Friday, February 17, 2006

  • Friday, February 17, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
I just stumbled onto a brilliant set of posts by Sandmonkey and his commenters, which together explain Arab actions with a small set of rules.

The term APU, or Arab Parallel Universe, was coined by Jeffrey to describe the phenomenon where Arabs never lose wars - they either win, become an Arab Champion or are heroically martyred.

Egyptian Sandmonkey followed up with his own set of 7 Rules of the APU, which are as hilarious as they are accurate. In short:

1) Arabs never make mistakes, and they rarely lose wars.
2) The Zionists and the Americans are always to blame for everything that is wrong in the APU.(
"Drug use rise in Egypt? Israel is shipping drugs free to Egypt to destroy our naïve helpless youth! STD levels rising? STD & HIV infected Israelis moussad girls who come here to infect our virile Egyptian men with AIDS are to blame. The Egypt air plane that captain Batouty committed suicide with and plunged in the ocean? The Americans shot it down.")
3) If there is any credit at all that can be contributed to Arabs in any way, they will take it. ("Even though this whole 911 thing was a jewish conspiracy anyway, if it turned out that arabs were behind it, then u have to admit that it was greatly planned and flawlessly executed and that its good to give America a lesson every now and then.")
4) Good leadership is inversely related to how US-friendly a leader is!
5) Any media that is not the official state-owned media is filled with Zionist, Jewish, American, Christian, imperialist, anti-arab influences and they LIE ALL THE TIME!
6) There is really no need for elections in the APU, because Presidents and rulers are presidents and rulers for life.
7) The only viable alternative candidate to the current leader or president is this current leader or president’s son.

It is worth reading the whole thing.

More recently, another commenter Elengil posted a beautiful additional rule:
Collective punishment is wrong. But only against us. If we decide to collectively punish you, then that's ok because you all deserve it. But don't you dare generalize all of us, no matter how much we generalize you. Oh and by the way, an attack on one Arab country is an attack on all Arab countries.. but please don't assume that means an attack BY one Arab country means an attack by all Arab countries cause that would be a logical falacy. Somehow.

So remember:
Generalizations of us by you: Wrong
Generalizations of you by us: Right

And don't you dare criticize our violence, cause then we'll kill you, and that'll just prove how peaceful we really are! Take that you american and zionist pig-dogs and your Democratically elected leaders that we hate and have caused the world to turn on you. But don't you dare criticise *our* democratically elected terrorist organization, because they were elected, so you have to like them, no matter how much we hate your democratically elected leaders - it's right to assume that the whole of America supported everything Bush stood for since as many as 50% voted for him, but it would be wrong to assume that every Palestinian supports everything Hamas stands for since only around 80% voted for them."

Very well said!

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  • Friday, February 17, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today's nutcase comes from Hong Kong.

And as a bonus, here is an incoherent letter to the editor in a Bangladeshi newspaper:
Curtail freedom of speech!

Desecration of the religious icon of Islam can in no way be justified on the pretext of freedom of speech, for freedom of speech is meant for serving the greater interest of mankind. But this publication of cartoon on the prophet of Islam has undermined humanity as a whole and just added fuel to the fire of continued clashes between Muslims and Jews as the Muslims perceive that the disgraceful portrayal of their prophet was masterminded by the Jewish high command. In the last few weeks the world has become turbulent with protests being carried out by Muslims all over the world. The protest in some places claimed innocent lives as the law enforcing agencies intervened to control the height of the flame of the agitated Muslims. The UN Secretary General as well as the world community has already called upon the governments to tackle the violent protests.

Now the west should realise what harm they have done to the world in the name of so called practice of freedom of speech. They have increased the already existing hatred in the Muslim mind for the west manifold which permanently ensures the making of harmony among the religious races totally impossible. I request the world community particularly the westerners who claim to be the exponents of democracy and freedom of speech to take lesson from the consequences of this callous act and apply sense of proportion about the practices that have the potential to create controversy and fracas.

In other words, when we act like animals, it's your fault. Islamist logic in a nutshell.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

  • Thursday, February 16, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Above the masthead (February 23rd issue):


Maybe we really do rule the media.

(Ironically, I like Metallica and Yellowcard but I'm not really into Matisyahu.)

  • Thursday, February 16, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
More tolerance from the Religion of Peace towards a 19-year old girl.
Indian female tennis player Sania Mirza, 19, who is ranked 39th in the world, announced that she would not play with Israeli up and coming tennis star Shahar Pe’er in the doubles tournament of the Bangalore Open for fear of violent protests by India’s Islamic community.

The two friends were prevented from cooperating in last month’s Australian Open for the same reason.

Mirza initially agreed to play with Pe’er in Bangalore, but later retracted, telling Pe’er “It’s best that we don’t play together this time to prevent protests against my cooperation with an Israeli. There is no reason to arouse their ire (Muslims).

