Tuesday, March 04, 2014

  • Tuesday, March 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Liel Leibovitz has an article about the NYU ASA conference story (that I broke) in Tablet:

NYU professor Lisa Duggan—you may remember her as the president of the American Studies Association and a strong voice in support of the organization’s decision last year to boycott Israeli universities—asked that the conference be kept secret.

“PLEASE DO NOT post or circulate the flyer,” read her message. “We are trying to avoid press, protestors and public attention.”

Now, it’s one thing for a student organization like Hillel or private institutions like Jewish museums or high schools to decide that their intellectual horizons exclude those who do not share certain core beliefs. A university, however, does not have that privilege. It is—or should be—open to all ideas, to myriad points of view, to discussion, to dissent.

Because any attempt to seriously study human conduct is likely to stir up emotions and give rise to ideological barricades, our best universities have come up with policies to safeguard that sanctity of academic freedom in their midst. Title I of NYU’s own poignant faculty handbook puts it elegantly when it states that professors “should not introduce into their teaching controversial matter that has no relation to their subject,” and should at all times “exercise appropriate restraint” as well as “show respect for the opinions of others.”

The recent conference’s organizers did none of that. Forgoing any semblance of serious study, viable research, or honest attempts to understand the intricacies of the subject at hand, they turned their classroom into a seminary designed exclusively to cultivate hatred for one particular nation state and fashion this animosity into ruinous political action.

Hence the call to keep things secret: while academic institutions are, of course, never obliged to let members of the public into their hushed sanctuaries—that’s a privilege obtained by paying a hefty tuition—one should be very, very suspicious of any learned person who insists—against the long-standing and proud American tradition of free inquiry, against the common-sensical and democratic expectation that the university see itself as part of the community that supports and sustains it and not as a small and zealous sect apart—on conducting intellectual work under the cover of darkness.

The university should judge whether the organization of a discriminatory conference and the insistence that participants comply, Mafia-style, with a sort of academic Omerta meets its own standards. The rest of us are left with the less subtle and more tragic duty of witnessing the formerly solid tradition of intellectual freedom and debate melt into air.
Lisa Duggan replied in the comments:

The conference was not secret. It was a regular American Studies annual academic conference. These are not public events, they never have been. They are not debate formats either. I created an fb event by invite only, for professors and grad students in the area. Because the issue of Israel Palestine and the ASA's recent boycott vote was controversial, I knew that *this* conference might attract public attention, which we wanted to avoid--as we always do, for our annual conferences. There was no attempt to restrict the range of views of professors and students who wanted to attend. We just didn't want press, polemical blowhards, political organizations etc to disrupt the academic panels. ALL organizations on campus have events which are not "balanced" or open to the public, this is routine. Certainly zionist groups on campus have many such events. Nothing secret going on. We also do have public events, that ARE open to press and public. This just wasn't one of those. The idea that this was a "secret" conference is just ludicrous. A function of the attack culture around the issues. If the conference had been on US empire (with no supporters of empire present, and no press or public invited or wanted), it would have attracted zero attention, and would have been considered ordinary. Because it was ordinary.
First of all, as Liebovitz pointed out, there is a difference between an event sponsored by a student organization and one sponsored by an official university department, American Studies at NYU. Professor Duggan has a reading comprehension problem (Notice also that she chooses not to capitalize "zionist." And that in her invitation, she misspelled "protesters." Professors just can't seem to reach the standards expected of high school students nowadays.)

Secondly, even this paragraph contradicts itself. First she says that it was an invite-only conference, but then she says that there was no attempt to restrict the range of views of those who wanted to attend. Given that the speakers were obviously handpicked to give only one side of the story, is it conceivable that Duggan "invited" anyone who would disagree? But let's give hr a chance to name a single person she "invited" who does not share her crazed anti-Zionism. Just one, Lisa.

Of course, she can't - because she is lying when she says that this was a Facebook invite-only event. It was not a Facebook invitation, it was a Facebook photo-post, which encouraged all readers in her little circle to invite their friends - but not to publicize it to anyone outside that circle.

Here's the screen-shot that shows Duggan is a liar:

Of course, Duggan also doesn't mention that she  took the post down as soon as I exposed her duplicity. If it was an invite-only event, that would not have been necessary.

