Wednesday, March 13, 2019

  • Wednesday, March 13, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

The PLO's Hanan Ashrawi spoke to representatives of the International Labor Organization on Tuesday. Most of her speech was about how Israel is terrible for Palestinian workers.

Here's what she didn't mention.

About 127,000 Palestinians work in Israel - including some 22,000 in Israeli "settlements." This is about 13% of the total Palestinian workforce, including Gaza.

The average daily wage for Palestinians working in the West Bank (as of June 2018) is 107 shekels, while the average  daily wage for those who work for Israelis is 248 shekels. This means about 30% of the income from West Bank Palestinians is from Israel.

Palestinian "activists" fight tooth and nail against Israel building more industrial parks in the territories, when in fact they would provide a huge boost to the PA economy.

These facts must have just slipped Ashrawi's mind.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, March 13, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Monday night, an Israeli vehicle on the road near Ariel was shot at by an Arab sniper.

Luckily, there was only damage to the car and not to the driver or passengers.

Terror attacks continue to happen every day in Israel. But you generally only see reports of attacks that kill people.

According to Shin Bet, in February there were  97 attacks in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem: 80 firebombs; 11 pipe bombs; one stabbing; two grenade attacks; and one gas tank IED attack.

And this was much better than January!

Even with the improvements, any individual driving in Judea and Samaria must be on alert. Stones kill, bullets kill, IEDs kill.

This does not include attacks from Gaza, mostly firebombs and pipe-bombs, presumably during the "return" marches.

Ask even the most well informed Zionist how many attacks there are on Israelis every month. Most will think the number is much lower than reality.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

From Ian:

Political Powerlessness Is Expensive
Without AIPAC and its infrastructure, there is no institutional U.S. support for the peace process. Why? Because only 21 percent of Americans sympathize more with the Palestinians than with the Israelis. Just as the evangelical Christian community is the base of U.S. support for the Jewish state, it is the liberal Jewish establishment that advances the idea of a Palestinian state.

So why did Obama rub this community’s nose in the ground? Why did he have to corner AIPAC, for instance, by appointing Chuck Hagel as secretary of defense, a man who referred to it as the “Jewish lobby” and proudly announced that, unlike some of his peers, he was not an “Israeli senator”?

Then there was the Iran deal, the making and marketing of which was a bloody affair, intended not only to secure the president’s key foreign policy initiative, but also to humiliate his opponents.

Accordingly, the president, and a complicit press corps, used anti-Semitic conceits to bludgeon Jewish community leaders, Democrats as well as Republicans. They were beholden to “donors” and “lobbies,” and more loyal to Israel than their own country. There’s barely a stone’s throw from what Obama said to what Omar has said and tweeted.

Obama explained that the Islamic Republic uses anti-Semitic rhetoric as an “organizing tool.” He went after AIPAC not because he personally dislikes Jews or Israel, but because he promised to radically transform America. So he had to start with the one institution he had absolute control over: the Democratic Party. He hacked away at the Jewish community because American Jewry is the pillar of the liberal political establishment.

By targeting AIPAC, and rejecting the foundational nature of the U.S.-Israel relationship, Obama crippled the party’s then-dominant liberal wing and empowered the progressives, whose ranks the Jews are more than welcome to join—but on new terms. On Rep. Ilhan Omar’s terms. (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Trump Promotes ‘Jexodus’
A few days after declaring the Democratic Party the "anti-Israel" and "anti-Jewish" party, President Trump promoted the nascent "Jexodus" movement, urging young Jewish Democrats to abandon the party.

As The Daily Wire reported last week, Jexodus is a newly formed group geared toward "Jewish Millennials tired of living in bondage to leftist politics." In a press release announcing its launch, Jexodus laid out its mission:

We are proud Jewish Millennials tired of living in bondage to leftist politics. We reject the hypocrisy, anti-Americanism, and anti-Semitism of the rising far-left. Progressives, Democrats, and far too many old-school Jewish organizations take our support for granted. After all, we’re Jewish, and Jews vote for Democrats.

Until today.

