Monday, March 12, 2012

  • Monday, March 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Naharnet:
Prime Minister Najib Miqati confirmed on Monday that the Lebanese army had busted a cell within its ranks planning attacks on military barracks.

In remarks to reporters at the Grand Serail, Miqati said: “The Lebanese army uncovered a terrorist cell that was planning an attack on its barracks and is carrying out the necessary investigation.”

He said the cell is active in northern Lebanon with branches in the Palestinian camps and mainly in Ain al-Hilweh. “But it has nothing to do with the situation in Syria.”

His confirmation came after al-Akhbar daily reported that the army arrested two Salafist soldiers linked to the Abdullah Azzam Brigades allied with the al-Qaida terrorist network.

The men are reportedly part of a larger network consisting of four Lebanese and one Palestinian identified as Abu Mohammed Toufiq Taha who is the Brigades’ ringleader in Ain el-Hilweh and wanted on several charges.

While Taha is on the run, the other six were arrested by the army intelligence, al-Akhbar said.
How much vetting does the Lebanese army do, anyway? "Do you hate Israel? OK, you're in!"
  • Monday, March 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday was the anniversary of the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre, where 38 Israelis - including 13 children - were murdered by a team of bus hijackers that was led by celebrated Palestinian Arab terrorist Dalal Mughrabi.

So Fatah is celebrating this great victory.

Fatah organized a soccer tournament and a poetry festival in the name of Mughrabi. Events were held in Khan Younis and Ramallah. Prominent Fatah members spoke. A special radio show to mark the event was broadcast.

Israel's supposed peace partners celebrate the murder of these Jewish children every year, and indeed all year, as this PA video from January shows:

  • Monday, March 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Islamic Jihad put out an announcement saying that they refuse to consider a cease-fire from their rocket attacks. And the reason seems to be that they think that they are winning.

The Al-Quds Brigades military wing of Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Saraya ...announced its responsibility for the bombing of targets with missiles named "Locusts" and "Jerusalem" and "107" and mortars. The number of rockets and missiles launched by Saraya since the start of the aggression is now more than 180.

The Al-Quds Brigades in several separate military communications, said the harvest of jihad in the ongoing battle with the enemy for a fourth day in a row came as follows:
- Q 2:50 dawn: the bombing of the city of Ashkelon with a Jerusalem rocket.
- 3:10 am Q: the bombing of the city of Beersheba Grad rocket.
- 3:20 am Q: Beersheba bombing Grad rocket.
- Q 4:00: the bombing of a gathering of the mechanisms of Zionism within the site Kissufim mortar with 3 120 mm.
- Q 7:30: the bombing of the Sufa crossing a missile 107.
- Q 9:30: the bombing of the city of Beersheba, occupied by 3 Grad rockets.
- Q 9:40: the bombing of military site Kerem Shalom with 3 mortars.
- 10:15 Q: the bombing of the occupied city of Ashdod with a Grad rocket.
- 10:30 Q: the bombing of a military post east of Beit Hanoun by two mortars.
- 11:20 Q: bombing a missile complex in Eshkol with a 107.
- 12:30 Q: bombing site Nahal Oz with 3 missiles, "107."
- 12:40 Q: occupied Beersheba bombing by 3 Grad rockets.
- 1:15 pm: City of Gan Yavne bombing with a Grad.

Al-Quds Brigades confirmed that there is no truce with the Zionist enemy, and that the battle is still open and ongoing. It stressed to move forward on the approach of the martyrs and the resistance until the liberation of the entire territory of Palestine from the sea to the river.

The "Al-Quds Brigades" military wing of Islamic Jihad still leads the field of resistance and confrontation, and made enormous sacrifices of the finest Mujahideen and fighters, and managed thanks to God to shoot to the occupation more than 170 rockets and shells since the start of the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip.

On the other hand the life in cities and Zionist settlements is now non-existent, and millions of Zionist usurpers are still inside the shelters, for the fourth consecutive day, out of fear and horror of the blessed rockets of the Quds Brigades, that have turned their nights into day, and towns into ghost towns, amid the continuing enemy leaders begging for calm demanding the return of calm and cease missiles, and this is what Al-Quds Brigades rejects out of hand, to not allow the enemy to pay themselves with the blood of the Mujahideen and their leaders and heroes of the resistance, whenever he pleases.

For its part, the leadership of "Al-Quds Brigades" military wing of Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine will continue its jihad at all costs, in light of the Zionist escalation of the Gaza Strip, and will not talk about calm at all.

