Friday, March 02, 2012

  • Friday, March 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Dalia Association is a Palestinian Arab organization that is currently trying to revamp the way that international aid is given to the territories. Many of their objections to the current system are very valid, and we have touched on some of these problems in the past.

Here is their video about their issues with how aid is administered today:

Dalia published a list of things that aid recipients complain about. One of them is most interesting:
Anti-terrorism clauses are unacceptable.
The people giving free money to Palestinian aid organizations, according to the recipients, do not have the right to ensure that their aid will not go towards terrorists. Palestinian "civil society" wants the money to have no strings attached so they can choose to fund, say, Islamic Jihad charities (allowing other funds to be freed up for rockets.)

In Dalia's more comprehensive report on the topic, they write:

While seen as an extremely harmful policy, the anti-terrorism certification, which participants considered racist, was not prioritized as a major objection. Some expressed outrage: “Why do international aid actors treat us like we are terrorists!” but most seemed resigned to sign, regardless of their intention to comply, or they avoid donors that require signing, resigned to miss out on much-needed funds.
At the exact same time that these organizations are complaining that they are being "treated like terrorists," they admit that they might not comply any send the funds to terror groups, or hire known terrorists, anyway!

It is worthwhile to point out that UNRWA originally tried very hard to do exactly that Dalia is suggesting now, to create programs that will ensure self-sufficiency for Palestinian Arabs, and these were mostly dropped because of objections both from host countries and from the Palestinian refugees themselves.

(I once posted about how there are plenty of NGOs in Gaza who are knowingly propping up Hamas, so it is not like there aren't NGOs willing to fund terror anyway.)

(h/t Rudi)

  • Friday, March 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
I liked this one:
  • Friday, March 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From PCHR:

According to investigations conducted by PCHR and a statement of Mohammed Eshtaiwi, Correspondent of al-Aqsa Satellite Channel which is connected to Hamas, at approximately 13:00 on Tuesday, 28 February 2012, Eshtaiwi and a crew of Media Modern Company, which has a contract with the al-Aqsa Satellite Channel, comprised of Mahmoud Mohammed al-Dumairi and Waleed Ma’moun ‘Othan, concluded coverage of a press conference held by the Islamic Bloc in Bir Zeit University, north of Ramallah. While they were traveling towards Ramallah in a car belonging to the Media Modern Company, a taxi intercepted them near Best Eastern Hotel. Six persons stepped out of the car and opened the journalists’ car. They forcibly took the camera from al-Dumairi after a arguing with him. When ‘Othman intervened to defend his college, he was beaten. The six persons introduced themselves as members of the PSS. The confiscated the ID cards of the three journalists and ordered them to travel to the PSS headquarters in Bir Zeit village. When the journalists were approximately 50 meters removed from the said headquarters Eshtayeh stepped down from the car and left the area while the other two journalists proceeded towards the headquarters. Three hours later, following the intervention of a number of figures, Eshtaiwi was informed that he could refer to the PSS headquarter to get back his ID card.

This is actually more about Fatah infighting with Hamas, as al-Aqsa channel is a Hamas media outlet.

Fatah is meanwhile accusing Hamas of arresting more Fatah members in Gaza for political reasons.

  • Friday, March 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Arutz-7, February 22:

A Syrian opposition figure confronted a Russian diplomat through Internet telephony program Skype Wednesday.

The unusual conversation took place when Russian Ambassador to Israel Sergei Yakovlev was holding a meeting with Deputy Minister Ayoub Kara in Kara's Knesset office. Arutz Sheva's Hezki Ezra was on hand to provide exclusive video coverage.

In the course of the meeting between the two politicians, Kara's aides added an unnamed Syrian opposition leader to the conversation, through Skype.

"I just want to pass this message from the Syrian opposition to the Russian leadership through you," said the Syrian.

"OK," said the Russian – "Why don't you do [that] through the Russian ambassador in Damascus?"

"Because I can't reach him," explained the Syrian opposition man. "If I come close to the Russian embassy in Damascus, I will be shot dead. Because there are snipers. Iranian snipers now cover the top of the Russian embassy in Damascus. You can ask your colleague in Damascus and he can tell you what is going on there."

Yakovlev said little in response, except an occasional "uh huh."

"Mr. Ambassador, please pass this to your leadership," the Syrian went on. "Don't be surprised, if you find the names of the high leaders in Russia in a file being introduced to the international tribunal… Russia is sharing with everything in doing this crime. Arms, diplomacy […], intelligence help, and the military experts who are now leading the cannons of Bashar al-Assad."