We are determined and we are unafraid to speak for ourselves. As combatants and veterans of the campus wars, we know the threat progressivism poses to Jews. We’ve had front row seats witnessing anti-Semites hide behind the thin veil of anti-Zionism. We know the BDS movement harbors deep hatred not only for Israel, but for Jews. We’re done standing with supposed Jewish leaders and allegedly supportive Democrats who rationalize, mainstream, and promote our enemies. We’d rather spend forty years wandering in the desert than belong to a party that welcomes Jew-haters like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

On Tuesday morning, President Trump promoted the group by tweeting out a quote from the group's national spokeswoman Elizabeth Pipko:

Multicultural Jew-Hatred: Failed Ideologies Bond Over Scapegoating
Yes, the radical Islamists and their allies, the radical Leftists, hate Jews and Americans. Bernard Lewis wrote a masterpiece about it entitled What Went Wrong?, explaining that the Middle Eastern Islamic world constitutes one vast area of failure. Unwilling or incapable of taking the blame for this epic failure, they blamed it on the West -- above all, on the United States and the Jews. Ironically, they imported these doctrines from the West they hate.

As Martin Kramer says, if there had been Nobel prizes a thousand years ago, almost all of them would have gone to Muslims. Today you can count them on the fingers of one mutilated hand, and those were invariably trained at Oxford or Cal Tech. Most Nobel laureates, above all in the hard sciences, are Americans (or trained or worked in America), and a spectacular percentage of those are Jewish. As of 2017, 22.5 percent of Nobel winners were Jews, out of a global population of 0.2 percent. The anti-Semites hate that, taking it as evidence of the power of the Jewish conspiracy.

The Islamic peoples have earned their low standing. Between the late Ninth Century to the beginning of the 20th Century -- a thousand years -- fewer books were translated from foreign languages to Arabic than were translated into Spanish in Spain alone. No wonder they are so prone to crazy theories about us.

Moreover, their countries are for the most part despotic failures, while Israel and the United States are bursting with freedom, energy and creativity (and good food). The Muslims know this, and of late some of their leaders have finally begun to work with Israel, and increased cooperation with America. They know that they have invariably been defeated by Israel and America in every armed conflict, whether in the Six-Day War, the Yom Kippur War, the fight against ISIS, the war in Iraq, or on the Afghanistan battlefield.

Our superiority enrages them, as does our refusal to convert to Islam, just as our refusal to convert to Christianity fueled so much Jew-hatred throughout the centuries.

Continuing my re-captioning of single-panel cartoons....

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Continuing a series that started here and continued here, I hope by now that readers appreciate the difficulties Israeli and its defenders face if we decided to “fight fire with fire” by mirroring enemy tactics.  But presuming our only choices are to ape our foes or sit back and take a beating represents a failure of imagination, born from a failure to think through our choices from a strategic perspective.

Fortunately, we already have the most important starting point needed to approach our problems strategically: a well-understood goal we are heading towards.  In the case of Israel and her friends, that goal can be summed up as seeing the Jewish state free, safe and strong.

Seeing the Israeli and Jewish condition normalized, so that we are treated with the same respect automatically given every other nation and people, is also a worthy goal, albeit a more difficult one to achieve given how much that would involve changing human hearts.  That said, people tend to treat those they are impressed by better than those they consider weak or inferior.  So focusing on a free, safe and strong Israel might have positive knock on effects regarding wider normalization goals.

With a free, safe and strong Israel as our North Star, we need to think of the most effective ways of achieving this end.  Maintaining strong, bi-partisan support for Israel in the US has been a strategy American Jews have pursued successfully for decades.  Indeed, one of the reasons AIPAC is so ferociously demonized by Israel’s enemies is those enemy’s correct perception of how successful the organization has been in staying on and accomplishing its mission.

The passage of dozens of resolutions at the state and national level condemning BDS is another instance where our side has played to its strengths, which includes broad support among legislators who understand the popularity of Israel among the public at large.  If you consider the years and years of effort the BDSers have put into unsuccessful attempts to get even one small municipality to officially condemn the Jewish state, the fact that half the nation’s legislatures have instead condemned the boycotters is testament to what we can accomplish without having to develop the fanaticism and pathologies of our foes.

