Friday, May 17, 2013

  • Friday, May 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From New York Daily News:

Federal authorities Thursday scrambled to find millions of dollars in profits a smuggling ring that
sold cheap cigarettes to bodegas across New York may have used to fund terrorism in the Middle East.

Three of those charged in the sophisticated conspiracy were linked to known terrorists, including Hamas, the group that controls the Gaza Strip and has vowed to wipe Israel off the map, officials said.

Investigators in the case, dubbed Operation Tobacco Road, have so far found evidence the group pocketed $22 million in profits, of which authorities have found only $7.8 million in cash and bank accounts.

“While it hasn’t been established yet where the illicit proceeds ended up, we’re concerned because similar schemes have been used in the past to help fund terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah,” Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said.

All 16 of those charged are Palestinian and all but two were living illegally in the U.S. One managed to flee to Jordan before the arrests late Wednesday.

Kelly said the group included several “individuals on our radar with links to known terrorists,” starting with Mohannad Seif, 39, a cigarette reseller from Brooklyn.

Kelly said Seif lived in the same three-story walkup with the personal secretary of Hamas’ main fund-raiser in the U.S., Mousa Abu Marzouk, who was deported from the U.S. in 1997. Marzouk continues to raise money for Hamas in Egypt.

The NYPD also linked Muaffaq Askar, 46, a reseller in Brooklyn, to the Arab gunman who shot up a van full of yeshiva students on the Brooklyn Bridge in 1994. The gunman, Rashid Baz, killed 16-year-old passenger Ari Halberstam.

At the time, Baz claimed it was a case of road rage, but the incident has since been recategorized as a terrorist hit. On Thursday, Kelly said the Halberstam murder was “still open.”

He revealed Askar was a “confidant” of Baz who considered Askar his “Palestinian uncle.”

Defendant Youssef Odeh, 52, of Staten Island, had financial ties to the imprisoned blind sheik, Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was convicted in a 1993 plot to blow up New York landmarks, Kelly said.
  • Friday, May 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Monitor:
At Gaza’s only all-female prison located in the central city, dozens of detained women from across the coastal enclave remain under intense security, irrespective of the crime.

For many people in Gaza, crimes committed by women are rarely heard of due to the conservative nature of Gazan society. Families of female convicts usually don’t disclose their whereabouts, and even lie about it.

The head of the prison, Jazya Abu Mousa, said that this year has witnessed the largest number of female prisoners since she began working there in 2007.

“The number changes from time to time as most of the prisoners here are detained and not sentenced,” Abu Mousa said.

Criminals in the prison are divided into three categories: thieves, security convicts of crimes often related to cooperating with the Israeli occupation and "moral" convicts, which includes prostitution or sexual relations without marriage. This final category holds the largest number of prisoners.
But don't worry - they are being rehabilitated:

The prison head said she is proud of most of the prisoners, as she senses a willingness among them to change. The prison administration focuses on raising religious awareness among the prisoners so they won’t return to crime after their release, said Abu Moussa.

“Besides giving them traditional training like handicrafts and embroidery, Islamic lectures are the main focus,” she explained to Al-Monitor.

(h/t Emet)
  • Friday, May 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:

The Abdul Qader al-Husseini brigades on Thursday claimed responsibility for an attack from Syria on the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.

The military wing of the Free Palestine Movement said it had received permission from Syria to launch the attack, following recent Israeli attacks on Syria.

The brigades said in a statement that militants fired projectiles at dawn on Wednesday to mark the anniversary of the Nakba -- or catastrophe -- of Israel's founding in 1948, when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forced or fled from their homes.

"We are avenging all our martyrs that we lost in our war with the Zionist enemy," the brigades said in a statement.

The group posted a video online showing what it says is footage of the attack.

Israel's military said several rockets fired from Syria landed in the occupied Golan Heights on Wednesday.

"Around 6 a.m. several rockets landed in the Hermon area on the Syria-Israel border," an Israeli army spokeswoman told Ma'an.

