jail earlier.
  • Friday, October 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon

Palestinian children enjoy the last day of Eid al-Fitr, the Muslim holiday which marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan, at an amusement park in Gaza City.

The first thing I think when I see pictures like these is, wow, Gaza is just like Darfur!
  • Friday, October 03, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A young man, whose age is being variously given as 17, 19 or 20, was shot and killed in Khan Younis. According to Palestine Today, he was a member of Islamic Jihad. A bus full of Hamas supporters were passing by, clapping and singing, and the victim asked them to stop singing because they were passing a funeral home. An altercation broke out, starting with rock throwing but escalating quickly into gunfire.

Hamas is calling reports out of Israel that Americans are helping Egyptians find tunnels - 42 in September alone - "fabricated," saying it is a Zionist plot to cause division between Hamas and Egypt.

Members of Hamas met with Mahmoud Abbas for two hours last night to discuss re-unification - in other words, ways that the PA can become even more terrorist than it already is.

"Lofa", which seemes to be a PA-aligned "human rights" monitoring group, accused Hamas of 21 human rights violations between September 19-28. These include murder, abductions, torture and attacking worshippers at a mosque.

The PCHR, which normally publishes its own exhaustive list of supposed Zionist crimes every Thursday, has not done so this week as of yet. However, it completely believed "eyewitnesses" who lied saying that "settlers" murdered a Palestinian Arab shepherd a few days ago.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is now at 192.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

  • Thursday, October 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon

One of the frustrating parts about Olmert's public announcements of abject surrender to everything Palestinian Arabs are demanding, with no real quid pro quo, is that Olmert represents no one. He is still legally the prime minister but he has no mandate; yet he is hell-bent on achieving this great Zionist defeat and victory for terrorism.

Less reported, though, is the fact that Abbas has no mandate either. According to PA law, since amended by the truncated PA parliament, Abbas' term ends in January 2009, and Hamas has already stated that they will no longer recognize Abbas as president after that date. Since much of Olmert's surrender involves doubling the size of Hamastan into the Negev, this is no small matter.

It is ironic that Israel's greatest hope to not make a catastrophically stupid capitulation is the disunity and weakness of their enemies.


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