"We are ready to discuss things with both sides," Yakovlev told Kara after the opposition leader had gone offline. "The Friends of Syria will meet on the 24th in Tunisia [an international forum in which the U.S. and European countries will be represented, but not the Syrian National Council opposition -- ed.]. Why to discuss it only with the opposition, not with the government? This is no way to peace, friend. If you talk to one side, if you strengthen one side, then it will be a fight for, I don’t know, forever."

According to Israeli site Megafon, there was a seemingly different meeting a few days later, also in Kara's office, between Yakovlev and two members of the Syrian opposition - in person. The ambassador started to indicate that Russian support for Assad is wavering, saying that he should or will be "lifted" from office.

The two unnamed opposition figures discussed various scenarios after Assad's removal, including elections or dividing Syria into Sunni and non-Sunni states. They discussed Russia's possible role afterwards as well.

When Megafon asked Kara about this meeting, he said that there was only the one through Skype, The sound of the second video seems like the conversation was in person, though. On the other hand, the Russian ambassador is wearing the same tie, so maybe it was the same meeting, or a different part where he was speaking to Ayoub's aides.

(h/t Ron)

Thursday, March 01, 2012

  • Thursday, March 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

  • Thursday, March 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigade is the Fatah military wing that was supposedly dismantled years ago. But they still have a webpage.

I just noticed that they took credit for one of the rockets fired into Israel last week:

Praise to God, our fighters bombed Sderot with a Noaa maximum missile 103 on Thursday, 23/02/2012 at 7:08 PM , accurately wounding a usurper.

O sons of our struggling people:

As we are witnessing today the repeated attacks by the Zionist killing machine and some of the charlatans of the descendants of apes and pigs on our people and the Al Aqsa Mosque and its courtyards which is pure sacrilege.

...Our enemy does not understand the lessons of history that the will to freedom and independence is never defeated and we will not kneel down...we are in the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and with us all the free world and the absolute conviction that freedom will not come without the option of armed struggle. The Palestinian identity is being lit to illuminate the sky of the universe; our freedom is coming from the barrel of a gun.

It is a revolution until victory.

Bombardment for bombardment ... death ... killing horror horror

Al- Aqsa - Palestine
Martyr Brigade Commander
This sounds exactly like the original Fatah ideology from the early 1960s. What a coincidence.

In other news, several rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel today. Apparently the terrorists are now taking advantage of rainy weather to fire rockets without (they hope) being seen.
  • Thursday, March 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From a great Bloomberg article on Netanyahu and Israel's economy:

Since the Massachusetts Institute of Technology-educated Netanyahu began selling state assets and loosening labor laws as finance minister from 2003 to 2005, Israel’s economy has boomed, growing at an average 4.2 percent each year. The expansion will help ensure Israel’s survival, as an “island of democracy that is surrounded by a sea of troubles” in the Middle East, the 62- year-old premier told U.S. Jewish leaders at a Feb. 19 conference in Jerusalem.

“If we are to address our defense needs that we are being challenged with, we have to continue this growth,” Netanyahu said at the meeting. “It is not a question of living standard. It’s a question of national security.”

As part of his plan to spur growth, Netanyahu has set up a committee to boost competition, introduced reforms to lower the cost of living after social protests, passed a law to free up public land for private development, maintained fiscal discipline, and introduced a two-year budget, a move praised by the International Monetary Fund.

Israel’s economy probably expanded 4.8 percent in 2011, according to the IMF, matching the 2010 figure and exceeding the 1.7 percent growth in the U.S. The Finance Ministry estimates gross domestic product will increase 3.2 percent in 2012.

With Stanley Fischer steering monetary policy at the Bank of Israel, Netanyahu says there’s scope for the nation to match some of the world’s most developed economies. Fischer was Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s thesis adviser at MIT.

“There’s no reason why we can’t eventually surpass Britain and France in GDP per capita,” Netanyahu said during a Feb. 20 interview in his Jerusalem office, kept warm by two free- standing electric radiators. “We have to keep growing at 5 percent.”

The IMF calculates Israeli GDP per head was $32,300 last year, compared with $39,600 in the U.K. and $44,400 in France. Unemployment was 5.4 percent in Israel in the fourth quarter, the lowest since at least 1985. The jobless rate was about 9.3 percent in France and 8.4 percent in Britain.