Continuing to be able to succeed with such audacious tactics will involve maintaining bi-partisan support for Israel within the US, which today means fighting with all our might the continued attempted takeover of the Left end of the political spectrum by the forces of BDS.  This work will be thankless, and painful, and will require us to put aside our own partisanship in order to achieve a higher good.  But from a strategic perspective, better to have both sides mostly in our camp (including the one we never vote for), rather than see Israel become a wholly owned issue of one party, a party that – as history shows – will not always be in power.

These are all illustrations of what US Jews and non-Jewish supporters can and should do domestically.  Abroad, the situation is bleaker with anti-Semitic politicians close to power in parts of Europe, and the war against the Jewish state continuing in international political and NGO forums.  Without minimizing such challenges, success only comes to those who show up, rather than give up.   Remember that a few years ago, the Third World (including most of Africa) seemed similarly lost to the enemy until outreach (i.e., “showing up”) by Israeli diplomats opened doors that were previously closed.

On the Israel front, a nation that can send a vessel to the moon is likely to retain its technological and economic edge over those whose greatest achievement is to replace kites with balloons as the most effective way to burn neighboring farmland.  Because military adventures outside the nation’s borders have never been an Israeli political priority, Israelis can focus their technological, economic and military superiority on the task of defending fixed borders, a much easier strategic challenge than conquest outside those borders.

If you compare where Israel was in 1948 vs. where it is today and contrast that with how neighboring enemies have done during this same period, one can see how maintaining siege walls both succeeded in keeping foes at bay, while forcing those foes to live with the consequences of their choice to prioritize Israel’s destruction over the creation of healthy stable societies.   In fact, the greatest blunder in Israeli political history – the Oslo Accords – failed specifically because it traded those consequences for rewards that the Palestinians squandered years ago, condemning their people to live lives far worse than the ones they had when under the dreaded “Occupation.”

The greatest risk to our side achieving our ends (vs. our enemies achieving theirs), outside of an Iranian atom bomb, is a failure of will.  If young Israelis start losing confidence in the virtue of their cause to the point where they stop making sacrifices in the form of military service, that’s a game changer.  Similarly, if active support for Israel in the US loses out to a combination of hostility and indifference, that could threaten both the Jewish state and the American diaspora.

If faith in one’s cause was generated solely by libeling one’s enemies, those who have attacked Israel militarily over the years would have done much more advancing than retreating.  So next week, in the final segment in this series, I’ll talk about what a campaign might look like that leverages all that is right with the Jewish state without making our side come off as wusses.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Edgar Davidson: The Fogel family massacre eight years on
Eight years ago today Arab terrorists murdered five members of the Fogel family in their home in Itamar, killing the parents, Ehud and Ruth, and three of their children, Yoav, aged 11, Elad, aged 4, and baby Hadas just 3 months. The killers cut off the baby's head. My blog posting from that day appears below.

Few people know about the massacre and even less know about the depraved terrorists who committed it. The massacre was ignored by the entire main stream media outside Israel, except for a couple of ludicrous reports claiming that it might not have been a terrorist attack, with even nonsense like it could have been a 'disgruntled Thai worker'. But the terrorists Hakim and Amjad Awad (who are cousins) were eventually found and convicted. They told the court they were proud to have committed the attack, which was carefully planned. From the day Hakim Awad was arrested the PA rewarded him with a monthly salary of $3,000 a month, four times the average Palestinian civil servant’s salary. Official PA TV invited his mother and aunt to talk on the PA TV program dedicated to honoring and sending greetings to imprisoned terrorists. They referred to Awad and his accomplices as “heroes” and Hakim Awad himself was called “the hero, the legend.” The PA TV host added: “We, for our part, also convey our greetings to them.”