Are there any consequences at a major university when one of their professors tries to hide their activities from critics, and then lies about it?

(h/t David L)

From Ian:

Canada recognizes Jewish refugees expelled from Mideast, N. Africa
Canada on early Tuesday formally recognized the experience and status of Jewish refugees expelled from the Middle East and North Africa after Israel's founding.
More specifically, Canada accepted the recommendation of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development that "Canada officially recognize the experience of Jewish refugees who were displaced from states in the Middle East and North Africa after 1948."
In defence of Zionism
A letter to the editor of the Financial Times:
Sir, In response to Ralph Coury (Letters, February 22): there was a reason for the Jewish concept of Zionism that is often totally forgotten in the propaganda discourse that serves as informed discussion today. For almost 2,000 years the Jewish people have been pushed from pillar to post by the inhabitants of those countries they were forced to settle in following their eviction from their homeland in Palestine.
Jews were kept in the status of second- or third-class citizens by their mostly Christian hosts, exploited by them, forced into trades their Christian neighbours thought “un-Christian” and, if too successful, robbed, raped and dispossessed by the kings and queens they were forced to lend money to or work for, or by their neighbours, who were often appalled at the whole idea of Judaism.
To omit this fact in Professor Coury’s response to Zionism is to entirely misrepresent the mentality of those behind it. Certainly it drove those in Europe who, driven by compassion, pushed for a return of a Jewish presence in a homeland of their own, free from such oppression. This required the kind of clandestine behaviour that Prof Coury refers to, but displacement of people in history is nothing new.
Putting Mondoweiss in Context
Mondoweiss defines itself as "a news website devoted to covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish direction" and claims, in Orwellian fashion, that its aim is "to publish a diversity of voices to promote dialogue on these important issues," although the only "diversity of views" on the site is the best method of destroying Israel.
According to its website, Mondoweiss has two editors (Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz), two assistant editors, and an editor-at-large. Presumably they are not volunteer workers, and money certainly doesn't grow on trees, even for websites that are updated on a daily basis.
Mondoweiss states that its website "is part of the Center for Economic Research and Social Change," an ambiguously sinister-sounding body in north Chicago. Turning to its website, the Center (CERSC, as it is known) lists five "projects" which it supports. These are publishing the International Socialist Review; holding an annual conference which two years ago was termed "Socialism 2012"; hosting "We Are Many," another website "devoted to publishing radical and activist video and audio media," and funding Haymarket Books, a radical publishing firm.

  • Tuesday, March 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

  • Tuesday, March 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
To the professional Israel-haters, obviously no country is as evil as Israel.

And the worst group of Israelis are Israeli soldiers and security officers, who we are told routinely torture and kill Arabs for fun.

And the worst group of Israeli security officers are those in Hebron, where they ruthlessly and maliciously attack children as policy.

So this video, taken in Hebron of Israeli border police giving food to a couple of kids - and their ecstatic reaction - must never be allowed to be seen, because it contradicts everything that every hater holds dear.

Every anti-Israel NGO in Hebron sees scenes like this daily. I've seen them too. But these NGOs can't raise any money by reporting the situation accurately. The haters can't get gigs speaking at clueless colleges if they don't stereotype Jewish soldiers as evil.

So they don't want you to see this, because it threatens their livelihoods that depend on demonizing Jews.

(h/t Yoel)

UPDATE: I copied the video to YouTube so it would be easier to share.

  • Tuesday, March 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is the speech that Binyamin Netanyahu gave at the AIPAC conference this morning.

I bring you greetings from Jerusalem -- (cheers, applause) -- the eternal, undivided capital of Israel and the Jewish people. (Cheers, applause.)

I want to thank all of you for working so tirelessly to strengthen the alliance between Israel and America. American -- American support for Israel and for that alliance is at an all-time high. And I can tell you that there is no country on earth that is more pro-American than Israel. (Applause.)