I fully agree that Israel's economy is critical for its political well-being. As it becomes a more integral piece in the global economic scene, it becomes harder for nations who profit from trading with Israel to marginalize it to appease the Arabs.

And as alternative and non-Arab energy sources gain ground, the economic leverage that the haters have against Israel keeps decreasing.

There's lots more in that article.

(h/t Yoel)
  • Thursday, March 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

  • Thursday, March 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Israel21C:

Israeli researchers have developed a simple and cheap blood test that was found to provide early detection for many types of cancer in clinical trials.

The promising new blood test, developed by scientists at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) and Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheva, can detect minuscule changes in the blood of a person with a cancerous growth somewhere in the body, even before the disease has spread.

Early diagnosis of cancer could save thousands of lives. Every day in the United States alone, 1,500 people die of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the US after heart disease, accounting for one in four deaths.

Medical specialists believe that earlier detection greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. It also prevents the need for long, painful and costly treatments when the cancer reaches a more advanced stage.

Illuminating cancer cells in the blood

The researchers, led by Prof. Joseph Kapelushnik of BGU's Faculty of Health Sciences, have developed a device that illuminates cancer cells within less than a teaspoonful of blood. The test uses infrared light to detect tiny changes that indicate cancer, because the light is absorbed slightly differently due to various molecules released into the bloodstream.

In a clinical trial involving 200 patients and a control group, the test identified specific common cancers such as lung and ovarian cancer in 90 percent of the patients and found other types of cancer, as well.

"This is still research in the early stages of clinical trials," said Kapelushnik, who is also head of the department of pediatric hemato-oncology at Soroka hospital.

"But the purpose is to develop an efficient, cheap and simple method to detect as many types of cancers as possible. We want to be able to detect cancer while a patient is still feeling good, before it has a chance to metastasize, meaning fewer treatments, less suffering and many more lives saved."

More clinical trials will be conducted in the next 18 months.
A simple blood test to detect (and apparently distinguish between) early cancers! This could save millions of lives worldwide.

This is huge. But par for the course for Israel.

And, as any anti-Israel activist can tell you, they only invent miracle procedures like these in order to distract the world from Zionist crimes. You
  • Thursday, March 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Monday, February 27, a program, sponsored by Chabad [and StandWithUs]  entitled “Israeli Soldier’s stories” was scheduled at UC Davis. Ran, a Israeli reservist, and Ranya, a Druze woman whose father and brother fought in the IDF maintained their dignity and composure in spite of a consortium of haters from Students for Justice in Palestine, the MSA and JVP who had planned to disrupt their presentation. This young man, claiming to be a Medieval Studies major at Davis repeatedly interrupted the proceedings in a coarse and vulgar manner, while UC Davis security and police stood on and did nothing.

The heckler writes in the comments page on YouTube:
Alright, so I'm gonna throw my two cents in. I'm the dude in the video. First of all I wanted to say that I am not part of MSA, JVP, I do not represent their views. Secondly, rape and prostitution have nothing to do with any of it that is very true. But consider this implication. I was there to piss people off, because I am pissed off. You don't piss people off by making intelligent remarks, you piss them off by accusing them of stuff the worst things possible however irrelevant they maybe.

Oh one more thing I should clear up. I'm not a Muslim, I'm an Atheist. So no I'm not some crazy fanatic. I am mad at the double standard of Israel and so I heckled. Was it meaningful:no, was it intelligent: absolutely not, Did I talk about actual issues: You gotta be kidding me, Did it work: oh yeah.
Free speech, to haters like this, is a one-way street. They can spout whatever they want - including absurd lies - as long as any pro-Israel voices are drowned out.

And the UC Davis security did nothing.

I wonder, if an audience member would blast an air-horn during the entire speech, would that also be considered "free speech" by these "progressive" colleges? Because that's pretty much what the many people who disrupt any vaguely Zionist speech on campus are.

They don't care if their words are heard: they only care that the others' words are not.

(h/t John Brooks)

UPDATE: A number of people in the YouTube comments and via email tell me that the heckler went up to the speakers afterwards, apologized and said he was paid $50 to disrupt the speeches.