It is also worth noting the depraved reactions of leftists in Israel to the massacre

New Palestinian Authority PM, In 2010 Interview From The MEMRI Archives, Praised Mastermind Of Munich Olympics Terror Attack, Adding That He Believes Palestinian History 'Will Continue To Be Written In Red Ink'
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud 'Abbas recently appointed his longtime advisor Muhammad Ishtayeh to the position of prime minister of the Palestinian Authority. In 2010, MEMRI TV released a clip of Ishtayeh's interview on July 9 of that year with Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV; in that interview, Ishtayeh said of Abu Daoud, the mastermind of the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre, that "the martyr Abu Daoud continues the convoy of martyrs who fell for the sake of Palestine. We all follow this path."

"The Martyr Abu Daoud Continues The Convoy Of Martyrs Who Fell For The Sake Of Palestine – We All Follow This Path"

Muhammad Ishtayeh: "The martyr Abu Daoud continues the convoy of martyrs who fell for the sake of Palestine. We all follow this path. As for the claim that history can be rewritten in a different way – I think it is unjust to say that Palestinian history can be written in a different ink."

"The Ink In Which Palestinian History Has Been Written Is Red, And I Believe That It Will Continue To Be Written In Red Ink"

"The ink in which the Palestinian history has been written is red, and I believe that it will continue to be written in red ink. In addition, the martyr Abu Daoud was officially eulogized by the Fatah movement and the Palestinian establishment." (h/t Elder of Lobby)
Qatar's 'Spiritual Leader' Prompts World Cup Fears Over Calls For New Holocaust
The spiritual leader of Qatar’s royal family has called for a Muslim holocaust against Jews, prompting concern about the security of Israelis, Jews, Americans and other “non-believers” during the 2022 World Cup in Doha, Qatar.

Yusuf al Qaradawi, in a Jan. 30, 2009 speech that aired on Qatar’s state-owned Al-Jazeera TV network, said, “Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the [Jews] people who would punish them for their corruption. The last punishment was carried out by Hitler.”

Qatar’s spiritual leader then went on to praise Hitler saying, “By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place.” Following this, he called for an Islamic holocaust against the Jews. “This was divine punishment for them. Allah willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers.” (RELATED: Al Jazeera Readers Celebrate Orlando Terror Attack)

Two days earlier, Al Jazeera TV aired another speech, in which the radical cleric volunteered personally to “shoot” the Jews and end his life as a martyr for his main cause, which is the annihilation of the Jewish people.

“To conclude my speech, I’d like to say that the only thing I hope for is that as my life approaches its end, Allah will give me an opportunity to go to the land of jihad and resistance, even if in a wheelchair,” Qaradawi said. “I will shoot Allah’s enemies—the Jews—and they will throw a bomb at me, and thus, I will seal my life with martyrdom. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Allah’s mercy and blessings upon you.”

  • Tuesday, March 12, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Another "scholarly" book has just been published that claims that the land of Israel mentioned in the Bible is nowhere near "Palestine" - but was in Yemen.

Iraqi Arab scholar Dr. Fadel al-Rubaie says that he intensively researched this for 25 years, and found corresponding geographic features and place names in Yemen to places mentioned in the Torah. He concludes that the idea that the kingdoms of Judah and Israel were in Israel is an Orientalist reading of the Bible.

Jerusalem is really "Beit Bos" near Sanaa. Jericho isn't in Jericho. Hebron is not Hebron. Acre is really Yemen's "Ak." Bethlehem is not Bethlehem, Jaffa isn't Jaffa, Beit El isn't Beit El.

Nebuchadnezzar conquered Yemen, not Judah. Jerusalem didn't even exist when Nebuchadnezzar was alive, we are told - it was built 700 years later.

There's more! Judaism is an Arab religion. The children of Israel are the Yemeni Arab tribe of Hamir. Hebrew is an Arab language and has nothing to do with modern Hebrew.

The article goes on to urge the Palestinians to adopt this narrative in order to strengthen their own claim to the land. Which is, of course, the entire point of fabricating this history.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, March 12, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
I came across this billboard in Jerusalem advertising luxury apartments to the employees of the potentially 200 countries that might move their embassies to Jerusalem:

Although the ad is somewhat tongue in cheek, it isn't completely a joke.