So I want to thank the leaders of AIPAC, the officers of AIPAC, the 14,000 delegates of AIPAC -- (cheers, applause) -- the members of Congress, the members of the Israeli government -- Tzipi Livni, Limor Livnat, Yuval Steinitz, Deputy Minister Elkin, members of the Knesset -- and our two able ambassadors, the ambassador of Israel to the United States, Ron Dermer -- (applause) -- and the ambassador of the United States to Israel, Dan Shapiro, and our U.N. ambassador, Ron Prosor. Everyone, I want to thank you all for safeguarding and nurturing the most precious alliance in the world, the alliance between Israel and the United States of America. (Cheers, applause.)

My friends, I've -- I've come here to draw a clear line.

You know that I like to draw lines -- (laughter) -- especially red ones. But the line I want to draw today is the line between life and death, between right and wrong, between the blessings of a brilliant future and the curses of a dark past.

I stood very close to that dividing line two weeks ago. I visited an Israeli army field hospital in the Golan Heights. Now, that field hospital wasn't set up for Israelis. It was set up for Syrians. (Applause.) Israelis treated nearly a thousand wounded Syrians -- men, women and a lot of children. They come to our border fence bleeding and desperate. Often they're near death.

And on my visit I met two such Syrians, a shellshocked father and his badly wounded 5-year-old boy. A few days earlier the man's wife and baby daughter were blown to bits by Iranian bombs dropped by Assad's air force. Now the grieving father was holding his little boy in his arms, and Israeli doctors were struggling to save the boy's life.

From Ian:

Israel’s Big Mistake
The most striking evidence of this fateful shift in mood and perception would present itself in the early 1990s, when, under the premiership of Yitzhak Rabin, Israel started negotiating with its arch-enemy. Whereas real peace would have to be based on acceptance of the legitimacy of a Jewish state in the Middle East, the Palestinian national movement, represented by the PLO, was based on the opposite doctrine. Had Israel retained its hope for real peace, it should have been steadfast in its refusal of any dialogue with this organization, and waited for it to dissolve (as almost happened). Instead, entering into the most ambitious and futile of peace processes, it picked the PLO as its partner, thereby compromising on the issue of its own legitimacy and helping to create a new political entity based explicitly on anti-Zionism. In exchange for tepid and partial recognition, a small Jewish state in the midst of a huge Arab region agreed to shrink itself still further.
This was the new meaning of “peace,” and, just as one might expect, it led to nothing but violence. The passing of Gaza and most of the West Bank’s populated areas into the hands of Arafat and his murderous kleptocracy did nothing to resolve the problem of the 1948 Arab refugees (on which more below), to prepare the local Arab population for genuine peace, or to mitigate the larger Arab/Muslim refusal to accept a Jewish state. If anything, it achieved the contrary aim; in advancing that aim, the PLO initiated a sustained campaign of terror whose toll in blood would number in the thousands of Israeli civilians.
Khaled Abu Toameh: Fatah Infighting Jeopardizes Kerry's Peace Process
In recent weeks, Abbas has taken a number of measures that reflect his increased fear of Mohamed Dahlan's moves to discredit him and remove him from power. These measures include confiscating large sums of money transferred from the United Arab Emirates to Dahlan loyalists in Gaza.
Once the claim was that Abbas does not represent the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, who are under the control of Hamas. Today it is not incorrect to argue that Abbas does not even represent his own party.
Surprise: Obama Kills the Peace Process
But in contrast to the Israelis, there is no Palestinian peace camp or faction within either Abbas’ Fatah or his Hamas rivals that will push for peace even if it doesn’t grant their maximal demands. The only possible source of pressure on Abbas to do make peace must come from the U.S., Europe and the Arab States. But if President Obama is not willing to hold Abbas accountable for his behavior, then no one will. In the absence of an American determination to hold Abbas’ feet to the fire in spite of the enormous Palestinian constituency that will always oppose even the most generous Israeli offer, the already slim prospects for peace are altogether extinguished.
By attacking Netanyahu and lauding Abbas, the president has accomplished something that no Israeli right-winger could possibly accomplish: kill the peace process. Without American insisting that Abbas change his ways, there is no possible way for him to withstand the far greater pressure he gets from the descendants of the 1948 refugees — who still dream of flooding Israel and turning it into another Arab state — or his Islamist rivals.
Though the president warned Netanyahu that he wouldn’t be able to protect Israel if peace talks falter, his interview with Goldberg guaranteed that this is exactly what will happen. From here on in, everything else he says about the topic is moot. (h/t Norman F)

  • Tuesday, March 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week I reported about a device that the Egyptian Army introduced which supposedly, non-invasively, cured hepatitis C and AIDS.

