Sunday, March 11, 2012

  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From J Street:

J Street is deeply concerned about the most recent spate of violence between the Israel Defense Forces and militants in Gaza, which, in three days, has already resulted in over one hundred rockets fired on Israeli cities and towns and airstrikes on Gaza that have killed over a dozen Palestinian civilians.

So far, there have been 16 terrorists killed and two civilians (one farmer was in the vicinity of terrorists, who were injured.)

J-Street automatically condemns Israel for killing civilians without the slightest checking of facts. That is not how someone who is "pro-Israel" acts, to put it mildly.

See also Challah Hu Akbar.

(h/t Emet)

UPDATE: They revised it.
  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Despite the continuous firring of more than 120 missiles and mortar shells towards civilian targets in southern Israel, the stoppage of studies and the disruption in the daily lives of more then million Israelis, the state of Israel has decided to open the land crossings to Gaza regularly.

Today, 200 aid trucks are entering Gaza from Kerem Shalom, including 11 trucks loaded with building materials and gravel and 40 trucks for UNRWA projects, in addition to cooking gas being pumped in.

Also three trucks are leaving Gaza filled with flowers for export to Europe.
  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
If you think that media bias against Israel is bad in English-language media, check this out from the Dutch site:

The caption translates to "A rocket fired from Israel to the Gaza Strip."

This is the Iron Dome system, where rockets are fired to destroy incoming Grad rockets from the Gaza Strip!

(h/t Barry)

UPDATE: The caption was corrected to "An Israeli Iron Dome rocket is fired to intercept an incoming rocket from Gaza."

UPDATE 2: The Times of London did the exact same thing.
  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the International Press Institute, in a story I noted Thursday:
The Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate has reported that three journalists reporting on a mass wedding of 500 couples in Gaza City were attacked. The mass wedding was organised by local charities in conjunction with Hamas, according to Ramallah-based Maan News.

According to the Palestine Press Agency and the Wafa news agency, the journalists who were attacked were: Mohammed Mashharawi, who works for Sky News, Adnan al-Dorosh, who works for the BBC Arabic Service, and Amer Abu Omar. Sources said that Mashharawi was briefly detained by Hamas.

Earlier IPI spoke to Sami Sahmoud, a correspondent for Sky News Arabia and colleague of Mohammed Mashharawi, who said that the incidents were due to tension between the journalists and the Hamas security forces. IPI research indicates that Hamas had laid out strict guidelines on where the journalists were allowed to be in the stadium as they covered the mass wedding. Sahmoud told IPI that one security official allegedly began to violently push the journalists; Mashharawi tried to resolve the situation by talking to the security forces. According to Sahmoud, the issue appeared to have been resolved by the media co-ordinator but a few minutes later the guard came back with more security guards, and tried to arrest Mohammed, who asked to see his security information. A scuffle reportedly broke out and the other journalists tried to help Mashharawi. Sources said that Mashharawi, al-Dorosh, and Abu Omar were allegedly taken out of the stadium and beaten.

According to Sahmoud, Mashharawi was taken to prison, where he was reportedly told to remove his shoes, belt and shirt and he was allegedly detained for an hour in a dark cell. During the journey to the detention centre, Mashharawi was allegedly punched in the face and the chest, and one official even threatened to shoot him, IPI research revealed. No formal charges were made against any of the journalists. The Government Information Bureau contacted the journalists following the case, Sahmoud revealed. The Ministry of Interior in the Gaza Strip condemned the “unacceptable” attack and said a full investigation would be launched, according to Maan News.
Sky News and the BBC have been completely silent on the assault on their own reporters, as has all of the mainstream media.

Which is pretty much all you need to know if you are expecting even Western news agencies to report fairly and in an unbiased manner from Gaza. The fear for the safety of their reporters, while understandable, is far more important to the media than reporting the truth about Hamas.

This is why so many college students and casual media consumers have such a skewed view of the Middle East. Palestinian Arab crimes are minimized, but perceived Israeli violations of human rights are amplified, because the environment in Israel is so much more tolerant towards reporting anti-Israel news and Israel is filled with international reporters and NGOs eagerly filling their quotas of anti-Israel "research."

  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From OfficialWire:

Protesters outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo supporting the Egyptian military's crackdown on international pro-democracy groups clashed Friday with demonstrators rallying against the country's military leadership. Dozens of people were injured.

The issue of the pro-democracy groups has been at the center of one of the most divisive chapters of U.S.-Egyptian relations in recent decades.