Trump's moving the US embassy to Jerusalem wasn't the entire story. Its major effect was breaking the taboo on anyone even thinking about recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Once the taboo was broken, a trickle of countries have followed in either recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital (Australia, Brazil) or going all the way in planning embassy moves (Guatemala, Honduras.)

Something that was unthinkable and taboo to discuss has become something that people can take seriously.

There are taboos on the other side, although the analogy isn't great. Ilhan Omar's bringing up AIPAC has given an excuse for the critics of Israel to mainstream an antisemitic meme of Jewish control. The New York Times wrote a bizarre article featuring someone who was framed as a major AIPAC official but in fact has not been associated with the group for years. The person was quoted as implying that AIPAC would ensure that the new crop of progressive members of Congress will not be re-elected.

Journalists, overwhelmingly liberal, are much more likely to jump on breaking a taboo that fits their thinking - which is that AIPAC twists the democratic process to push the US to be more pro-Israel than it might be otherwise. While there is no problem with breaking taboos, but one must be honest - and very few of the "Is AIPAC too influential" stories in the past month have been accurately pointing out how there are many far more influential lobbies spending far more money than the pro-Israel lobby.

However, there are plenty of taboos around the Israel/Palestinian conflict that are way overdue to be broken:

  • Palestinian nationalism is a relatively new phenomenon.
  • There is essentially no history of Palestiniann culture distinguished from Arab culture.
  • Palestinian nationalism is centered around not building a state but destroying one.
  • Palestinians overwhelmingly look at "two states" as a stage towards destroying Israel.
  • There is no historical or legal reason that a Palestinian state must have Jerusalem as its capital.
  • International law has been twisted specifically to target Israel.
  • Anti-Zionism is simply a new version of antisemitism.

These are the taboo facts that the media won't touch. But if the stars can align, they can be broken one by one. The truth is on Israel's side; it is a shame that too few journalists and politicians are willing to say the simple truth.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, March 12, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Last June, a Norwegian rapper named Kaveh performed at the Haugen Food Festival at St. Hanshaugen in Oslo.

On stage, he asked if there were any of his fellow Muslims, and when the audience responded with some applause he wished them "Eid Mubarak."

He then asked if there were any Christians, and received some applause.

Then he asked if there were any Jews and there was no response. After waiting a beat, he said, "Fuck Jews."

In front of all the families with children enjoying a food festival.

He followed up with words to the effect that we are all God's children anyway, implying that even Jews are sort of human.

When this was reported to the police, they investigated and decided that "Fuck Jews" was not a racist statement. "The way it was said, it falls within the freedom of speech of artists and performing artists to make provocative and satirical statements or the like," said  the police report.

Then, in January, State Attorney Trude Antonsen agreed with the police's assessment. In her decision to close the case, she wrote that the statement is highly derogatory, offensive and false, but that it is not affected by the criminal code.

That decision was appealed. 

Last week, Attorney General Tor Aksel Busch rejected the appeal on the grounds that "fuck Jews" can be understood as criticism of Israel.

"It seems to be targeting Jews, but it can also be said to be targeting the state of Israel and showing dissatisfaction with its policies," the Attorney General wrote in his decision.

Needless to say, there was not even the hint of anything about Israel in what Kaveh said. He wrote an apology on Facebook shortly after the incident, and wrote, "
The statement I made was in a context related to one of my most controversial songs "Shamener."
Before the song I used the opportunity to first congratulate my fellow believers for the end of Ramadan.
Having received feedback from both Muslims and Christians on my question as to whether any of them were present, there was no response to the same question of Jews. In this vacuum, I followed up with a statement that has now been taken out of context. This was meant as irony and I then followed up with "No matter, here we are all God's children anyway."
Taken out of context, this appears to be wrong. I'm not a racist and I'm not a Jew hater.
My goal was to mark that we were people from different cultures and religions that were good together, in the same place at the same time. 
This apology rings hollow because a week before the show he tweeted, "How did the Drake get  on the front page at GQ be the best dressed man in the world? ASAP ROCKY has 28 times better style. Fucking Jews are so corrupt." (The tweet was removed since then.)