Scientists in Egypt as well as elsewhere were more than skeptical, noting that there had been no peer-reviewed papers or indeed any real scientific proof for the claims.

Commenters pointed out the similarities between this device and the infamous ADE 651, a fake bomb detector that a fraudster British businessman sold to many Middle East countries at a huge profit.

 Al Wafd, a secular and pro-army Egyptian newspaper, actually defends the device, and complains about how it has been "politicized."

The paper points out that Alexander Graham Bell, when he invented the telephone, had no idea how much it could change the world, and did not take into account international standards for inventions (whatever that meant in 1876.)

This Egyptian device, we are told, is just like the Bell's telephone. It is a wonderful invention, and the only problem is that the inventors didn't follow normal scientific protocol. But in a couple of generations, this cure for AIDS will be thought of the same way the telephone is thought of today!

Then, inevitably, the newspaper descends from lunacy into antisemitism.

Amr Simbel, a "specialist in political and historical studies," says that the wave of ridicule about the device fits exactly into the secret Jewish plan to take over the world as stated in the Sixth Protocol of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which stresses the need to expel all intelligent gentiles from the face of the earth , and ridicule their most important inventions to ensure Jewish world domination.

The Protocols, in turn, got this idea from the Kabbalah, which says not only to to mock the achievements of Gentiles, but also to shed their blood and steal their money.

Am I unwittingly invoking Protocol 6 by pointing out that any Egyptian that believes a word in this article is an idiot? Is al Wafd secretly run by Jews who are trying to bring the average Egyptian's IQ down by about ten points?

  • Tuesday, March 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ahram Online:
The Cairo Court for Urgent Matters has banned all activities in Egypt by Hamas and ordered the closure of its offices in Cairo pending a court verdict in an espionage case involving ousted president Mohamed Morsi and members of the Islamist Palestinian group.

Several Hamas officials condemned the ruling. "The decision harms the image of Egypt and its role towards the Palestinian cause. It reflects a form of standing against Palestinian resistance," Sami Abu Zuhri, a spokesman for the Hamas told Reuters.

Hamas -- the Palestinian Islamist Resistance Movement -- is an ideological offshoot of the now-banned Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. It was founded in 1987 at the height of the first Palestinian intifada against Israel.

The relationship between the group, which has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2006, and the Egyptian authorities has soured since the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi in July 2013.

Egyptian officials have accused Hamas of providing support to Islamic militants who have increased their fatal attacks on security forces in the Sinai Peninsula since Morsi's ouster.

Hamas has repeatedly denied any such involvement.

Shortly after the Egyptian government declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group in December 2013, an Egyptian lawyer, Samir Sabry, filed a legal complaint with the court asking it to declare Hamas a terrorist organisation.

"Hamas originated in Palestine as an Islamic resistance movement but turned into a terrorist organization," Sabry argued in his pleading.
Hamas responded by saying that "The fact that the Egyptian judiciary accepted this lawsuit calling Hamas a "terrorist" organization gives a free service to the Zionist occupation that lurks in Palestine and its people and our Arab and Islamic countries."

  • Tuesday, March 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Code Pink, the Israel-hating uber-leftist organization, was planning a publicity stunt to try to get into Gaza for "International Women's Day." Of course, they knew quite well that it was a stunt and there was very little chance that they would actually  get into Gaza.

We will meet in Cairo on March 5. We will attempt to enter Gaza on March 6 and return from Gaza on March 12, 2014. Due to the political and security issues in Egypt, there are no guarantees that we will be able to get into Gaza. If we get to Gaza, we will spend our time meeting with women's groups, human rights leaders, fisherfolk, farmers, UN representatives, youth activists and journalists. If we do not get into Gaza, we will make your time in Cairo very worthwhile.

(That webpage, by the way, was created using Israeli webpage software from WiX.)

