Tuesday, April 10, 2012

  • Tuesday, April 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Arab al Yawm reports that Jordan is considering a "buffer zone" for Palestinian Syrians between Jordan and Syria, so as not to accept them into Jordan proper. This buffer zone would be under UN supervision, and it would be used only for Palestinian Arab refugees from Syria.

Jordan has already taken in some 95,000 Syrian refugees into Jordan proper. But it wants to treat the Palestinian Arabs differently.

Jordan's model is, in fact, Syria.  After the fall of Saddam Hussein, Syria did not accept Palestinian refugees fleeing for their lives from Iraq while allowing hundreds of thousands of other Iraqi refugees to enter Syria. In that case, also, a no-mans land was created between Syria and Iraq where the Palestinians - and only Palestinians - were left to fend for themselves, until UNHCR managed to find countries willing to accept them. This process that took years, and even so many Arabs - including Palestinian Arabs themselves - railed against the resettlement of these refugees.

There are an estimated 480,000 Palestinian Arabs in Syria. So far only a handful have sought refuge in Jordan but Jordan wants to keep them out of the country. They are saying that allowing the Palestinian Arabs to enter Jordan proper would set a "dangerous precedent" for Jordan.

Once upon a time, in the 1960s, Jordan claimed that all Palestinian Arabs were Jordanian and that there was no difference between Jordan and Palestine.

This discrimination against Palestinian Arabs is considered normal for Arab states, and no NGOs condemn this blatant disregard for human rights.

The hypocrisy is clear as day.
  • Tuesday, April 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
There has been pushback by British artists against the shameful attempt to ban Israel's national theater company from performing The Merchant of Venice.
Howard Jacobson, the Booker Prize-winning author, has accused leading actors and directors of “McCarthyism” in their attempt to block Israel’s national theatre company from performing in Britain.

The company, Habima, has been invited to stage a Hebrew version of The Merchant of Venice in London as part of the Globe theatre’s World Shakespeare Festival.

The invitation prompted an open letter of protest from 37 figures in the theatre world, including Emma Thompson, the actress, Mike Leigh, the director, and Mark Rylance, former artistic director of the Globe.

They claimed that Habima had a “shameful record” of performing in illegal Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory. By inviting the company to attend, the letter said, the Globe was “complicit with human rights violations and the illegal colonisation of occupied land”.

Jacobson, the Jewish author who won the 2010 Man Booker Prize for The Finkler Question, said artists should never be in favour of censorship.

He described the letter - published in The Guardian - as “Kafkaesque” in its reasoning. “But the laughter dies in our throats. With last week’s letter to the Guardian, Mccarthyism came to Britain,” Jacobson wrote in a Sunday newspaper.

Jacobson is the latest of several figures from the art world to denounce the letter. Steven Berkoff called it “dangerous rubbish” and Maureen Lipman urged the signatories to “have a debate like mature people” instead of calling for a ban, adding: “I don’t notice them trying to ban Israeli inventions which are changing the world.”
Jacobson's full letter is good:
If there is one justification for art – for its creation and its performance – it is that art proceeds from and addresses our unaligned humanity. Whoever would go to art with a mind already made up, on any subject, misses what art is for. So to censor it in the name of a political or religious conviction, no matter how sincerely held, is to tear out its very heart.

For artists themselves to do such a thing to art is not only treasonable; it is an act of self-harm. One could almost laugh about it, so Kafkaesque is the reasoning: The Merchant of Venice, acted in Hebrew, a troubling work of great moral complexity (and therefore one that we should welcome every new interpretation of), to be banned not by virtue of itself, but because of where the theatre company performing it had also performed.

But the laughter dies in our throats. With last week's letter to the Guardian, McCarthyism came to Britain. You could hear the minds of people in whom we vest our sense of creative freedom snapping shut. And now we might all be guilty by association: of being in the wrong place or talking to the wrong people or reading the wrong book. Thus does an idée fixe make dangerous fools of the best of us.

Howard Jacobson
Habima's defense of its performing in Ariel is, however, embarrassing. It could have said that it is against censorship and would perform anywhere in the world it wants, but instead its director is crying that Habima has no choice but to perform at such an odious venue as Ariel. Instead of standing up for the rights of artists to perform in places where people want to ban them, and having a consistent position about freedom of expression, its artistic director instead pleads that if they didn't perform there they would lose funding.