There is nothing at all about Israel in Kaveh's remarks. It is clearly nothing but Jew-hatred. Yet the Attorney General chose to defend antisemitic remarks by invoking the "he's just anti-Zionist" defense.

The Attorney General was also aware of Kaveh's apology, and mentioned it as a mitigating factor in his decision, showing that he was quite aware of the context and that Israel had nothing to do with it.

An attorney for pro-Israel organization MIFF, Jan Benjamin Rødner, is upset.

"It appears that the Attorney General created the connection between Jew and Israel entirely on their own initiative, without any form of support in what was uttered. They found the ambiguity themselves. This creates the impression that this is not anti-Semitism, but only legitimate criticism of the Israeli state's policy," said Rødner.

"It is a frightening sign of the times that the Attorney General has chosen to find an inherent ambiguity of this kind," he added.

The lawyer believes it would have been much better if the Attorney General wrote that "Fuck Jews" is not sufficiently serious to be affected by the anti-racist law paragraph §185.

"With the argument he has chosen, he legitimizes the use of such expressions as synonymous with "Fuck Israel". Thus, the stage is set for the spread of the term "Fuck Jews" and correspondingly for the resurgence of disdain and hatred against Jews. Not to say that "Fuck Israel" is fine, but then it is in any case formulated with a glimpse of political expression."

In other words, now pretty much any attack on Jews in Norway can be justified as being merely political, and not racist.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Continuing my re-captioning of single-panel cartoons....

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Seth Mandel: No one loses a debate over anti-Semitism. Except Jews.
Here’s the thing, though: None of this is going to hurt anyone involved, politically.

The Democratic Party’s behavior last week was unconscionable. Freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) led the rebellion against Pelosi’s symbolic denunciation of anti-Semitism, calling the idea of a reprimand “hurtful.” Four presidential candidates — Bernie Sanders, Kamala D. Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand — made it clear they feared Ocasio-Cortez, not the speaker. Sanders said umbrage at Omar’s comments was an attempt at “stifling” debate. Harris took it a step further and said those offended were putting Omar in danger.

It’ll cost the party nothing.

Please stop with the predictions that the Jewish vote in 2020 is suddenly up for grabs. Democrats may have thrown Jews who were offended by Omar under the bus, but they’ll file provisional ballots while looking up at the rear axle if they have to. And Republicans who think they don’t play a role in that are fooling themselves. “We finally censured Steve King after he won his ninth term” isn’t the bumper sticker of a party that’s done everything in its power to reach Jewish voters — especially when it’s still led by a president who infamously equivocated on racist, anti-Semitic marchers in Charlottesville.

The irony is the vote Thursday proves just how wrong Omar and anyone else who sees shadowy powers directing Washington really are. Far from controlling the conversation, Jews are powerless to stop it.

Anti-Semitism is not a partisan issue, no matter how it might have looked last week. Anti-Semitism is a virus. It mutates and adapts to survive and thrive under whatever conditions currently prevail.

The defense many Democrats made of Omar’s statements is that they weren’t anti-Semitic, they were targeting Israel and its allies in Washington. But anti-Semitism often hides behind “anti-Zionism.” As Izabella Tabarovsky, who grew up in the Soviet Union, wrote in the Forward about one such case, “It was under the banner of anti-Zionism that Soviet anti-Semitism blossomed.” From the outside, the Soviet campaign against Zionism may have looked like criticism of an external-facing ideology, but to those living under the Soviet thumb, the truth was plain: “We were targets of anti-Semitic insults in the streets. Our educational and professional opportunities were diminished. When I was deciding what college I wanted to apply to to study foreign languages, I learned that my top two schools were off limits to me: They prepared students for careers in foreign service, and these were closed to the untrustworthy Jews.”