Then, early today, co-founder Medea Benjamin tweeted:

Following that is a series of tweets about her awful predicament:

That's a jail cell?

See all that dirt?

For someone who hates America, there is nothing worse than this!

Tweeting that must have been painful!

Anyway, her buddies in Israel-hater universe are tying themselves up in rhetorical knots trying to blame Israel for this:

Can any Israel-hater find the logical hole here? Anyone? Hello?

He's just jealous no one calls him "Mibi."

Also funny is the unsigned letter from "women of  Gaza" who supposedly asked CodePink to visit:

We invite you to come on March 8th, International Women’s Day, to see firsthand how the Israeli blockade is making life intolerable in the besieged Gaza Strip.

We, the Palestinian women of Gaza are being forced into isolation by the Israeli policies of apartheid. We continue to live the terrible consequences of the 7-year-blockade and the ongoing occupation of the Gaza Strip. We call on you to stand in solidarity with us to end this unjust, inhumane, and illegal blockade.
Not a word about Egypt, even though the number of people traveling between Gaza and Egypt are a small fraction of those who cross the Erez crossing to Israel.

(h/t MtTB)

Monday, March 03, 2014

  • Monday, March 03, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
I once made a poster about Dr. Masad Barhoum.

He spoke at the AIPAC conference about treating Syrians in his hospital. It is worth watching.

(h/t David G)

From Ian:

Amnesty International Is a Great PR Firm for the Palestinians
Amnesty International is a great PR firm for the Palestinians. Muslims living in the West Bank can consider themselves well served by a recent paper submitted by the London based human rights group Amnesty International. The report: Trigger-happy, Israel’s Use of Excessive Force in the West Bank takes a one-sided view against Israeli treatment of Palestinians. The report cites 22 deaths and 27 more wounded at the hands of the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) between January 2011 and December 2013. Amnesty’s report gave the false impression that Palestinians youths were only practicing the right of peaceful protests when IDF forces exercised overwhelming restraint.
In the introduction of the 74 page report, meant to create a certain shock value among the unsuspecting reader, Malek Murrar, 16, offered testimony of the death of Samir Awad on September 20, 2013. Malek comes off as being coached by an Amnesty worker or by someone within the Palestinian Authority eager to employ a public relations smear against the Israelis. (h/t Bob Knot)
NGO Monitor: The European war on Israel’s courts
It is inconceivable that the UK, the EU, Norway, or any other European country would countenance mass foreign state funding for hundreds of lawsuits in their courts on the most contentious policy and security issues. The appropriate and ethical way for officials to address their concerns to the Israeli government is via direct diplomacy.
It does not require much imagination to depict the reaction of the British government, for instance, if it learned that Germany or France was providing tens of millions of euros to the IRA to finance hundreds of lawsuits in British courts challenging its policies in Northern Ireland.
The British government would see this as an outrageous form of legal warfare against the UK. But, it is precisely this form of lawfare that the UK – as well as the EU and Norway – is funding in Israel.
A new 'course' at UC Davis: Boycotting Israel
In what could be another attempt to make the delegitimization of Israel more mainstream, a pro-Palestinian group at the University of California, Davis, is now offering a new 'academic course' on the anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.
Students for Justice in Palestine said the course would cover the meaning of anti-Israel boycotts and tactics for conducting them.
Hadas Buskila, the representative for the Jewish Agency for Israel at UC Davis, told Israel Hayom that the course, which does not currently count toward academic credit, is already gaining popularity.

  • Monday, March 03, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
If you read the literature from anti-Israel Christians, one of their themes is that Israel is illegitimate because it is acting more like a tyrannical Pharaoh than like a "light unto nations." They are saying that Israel's actions make it illegitimate as a nation since it is not fulfilling its Biblical mandate. (See the essay on this page by Stephen France, for example.)

This is of course wrong for many reasons. One is that they are saying that Israel falls short of standards that no nation has ever lived up to, but Jews must act to a standard that anti-Israel Christians define and therefore will inevitably fall short.

However, I would submit that Israel is a light unto nations, just people who hate Israel don't want to be bothered with the facts.

This amazing article from Israel21c lists 22 ways that Israel has been helping Africans in recent years.