Here is another write-up of the talk, by Gail Davis of StandWithUs:

Despite hostile hecklers, protestors, and angry students shouting "rapists" "child molesters" and "liars", the two Israeli reservists brought by StandWithUs as part of its Israeli Soldiers Stories told their stories and handled themselves with dignity. Ran, the 28 year-old IDF reservist, and Ranya, the 20-something Druze woman, spoke from the heart about their lives in Israel and how they wish for peace. While the protestors represented the true face of Israel-haters, Ran and Ranya represented the heart of Israel. This event was co-sponsored by the UC Davis Chabad student club "Chai.” What the group lacks in numbers is made up by their courage and convictions, that the story of the Jewish people and the mitzvah of defending Israel remain paramount.

As fear of physical altercations mounted, several "911" calls were made. The campus police appeared but refused to remove, reprimand or otherwise take any action against the disrupters. The police stated they were given "orders' not to take action against the disrupters, but instead, to close down the program if it got out of hand. What happened to our first amendment rights of freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, and the University of California's "principles of community" to ensure a "hate-free" campus?

The program continued, punctuated by slanderous and heinous bellowing from members of the audience. In all, at various times, there were approximately 150 in attendance. There were some 20 or so hecklers that would act as the cheerleaders who would cause the others to erupt with hoots and howls during the presentation. One protesting student was heard shouting out that the star of David worn by our StandWithUs Northern California, Oregon and Washington campus professional , Matthew White, was a Nazi symbol. At another juncture, the Chabad Rebbetzin, Sorele Brownstein, despite being very pregnant, got up to speak in front of this hostile audience to defend the Jewish people. Even she was jeered at. The behavior of the disrupters was quite despicable.

The ringleader was a self-identified Indian who was extremely hostile, shouting that he was there to shut down the event, and begging to be arrested. After the event, this Indian young man approached Ran and Ranya, our speakers, and apologized to them for his behavior, and said he was paid $50 to disrupt the event. Apparently, the same Indian heckler told others in the audience that he was paid $50 to disrupt and shut down the talk.

When the program ended, a few Arabic-speaking girls approached Ranya, and apologized to her for the bad behavior of the others. Ran also recounted that at the end one Muslim student thanked him for coming and that he felt he learned some things he had never heard before.
I am told that the two speakers have confirmed that the heckler told them he was paid; but he did not say who did it.

(h/t StandWithUs)
  • Thursday, March 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Ahram:
Egypt and Saudi Arabia have agreed to begin work on a bridge between the two nations.

The bridge will cross the Red Sea and link Aqaba in Egypt with Tabuk in Saudi Arabia.

It will be called the King Abdallah Ben Abdel Aziz Bridge.

According to General Fouad Abdel Aziz who heads the project, in the next few weeks an outline for the 50 km bridge will be made and the work will probably begin in 2013.

The project is expected to cost approximately $3 billion.

Saudi Arabia has a large Egyptian expat community, many of whom depend on ill-maintained ferries to cross the sea.
During the Lausanne conference in 1949, where the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine tried to forge an agreement between Israel and the Arab states, the US and Britain repeatedly pressured Israel to give up parts of the Negev to Egypt (and, effectively, cut itself off from Eilat and the Red Sea) because it was considered tremendously important for the Arab worlds in Africa and Asia to be contiguous, and Israel's presence in the Negev was a "wedge" that would forever cause problems.

That argument has not been heard in decades.

This bridge, though, is still psychologically important, especially for Egypt to have a physical and economic link to the center of the Arab and Muslim world. Not to mention the possibility of taking a bus from Cairo to Mecca for Hajj.
  • Thursday, March 01, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Remember last month when Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, said Israel was a "cancerous tumor" that must be removed?

Here are his words from his English-language website:

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei says Iran will stand by and support any nation or group that chooses to stand up to Zionist regime.

"We will continue to support any nation or group that fights or confronts the Zionist regime and we are not afraid of saying this," Ayatollah Khamenei said in the Friday prayers sermons in Tehran.

The Leader rejected Iran's interference in the affairs of regional countries, including Bahrain, and said Iran only had a role in the fight against Zionist regime during the 33-day war Zionist war on Lebanon and Tel Aviv's 22-day war against Gaza which both resulted in the regime's defeat.

"The Zionist regime is a cancerous tumor that must be removed, and God willing it will be," he said.

Interestingly, in the Farsi text of his speech, he doesn't only say "Zionist regime" - but he explicitly says "Israel" as well.

I'm not sure why the well-known historic refusal of many Muslims to say Israel's name is not in force by Iran's Supreme Leader when speaking in Farsi.

(h/t Max)


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