Ross Douthat: Is Anti-Semitism Exceptional? The inevitable decline of left-wing philo-Semitism.
Finally, a great deal of the new anti-Semitism — from the recent wave of hate crimes in New York City to the anti-Jewish violence befouling Europe — would still be coming from minority and immigrant communities that are seen as essential to left-of-center and especially radical-left politics going forward, making them more difficult than right-wing anti-Semitism for the left to full-throatedly condemn.

Of course right-wing anti-Semites haven’t gone away either — which is part of why anti-anti-Omar Democrats can tell themselves that by downgrading Jewish exceptionalism, trading a specific philo-Semitism for a general politics of all-bigotry-is-bad, they are asking liberal Jews to make a sacrifice that’s essential for the greater good of defeating the greater enemy, which is still the reactionary right.

Whether this argument works depends in part on what the post-Trump right ultimately becomes — whether there’s a way to marry nationalism and philo-Semitism, perhaps wooing Jewish voters rightward, or whether any form of right-wing populism inevitably brings anti-Semitism roaring back.

But it also depends on whether the assumptions of Omar’s left-wing defenders are justified — whether anti-Semitism can be contained if it’s treated as one form of bigotry among many, or whether the perverse resilience of Jew-hatred is such that cultures choose between philo-Semitism and anti-Semitism, with only a swift downward slope lying in between.
Reviews of Friedman's 'Spies of No Country'
'Spies of No Country' proves the point that Israel's early Arabic-speaking spies had no country to call their own own - except Israel, writes Lily Meyer for NPR:

For half a decade, Friedman has been working hard, and publicly, to dispel easy narratives about Israel. He rose to attention — and controversy — through a pair of essays about media bias in coverage of Israel, and has remained on the beat ever since. His perspective is unusual: Israeli by choice, he clarifies his own bias in every piece but he writes to complicate, not to defend. In his third book, Spies of No Country: Secret Lives at the Birth of Israel, Friedman rejects the narrative of Israel as a country filled with Europeans and their descendants, motivated by memories and guilt like my grandfather's. And he does it through a spy story.

Spies of No Country focuses on a fledgling Israeli intelligence unit called the Arab Section, and on four of its spies. The Arab Section emerged at the tail end of British colonialism, at a moment when the Palestine was filling with Jews. The British had made hazy promises, but none clear enough to prevent the war that ensued. The Jews in Palestine formed an army, which in turn formed the Arab Section, a fledgling espionage operation easiest to understand as a version of the Soviets' Directorate S. Where the USSR trained Russians to live in America, though, the Arab Section did something much murkier. It trained Middle Eastern Jews to embed themselves in the very countries they were from.

Friedman builds his story around four such Jews: Gamliel Cohen, Havakuk Cohen, Isaac Shoshan, and Yakuba Cohen. (None of the Cohens were related.) All four were native Arabic speakers. Yakuba grew up in Palestine, Havakuk in Yemen, and Gamliel and Isaac in Syria. In present-day Israeli parlance, they were Mizrahi. In the parlance of the Arab Section, they were not spies but mista'arvim, a word Friedman often uses in its full English translation: Ones Who Become Like Arabs. But it's hard to parse what made them like Arabs. "They were native to the Arab world," Friedman writes, "as native as Arabs. If the key to belonging to the Arabic nation was the Arabic language, as the Arab nationalists claimed, they were inside. So were they really...pretending to be Arabs, or were they pretending to be people who weren't Arabs pretending to be Arabs?"

  • Monday, March 11, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
QudsNews reports that the "Coalition for Integrity and Accountability," known as AMAL, released a report saying that the Palestinian Authority government of Rami Hamdallah that recently resigned purchased 5000 new vehicles, claiming that maintenance of old vehicles was too expensive.

Also, one of the government's ministers who was not named changed the furniture of his office not too long after a previous changes, at a cost of 300 thousand shekels.

Even though the Palestinian government announced austerity measures in 2015, it did not actually implement any austerity procedures. The operating budget rose during the years of "austerity" 2016-2018 from  6 billion to 7 billion shekels.

While the government officials spent lavishly on their own needs, employees were forced to retire early, according to this report.

AMAL seems to be independent.

Hamdallah was widely regarded as a moderate figure, untainted by corruption.

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.


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