Egyptian officials alleged the groups were using foreign funding to foment unrest in Egypt and were pursuing a legal case against dozens of defendants, including 16 Americans. Relations improved somewhat when Egypt allowed the American defendants to leave the country, effectively letting them avoid trial.

But the decision to lift the travel ban incited a backlash among many Egyptians who accused the country's ruling generals of bowing to U.S. pressure and meddling in what is supposed to be an independent judiciary.

The pro-military protest was led by Tawfiq Okasha, a staunch loyalist to the military leadership and a well-known TV presenter whose daily show has been banned for airing insults against pro-democracy activists. Okasha has repeatedly accused activists of receiving foreign funds to destabilize the country.

Witnesses said the clashes began when pro-military supporters began throwing rocks at anti-military protesters who were marching to the nearby Tahrir Square. Dozens wounded in the clashes, according to Egypt's Middle East News Agency.

As people ran from the scene, Egyptian troops first tried to separate the stone-throwers but also threw rocks at the protesters, witnesses said.
Essentially, the Egyptian army joined the riots on the side of the pro-military protesters.

Here's video from Daily News Egypt:


(h/t Yoel)

  • Sunday, March 11, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From CNN yesterday:

And a few minutes ago:

The US and Yemen targets militants; Israel targets a million and a half Gazans.


(h/t Dan)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

  • Saturday, March 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent:

The Gaza Strip's sole power plant shut down on Saturday for the third time in a month due to a shortage of fuel, the territory's energy authority said.

The plant, which supplies close to a third of the electricity in the Israeli-blockaded Gaza Strip, shut down on February 14 because of an interruption in the supply of fuel to the territory. Operations resumed partially on February 21.

"Means must be found to ensure that enough fuel supplies reach the power station in order to ease the hardships of the Palestinian people," the energy authority statement read.

In February, the Hamas rulers of Gaza announced they had reached a "comprehensive agreement" with Egypt to permanently end the electricity crisis in Gaza, in a three-stage deal that would include increased fuel and electricity deliveries. Before the deal was announced, Egypt had already said it would provide an extra 22 megawatts of electricity to the Gaza Strip.
I reported on Friday that Egypt is still insisting to transfer fuel through existing pipelines in Kerem Shalom, but Hamas is refusing because it would miss out on tax revenue.

The question is, how long will it be before Egypt publicly calls out Hamas for creating and prolonging this crisis? Hamas is betting that the new Egyptian government will not criticize it and appear to support Israel, but Hamas' continued emotional blackmail of Egypt has got to be wearing thin.
  • Saturday, March 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Gaza's NGO Safety Office SMS alerts service says:


10 Mar, 1130hrs: Pal. ops fired 1 HMR from Al Maghazi Camp, MA, towards Israel, but the rocket dropped short and hit a Pal. house E of Al Maghazi. 


10 Mar, 1700hrs: Pal. ops. fired 1 rocket from Shujaiyeh, GC, but the rocket exploded prematurely.


10 Mar, 1730hrs: Pal. ops fired 3 HMRs from E of Beit Lahiya. 1 of the rockets exploded prematurely, while the other 2 landed in Israel.

From what I can tell, the terror groups seem to take credit for the rockets that explode early as well.

Islamic Jihad lists 41 Grads, 20 Qassam-style rockets, 3 "107" missiles and 6 mortars fired. The PRC doesn't have a grand total but it seems to be taking credit for about 30 rockets and 17 mortars.
  • Saturday, March 10, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israel has endured some 100 rockets today, and the IDF targeted the rocket launchers and their leaders.

Thanks to Challah Hu Akbar, we see that every single person killed by the IDF since Friday was a terrorist:

Popular Resistance Committees:
Islamic Jihad terrorists killed
Ahmed Hanani

Islamic Jihad:
Mahmoud Najim

Even more impressive, many of these were killed in urban areas.

This is the most difficult kind of fighting, and the IDF has proven to be better than any army in the world at targeting terrorists from the air.

Meanwhile, apropos to an earlier posting where I discussed how Palestinian Arabs act like toddlers who love to gain attention, the Islamic Jihad newspaper Palestine Today is proudly showing video of Israelis hearing Code Red alerts in Ashdod:

This makes them happy, because even though their rockets didn't kill anyone, they made their enemies take notice and react. This is a source of pride!

Any attention is good attention when you have the emotional maturity of a five year old.

Meanwhile, EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton said, "I very much deplore the loss of civilian life. It is essential to avoid further escalation and I urge all sides to re-establish calm." Since there has not been a single civilian death, Ashton is showing that she makes statements without even bothering to check out the simplest facts.

The more obvious liars at the Arab League called this a "massacre."

