Thursday, March 13, 2008

  • Thursday, March 13, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is not unusual but it is a textbook case of how media bias works.

Check out this AFP headline:
In normal English this means that Israel ended the "lull" in Gaza by Israeli airstrikes and Israeli rockets.

The first paragraph is slightly more accurate but no less biased:
GAZA CITY (AFP) - Israeli warplanes hit the Gaza Strip Thursday after militants rattled the Jewish state with rocket fire, ending a five-day lull and threatening efforts to strike a more permanent truce.
Notice that it is Israeli "warplanes" that threaten truce efforts, not the rockets, and that Israel "hits" while 15 Qassam rockets merely "rattle."

The article goes on to say:
The violence flared within hours of an Israeli operation on Wednesday in the West Bank town of Bethlehem where undercover special forces killed four Palestinian gunmen, including two senior commanders.
The use of the word "gunmen" as a synonym for "terrorists" is bad enough, but using it to describe terror leaders is absurd. "Gunmen" imply petty criminals, not people who meticulously plan attacks on civilians and direct others to do it.
In a rare harshly-worded statement, the Palestinian presidency accused Israel of "barbaric crimes."

"These barbaric crimes reveal the truce [sic] face of Israel, which speaks loudly about peace and security all the while committing murders and executions against our people," it said.
AFP doesn't bother to emphasize that the supposedly moderate Abbas had no such harsh words for the slaughter of 8 students last week, but the killing of wanted terrorists - in territory that he supposedly controls and allows them to walk free, who had automatic weapons and grenades in their car - is considered "barbaric." Neither does it notice that Mahmoud Abbas considers Islamic Jihad and Al Aqsa terrorists to be "his people."

AFP doesn't mention that one of the terrorists killed was a member of Mahmoud Abbas' own Fatah party, showing collusion between Fatah and Islamic Jihad.

The article likewise doesn't mention the Mercaz Harav massacre at all as it goes through background information.

Of the four pictures used to illustrate the article, every one of them is used to evoke either Israeli aggression or Palestinian Arab victimhood - including this particularly disgusting one:

Palestinian animal owners protest in Gaza City against the Israeli blockade and air raids
©AFP/File - Mehdi Fedouach

In an article dripping with bias against Israel, it is not surprising that they choose a picture showing Israel as being responsible for destroying peace, not to mention one that uses Zionism=Nazism calumny.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

  • Wednesday, March 12, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Saudi Gazette:
...Ibrahim Al-Ghamdi said government employees use prayer time to take care of personal matters or even go shopping, disregarding their responsibilities as well as the rights of others. Hatem Ahmad made the same allegation about government employees’ laziness in the workplace.

“The only thing my papers needed in order to be processed was a signature. When prayer time came, he told that he had to stop for prayer but then turned around and started to talk to a number of his colleagues. When I objected and harshly criticized him, he decided to neglect my papers for several days and only signed them when someone else asked him to,” Ahmad told Arabic daily Al-Hayat.

Abdulhakim Al-Ghamdi, a teacher, believes that underdevelopment in Third World countries may be attributed to a lack of understanding of the rights of others, inadequate prioritization, and using religion as a pretext to delay work.

Abdulhakim Al-Ghamdi said people in charge should act as role models in order for their employees to stay as diligent as possible. Imam, Abdulrahman Al-Amri said he was disappointed that prayers were being used to overrule people’s rights. He told Al-Hayat the Holy Qur’an states that prayers should be carried out after work is completed once there is ample time.

Abdulmohsen Al-Obaikan, a lawyer in the Kingdom, said there should be no more than 20 minutes for prayer so that the interests of the public can be served in a timely fashion.
Government workers worldwide might be the same, but most of them don't have the Saudis' excuse.
  • Wednesday, March 12, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinians gather around a car where four Palestinian militants were killed by Israeli troops in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, Wednesday March 12, 2008. Israeli troops opened fire on a car Wednesday, killing four Palestinian militants, Palestinian medical officials said, throwing doubt on prospects for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.
(AP Photo/Peter Dejong)
It's curious.

Israel kills four known terrorists in the West Bank that belong to Islamic Jihad, and it is assumed that Hamas therefore will be justified in escalating the "cycle of violence" from Gaza. In other words, Hamas can link the events of the West Bank with what it does in Gaza.

But Israel is expected to continue to negotiate for "peace" with Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and completely ignore the events happening in Gaza.