1. Malaria, the most devastating disease in sub-Saharan Africa, claims the life of a child every 30 seconds. Researchers at the Kuvin Center for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are dedicated to helping Africa wipe out this disease just as Israel did in the 1940s.

In December 2013, the university’s Hadassah Braun School of Public Health hosted an international conference of malaria experts to formulate a new strategy for African nations. Representatives from Gabon and Zanzibar were there to see what conclusions they could bring back home, where anti-malaria efforts have been only partially successful.

2. In 2011, a team of Israeli neonatologists went to Kumasi, Ghana’s second-largest city, to train local doctors and nurses in advanced, low-cost methods to address the city’s high infant mortality rate. The doctors, sent by the Alliance for Global Good in cooperation with MASHAV, also established two new neonatal units in Kumasi’s sole hospital.

3. An Israeli-built emergency room at Kisumu East District Hospital in Kenya was put together in less than a month by Israeli engineers and medical specialists in 2011. It is the hospital’s first fully-equipped ER and serves a region of six million people.

4. Israel has been instrumental in the drive to provide voluntary circumcision to African men as a proven method to reduce the risk of contracting HIV infection.

A circumcision clinic for Zulu men set up in 2011 by Israeli doctors in the AIDS-stricken province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, has treated thousands of men. PrePex, a non-surgical circumcision device from Israel’s Circ MedTech, was prequalified last summer by the World Health Organization (WHO) for use in 14 African nations with high rates of new HIV infections.

5. Nurse-educators at Jerusalem’s Herzog Hospital lead videoconference classes for healthcare personnel at a Christian hospital in rural Ghana in topics such as diabetes prevention and treatment. The live-streaming video setup was donated by Rotary International’s Jerusalem chapter and a partner chapter in Windsor, Ontario (Canada). Diabetes has been dramatically increasing in Africa, with four million cases in Ghana and rising.

6. The Israeli nonprofit Eye from Zion brings Israeli ophthalmologists to volunteer their expertise in developing countries including Ethiopia. In 2012, they performed 160 free cataract surgeries in a portable operation room donated by Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer. One patient, a 10-year-old Ethiopian girl, was later brought to Israel for lifesaving eye surgery.

7. For the past six years, Prof. Zvi Bentwich of the Center for Emerging Tropical Diseases and AIDS at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has been working toward ridding Ethiopia of common parasitic infestations that contribute to AIDS, tuberculosis epidemics and other serious health problems particularly in children. Israelis in his NALA Foundation distribute anti-worm tablets and educate hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians on prevention.

8. Israel is planning to build a model agricultural village in South Sudan to teach local farmers how Israel’s breakthrough agricultural methods and technologies can help the fledgling African nation boost its vegetable output. The idea took shape when former Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon met South Sudan Minister of Agriculture Betty Ogwaro at the Agritech 2012 expo in Tel Aviv.

9. GrainPro markets a simple, inexpensive product developed by Prof. Shlomo Navarro in Israel, intended to help farmers keep their grain market-fresh by sealing out water and air. About 50 percent of every grain and pulse harvest in the developing world is lost to pests and mold, but the GrainPro bags are bringing that number down in Africa and Asia.

10.In 2012, the Foreign Ministry signed a cooperation agreement with Kenya and Germany to bring advanced Israeli fish-farming technologies and training to aid the millions of Ugandans, Kenyans and Tanzanians whose livelihoods depend on the catch from Lake Victoria. Back in 2009, Hebrew University Prof. Berta Sivan spearheaded a multiyear project to reintroduce nutritious carp to Ugandan fish farms on the lake.

11. After fighting the oil industry, 20,000 Nigerian “rebels” received free land for developing farms. But where could they learn agricultural and farm management skills? At the Galilee International Management Institute in northern Israel, a nonprofit institution that has trained cohorts of Nigerians in many different skills over the past 20 years. In 2011, one-month agricultural training courses were devised for several groups of former rebels.

12. When the Central Bank of Kenya sought a partner to do an eight-month training program for students in the Kenya School of Monetary Studies, they turned to Israel’s Galilee International Management Institute. That’s because many Kenyan bank managers were already graduates of its twice-yearly program in international banking management. The 2012 program also provided in-depth analysis services that helped the bank formulate better policies on pensions, training and human resources management.

