Sunday, October 18, 2015

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Hummus Bar, a family restaurant in Kfar Vitkin, Israel, has an intifada special.

On their Facebook page they write:

Afraid of Arabs?

Afraid of Jews?

No Arabs with us!

But there are also no Jews...

What we do have are human beings! Our Arab hummus is excellent! Our Jewish falafel is praiseworthy! And refills are free! (I think that is the translation...)

Special: 50% discount on hummus dishes for tables where Arabs and Jews sit together!
Valid Sunday-Thursday.
The restaurant is kosher, which means that it is Halal as well

Except for the Heineken beer they serve.

There are hundreds of comments, some from around the world, and most are positive. But I don't know if anyone has taken the restaurant up on the offer yet.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

UNRWA's "youth ambassador" and former Arab Idol winner Mohammed Assaf has released a music video that shows that he supports violence.

The video includes romantic scenes of rock throwing and firebombs.

The lyrics also indicate that Nazareth is "occupied," meaning that Assaf is singing to destroy Israel, not just end the "occupation."

The headline in Palestine Press Agency about this video says that it shows that Assaf is involved with the "Al Quds uprising."

The UN, when asked about UNRWA employees spreading hate on social media, claims that "it remains to be seen" if the people posting this hate are really employees at UNRWA.

Because, you know, when people say they work at UNRWA, display UNRWA certificates that they received, show photos of their schools and classrooms, it could all be a big Zionist hoax.

UN Watch issued a statement about this:
"This is absurd — the UN is trying to stick its head in the sand,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental organization that monitors the world body.

“We have presented Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with new and unequivocal evidence of at least ten self-described UNRWA officials engaged in racist incitement, so it’s simply outrageous for the world body — which famously makes snap condemnations in situations when it has seen no evidence — to ignore what everyone can see with their own eyes,” said Neuer.

“UN Watch’s report includes archived screenshots as well as live links to antisemitic incitement by UNRWA officials, many of whom post pictures of themselves teaching in UNRWA classrooms,” added Neuer.

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
There was another horrific attack, this time at the Beersheva bus station.

One person was killed and six wounded after two terrorists carried out an attack at the central bus station in Beersheba on Sunday night.

Israel Police said that the two suspects entered the bus station, where one of them fired shots while the other stabbed.

The wounded were brought to Soroka University Medical Center where one person who was initially critically hurt eventually died of his wounds. One person was in critical condition, four were moderately wounded and one was lightly wounded. One of the terrorists was killed while the second terrorist was shot and apprehended.

ABC News producer Nasser Atta tweeted this description of the video below:

The video he linked to also described the scene as "Palestinians wounded are tortured and humiliated by the Israeli army."

This occurs seconds after the attack, and clearly the terrorist is being held in place by a chair to make sure that he cannot get up and kill some more. It is true that one Israeli appears to angrily throw a row of seats at the terrorist.

But Nasser Atta and the Arab who posted the video  are far more concerned about the humiliation suffered by this terrorist in his moment of glory than about the actual victims.

The same thing happened with the Arab world angrily sharing video of the child terrorist who was apparently harshly insulted by an Israeli with the camera, heard calling him a "son of a whore" multiple times, right after he stabbed a 12 year old Israeli boy leaving a candy shop on his bike.

Apparently, humiliating Arabs is a war crime. There is nothing worse.

Murdering Israelis is a natural reaction to the humiliation Arabs feel all the time. And here's proof - Israelis are humiliating these intifada heroes!

Nothing shows the difference bwteeen the West and the honor/shame society of the Arab world better than these. It is a world where murdering Jewish kids or old people is honorable, but insulting the murderers is an affront to the entire Palestinian Arab society - at least the majority that wholeheartedly supports the murders.

(UPDATE: Apparently the person beaten in that video was an Eritean who was mistaken as another terrorist.)