The command said in a statement to Al Saraya yesterday that the bombing would be met by bombing and to step up the escalation will be met, and will continue to respond to crimes of the occupation against the Mujahideen and their leaders and heroes of the Palestinian resistance. She added that the morale of the hero fighters are at the highest levels.

Islamic Jihad stresses that she has the means to survive and continue, warning the occupation against going too far in his crimes against the militants in the Gaza Strip. And at the same time it denied the rumors of the news of a calm that was to enter into force at 12 last night.
The Islamic Jihad websites are filled with contradictory articles about how the Zionists are being forced to run to shelters and stay away from school, while at the same time they are performing war crimes on the citizens of Gaza.

Here are the brave mujahadeen who are too afraid to show their faces at a press conference:

  • Monday, March 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas apologists love to say that any rocket fire from Gaza is done despite Hamas efforts for calm. While this may be true sometimes, the current attacks - some 180 rockets since Friday - are being done without any Hamas interference whatsoever.

Keep in mind that Hamas has complete control over the tunnels into Gaza, so it knows about every rocket being smuggled in. And that means that every Grad rocket being shot by terror groups like Islamic Jihad were acquired with the full knowledge and approval of Hamas.

(h/t Ian)
  • Monday, March 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the IDF:

This morning, Palestinian terrorists fired three mortars on the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom crossing. The mortars struck a truck and a van on their way to deliver goods to the people of Gaza. Following the shooting, activity at the crossing was suspended for just a few minutes. After evaluating the situation, it was decided to continue operations at the crossing, where goods continue to be transferred from Israel into the Gaza Strip.

Yesterday, over 180 trucks of goods were transferred from Israel to Gaza.
COGAT adds:
The mortars hit the Palestinian side of the crossing and hit a Palestinian truck that transfers goods from Israel to Gaza Strip, also the Palestinian crossing manager car was hit.

Israel continues to send aid to Gaza even when the aid trucks themselves are being shelled by Gazans!

Will anyone in Gaza condemn the firing of mortars aimed at aid trucks - even when those mortars land on the Arab side of the crossing?
  • Monday, March 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:
Israeli airstrikes killed two Islamic Jihad militants and a 15-year-old boy on Monday, bringing the death toll since Friday to 21 people.

Nayif Shaaban Qarmout, 15, was killed in Beit Lahiya, north Gaza, Ma'an's correspondent said.

Witnesses said that the 15-year-old was playing with friends in a play ground near his school when an Israeli missile hit the area.
But AFP reports:
The Israeli army on Monday denied it had carried out an air strike on northern Gaza which killed a teenager, with an AFP correspondent confirming there was no sign of an air raid.

Fifteen-year-old Nayef Qarmut was killed and six other teenagers injured as they were on their way to school near the northern town of Beit Lahiya, with a spokesman for the Palestinian medical services blaming an Israeli drone strike.

"A drone strike hit a group of students who were walking by empty land on their way to school," said spokesman Adham Abu Selmiya, describing an incident which occurred at around 9:30am (0730 GMT).

But the Israeli military, after looking into the claim, denied it had conducted any air strikes in northern Gaza then, saying the last time it had struck the area was in the early hours of Monday.

"From an initial check, there were no air strikes in the northern Gaza Strip since the early hours of the morning," a military spokesman told AFP.

According to an AFP correspondent at the scene, there were no signs of any impact on the ground which could have been caused by a missile, with the most likely cause of his death being some kind of explosive device he was carrying.

The victim lost his legs in the blast and his body was covered with shrapnel wounds, he said.

Six other school children were injured, two of whom were in critical condition, while four sustained moderate wounds, medics said.
Once again, when both sides make contradictory claims, and the facts are checked out, it is found that that the Palestinian Arabs lie, repeatedly.

Yet many journalists, and especially "advocacy journalists," will unquestioningly believe any statements given out by Palestinian Arab officials and supposed "eyewitnesses."

UPDATE: PCHR also mindlessly repeats the lie, showing that it does not investigate allegations the way it pretends to.

UPDATE 2: Challah Hu Akbar found photos of the scene, and it sure doesn't look like an airstrike. Yet it is still being considered as such by Western media who are counting this death as one that was from Israel.

(h/t T34)
  • Monday, March 12, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, a spectacular set of explosions at a Hamas weapons depot:

An Islamic Jihad weapons depot tht was targeted today:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Friday, there were violent protests in front of the US Embassy in Cairo.

It appears that they were enough to prompt the US ambassador to flee Egypt, according to Bikya Masr:
Anger toward the United States is growing in Egypt, and on Friday, some 100 angry demonstrators took to the US Embassy in Cairo to voice their concern, clashing with security forces in the area.