13. The Israeli company Nova Lumos devised small mobile solar systems for Africans to charge phones, lights or small appliances – paid for in affordable increments. This solution eliminates so-called “power pimps” who charge fellow rural Africans exorbitant prices for the privilege of charging their phones. The system provides access to green energy, a practical off-grid solution and a good business opportunity for African mobile providers.

14. A similar model for small business has been introduced to residents of rural villages in Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Uganda and South Africa by Innovation: Africa , an award-winning non-profit project founded by Sivan Ya’ari to use sustainable Israeli technologies to improve lives in developing African nations.

15. Following a gas-line explosion in September 2011 that sent more than 100 Kenyans to Kenyatta National Hospital with burns, Israel sent 360 kilograms of supplies including bandaging equipment, infusion sets, ointments and painkillers. The aid package was coordinated through the Israeli ambassador to Kenya and MASHAV.

16. An advanced mobile app for emergency responders developed by Israel’s NowForce was adopted last year by Nigeria to dispatch and coordinate police, firefighters and other public-safety agencies. It locates and alerts individual team members wherever they are. Like many African nations, Nigeria has more mobile than land lines.

17. An IsraAID team went to South Sudan in 2012 to inaugurate a social-worker training program on sexual violence in cooperation with the Israeli NGOs FIRST and Operation Blessing-Israel. Counselors from Confident Children out of Conflict, an organization that provides a safe house for more than 400 abused, abandoned or at-risk girls from the South Sudan slums of Juba, learned to identify and address gender-based violence such as rape and forced marriage.

18. The Kenya Ministry of Education sought MASHAV’s help in promoting and implementing education for sustainable development (ESD) in Kenya. The Institute for Education for Sustainable Development at the David Yellin Academic College of Education in Jerusalem developed the curriculum, and teacher training sessions were held in Kenya and in Israel.

The first ESD project launched in August 2013 at the Joel Omino Mixed Secondary School, where children are learning technology and physics through water purification; science through organic agriculture; economics and entrepreneurship through establishing an organic bakery; history and traditional society by building traditional Luo-tribe houses; and conservation by utilizing recycled materials for art work. Demonstration centers will be set up to serve as training sites for other schools throughout Kenya.

19. Jerusalem science teacher Amir Yechieli began a small company, Yuval Mayim, to build rainwater catchment systems on school rooftops to conserve and reuse the water. Last year, he flew to Kenya to help build a similar system for some 600 villagers without running water. The Jewish National Fund gave him money to develop a rainwater catchment system at Kampala University in Uganda, where he expects to halve the monthly $15,000 water bills.

20. Energiya Global, the Israeli affiliate of Gigawatt Global Coöperatief, recently secured $23 million in financing and about $710,000 in grants for an 8.5-megawatt solar energy plant in Rwanda. This will be East Africa’s first utility-scale solar field, and is expected to supply eight percent of the country’s energy needs.

21. Israel’s Paulee CleanTec was hailed at the World Toilet Summit in South Africa in 2012 for its revolutionary toilet that needs no water and leaves no waste. The World Toilet Organization reports that one in three South African households lacks access to proper sanitation and 40 percent of households globally face the same problem.

22. Former Israeli diplomat Ornit Avidar is taking Israel’s “soft” water solutions — decentralized, simple to use and maintain, consuming little energy — and applying them all around Africa through her company Waterways, a channel for Africans to access Israeli technology.

Among the Israeli partner companies she is introducing to various African countries are SunDWater, which cleans water in off-grid locations using condensation made from solar rays; water resources management company Tahal and Anyway Solutions, a global leader in providing soil stabilization products to the infrastructure and development sectors.

To the haters, this is not merely irrelevant - it is vital that such news be minimized or ignored. The haters invariably pretend that hundreds of projects like these do not reflect well on Israel but in fact are evil themselves, as they are meant to whitewash Israel's supposed crimes, which is its main reason for existence.

In reality, the true evil lies in the hearts of the haters. Even Christians who pretend that they are demonizing Israel out of their abundant love.

(Ian had put this in a linkdump.)


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