"As a result, the site has been closed to visitors and Israel has registered a complaint with the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. The incident is most likely related to the internal conflict," she added.

JPost says that a couple of mortars landed.
  • Friday, May 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
UNRWA published a booklet talking about how your sizable donations to that agency can help "Palestine refugees."

Here is one of their suggestions:
$318,000 rehabilitates one school and provide its students with a safe learning environment

UNRWA aims to ensure that education services meet national and international standards and provide Palestine refugee children with a safe learning environment. The rehabilitation of schools premises, built in the 1960’s, is a top priority for UNRWA in Jordan.

Current safety hazards are weakened structures due to dilapidated columns, risk of falling debris, loose plaster in the ceiling, decaying lintels and seismic risk from earthquakes. An additional risk is the sexual harassment and abuse of both male and female children in school toilets, because of their location outside the main building.

Changes to infrastructure include the relocation of toilets inside school buildings and extension of the height of the boundary walls.
UNRWA schools in Jordan need to be better protected from...Jordanians? Jordanians who like to sexually abuse little Palestinian boys and girls?

Why isn't UNRWA complaining loudly about this outrage? Why aren't they insisting that these children be protected by Jordanian authorities? Practically all of Palestinian Arab "refugees" in Jordan have held Jordanian citizenship since 1950, how can such abuse be buried? No doubt the schools need better security, but how come UNRWA isn't publicly insisting that Jordan protect her own citizens?

Oh, right. I forgot. If Israeli Jews cannot be blamed, UNRWA will remain silent. 

Arabs abusing Arabs must be hushed up, kept behind closed doors, whispered about - but never publicized.

 Perceived slights by Jews, however, must be brought to the attention of the General Assembly of the UN, hundreds of times a year if necessary. A bedroom being added to a house in Itamar is far more important than the apparent rampant sexual abuse of Palestinian kids in schools in Jordan.

Every organization has its priorities. Protecting Palestinian Arab children from sexual abuse is just very low on UNRWA's list.

(h/t Irene)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

  • Thursday, May 16, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:
Customs agents in cooperation with the ministry of agriculture have recently detained four people accused of smuggling dozens of cows from Israel.

Director general of veterinary services at the Palestinian ministry of agriculture Imad Mukarkir told Ma’an that about 100 cows and calves were seized. The suspected smugglers, he said, will be referred to the district attorney for legal procedures.

Meanwhile, the animals will be quarantined and monitored for infections for two weeks.

The suspects will also have to sign obligations to make sure they will not do it again.

Mukarkir warned Palestinian merchants of the consequences of smuggling cows and calves from Israel. The ministry, he added, doesn’t ban imports from Israel, but stipulates that importers adhere with certain regulations set to protect Palestinian citizens.
Does this mean that there is a thriving illegal underground trade between Israelis and West Bank Arabs in cattle?

Of course not. The cows were stolen.

Arabs have been stealing Israeli cattle for decades, and they still do it today.

But you wouldn't know about that by reading Ma'an. No, there are no thieves in this story,  just "smugglers." And after the quarantine, the cows will not be returned to their Israeli owners but instead remain with the PA.
  • Thursday, May 16, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egyptian newspaper Misr El Gdida has another article about how Jews drink Christian blood for their holidays.

Yes, this is really the illustration accompanying the story.

This is part 2 of an article I noted a couple of weeks ago, but written by a different author. This one starts off
with fake Talmudic quotes about how killing gentiles is obligatory - and goes downhill from there.

It goes on to say that the legend of Dracula is actually true in that Jews love drinking blood, and claims that Jewish historians confirm the ritual slaughter of Christian babies.

Apparently, Jews don't only drink blood as part of Purim pastries and Passover matzoh, but also during weddings and circumcisions.

The article even sarcastically notes that French actress Brigitte Bardot was against Muslim ritual animal  slaughter, but never said a word about Jewish ritual murder!

Then it goes through a history of blood libels in the Arab world, ironically proving how ingrained Arab antisemitism is. It brings examples of the libel from Egypt in 1881; Syria in 1810, 1840 and 1890; and in Lebanon in 1824, 1826, 1829 and 1834. The Rhodes blood libel is mentioned as well, along with  the long history of false accusations of the blood libel in medieval Europe.