Ilan Ronen, Habima's artistic director, said his company was offended by the original letter. "It's a disgrace. We don't see ourselves as collaborators with the Israeli government over its West Bank policy. We don't remember artists boycotting other artists.

"They don't know the true facts about our theatre activity. Somehow, they have been manipulated, they are getting it wrong. It is important to emphasise, we express our political views in many of our projects. But like other theatre companies and dance companies in Israel, we are state-financed, and financially supported to perform all over the country. This is the law. We have no choice. We have to go, otherwise there is no financial support. It is not easy. We have to be pragmatic." Of the 1,500 performances given by the company every year, he said that about "four or five" were in the Ariel settlement in the West Bank. "It is a little bit out of proportion to represent us this way.

"We are supported by the state, but not representing it. We are completely independent, artistically and politically."

He said that company members who asked not to perform were not required to, and they were not pressured or demoted, rather they were protected and consciences were respected. "It is a difficult situation, not ideal," he said, declining to say how many of the company refused to work in the West Bank.

"Artists should create bridges where there is conflict; the issue of Israel and the Palestinians is an area in which European dialogue can be very helpful in creating a better atmosphere. To boycott us prevents any artistic dialogue."
Ronen had a chance to show a consistent position about art, and instead he caved to be more loved by the British haters. His answer, rather than being a call for the independence of art, instead lends more ammunition to Habima's critics.

(h/t Zvi)

Monday, April 09, 2012

  • Monday, April 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Vancouver Sun:

Early human test results suggest a vaccine can train cancer patients' bodies to seek out and destroy tumour cells.

The therapy, which targets a molecule found in 90 per cent of cancers, eventually could provide an injection that would allow patients' immune systems to fight off common cancers including breast and prostate cancer.

The first results of trials in people, at the Hadassah Medical Centre in Jerusalem, suggest the vaccine can reduce levels of disease. The human work is so preliminary it has yet to be published in a scientific journal.

The scientists behind the vaccine hope to conduct more extensive trials to prove it can be effective against a range of cancers. They believe it could be used to fight small tumours if they are detected early or to help prevent the return and spread of disease in patients who have undergone conventional treatment.

In the safety trial at Hadassah, 10 patients with multiple myeloma, a blood cancer, received the vaccine. Seven have finished the treatment and the developer, drug company Vaxil Biotherapeutics, reported all had greater immunity against cancer cells compared with before they were given the vaccine. Vaxil added that three patients were free of detectable cancer following the treatment.

Cancer cells usually evade a patient's immune system because they are not recognized as a threat. While the immune system usually attacks foreign cells such as bacteria, tumours are formed of the patient's own cells that have malfunctioned.

Scientists have discovered that a molecule called MUC1, which is found on the surface of cancer cells, can be used to help the immune sys-tem detect tumours. The new vaccine, ImMucin, developed by Vaxil and researchers at Tel Aviv University, uses a section of the molecule to prime the immune system so it can identify and thus destroy cancer cells.

Vaxil suggested that if large-scale trials prove as successful, the vaccine could be available within six years.
Actually, I reported on this news last November.

Here's Vaxil's promotional video:

  • Monday, April 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Times of Israel:
Passover, for some, is all about the haroset. The chutney-like spread that memorializes the mortar that the ancient Israelites used to build the Egyptian pyramids can be made from apples, nuts and sweet wine, with a sprinkle of cinnamon, or in a more Sephardic fashion, from dates, raisins, banana and silan, with spices and a mixture of crushed nuts.

It appears that the ice cream producers at Ben & Jerry’s Israel are also haroset lovers, because they’ve created a flavor just for Passover, “Haroset and Nuts,” being sold only at the company’s ice cream stores in Beer Tuvia, Yavne and the Cinema City shops in Glilot and Rishon Lezion.

Made with real apple-based haroset and walnuts, it’s one of the eight flavors that were made kosher for Passover in Israel, including Vanilla, Strawberry, Banana Walnut, Coffee, Chocolate Walnut, Chocolate and Dulce de leche. All the flavors besides Haroset and Walnuts are available in supermarkets as well.
Sounds good!