From Ian:

PMW: Fatah: Kick the Jews off the Temple Mount
A cartoon posted today on the “official Facebook page” of Abbas’ Fatah movement shows a Palestinian child kicking a long-nosed, terrified, ultra-orthodox Jew off the Temple Mount. The Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock appear in the background along with the words "leave our skies." A line from a poem by the Palestinian national poet Mahmoud Darwish, calling for all Jews to leave Israel, is posted with the cartoon:
“Leave our country, our land, our sea, our wheat, our salt, our wounds. Everything."
[Official Facebook page of the Fatah Movement, Oct. 18, 2015]
The cartoon joins numerous statements by Palestinian Authority and Fatah officials that Jews should not be allowed on the Temple Mount, which they call the Al-Aqsa Mosque plaza, because it is Islamic and Jews “defile it.” As documented by Palestinian Media Watch, PA Chairman Abbas has stated this several times, including last month:
"The Al-Aqsa [Mosque] is ours... and they have no right to defile it with their filthy feet. We will not allow them to, and we will do everything in our power to protect Jerusalem."
[Official PA TV, Sept. 16, 2015 and official website of PA Chairman Abbas, Sept. 16, 2015]
Abbas has also justified the current Palestinian violence and attacks as “protection of the holy sites.”
PMW: Al-Aqsa preacher: Jews worship the Devil, will be exterminated by Muslims
In his lesson in the Al-Aqsa Mosque this week, Palestinian preacher of Islam Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi taught that Jews are destined to build a Temple outside the area of the Temple Mount, where they will worship the Devil. At the End of Time, Muslims will seek out the Jews everywhere and exterminate them all. The Sheikh also referred to the well-known Hadith foretelling that one day Jews will hide from Muslims, but the rock and the tree will call out: "O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him":
Sheikh Khaled Al-Mughrabi, teaches Islam twice a week in the Al-Aqsa Mosque: "The Children of Israel will be forced - they will not concede - they will be forced to change their plans to build the Temple inside the structure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and will have to build it outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque... A Temple of heresy to worship the Devil. Why? Because the Anti-Christ won't appear unless this Temple is built and the Devil is worshipped there... [At the End of Days] we will follow the Jews everywhere. They will not escape us. They will not be able to escape us. The rock and tree will speak, according to the Hadith (tradition) of the Prophet [Muhammad]... and it is a reliable promise from the Prophet according to which the tree and the rock will speak and say: 'O Muslim, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.' The Children of Israel will all be exterminated, the Anti-Christ will be killed and the Muslims will live in comfort for a long time." [Al-Msjed Al-Aqsa YouTube channel, Oct. 16, 2015]

Channel 1's authentic report
But those who watched the Israel Broadcasting Authority's Channel 1 current affairs program, "Yoman," were able to see what is really going on in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. An authentic report, presented by journalist Riad Ali, told the story that most clearly illustrates what has been going on here in recent decades and in recent weeks. In the broadcast, Ali went into a village in east Jerusalem and revealed the authentic opinions of Arabs who oppose our right to live in our homeland. We didn't hear them complain about any violation of the status quo on the Temple Mount. Not a word about settlers. No complaints about sewage in the streets or ramshackle roads, and no claims of discrimination in anything related to environmental development -- as the two private TV stations would have us believe.
There was only one crimson thread weaving through the comments again and again: We, the Israelis, have no right to live here. "No, I don't believe so. They should go back to where they came from," was the response from one Arab asked about whether there is room for the Jewish people in his country.
Mohammed Abu Oudah, a Fatah member integrated into Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' system, claimed that he and his family are originally from Al-Barriyya, a village that existed between Ramla and Lod. "I am a refugee here in this camp," he told the reporter, "Of course we want to go back." The yearning to remove us from our homes still fills the hearts of the elderly in Qalandiya, who bequeath their faded memories to the younger generations. "This land will be returned to us in a bloody [struggle]," a man named Hamza said. When asked what would happen if Israel agreed to return to the '67 borders, he replied, "We will agree in principle, but the next generation will demand more." We can only guess that if the reporter were to continue wandering through the Arab villages of east Jerusalem, he would find those dreaming to kill me and my family just to return to Tel Qatra, an ancient hill in northern Gedera -- the town where I live -- which until 1948 was home to the village of Qatra, conquered and destroyed in the War of Independence.
Why is Amnesty International Sponsoring a U.S. Tour for a Palestinian Promoter of the Blood Libel?
In April, Amnesty International came under fire when it rejected, by a vote of 468-461, a resolution calling for the organization to combat anti-Semitism in Britain. This refusal led many to question Amnesty’s commitment to fighting anti-Jewish prejudice. Now, the group’s American arm has added further fuel to the fire by sponsoring a U.S. speaking tour—including a stop in a third-grade classroom—for a Palestinian activist who promotes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
On his website, Bassem Tamimi is described as “an internationally recognized Palestinian human rights activist from the West Bank farming village of Nabi Selah” and “a beacon of hope and an inspiration to all who believe in freedom.” Detained repeatedly by Israeli authorities, Tamimi has been dubbed a “prisoner of conscience” by Amnesty, which subsequently co-sponsored an American speaking tour for him that began in September. Since then, Tamimi has spoken in 10 states, including multiple stops in New York and California and a plenary appearance at the annual conference of the U.S. Campaign to End the Occupation, where he advocated the boycott of Israel.
Tamimi’s tour and its sponsorship by Amnesty have already drawn substantial criticism, given his radical views. In particular, objections were raised when Tamimi was brought in to address third-graders at the Beverly J. Martin School in Ithaca, New York. Luvelle Brown, Ithaca’s superintendent of schools, later denounced Tamimi’s remarks as “politically skewed, inflammatory, and not endorsed by the Ithaca City School District.” Amnesty, however, defended Tamimi’s appearance, dismissing the criticism as a “smear campaign” and “bullying and intimidation.”
But while perhaps that controversy could be chalked up to differences of political opinions, the latest one swirling around Tamimi cannot. On Wednesday, as reported by Cornell’s William Jacobson, Tamimi reposted a viral anti-Semitic meme on his Facebook page, alleging Israelis detain Palestinian children to steal their organs, and that Zionists control the media to suppress this information:

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

intifada quds aqsa qudspressIt is unacceptable that Israel maintains prejudicial policies toward Jews at the holiest site to the Jewish people.

Benjamin Netanyahu keeps assuring Barack Obama, and the American Department of State, that Israel intends to maintain the status quo at the Temple Mount.

EOZ columnist, Vic Rosenthal, proprietor of Abu Yehuda, has a few thoughts on the matter.

But the bottom line is that the status quo in Israel toward Jews, and all non-Muslims, in the Old City, on the Temple Mount, is entirely prejudicial.  I am not a particularly religious person, but I am offended at the idea that only Muslims are allowed to pray on the holiest place to the Jewish people.

Israeli policy on this question is unethical and unjust toward Jewish people, toward all non-Muslims, and it must change.

It is, in fact, a policy grounded in al-Sharia because Moshe Dayan, who obviously should have known better, made a very big mistake.  But now this mistake needs to be corrected.

Understand this:

At one time all the religions in the Middle East were political in the sense that they were total social systems.  

Throughout the great majority of human history there was no distinction between the dictates of the faith and any aspect of the life of the individual.  The same, of course, was true for Judaism and Christianity until the European Enlightenment of the 17th century.  Thankfully, both religions embraced the Separation of Church and State.

Islam has yet do so and, in fact, is moving in the opposite direction.  European Muslims - with their screeching and their stomping and their violence and their religiously grounded hatred - do not seem all that different from their Jew-Hating Middle Eastern counterparts.

So as the world burns, my natural question is, "what should Israel do?"

If you look at the scope of Israeli history the general tendency has been to defer to the West.

It was primarily due to the western governments that the United Nations acknowledged the existence of Israel to begin with.  Sometimes people will say that the UN created Israel, in order to imply the illegitimacy of the Jewish State.  This is false.  Israel was created via the blood and sweat and deaths of many thousands of Jewish people - Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Sephardim - who built the necessary infrastructure for the emergence of the state.  All the United Nations did was take a vote.  It was the Jewish people in the Land of Israel at the end of the 19th century and through the 20th century who did the work and who drained the swamps and who built the roads and who created the schools and developed the political leadership, that made it so that the UN almost had to recognize it.

But the UN did not do the work, nor did they die in the fields.  That was Jews.  You know who else it was, of course?  It was also untold numbers of Arabs who migrated into Israel because of increasing economic possibilities.  Israel is the Jewish State, but Arabs helped build it for simple, human, economic reasons.  They may have thought of the Jews as the children of swine and orangutans, but they still needed employment for the purpose of feeding their children.  Their Koranically-based anti-Jewish racism did not override their basic social need to provide for their families.

This has changed.