Israel is not allowed to make a linkage between the two territories, but Hamas is encouraged to, by captions like this.
  • Wednesday, March 12, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
As I briefly mentioned earlier, the ""Galilee Freedom Batallions" published a picture of the Mercaz HaRav mass murderer in combat fatigues to bolster evidence that they were behind the attack.

The Hamas Al-Qassam website published an animation showing that this picture was Photoshopped:

And, of course, they are blaming the Zionists for faking this photo, even though the people who issued it never claimed that he was a member of Hamas.

UPDATE: (Welcome to the nascent LGF-lizardoids and throbbing GIF fans! Feel free to browse around the site.)
  • Wednesday, March 12, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Xinhua:
The Popular Resistance Committee, a group loyal to Hamas, on Wednesday said its fighters have fired three mortar shells on an Israeli commercial crossing point in southeast Gaza Strip.

In a statement sent to the media, the al-Nasser Saladin Brigades, the armed wing of the PRC, said the shells hit Kerem Shalom crossing on the point where Gaza, Egypt and Israel borders meet.

"The Zionist entity admitted the missiles landed on the crossing and claimed they caused no casualties," the statement said.

Kerem Shalom re-opened to ship humanitarian aid into Gaza a bit over a week ago.


* The "cease-fire" is a sham.
* Hamas will hide behind the PRC to keep rockets and mortars going so they can simultaneously claim to the West that they aren't shooting any rockets while they tell their own people that they never accepted any agreement.
* "Humanitarian aid" is a terrorist target by Hamas and other groups in Gaza, because it is in their best interests to keep the people of Gaza miserable. Miserable PalArabs are better than bullets.

  • Wednesday, March 12, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The previously unknown group that claimed responsibility for the Mercaz HaRav massacre calls itself the "Galilee Freedom Battalions-the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh." Many people commented on the second half of their title, wondering if it was a front group for Hezbollah.

We should be more concerned about the first half.

In 1974, the PLO established the "phased plan" to destroy Israel. Even then, the goal was not an independent Palestinian state, but to destroy Israel in stages - to grab whatever territory it can by any means, using it as a platform to grab more - with an independent Palestinian Arab state just a temporary step on the way towards a pan-Arab state:
2. The Palestine Liberation Organization will employ all means, and first and foremost armed struggle, to liberate Palestinian territory and to establish the independent combatant national authority for the people over every part of Palestinian territory that is liberated. This will require further changes being effected in the balance of power in favor of our people and their struggle.

3. The Liberation Organization will struggle against any proposal for a Palestinian entity the price of which is recognition, peace, secure frontiers, renunciation of national rights, and the deprival of our people of their right to return and their right to self-determination on the soil of their homeland.

4. Any step taken towards liberation is a step towards the realization of the Liberation Organization’s strategy of establishing the democratic Palestinian State specified in the resolutions of the previous Palestinian National Councils.

8. Once it is established, the Palestinian national authority will strive to achieve a union of the confrontation countries, with the aim of completing the liberation of all Palestinian territory, and as a step along the road to comprehensive Arab unity.
And immediately after Arafat signed the Oslo Accords in 1993, he told a radio station that the accords
...will be a basis for an independent Palestinian state in accordance with the Palestine National Council resolution issued in 1974... The PNC resolution issued in 1974 calls for the establishment of a national authority on any part of Palestinian soil from which Israel withdraws or which is liberated.
Arafat habitually referred to the 1974 plan during Oslo. This is the basis for the "good cop, bad cop" routine we are seeing between Abbas and Hamas - one trying to grab territory by ostensibly peaceful means, one by war, both with the same ultimate goal that was codified in Cairo in 1974.

Seen in this context, it makes perfect sense that while the PLO now has all Western countries pressuring Israel to withdraw to the Green Line, that the next stage start to be prepared now.

Which brings us back to the "Galilee Freedom Batallions."

Since the Galilee has a large Arab population, it is the logical place to start the next stage of the Phased Plan. They will start agitating for the Galilee to be a part of Arab Palestine. It sounds absurd now but after a decade or so of inciting Galilee Arabs plus terror attacks together with left-wing Israelis who are scared to death of a perceived "demographic" threat it will seem much more reasonable in years to come.

This group just released a picture of the murderer in military fatigues, strengthening the claim that they really exist (according to Palestine Today, they claim to admire Hezbollah but not to be associated with it). The point, however, is not whether this group exists or not; it is that all of the terror groups and quasi-governmental bodies work for the same goal using the same methods outlined in 1974.
CAMERA points out that the BBC showed footage of a home being bulldozed and claimed it was the home of the mass murderer of Mercaz HaRav's family.