Especially since I bought some kosher-for-Passover ice cream at Costco this year. Yecch.
  • Monday, April 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is a case where Mike Wallace's interview skills were used well:

Of course, in this case, the Shah was insulting Wallace and his profession.
  • Monday, April 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Wired:

While many of the boys in Idan Yahya’s high school class were buffing up and preparing themselves for selection into elite combat units, this gawky teenager was spending “a lot of time” playing Warcraft — the real-time strategy computer game where opposing players command virtual armies in a battle to dominate the fictional world of Azeroth.
Four years later, the high school jocks who sweated it out in pre-military academies so they could make the cut into the Israel Defense Force’s Special Operations units are now crawling through the sand dunes on the outskirts of the Gaza Strip and watching while Idan knocks rockets out of the sky hundreds of meters above their heads. Idan Yahya, 22, an Iron Dome “gunner” in the Active Air Defense Wing 167, currently holds the record for the number of rockets intercepted: eight.
People in the army describe him variously as a geek and an ace. But the geek who grew up playingWarcraft is now a highly prized soldier on the cutting edge of real war craft. He’s the Israeli army’s top rocket interceptor.
The Iron Dome is a mobile anti-rocket interception system that Israel moves around the country to shoot down the rockets fired at its civilian population centers by armed groups in Gaza and southern Lebanon. Its radar picks up launches and fires interceptor missiles at them if they’re calculated to be heading towards populated centers. The system has become increasingly important as Hamas, Hezbollah and other groups amass surface-to-surface missiles to hit the Israeli home front with, thus bypassing the Israel Defense Force’s overwhelming advantage of concentrated firepower and fighter aircraft. Should Israel attack Iran’s nuclear installations, the expected rocket reprisals from the armed groups on its borders will keep Iron Dome very, very busy.
As the war between Israelis and Arabs enters its sixth decade (or its 500th depending on who you ask), it is increasingly becoming a hi-tech rocket war. The IDF’s Director of Military Intelligence Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi in February said there were 200,000 rockets aimed at Israel from the south, north and east. And in this increasingly technological battlefield of rockets, anti-rocket interceptors, radars, control rooms,drones and drone hacking, it is soldiers like Idan Yahya (and whoever his counterparts on the Arab side are) who are making the most impact.
Computer geek, keyboard combatant, soldier, call him what you will, Idan and others like him man the controls of the latest rock star in advanced military technology. “There are a lot of flashing blips, signs, symbols, colors and pictures on the screen. You look at your tactical map; see where the threat is coming from. You have to make sure you’re locked onto the right target. There’s a lot of information and there is very little time. It definitely reminds me of Warcraft and other online strategy games,” Idan says.
Based on information from the Iron Dome’s radar about the incoming rocket’s current and projected trajectory, the processors at the BMC (Better Management Command) calculate its Ground Impact Point whether it’s going to fall into an open field or an apartment building – and based on that decides whether to shoot it down or leave it alone. The incoming missile is not a static object that’s being fired at, so the interceptor missile is constantly provided with updated trajectory information.The young soldier has at his console a machine of vast computing power and aerial TNT. Each Iron Dome battery is manned by a crew of 100 soldiers, including perimeter guards, working in shifts, and the entire system is connected to the larger Israeli multi-tiered air defense order of battle. The unit is a mobile battlefield installation that meshes radar information from a mini multi-mission and fire control radar, powerful networks and processors, launchers, GPS-guided rockets, and human operators pushing the buttons and making the decisions. It is the first system of its kind that is designed specifically to detect the launch and trajectory of short-range rockets, and intercept them in flight if they’re deemed to be headed for a populated area.
The Iron Dome’s ‘brain’ then, and what makes it such a successful system is its powerful ‘trajectory prediction mechanism,’ which assesses where along the trajectory the intercept point is going to be. “When I shoot one down, I feel happy, satisfied. I try disconnect from my feelings when I’m at the controls though,” Idan says.
Read the whole thing.
  • Monday, April 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israel continues to send fuel to Gaza's power plant, easing the crisis there that came about because Hamas didn't want Israel to send fuel to Gaza's power plant:

Yesterday 537 thousand liters of diesel, 80 thousand liters of gasoline and about 210 tons of [cooking] gas were transferred to the power station in Gaza through the Kerem Shalom [crossing] and today (04.09.12) a similar amount is expected to be transferred.
This is in addition to the 430,000 liters sent last week.