The Narrative and the Temple Mount

Due to the Muslim Brotherhood, Yassir Arafat and his heinous side-kick, Mahmoud Abbas - and all their little off-spring like the PLO and Fatah and Hamas and Islamic Jihad - they have succeeded in raising an entire generation of Israeli Arabs who believe that they have a religious-political-moral imperative to stab Jewish people in the neck or run us down with their vehicles.  They have been fed on the Narrative of Pure Palestinian Victimhood and thus honestly believe that they every right to take any Jewish life as a matter of social justice.

If we object we are spit upon by ideological morons, mainly in the western-left, who call us racist.

What Israel needs to do is take charge of the situation.  If the Israelis back down it will give the Arabs good reason to advance.  By handing the Temple Mount over to the Jordanian waqf it gave the Arab world reason to claim it as their own.

As we know, Arab-Muslims do not so much venerate Al-Aqsa as a place of religious contemplation, but as a violent political site in their never-ending hostility toward the Jewish minority in that part of the world.

The very last thing that is needed is maintenance of the status quo.

As Rosenthal writes:
I’ve been thinking about status quos (stati quo?) lately.

There’s the one on the Temple Mount, the absurd one that says that Jews may visit but may not pray. Lately Muslims have been trying to prevent Jews from visiting altogether. When you consider that this is and always has been the holiest site in Judaism, that Muslim colonialists built a triumphal shrine atop the ruins of the Jewish Temple – which those Muslims now say wasn’t really there anyway – the absurdity is even more manifest.
It is one thing for Arabs to discriminate against Jews, that is to be expected. It is another thing entirely for the Jewish State of Israel to discriminate against Jews. That is simply unacceptable.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Daniel Gordis in the New York Daily News:
We have a young language instructor at Shalem College in Jerusalem, where I work. She's a religious Muslim who wears a hijab, lives in one of the Arab neighborhoods of Jerusalem and is a graduate student at Hebrew University. She's fun and warm, and a great teacher — the students like her a lot.

Late last spring, when things here were quiet, some of the students mentioned to the department chair that as much as they'd spoken with her over the past couple of years, they'd never discussed politics. They were curious what someone like her thought about the conflict in this region, especially now that she was teaching at an unabashedly Zionist college, had come to know so many Jewish students and had developed such warm relationships with them. How does someone like her see things here? How did she think we would one day be able to settle this conflict?

"So ask her," the department chair said. "As long as you speak to her in Arabic (she's on staff to help our students master the language), you can talk about anything you want."

They did. They told her that since they'd never discussed the "situation" (as we metaphorically call it here in Israel), they were curious how she thought we might someday resolve it.

"It's our land," she responded rather matter-of-factly. Stunned, they weren't sure that they'd heard her correctly. So they waited. But that was all she had to say. "It's our land. You're just here for now."

What upset those students more than anything was not that a Palestinian might believe that the Jews are simply the latest wave of Crusaders in this region, and that we, like the Crusaders of old, will one day be forced out. We all know that there are many Palestinians who believe that.

What upset them was that she — an educated woman, getting a graduate degree (which would never happen in a Muslim country) at a world class university (only Israel has those — none of Israel's neighbors has a single highly rated university) and working at a college filled with Jews who admire her, like her and treat her as they would any other colleague — still believes that when it's all over, the situation will get resolved by our being tossed out of here once again.

Even she , who lives a life filled with opportunities that she would never have in an Arab country, still thinks at the end of the day the Jews are nothing but colonialists. And colonialists, she believes, don't last here. The British got rid of the Ottomans, the Jews got rid of the British — and one day, she believes, the Arabs will get rid of the Jews.

That is one of the many reasons that this recent wave of violence, consisting mostly of deadly stabbings carried out by Israeli Arabs (not Palestinians living over the Green Line) and Arab residents of east Jerusalem, has Israelis so unsettled.

Yes, the reality on the ground is frightening. People are being stabbed on the street, on buses, in malls. Those being attacked are elderly men and women and young boys on their bicycles. No one is immune, and unlike the last Intifada, when suicide bombers sought high casualty counts so you felt safe away from crowds, now nowhere feels definitely safe.

But even that is not the most debilitating dimension of this new round of attacks on Jews. What's most sobering is the fact that this new round of violence has made it clear, once again, that this conflict is simply never going to end.
Read the whole thing.