Naturally, no Arab has publicly condemned the newspaper for its libel against Jews.

Just as naturally, human rights organizations are silent, as usual.

UPDATE: A similar article listing dozens of false accusations of Jews murdering Christian children was also published in a "Palestinian diaspora" newspaper on Thursday.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

  • Tuesday, May 14, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Shavuot starts tonight, and I will not be blogging until at least Thursday night.

Meanwhile, I'll be eating way to much of this:

Sure, I have a bit of lactose intolerance - but it is worth it.

  • Tuesday, May 14, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Science Daily:

Some parts of the body, like the liver, can regenerate themselves after damage. But others, such as our nervous system, are considered either irreparable or slow to recover, leaving thousands with a lifetime of pain, limited mobility, or even paralysis.

Now a team of Tel Aviv University researchers, including Dr. Shimon Rochkind of TAU's Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and Prof. Zvi Nevo of TAU's Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, has invented a method for repairing damaged peripheral nerves. Through a biodegradable implant in combination with a newly-developed Guiding Regeneration Gel (GRG) that increases nerve growth and healing, the functionality of a torn or damaged nerve could ultimately be restored.

This innovative project is now gaining international recognition. Its initial successes were reported at several recent scientific congresses, including the World Federation of Neurological Societies and the European Neurological Society. And the therapy, already tested in animal models, is only a few years away from clinical use, says Dr. Rochkind.

A nerve is like an electrical cable. When severed or otherwise damaged, power can no longer be transferred and the cable loses its functionality. Similarly, a damaged nerve loses the ability to transfer signals for movement and feeling through the nervous system.
But Dr. Rochkind and Prof. Nevo found a way to breach the gap. In their method, two severed ends of a damaged nerve are reconnected by implanting a soft, biodegradable tube, which serves as a bridge to help the nerve ends connect. The innovative gel which lines the inside of the tube nurtures nerve fibers' growth, encouraging the nerve to reconnect the severed ends through the tube, even in cases with massive nerve damage, Dr. Rochkind says.

The key lies in the composition of the gel, the researchers say, which has three main components: anti-oxidants, which exhibit high anti-inflammatory activities; synthetic laminin peptides, which act as a railway or track for the nerve fibers to grow along; and hyaluronic acid, commonly found in the human fetus, which serves as a buffer against drying, a major danger for most implants. These components allow the nerve to heal the way a fetus does in the womb -- quickly and smoothly.
For some reason, even when so many people want to boycott the Jewish state, Israel has no problem offering its life-saving discoveries to the world.

Obviously, it is a plot.

(h/t Dror)
  • Tuesday, May 14, 2013
From Ian:

Strange way to promote peace
The Sydney Peace Foundation's stated purpose is "to promote universal human rights and peace with justice" as the building blocks of any civil society. Foundation chairman Stuart Rees, however, has cast a cloud over the organisation's bona fides by dismissing the London Declaration on Combating Anti-Semitism as "childish, thoughtless but easily populist". His condemnation of Julia Gillard and opposition education spokesman Christopher Pyne for "cowardice" in signing it almost beggars belief.
Ralph Peters: Israel is a Civilizing Force
RP: To me, when I look at Israel, I see not only a Jewish state rebuilt on the ancient Jewish homeland, I see an outpost of the civilization in which I believe. Because I do not believe that all civilizations are equivalent. I don't believe in a civilization that torments women and children, that's woefully corrupt, that in the 21st century, not only cannot build a competitive automobile, but cannot even build a competitive bicycle!
And while I wish the Arabs well—I wish no man harm, with the exception of a few terrorists here or there—nonetheless, to me, Israel is a beacon of justice, for rule of law, humanity, decency, culture... in short, Israel belongs to the Jews; it belongs to my civilization.
Michael Totten: The Muslim Brotherhood's Empty Chair
So the Washington Institute for Near East Policy invited senior Muslim Brotherhood official Helmy el-Gazzar to its annual conference in the US, booked him on a business class flight from Cairo, and put him up in the luxurious Ritz Carlton. El-Gazzar made it to Washington and checked into his room, but he refused to show up at the conference.
Why? Because Israelis—or “Zionists” as he called them—were also going to be there.
An Open Letter to the Arab League: Thanks, but no Thanks
In conclusion, dear neighbors, we – citizens of Israel – want very much to live in Peace, in a region of peace where you and we enjoy it together. But we do not think that there is any point in signing an agreement with someone who today is here and tomorrow is in a grave, and his successors won’t honor his signature. When the Middle East becomes a region of peace, give us a call, perhaps we will join the peace that you will begin in the Middle East. until then please leave us alone.
Isi Leibler: Candidly Speaking: Déjà vu: ‘Peace in Our Time’
Were we to have a genuine peace partner, we could achieve a peace treaty and grounds for long-term coexistence in a matter of days. But until then our friends should not seek to impose upon us a Chamberlain-style “Peace in our Time” formula.
Jewish Group Honors US Ambassador to UN
The American Jewish Committee last week honored U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice with its prestigious Distinguished Public Service Award.
"I’m deeply moved to receive AJC’s Distinguished Public Service Award,” said Rice. “I’m proud to accept this honor as a tribute to the dedicated work by President Obama, his administration, and my colleagues at the U.S. Mission to the UN.”
Tel Aviv holds White City celebrations
Last weekend Tel Aviv celebrated exactly ten years since UNESCO proclaimed the historic zone of Tel Aviv, also known as the White City, as a World Cultural Heritage site.
The White City, so named for the buildings’ white walls, is the world’s largest grouping of buildings in the International Style, also known as Bauhaus.
Wolfson heart surgeons save Syrian girl
A four-year-old girl from Syria underwent successful lifesaving heart surgery at Wolfson Medical Center in Holon on Monday as part of its voluntary Save a Child’s Heart (SACH) activities. The child, whose identity is not being released to keep the family safe from extremists in her country, was referred to SACH by an American humanitarian organization operating in Israel and Jordan.
Ashton Kutcher looks to invest in Israeli high-tech
American actor tells GarageGeeks gathering in Tel Aviv that he’s looking for “original, creative startups.”
American actor Ashton Kutcher and his investment partner, Guy Oseary, a producer in the US music industry and Madonna’s personal manager, stole the spotlight at the GarageGeeks gathering in Tel Aviv last night. Yossi Vardi, unofficial ambassador of the Israeli high-tech scene, hosted Kutcher and Oseary as part of a “Meet the Industry Leaders” event.
Kutcher, on his fifth visit to Israel, came to find “interesting entrepreneurs.”
Israel Daily Picture: The Shavuot Holiday, Celebrating the Giving of the Torah
Jews around the world commemorate the holiday of Shavuot this week, the day on which tradition says the Torah was given to the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai.
The Book of Ruth Comes Alive in Antique Photos Taken 100 Years Ago
A major effort was made by the photographers to re-enact the story of Ruth. "Ruth," we believe, was a young member of the American Colony community; the remaining "cast" were villagers from the Bethlehem area who were actually harvesting, threshing and winnowing their crops. We have matched the pictures with corresponding verses from the Book of Ruth.
  • Tuesday, May 14, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
The "International Middle East Media Center" says:
Monday evening, May 13 2013; a group of extremist Israeli settlers set ablaze Palestinian olive orchards and farmlands that belong the villages of Qaryout, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Local sources reported that the armed settlers burnt the agricultural lands, and prevented the villagers from reaching their lands to put the fire off.

Bashar Qaryouty, coordinator of the Popular Committee against the Wall and Settlements in Qaryout village, reported that the burnt lands were planted with wheat and olive trees.
And from Palestine Info:
Jewish settlers set ablaze more than 20 dunums of cultivated land lots in Qaryut village, south of Nablus, on Monday and prevented their owners from approaching to put it off.