Mirza, a sports hero in her country, was recently chastised by Muslim groups in India for wearing a sleeveless top and a mini-skirt during her matches. Local Muslim groups claimed that her attire degrades Islam, and some even threatened to kill her.

At the same time, extremists in many cities took to the streets in protest, and the WTA decided to assign bodyguards to protect the star during a tournament in Calcutta.

As a result, Mirza was also stripped of a few advertising campaigns, costing the young tennis player significant income.

Last November Mirza stirred controversy when during a New Delhi conference she spoke of the importance of safe sex; Muslim groups in New Delhi and three other cities held rallies, with protesters carrying signs reading “Mirza is detached from Islam,” claiming she is “corrupting the youth in the country, especially the girls.

Mirza, in an attempt to ease tensions, said in response “I want to make it clear that I am opposed to pre-marital sex. It is a major sin in Islam, and I believe God would not forgive for such an act.”
  • Thursday, February 16, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
I always find it interesting how former Iron Curtain countries understand the threat from radical Islam better than the "enlightened" West.
PRAGUE, Feb 14 (CTK) - Czech Foreign Minister Cyril Svoboda wants the EU to make a clear gesture in support of Denmark that faces pressure from Muslim countries over the publication of cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammad in the media, the daily Mlada fronta Dnes writes today.

For example, the EU could provide financial compensation to Denmark for the economic loss it has suffered, the paper writes.

'A possible form of help could be financial compensation from the EU for the negative impact [of the controversy] on the export and sale of Danish goods,' Svoboda told the paper.

Svoboda is now seeking his EU colleagues' support for his plan.

Some time ago, Svoboda said on Czech Television that he would push for the EU to take a clear stance towards radical Muslims' violent reactions to the publication of the cartoons.

He called the EU's hitherto reaction reluctant. He said he considers the caricatures tasteless and understands that they have hurt the worshippers, but views the latter's reaction as unacceptable.

At the nearest meeting with his EU counterparts, Svoboda will reportedly ask them to condemn the violent reactions and to express clear solidarity with Denmark, where the controversial cartoons were published for the first time last autumn."
On the other hand, according to IslamOnline, Norway is well on its way to dhimmitude:
The Norwegian parliament has amended the Penal Code to criminalize blasphemy in the wake of the republication of Danish cartoons that lampooned Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) by a Norwegian magazine, Christian and Muslim leaders in Norway said on Tuesday, February 14.

"Law 150-A, which has been approved by parliament, criminalizes blasphemy and clearly prohibits despising others or lampooning religions in any form of expression, including the use of photographs," Norway's Deputy Archbishop Oliva Howika told reporters after a meeting in Doha with Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, the head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars.

Howika was among a Norwegian delegation that also included the chairman of the Supreme Islamic Council in Norway, Mohamed Hamdan.

"Under the new law, the crime of blasphemy will be punished either by a fine or imprisonment," Howika said, promising Qaradawi to fax him a copy of the law after being published in the country's official gazette.

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  • Thursday, February 16, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

  • Wednesday, February 15, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today's nutcases come from the Philippines.

  • Wednesday, February 15, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Jerusalem Archaeological Park website.

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  • Wednesday, February 15, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
It looks like Hamas can have its cake and eat it, too.

One of the major differences between Hamas and Fatah is that Fatah consistently and shamelessly lied to the Western media and politicians to achieve its goals, and Hamas keeps its outright lies to a minimum.

What Hamas is starting to learn now is that the media, the EU and much of the liberal "intelligentsia" is so emotionally invested in the idea of "peace" that they will even believe things that Hamas isn't saying. As long as their spokesperson wears a suit and smiles, the gullible West is more than happy to report that Hamas is moderating, Hamas is pragmatic, Hamas is someone that can be dealt with.

And Hamas' mainstreaming is happening at a startling speed, even while they continue to spew hate explicitly in their videos and websites and mosques. The World Bank approved $60 million to the new Hamastan, France and Russia favor talks with the terrorists, the EU's Solana says that aid will continue, the US is hinting that it might reconsider its threats to stop the money flow, China and Spain have said they will talk to Hamas.

And this is all happening while Hamas is gearing up to get the bulk of its aid from Hezbollah, Iran, Saudi Arabia and every other anti-Western entity it can find so it can be independent from US aid.

It appears that Hamas is betting that world Jew-hatred is more powerful than the world's revulsion at Islamist terror. And so far, it looks like it is a safe bet.
  • Wednesday, February 15, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Iran's GoozNews:
Given the years a country needs to produce a nuclear weapon and assuming that Iran intends to do so, there is no need to rush in sending Iran's nuclear case to the Security Council, said Paul Horseman, a spokesman for Greenpeace International.