I have had a series of articles over the years describing why peace is impossible. But that idea is so hard to accept by optimistic, can-do westerners, that they simply refuse to see the truth.

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
MSNBC's Martin Fletcher sort-of partially apologized for the outrageous use of The Map That Lies on the air on Friday. But his comment indicates that he is far from a Middle East expert and really doesn't get what he did - his own words on the air were almost as bad as the map itself.

From Facebook:

I replied on the thread:
The outrage was far more than the first map. The second map is deceptive as the plan wasn't implemented because of Arab hate; the third map calls land that was controlled by Egypt and Jordan "Palestinian" even though no one called it that before 1967; the fourth map doesn't note that it would look almost exactly like the third had they accepted Israeli peace plans.

Moreover, your comments that Israeli settlements are continuously expanding and taking up more and more territory are highly misleading; Israel has approved only a handful of new settlements since Oslo (in response to court rulings) and the amount of actual land the settlements are on has barely budged although far more people live in them.

See here and here.

So no, no excuses for the entire segment and both you and MSNBC must apologize, as well as investigate how notorious anti-Israel propaganda ended up on the air to begin with.
The last point is important; MSNBC staffers grabbed The Map That Lies  from an anti-Israel site, edited it to adhere to MSNBC style standards and used it as if it had a shred of legitimacy.

(Edgar Davidson also has a very nice debunking of the map.)

  • Sunday, October 18, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

For years, Palestinian Media Watch has documented hundreds of examples of support for terror, incitement to murder and antisemitism on the official PA TV network.

A couple examples from recent weeks:

Apparently, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked noted that the official TV station of Israel's "peace partner" was inciting people to murder Jews, and she demanded that it be shut down.

The PA's response:
The Palestinian presidency Thursday denounced statements made by the newly-appointed justice minister, ‏Ayelet Shaked, in which she incited against the official TV station ‘Palestine’ and demanded its immediate closure.

In an official statement, the presidency called on the Israeli government to put an end to the stream of daily official incitement, the latest of which was the call to shut down the TV station.
Yes, pointing out incitement is condemned as incitement itself!

It gets even better:
The presidency further urged the Israeli government to put an end to all acts that could lead to increased violence and tension.
See that? Israel says to the PA, "Stop being violent." The PA answers, "Stop doing things we don't like that makes us violent."

They want Israel to stop doing everything that they find offensive, because that's what makes them violent - and therefore Israel is responsible for the murderous actions of the Arabs!

The demand is pure blackmail - do what we want or we cannot stop our people from naturally wanting to kill you.

The sick mentality of the Palestinian Arab leadership  is clear from this article that they translated themselves to English.

All of their statements boil down to one rule: Palestinians have rights without responsibilities, Israelis have responsibilities without rights.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

From Ian:

Jeffrey Goldberg: The Paranoid, Supremacist Roots of the Stabbing Intifada
In September of 1928, a group of Jewish residents of Jerusalem placed a bench in front of the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, for the comfort of elderly worshipers. They also brought with them a wooden partition, to separate the sexes during prayer. Jerusalem’s Muslim leaders treated the introduction of furniture into the alleyway in front of the Wall as a provocation, part of a Jewish conspiracy to slowly take control of the entire Temple Mount.
Many of the leaders of Palestine’s Muslims believed—or claimed to believe—that Jews had manufactured a set of historical and theological connections to the Western Wall and to the Mount, the site of the al-Aqsa mosque and the Dome of the Rock, in order to advance the Zionist project. This belief defied Muslim history—the Dome of the Rock was built by Jerusalem’s Arab conquerors on the site of the Second Jewish Temple in order to venerate its memory (the site had previously been defiled by Jerusalem’s Christian rulers as a kind of rebuke to Judaism, the despised mother religion of Christianity). Jews themselves consider the Mount itself to be the holiest site in their faith. The Western Wall, a large retaining wall from the Second Temple period, is sacred only by proxy.
The spiritual leader of Palestine’s Muslims, the mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, incited Arabs in Palestine against their Jewish neighbors by arguing that Islam itself was under threat. (Husseini would later become one of Hitler’s most important Muslim allies.) Jews in British-occupied Palestine responded to Muslim invective by demanding more access to the Wall, sometimes holding demonstrations at the holy site. By the next year, violence directed against Jews by their neighbors had become more common: Arab rioters took the lives of 133 Jews that summer; British forces killed 116 Arabs in their attempt to subdue the riots. In Hebron, a devastating pogrom was launched against the city’s ancient Jewish community after Muslim officials distributed fabricated photographs of a damaged Dome of the Rock, and spread the rumor that Jews had attacked the shrine.
The current “stabbing Intifada” now taking place in Israel—a quasi-uprising in which young Palestinians have been trying, and occasionally succeeding, to kill Jews with knives—is prompted in good part by the same set of manipulated emotions that sparked the anti-Jewish riots of the 1920s: a deeply felt desire on the part of Palestinians to “protect” the Temple Mount from Jews.