Bashar Al-Qaryuti, in charge with monitoring settlement activity in the village, said that dozens of settlers from the settlement of Shilo started the fire that burnt the land cultivated with barley, wheat, and olives.

He charged that the Israeli occupation forces provided protection for the settlers and blocked the land owners, 25 individuals, from extinguishing the fire.
There are stories like this daily in the PalArab media. Unfortunately, it is all too rare to find out the other side of the story.

Luckily, this time we can.

The land is owned by a Jew and this was upheld by a court judgment. He is the only person who ever cultivated that field. He started a controlled fire to get rid of overgrown brush.

No barley, no wheat, no olives, no Arab owners. Every single word that was reported by the Arab media, and by the spokesman, was a lie.

How can anyone believe anything these people say when we have proven time and time again that they lie with impunity?
  • Tuesday, May 14, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
The holiday of Shavuot starts tonight, and it is traditionally known as the anniversary of God giving the Torah to the Jewish people. So here is a quick, slightly geeky and very Zionist, d'var Torah.

The first Rashi on the Torah asks and answers a famous question:

Why does the Torah, meant primarily as a means to derive Jewish laws and not meant to be a history book (the word Torah actually means "law,") start with "In the beginning of God's creation..."? Why doesn't it start with the first commandment given to Jews, about the sanctifying of new months?

The answer is based on Psalms 111:6, "He declared to His people the power of His works, in giving them the heritage of the nations."
For if the nations of the world should say to Israel, “You are robbers, for you conquered by force the lands of the seven nations [of Canaan],” they will reply, "The entire earth belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He; He created it (this we learn from the story of the Creation) and gave it to whomever He deemed proper When He wished, He gave it to them, and when He wished, He took it away from them and gave it to us.

But beyond that, the Jewish sages taught, there are three places that are indisputably owned by Jews, because they were purchased even before God fulfilled his promise to the forefathers. The three places are the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron purchased by Abraham, the Temple Mount purchased by King David, and a section of Shechem (Nablus) purchased by Jacob from the family of the Canaanite ruler Hamor.

I will not be discussing the irony of how so many tenaciously view these very places as places that Jews specifically have no rights to.

I saw something interesting about Abraham's purchase in Hebron. How large was the land he bought?

All we know is that he paid 400 silver shekels. (Gen. 23:16)

Rabbi Yitzchak bar Yehudah (13th century CE) notes that in Leviticus 27:16, it says that the value of a field sized where you could plant a "chomer" of barley seeds is fifty silver shekels.

A chomer is also known as a "kor" and it is equal to 30 se'ah in volume.

The Talmud (Eruvin 96a) defines the size of a field that could be sown with a se'ah to be 2500 square cubits (Two "beit se'ah" is equal to 5000 square amot/cubits, the size of the Temple courtyard.)

So the size of the 50-shekel measure mentioned in Leviticus, also known as a "beit kor", is 75,000 square amot.

Abraham paid 400 shekels, so at the going rate he paid for 600,000 square cubits of land.

The Talmud says that a man standing up takes up one square cubit. 600,000 is the number that is used to signify the total number of Jews, as it is roughly the number of Jews counted that left Egypt.

This means that Abraham's purchase corresponds to the number of Jews counted when the Children of Israel became a nation.

In other words, when Abraham made the first purchase of land in Israel, he bought enough to assure that every Jewish soul has a place in the Land of Israel!

(h/t Chabad)
  • Tuesday, May 14, 2013
From Ian:

Khaled Abu Toameh: Al-Qaradawi and the New Religious Conflict With Israel
Al-Qaradawi's visit has further bolstered Hamas's standing, enabling it to tighten its grip over the 1.5 million Palestinians of the Gaza Strip. Moreover, the visit has granted legitimacy to Hamas's rule in the Gaza Strip and turned it, in the Arab and Islamic countries, into an acceptable Islamic party.
But more importantly, al-Qaradawi's visit and statements also serve as a reminder that the Israeli-Arab conflict is centered, more than ever, around religion. The sheikh's message to the Palestinians and Muslims is that this is a religious conflict and not a political issue.
This is an unequivocal message that stresses that no Muslim is entitled to give up Muslim-owned land to non-Muslims. As far as al-Qaradawi, Hamas and their followers are concerned, the conflict is not about a settlement or a checkpoint. Rather, it is about Israel's presence -- its right to exist at all -- in the Middle East.
Ken Livingstone’s favourite Islamist spreads Jew-hatred in Gaza
We have slept while Islamists such as Qaradawi have built a network of ideological institutions in the West, and an internet, television and publishing empire beyond the dreams of most political movements. Swathes of the liberal-Left have done more than sleep. They have acted as cheerleaders for the Islamists. When Ken Livingstone justified his public embrace of Qaradawi in 2005, he told us the cleric was "a progressive figure” who was “moving that religion in the correct direction”.
Britain’s Lord Ahmed quits party over reported anti-Semitism
A member of Britain’s House of Lords quit the Labour Party on Monday, two days before he was due to face a hearing over allegations he made anti-Semitic remarks in a television interview.
Nazir Ahmed was suspended from the Labour Party in March following a report that he blamed a Jewish conspiracy for his 2009 prison sentence for dangerous driving.
Barry Rubin: As Benghazi Scandal Builds, Libya Falls Apart
A forgotten element in the Benghazi scandal is this one: If Obama had said it was a terrorist attack back in September 2012 he would have to have done something about it.
Now, not just on that one day of September 11, 2012 but for seven months thereafter (!) the U.S. government has done zero about the murder of four American officials.
Guardian’s Milne diligently promotes Assad propaganda
Like his ideological heroes in Damascus, Milne probably does not for one moment really believe that Israel is collaborating with Al Qaeda or – no less absurdly – that Al Qaida would agree to join forces with Israel. Such nonsense is just part of the propaganda strategy of the Assad regime.
BBC’s Bowen invents new quarter in Jerusalem
Obviously Bowen’s expertise in Jerusalem geography is about as precise as his knowledge of Jewish prayer traditions.
Somehow, this faux pas got past the Telegraph’s fact checkers. Perhaps they mistakenly relied on the assumption that the man ultimately in charge of Middle East content for the BBC would stick to the facts.
Fox’s Discredited Anti-Israel Guest Michael Scheuer
Scheuer has been out of government nine years. He has written or said little in that time to burnish what were previously thin credentials as a Middle East expert, his CIA posting notwithstanding. He also seems to be obsessed negatively with the Jewish state and its supporters, repeatedly making false generalizations. Why is Fox so hospitable to Scheuer when he has so thoroughly discredited himself by his antisemitic bias and loony Middle East comments on TV and in other venues?
Canada deports 1968 Palestinian El Al hijacker
After a 25-year legal battle, Canada has finally deported a Palestinian convicted of an attack on an Israeli airliner in 1968, Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said on Monday.
Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad, a former Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine commando, took part in the assault on an El Al jet in Athens that killed an Israeli man. He was deported to Lebanon on Saturday.
UN Watch: Iran to chair U.N. disarmament conference
Iran will chair the United Nations’ most important disarmament negotiating forum during the panel’s May session, which opened today, sparking calls by an independent monitoring group for the U.S., the EU, and UN chief Ban Ki-moon to protest.
“This is like putting Jack the Ripper in charge of a women’s shelter,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, the Geneva based non-governmental organization, which announced it will hold protest events outside the UN hall featuring Iranian dissidents.
US to boycott UN anti-nuke meetings chaired by Iran
The United States said Monday it will refuse to send its ambassador to any meeting of the UN forum where nuclear disarmament is negotiated when it’s chaired by Iran because countries under UN sanctions shouldn’t be allowed to hold such positions.
Nigeria court convicts Iranian of illegal arms shipment
A Nigerian court on Monday sentenced an alleged member of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and his Nigerian accomplice to five years in jail each over an illegal arms shipment.
Azim Aghajani and Nigerian Ali Abbas Jega were detained in 2010 when authorities at a Lagos port discovered 13 containers of weapons that had been declared as construction materials.


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