"The International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) decision to report Iran to the UN Security Council will seriously increase the risk of escalating tensions in the region and is counter-productive," added the British peace activist.

In an interview with IRNA on Tuesday, Horseman said that representatives of his organization in different countries are doing all they can to convince governments of the mistake they are making of referring Iran to the Security Council.

"Reporting Iran to the UN has created a vacuum of confidence building, a situation that IAEA head ElBaradei said he was intent on avoiding," said the disarmament campaigner.

"Board members supporting the EU-3 draft resolution have effectively shot themselves in the foot. The Iran crisis has been brought closer to the brink."
Emphasizing on the similar approaches undertaken by the US and UK in the months before the military attack on Iraq in 2003, Horseman said that by rushing into conclusions the international community will not have the chance to resolve the situation through diplomatic means.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

  • Tuesday, February 14, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
After searching for weeks, Muslims finally found a cartoon character to pour their seething wrath upon. The hapless man was publicly dragged through the streets of Lahore, Pakistan.

The brave victim, a Mr. McDonald, remained calm and silent during his ordeal, which soon took a turn for the worse.

A true hero, Mr. McDonald mocked his attackers with a smile even as body burned in the streets and his attackers beat him repeatedly with sticks.

Sources say that former president Bill Clinton knew Mr. McDonald personally, and was devastated at his death.

The fact that he was killed while defending Western culture assures him a place in Paradise, and his status as a martyr is secure. We will be seeing his name on restaurants, playgrounds and other public squares around the world.

He will not be forgotten, and we can take comfort in the fact that he has unlimited Happy Meals where he is now.
(Hat tip AbbaGav)
  • Tuesday, February 14, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
The best idea yet - let Jews run their own offensive cartoon contest! Check out the brilliant logo and the other graphics on the page:

  • Tuesday, February 14, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
I just found out that one of the Farsi words for "fart" is "gooz."

So, without comment, here is today's GoozNews from Iran:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here on Monday afternoon, "The message of the Iranian nation's Islamic Revolution is peace and security for entire mankind, based on monotheism, justice, and nobility of human beings."

Iran's former president and Head of International Institute for Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations Mohammad Khatami said insulting others is not compatible with democracy and those who have insulted Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) must apologize for their shameful act.

Hundreds of students of Jamia Hamdard University condemned the blasphemy committed on Islam's holy Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) by a number of Western publications.

Hundreds of students, teaching staff and non-teaching staff of Jamia Hamdard today held a demonstration inside its campus, voiced their hatred towards Denmark, US, the Zionist regime and European Union for condoning the publications and called on the world's Muslims to boycott Western products, particularly those of the US and Denmark.

Issuing a warning, the demonstrators chanted slogans such as `Death to US', `Death to Denmark', `Death to the Zionist regime' and `Death to Britain', and called on the world's Muslims to further protest such moves. They called US President George W Bush "the most ruthless criminal in history."

A number of theology and Basiji (volunteer forces) students gather in front of the British Embassy in Tehran on February 14, 2006, in protest over the publication of the blasphemous cartoons against the Muslim Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) in a number of European press.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Saturday that the real holocaust should be sought in Palestine, where the blood of the oppressed nation is shed every day and Iraq, where the defenseless Muslim people are killed daily.

Stressing that these crimes mark western liberalism, he noted that the Zionists are about to be annihilated and that the era of occupation of Palestine is over.

The chief executive added that meanwhile, the destruction of colonial and Zionist culture is quite obvious.

Turning to the fact that Zionism has lost its philosophical foundations, he called on the Western states to resume worshiping God Almighty rather than selling the glory of enlightenment to the disgrace of being subject to the Zionists.
  • Tuesday, February 14, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
Someone found my site by searching for "elder porn".

Apparently, some Canadian likes me!
  • Tuesday, February 14, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
How else can you reconcile these two statements?
In other remarks, al-Faisal said that for all the shock in the Western world about the suicide attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, and in Iraq, most Muslims were even more surprised.

The attacks were the result of a cultlike attitude fomented by al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden that ran counter to the central tenets of Islam, which holds that "killing one soul is like killing all of mankind," Prince Turki al-Faisal said.

"Inasmuch as the West was surprised, if you like, by this culture of death, I can assure you that the majority of Muslims were even more surprised because this culture of death runs counter to everything that Muslims hold dear to themselves," al-Faisal said.

"Nothing justifies any terrorist act whether through suicide bombing or through any other activity," al-Faisal said.
And then immediately afterwards, in the same talk:
Still, he distinguished the suicide attacks carried out by Palestinian groups against Israel, saying the attacks were justified by groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad as "legitimate means of war under occupation."
So "killing one soul is like killing all of mankind" unless that soul happens to be Jewish and living in an area that Muslims consider Judenrein. In that case, it is praiseworthy.

This is our close ally.


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