Here's video of one of the IDF's airstrikes:

Friday, March 09, 2012

  • Friday, March 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
A women’s conference organized by the dominant Islamist bloc in the Egyptian parliament has called for a council for families to replace the existing National Council for Women, a state-owned daily reported on Friday.

The conference, held Thursday on International Women’s Day, also condemned the 1978 U.N. convention against gender discrimination saying it was “incompatible with the values of Islamic sharia” law, the Al-Ahram newspaper reported.

The Freedom and Justice Party conference called for the formation of a national council for the family to “truly express the complementary roles of men and women,” the newspaper said.

The Freedom and Justice Party, political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, says it does not endorse gender discrimination, although the Brotherhood argues women should not be allowed to rule the country.

The party is the dominant bloc in both houses of parliament after a sweeping victory in a multi-phase general election that began in November. Women hold just two percent of the seats in parliament.
Remember a year ago when pundits were convinced that the Arab Spring would usher in a new era of liberal values in the Middle East? Good times.
  • Friday, March 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Iraqi activists said this picture belongs to a teenager who was brutally killed by religious police for having an “emo” hairstyle.
From Al Arabiya:
Iraqi activists sounded the bell over the killing of dozens of teenagers by religious police for having “emo” haircuts.

Activists told the Cairo-based al-Akhbar daily that at least 90 Iraqi teenagers with “emo” appearances have been stoned to death by the Moral Police in the country in the past month. The violent crackdown against “emo” Iraqi teenagers came after the Iraqi interior ministry declared them as “devil worshippers.”

“The ‘Emo phenomenon’ or devil worshiping is being probed by the Moral Police who have the approval to eliminate it as soon as possible since it’s detrimentally affecting the society and becoming a danger,” a statement by the Interior Ministry said.

“They wear strange, tight clothes that have pictures on them such as skulls and use stationery that are shaped as skulls. They also wear rings on their noses and tongues, and do other strange activities,” the statement added.

The statement said that Iraq’s Moral Police was granted approval by the Ministry of Education to enter Baghdad schools and pinpoint students with Western appearances.

The activists told the newspaper that a group of armed men dressed in civilian clothing led the teenagers to secluded areas a few days ago, stoned them to death, and then disposed their bodies in garbage dumpsters across the capital, Baghdad.

“First they throw concrete blocks at the boy’s arms, then at his legs, then the final blow is to his head, and if he is not dead by then, they start all over again,” one person who managed to escape told the daily.
The exact death toll remains unclear, but Hana al-Bayaty of Brussels Tribunal, an NGO dealing with Iraqi issues, said the current figure ranges “between 90 and 100.”

Activists said that leaflets were distributed in Baghdad warning teenagers from donning the “emo” style, and in some regions, teenage homosexuals were killed by battering their heads also by concrete blocks.
"Stoned to death by the Moral Police" has to be one of the most Orwellian phrases ever written without irony.
  • Friday, March 09, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet/Haaretz:
Two senior terrorists were killed in Gaza Friday, after IDF aircraft targeted a vehicle in the Strip, the army confirmed.

One of the fatalities is Zuhir al-Qaisi, the secretary-general of the Popular Resistance Committees terror group, Palestinian sources said. The second terrorist killed in the strike is Ahmad al-Khanini, a senior PRC member freed in the Shalit prisoner swap, the Palestinians said. [He wasn't, as Challah Hu Akbar reported and was later confirmed - EoZ]

Al-Qaisi, the IDF Spokesman said, was recently organizing a large, coordinated terror attack to be carried out on Israel's border with Gaza.

Gaza Strip terrorists fired several rockets at southern Israel Friday evening after the IDF assassinated two senior terrorists earlier, including the secretary-general of the Popular Resistance Committees.

Israeli aircraft in turn targeted Palestinian rocket-launching cells, killing at least two terrorists as they were preparing to fire at Israel, Palestinian sources said. The two fatalities were taken to a local hospital.

Earlier, a three-rocket barrage landed in southern Israel, causing no injuries or damages. A short while later, another rocket landed in the south.
Four dead terrorists, no dead civilians. That's the way it should be.

Of course, Israel will be condemned anyway.

Which makes her ability to minimize civilian casualties all the more remarkable. It shows that IDF morality comes from within and is part of its very fabric; it is not a fake morality that comes from outside pressure or worries about appearances. The IDF has been steadily improving its methods to take out terrorists and only terrorists over the years, and now it is the best in the world at it. Even though they are treated the same way by the international community as if they were acting like Assad, and they could save a lot of money and resources by killing everyone in the area, they choose not to.


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