As a result of the rising tension and anger toward the US, the country’s ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson reportedly has fled the country to Germany en route back to the United States.

On Friday, the protesters called for an end to military rule over Egypt, which they argue is a result of American support and backing, both financially and politically.

The demonstrators clashed briefly with soldiers stationed near the US embassy in downtown Cairo.

Shouting “Down with military power!” the protesters lobbed stones at the soldiers, who responded by throwing them back and trying to disperse the crowd.

The US Embassy in Cairo would not reveal to when the ambassador would be returning to Cairo, saying the security situation at the embassy is “under control.”
No confirmation of this report yet from any other source.
  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports that the Ayman Juda group within the Al-Aqsa Brigades took responsibility for some of the rockets that slammed into Israel on Saturday.

The Al Aqsa Brigades are part of Fatah. You know, the "moderate" terrorist group that Mahmoud Abbas and Saeb Erekat belong to.

But that's not all this peace-loving terror group did this weekend.

Today they claimed responsibility for shooting at a civilian bus on Highway 60 near Ariel at the Givat-Assaf junction. No one was injured.

This must be another of those "non-violent popular protests" we hear so much about.
  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
The Iranian minister of communication and technology accused Western nations of using the internet as a tool for spying and spreading corruption, Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency reported on Saturday.

“Unfortunately, the Western states, the U.S. on top of them, are using the internet for spying and spreading corruption on Earth, but Iran has started a movement in administering internet use and will definitely limit such (Western) misuses through the aid and assistance of (the world) free circles,” Reza Taqipour was quoted by Fars news agency as saying at a meeting with the Iraqi minister of Communication Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi.

“The Internet should be at all states’ service and not for Western economic misuses and demonization of other states,” Taqipour added.

Taqhipour announced that Iran will within weeks launch a “halal” network that will provide Iranians with a safe environment to surf the web as it will be “clean” of “immoral” sites.

Iranian officials have said in the past that the Internet could open the nation to a cultural invasion from the West and make it vulnerable to computer viruses, such as the Stuxnet worm that attacked its nuclear facilities. Many believe the malware was created by Israel or the United States to block Iran’s nuclear progress.

In January, Iran’s head of police, Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam, stated that Google is not a search engine but rather an instrument for spying.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Wednesday ordered the creation of a new government agency to monitor cyberspace in an aggressive step in the ongoing crackdown on online activities by ordinary Iranians.

Khamenei issued a decree calling for a Supreme Council of Cyberspace, an entity that would be headed by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and would include other top Iranian officials, including the intelligence chief and the head of the Revolutionary Guards.

“Planning and constant coordination” of the Internet are needed “to prevent its damages and consequences,” the decree said. The council should have “a constant and comprehensive monitoring over the domestic and international cyberspace,” it added.

Iranians have grappled with increased obstacles to using the Internet since opposition supporters used social networking sites to organize widespread protests after the disputed 2009 re-election of Ahmadinejad.
It's a neat trick to impose censorship and spy on local activists' Internet usage in the name of "morality."

It is unclear if this "halal" network is completely self-contained or just heavily censored. If it is really an Iranian intranet, with no connectivity to the world, then any viruses that do happen to get introduced (by USB or CD-ROM, for example) would spread far faster since every anti-virus program relies on updates over the Internet.

And I thought from reading that world-renowned Iran expert apologist Juan Cole that Khamenei hated Ahmadinejad. Why is he entrusting him with leading the nation's cyber-police?

  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Jordan Times December 21 (h/t Zvi):
When Israel is involved, patriotism should take precedence over all other considerations, Jordan Press Association (JPA) President Tareq Momani emphasised.

The 950-member JPA opposes contact between its members and Israelis, he noted, adding that the case is different with respect to the state-run media.

We are totally against any contact with Israelis. The issue here is not just about journalism. Israel for us is still an enemy occupying Arab land and oppressing Arab people. We will not accept giving their views platform,” Momani told The Jordan Times yesterday.

Last Thursday, Al Ghad daily reported that a Jordanian woman was suing the Israeli embassy for holding her against her will for 24 hours. The article had only the statement by the woman, who was employed by the embassy, and that of her lawyers, but lacked any response from the Israeli side.

The reporter, Mwaffaq Kamal, told The Jordan Times that his decision not to get a comment from the Israelis was in line with his institution’s editorial policy, but is also within his personal convictions.

I agree that professionalism requires balanced reporting, but for me this is a case that involves an enemy,” Kamal told The Jordan Times on Saturday, adding that he complied with the JPA regulations.