Four transformers were brought in order to improve the activity and electricity generation capacity at the station and are a part of an extensive project for upgrading the power supply capacity of the power plant from 80 megawatts that it can provide today to 120 MW, in two months (with final placement of the new transformers).
During the first quarter of 2012, 639 tons of strawberries, tomatoes, peppers and flowers were exported [from Gaza.]
  • Monday, April 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Jewish Voice for Peace "Haggadah" could have easily been written by Hamas in its attempt to portray Jews as the evil protagonists.

It starts off by ensuring that the reader does not mix up ancient Egypt with modern Egypt - we wouldn't want hate crimes, after all - and also not to confuse the Children of Israel with the State of Israel, which is a terrible entity:

In the wake of the revolutions throughout the Arab World, and particularly in Egypt, we want to acknowledge the distinction between “mitzrayim” — the narrow place, where the story we tell at Passover takes place — and Egypt, the modern-day nation state. We are not conflating contemporary Egyptians with the pharaoh and taskmasters that appear in the Passover story. In the U.S., and worldwide, anti-Arab racism and Islamophobia saturate our media and our culture, and we must be vigilant to oppose it and interrupt it at every turn.

The word Yisrael (Israel) when found in the liturgy (religious text) does not refer to the modern nation/state of Israel, rather it derives from the blessing given to Ya’akov (Jacob) by a stranger with whom he wrestles all night. When the stranger is finally pinned, Ya’akov asks him for a blessing. The stranger says,“Your name will no longer be Ya’akov but Yisrael
for you have wrestled with G-d and triumphed.” Therefore when we say “Yisrael” in prayer we are referring to being G-d-wrestlers, not Israelis.
Once we got that out of the way, it is time to look at the overcrowded Seder plat, which includes:
Olive – Symbolizing the self-determination of the Palestinian people and an invitation to Jewish communities to become allies to Palestinian liberation struggles.

When breaking the middle matzah, we must of course say that Israel should be overrun with Arabs.
As we break the middle matzah we acknowledge the break that occurred in Palestinian life and culture with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 when hundreds of villages were destroyed and hundreds of thousands of people displaced. This damage cannot be undone — but repair and return are possible.

A new set of four questions must be asked, including this one:
How will we, as Jews, bear witness to the unjust actions committed in our name?
The actual Passover story is long and noring, so we will skip over that, except for the Ten Plagues, because we want to remember the suffering of the Egyptians:
Our freedom was bought with the suffering of others. As we packed our bags that last night in Egypt, the darkness was pierced with screams. May the next sea-opening not also be a drowning; may our singing never again be their wailing. We shall all be free, or none of us shall be free because our liberations are intertwined.

However, we would be remiss if we didn't talk about the ten plagues that Jews are inflicting on Palestinian Arabs today, including:
  1. Poverty
  2. Restrictions on movement
  3. Water shortage
  4. Destruction of Olive Trees
  5. Home demolitions
  6. Settlements
  7. Political prisoners
  8. Profiteering
  9. Denial of the Right of Return
  10. Erasing histories

Then comes the Palestinian Freedom Riders Song.

Obviously, we must sing the Nakba Dayenu:
When soldiers rounded up Palestinian men and massacred them collectively – we should have said enough.
When Palestinian men were forced into labor camps, where their labor included destroying Palestinian homes – we should have said enough.
When the on the Eve of Passover, in an operation called, “Cleaning Out Chametz” the Haganah shelled the Palestinian residential quarters of Haifa, forcing 70,000, 90% of the city’s Palestinian residents, to flee – we should have said enough.
Later we get to Maror, whose symbolism is so obvious:
We taste a bit of maror, the bitter herb, as it calls to mind the bitterness of slavery, the bitterness of life under occupation.

The Korech sandwich is a little less obvious:
We prepare to eat the Hillel sandwich with the sweetness of haroset and the bitterness of maror, highlighting the challenge to us to taste freedom in the midst of oppression, to be aware of oppression even as we are free, we hold the contradictions of bitter and sweet.