The only problem is that the house still stands. The BBC showed footage of a house demolition and lied about what it was showing.

This goes way beyond media bias. Read (and watch) the whole thing.
Ma'an says that "25-year-old Ayman Mansour died after being seriously wounded on Tuesday evening while preparing a bomb that exploded in his hands."

I am convinced that some of the Palestinian Arab deaths reported as being from Israeli bombings are in fact from work accidents like these, or internal clashes. Hamas transports the dead bodies to where the airstrikes are and then say it was Israel. (The Palestine Press Agency has accused Hamas of doing exactly that at least once.) Since Israel didn't have any airstrikes yesterday, they couldn't blame the IDF.

Of course, "preparing bombs" is exactly what everyone knows Hamas will be doing in this current "lull" - licking its wounds from last week and ramping up for next time.

The 2008 PalArab self-death count is at 32.

UPDATE: PCHR mentions that a Gaza policeman "mistakenly" killed a 75-year old woman last week. So the count is 33, with 13 of them women or children.

UPDATE 2: PCHR has removed the link to the section of its website that reports deaths from infighting and "misuse of weapons." Making it even harder to report how many Palestinian Arabs are killing each other. And proving that it cares little about PalArab "human rights" and only about making Israel look bad.

UPDATE 3: Tunnel collapse:
An underground tunnel collapsed early Wednesday near Egypt's border with the Gaza strip, burying alive one smuggler and injuring another, a security official said.

Palestinian smuggler Mohammed el-Bashiti and five others had nearly finished expanding the 600 meter (yard) tunnel from Gaza into Egypt located 10 meters beneath the ground, when the ceiling gave way, said the official. (AP)


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

  • Tuesday, March 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Grads are much more powerful and deadly than Qassams, and "reinforced rooms" do not protect against Grads, as is obvious from watching this video from Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs website:
  • Tuesday, March 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
At least it is original:
Gaza – Ma'an – Dozens of horses, camels, sheep, goats and donkeys rallied in front of the UN headquarters in Gaza City on Tuesday in protest of Israel's crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian activists fitted the animals with signs in various languages reading, "Where is the world's conscience?" Save the children of Gaza", "Gaza is dying; end the siege," "Is the UN an international lie?" and "The UN has to end the siege of Gaza."

Sami Akila, the spokesperson of the Sunna' Al-Hayat society and the organizers of the rally said if the animals' messages reach the international community, Gazans will try sign language in an attempt to make their appeals understood.

"We know that animals in the world are fed to glut, while the children of Gaza suffer from hunger and anemia and most of them go to sleep without having supper. You are concerned about dogs more than your concern about us contradicting your own human values and the treaties you signed and failed to implement," Akila said, addressing the UN.
That's funny, because Palestinian Arab concern over their own people is likewise somewhat lower than Western concern over our pets.

And don't even talk about how they treat their own animals:
* In the Gaza Strip in June 2001, a Palestinian drove a donkey cart laden with explosives toward a group of Israelis. At the last minute he jumped off the cart and detonated the bombs that exploded only partially. The cart had been loaded with four gas canisters, two mines, a bag of oil, and a bag of nails.

* In January 2001, terrorists left a donkey cart laden with explosives unattended near the Netzarim junction. Israeli soldiers fired at the cart, detonating the large amount of explosives and killing the donkey.

* In June 1995, a Palestinian suicide bomber detonated a donkey-led cart rigged with explosives near an IDF base near Khan Yunis. No soldiers were wounded in the blast, but the Palestinian and the donkey were killed.

So perhaps the symbolism of a donkey representing Palestinian Arab children is more apt than the organizers ever considered.
  • Tuesday, March 11, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
Police investigators noted that the attempted murder was meticulously planned. The youth had informed his family members that he was going to murder his sister early Tuesday morning, and then set off to do just that. He headed to the entrance of the village in a vehicle which he had borrowed from his brother, and awaited his sister’s arrival.

The youth then shot his sister, who was startled to see him and proceeded to kick her repeatedly in order to ensure that she was no longer alive. Chief Superintendent of the Afula Police Department, Orli Malka, stated that “the young woman was clever enough to play dead so that her brother would stop kicking her.” The shooter than called MDA medics and phone the police emergency hotline. "I just shot my sister,” he said, all the while keeping vigil over what he assumed was his sister’s lifeless corpse.

The young man then informed his family that he had shot his sister and was warmly greeted, hugged and congratulated by his brother and other family members.


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