“Professionalism requires giving space to all parties to give their side of the story, and it is the readers’ decision to make up their minds,” Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism Executive Director Rana Sabbagh told The Jordan Times yesterday.

She underlined the sensitivity of issues related to Israel, but stressed that in news coverage, professionalism should be above all considerations.

“Jordan has signed a peace treaty with Israel. Therefore, there is so much integration and collaboration between the two sides. For example, when reporting about water issues, Israelis should be contacted for a comment,” she said, adding, however, that this is an individual decision and editors cannot force journalists to do something that contradicts their principles.

The JPA Law does not contain penalties against journalists who contact Israelis in the course of their reporting, but the head of the association’s disciplinary committee, Fayez Mubaydeen, told The Jordan Times that there can be a price to pay, which goes as far as revoking or suspending membership in the association.

“When such a case is reported to the association, the disciplinary committee looks into it and raises its recommendation to the JPA council to take action accordingly,” he said.

Tareq Hmeidi, an Al Rai reporter, told The Jordan Times that earlier this year, he was invited to a science conference in Qatar but decided to forego it when he heard that Israelis were also taking part in the event.

“Regardless of my personal views, I cannot go against public opinion. The conference was purely scientific and had nothing to do with politics, but I decided to boycott it, in compliance with the regulations of the JPA,” said Hmeidi, adding that he was criticised by the US-based Science magazine for not attending.
And this is from a state that is at peace with Israel!

Western media relies on Arab reporting, especially English-language Arab reporting. Western journalists who see an article in a Jordanian or Kuwaiti newspaper will naturally trust that their fellow journalist is unbiased and fair, and will use the information relatively uncritically. Journalists generally feel they are all on the same side, the side of "truth."

As a result, when a significant number of Arab reporters freely admit that they have no intention to report fairly about Israel, this affects Western coverage of Israel as well.
  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
When journalists tweet, do they have the same ethical responsibilities as they do when writing articles?

Apparently, pro-Palestinian journalists don't believe so.

George Hale from Ma'an tweeted yesterday:

4 people injured after Israeli forces open fire toward mourners near the eastern cemetery - medical official

Never mind that Gaza medical officials have been known to, um, how should I put it? - lie. A piece of information gets released, and it gets tweeted without verification.

Joseph Dana retweeted the same information adding, "Classy."

Only one problem: It never happened.

It was reported in Gulf Today/AFP this way:

Palestinian security officials said that at one funeral, east of Gaza City and close to the Israeli border fence, Israeli troops opened fire at a crowd of mourners, wounding four people, one in the head.

But PCHR, which is reporting every single attack by Israel, is silent on the topic. You can be sure if it happened they would have noted it. Similarly, Ma'an never reported on any gunfire at a funeral, even though their editor was the first to tweet the information. Why not?

But step back for a second. Does the story make any sense at all? Israeli troops aren't in Gaza, so how could they shoot mourners at a funeral? With rockets? Helicopter gunships? Really long range machine guns?

In other words, how much do you have to hate Israel to believe that the IDF is shooting at funerals?

So what really happened?

From AP:
Tens of thousands of Palestinian mourners marched through the streets in funeral processions. They carried slain militants in coffins, their bodies too torn up to be wrapped in cloth, as Muslim tradition dictates. Masked militants sprayed machine gun fire above the mourners' heads in angry grief.
Ah, so the only gunfire in Gaza at funerals is coming from the terrorists. If anyone was injured by gunfire, it came from terrorists shooting their own weapons.

But the tweets live on, get retweeted, and people who read tweets from journalists give them the same credibility that they give articles that were edited and vetted (not that they are so much better, as we see from AFP.) They rarely get retracted or corrected, because, hey, its only Twitter, right? (And  if pushed, they'll just fall back on saying that they were quoting "officials" who they know quite well routinely lie.)

And the truth gets lost in the sea of hate and bias.

UPDATE: PCHR does describe the incident:
At approximately 14:00 also on Saturday, Israeli soldiers stationed at observation towers at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel to the east of the northern Gaza Strip town of Jabalya opened fire at a number of Palestinian civilians who got close to the border and threw stones, during the funeral procession of a number of victims of Israeli air strikes. Five civilians were wounded by gunshots, including two ones who were in serious conditions.
It is doubtful that the funeral procession came within 300 meters of the border, so the Gazans deliberately went over to the border that the IDF keeps clear to avoid terror attacks. (h/t Bruan)

UPDATE 2: See Israellycool on some other lies flying around Twitter.


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