Then comes a cup of wine to celebrate BDS, readings about how Shir HaMaalot is immoral because it talks about return to Zion, how "Next Year in Jerusalem" means for Palestinian Arabs, and about the extreme dangers of "Pinkwashing."

Yes, this is a Haggadah that Hamas could love.  But it was written by their trusted Jewish dhimmis at JVP. (I'm actually surprised that they kept the idea of four cups of wine, not  considering how that could upset JVP's Islamic masters. How inconsiderate of them!)

(h/t Divest This, who plans his own fisking of this piece of trash. He describes it this way:
JVP’s foray into this long-abused genre sets a new precedent for utter tastelessness and self indulgence. It is truly a work that could only have been contemplated (much less executed) by those whose universe consists of nothing but themselves.
  • Monday, April 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Soeren Kern at The Gatestone Institute:

The top-ranked football team in Spain, Real Madrid, has removed a Christian cross from its official logo as a way to strengthen its fan base among Muslims in Europe and the Middle East.

According to Spain's top sports newspaper, Marca, the change was made to "avoid any form of confusion or misinterpretation in a region where the majority of the population is Muslim."

Real Madrid says its decision to remove the cross from its logo is simply a cost of doing business in a globalized world. But critics say the move represents yet another erosion of European culture and tradition in the face of encroaching Islam.

The cross controversy comes as Real Madrid begins to build a $1 billion sports tourist resort in the United Arab Emirates. The foundation stone for the 50 hectare Real Madrid Resort Island was laid in the emirate of Ras al-Khaimah on March 29; the complex is scheduled to open in January 2015.

Real Madrid says its resort island will be the first theme park on an artificial island to combine tourism and sports, and it will be the first recreational tourism complex built under the Real Madrid trademark. The complex will include a 450-room luxury hotel, luxury villas, a sporting harbor, and the world's first-ever football stadium that is open to the sea.

According to Real Madrid, "This is a decisive and strategic step that will enhance the strength of this institution in the Middle East and Asia, a key region in which the passion for this club has been apparent. Real Madrid and the Government of Ras al-Khaimah want to transmit the passion of Real Madrid and what it means throughout the world."

As part of the agreement, however, the ruler of Ras al-Khaimah, Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr al Qasimi, required Real Madrid to remove the cross from the crown on its logo for all promotional materials related to the resort island. The president of Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez, dutifully complied.
Old and new logos

The cross was first to Real Madrid's logo in 1920, when King Alfonso XIII granted the club his royal patronage. The word Real is Spanish for royal, and the cross still forms an integral part of the coat of arms of the King of Spain.

The article goes on to show that this is not the first time a cross was removed from a football logo to soothe Muslim sensibilities; FC Barcelona's shirts sold in Muslim countries are similarly edited so as not to offend their Muslim fans:

(h/t @challahhuakbar)
  • Monday, April 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

Following are excerpts from an interview with Kuwaiti cleric Tareq Sweidan, manager of Al-Resala TV, which aired on Al-Quds TV on March 26, 2012.
Tareq Sweidan : I studied at the Petroleum Department at the University of Oklahoma, and our dean, who was a Christian American, retired. The man they brought to replace him was completely incompetent. I went to the former dean, Dr. Guerrero, and asked him: "What made them choose Dr. Sylvester as the new dean, even though he is unworthy of this?" I was still a student back then. He laughed and said: "You noticed?" I said: "Of course. Anybody with eyes in his head would notice." He said: "It's because he is a Freemason." This Guerrero began to curse the Jews and the Freemasons, saying that they control everything.
This is just a little story from Oklahoma in the middle of America. Now think what happens in New York or California, the centers of power.
When I was still in the US, we decided to try to influence a member of Congress, who seemed to be somewhat sympathetic towards us. He was campaigning in the elections, and we said: "Let us Muslims vote and raise funds for him. We raised 300,000 dollars and went to give it to him, saying: "Take this money, we support you, and you will support us politically." He refused. We asked why, and he said: "The Jews were here yesterday and gave me 300 million."
I have no hope that the West will change its positions. I can change the positions of some Westerners, but at the end of the day, power lies with the politicians, who are influenced by two things and two things only: money and the media, both of which are controlled by the Jews.
So we should make the effort, but we must not rely on Western aid or on Western popular sympathy. These are minor things. We rely upon Allah and then upon our armed resistance in obtaining our rights.
I say to the Arabs today: "Please do not negotiate. You are weak and would end up making unnecessary concessions. If you are incapable of regaining the holy city [of Jerusalem], I beg you to leave it occupied. A generation will come that will liberate it for us." We do not want negotiations or compromises while in a state of weakness, because we would end up relinquishing what the strong would not give up.
Interviewer : The principle of compromise states that we should get whatever we can. Its supporters say: Let's accept this, so that Palestine is not lost in its entirety. Some Arab regimes have even begun to lament [their objection to] the Partition Plan. In order not to repeat the same mistake, they say, let's take what is being offered...
Tareq Sweidan : This is a defeatist mentality, adopted by the weak. Let me say something to you, to the viewers, and to the Palestinians: This land is not yours. Palestine, the Holy Land - and especially Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque - does not belong to the Palestinians. It belongs to the entire Islamic nation. You have no right to relinquish or divide it. By Allah, even if all the Palestinians accept a compromise and hand over Jerusalem, we will not agree to that. Even if you become weak and surrender, we will not weaken. We will continue to wage resistance until we liberate it. These are our holy places. This is the Islamic mentality as I understand it.
I'm from Kuwait, but my first and foremost cause in this world is that of Palestine and Jerusalem. Palestine and Jerusalem come before Kuwait for me, because I'm a Muslim, and I believe in my holy places. A nation that relinquishes its holy places becomes worthless. Even if all the Palestinians relinquish it, the Islamic nation will not.
In a nutshell, my strategy is as follows: We must consolidate the position of the Palestinians within Palestine as much as possible. We must support the armed resistance in Gaza, and if possible, we must spread it to the West Bank, and even to Palestine [within the 1948 borders]. If we can, we should do that. Third, the countries bordering [Israel] must be serious in their resistance to the Zionist entity. Thanks to Allah, there are signs of this. Fourth, this must be a mission for the entire Islamic nation. Everyone should support this cause. The most dangerous thing facing the Muslims is not the dictatorships. The absolutely most dangerous thing is the Jews. They are the most dangerous. They are the greatest enemy.
It looks like Sweidan can't even tell the truth about his alma mater, which appears to be the University of Tulsa. The chances that Dr. Guerrero cursed the Jews and Freemasons are about the same as that a congressional candidate  in Oklahoma received a $300 million donation from Jews.
  • Monday, April 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
I noted last week that for the first time, hundreds of Egyptian Copts were flocking to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter, after Coptic Pope Shenouda III - who was opposed to such pilgrimages - died.

The church stated at the time that "the Church is a religious institution that does not control the freedom of individuals does not impose laws on them."

Those pilgrims were denied access to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

From Al Ahram:
The St Helena Chapel, the Egyptian [Coptic] part of Jerusalem's Church of the Holy Sepulcher, has denied entry to Egyptian Christians who sought to celebrate Easter there.

Defying a ban by the late Pope Shenouda III, more than one hundred Egyptian Copts flew to Jerusalem to visit landmarks in the holy land.

We neither allowed them to pray nor to break their fast. That infuriated them to the extent that some of them wanted to fight us,” Priest Mesaael told the Egyptian state-run news agency MENA.

“The instructions of the late Pope Shenouda are still valid, we have to respect them even more than we did when he was alive.”
This is all in context of a larger dispute in the Arab world on whether visiting Jerusalem is a form of normalizing relations with Israel. Mahmoud Abbas wants Arabs to visit but he is opposed by many clerics including the late Pope Shenouda, popular Qatar-based preacher Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi and Sheikh Sabri, head of the Islamic Council of Jerusalem.

Notably, Crown Prince Hashim of Jordan visited the Al Aqsa Mosque last week.
  • Monday, April 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
These parents and children taking an outing are, according to some, the most dangerous people on the planet.

According to the Al Aqsa Heritage Foundation, they are among the "settlers" who "stormed" the Temple Mount and "desecrated" it on Sunday, doing "provocative Talmudic rituals."

Some of the desecrators were even seen singing and dancing.

Outrageous, I know. 


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