Amb. Danon: “Palestinian leaders have established an incubator to raise children as terrorists”

Amit Heumann, Israel's Legal Adviser addresses UN on the Rule of Law

  • Saturday, October 17, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
I have in the past comprehensively debunked The Map That Lies, the ubiquitous piece of lying propaganda that Israel haters like to use to push their agenda, truth be damned.

That map was shown Friday on MSNBC - and it was even discussed, by no less than their experienced correspondent martin Fletcher, as if it had validity!

Kate: If you look at the map, we have a map that shows historically the areas that used to be Palestine in 1946 and then the UN plan there and then as it shrunk down to basically Gaza and the West Bank, right, and then present. So what does that show you, Martin, that the area where> Palestinians are living, has it grown increasingly smaller?

Martin Fletcher: Well absolutely, of course, this is what it’s all about. It’s all about the land and what this map shows you. I must say it’s pretty shocking when you present it in this way. What it clearly shows is that if there’s no peace agreement between the Palestinians and Israel, more of those green areas, more of that Palestinian land will be eaten up by Jewish settlements. Although right now there is a freeze on settlements by Israel because there’s so much international pressure, the Palestinians say if we don’t have peace soon we won’t have a Palestine left.

Kate: And the Israelis say, we have every right to be in all of these areas.
As I documented, every part of that map is a lie. Here is my debunking, originally written in 2011:

This map is a lie.

The first panel of the traditional version of this map has the biggest lie:

While I presume that the white sections are indeed the land that was privately owned by Jews, the land in green was not privately owned by Arabs.

Only a tiny percentage of land in Palestine was privately owned. The various categories of land ownership included:

  • Mulk: privately owned in the Western sense.
  • Miri: Land owned by the government (originally the Ottoman crown) and suitable for agricultural use. Individuals could purchase a deed to cultivate this land and pay a tithe to the government. Ownership could be transferred only with the approval of the state. Miri rights could be transferred to heirs, and the land could be sub-let to tenants. If the owner died without an heir or the land was not cultivated for three years, the land would revert to the state.
  • Mahlul: Uncultivated Miri lands that would revert to the state, in theory after three years.
  • Mawat (or Mewat): So-called “dead”, unreclaimed land. It constituted about 50 to 60% of the land in Palestine. It belonged to the government. ...If the land had been cultivated with permission, it would be registered, at least under the Mandate, free of charge.

By the early 1940s Jews owned about one third of Mulk land in Palestine and Arabs about two-thirds. The vast majority of the total land, however, belonged to the government, meaning that when the state of Israel was established, it became legally Israel's. (I believe that about 77% of the land was owned by the government, assuming 6 million dunams of private land as shown in this invaluable webpage on the topic from which I got much of this information.)

To say that the green areas were "Palestinian" land is simply a lie.

In the case of this version of the map, the lie is even worse, as the implication is that pre-1948 Palestine was an entirely Arab country with no Jews and no Jewish land ownership. Of course, before 1948 the word "Palestinian" more often than not referred to Palestinian Jews, not Palestinian Arabs. For example, the Palestine exhibit at the 1939 World's Fair was entirely Jewish, the Palestine Orchestra was entirely Jewish, the Palestine soccer team was almost entirely Jewish, and so forth. 

Now the next one:

While this is a somewhat accurate representation of the partition plan (with the notable exception of Jerusalem, which was meant to be an international city,), it has nothing to do with land ownership. The entire purpose of this map is to make it appear that Israel has been grabbing Arab land consistently, to serve as a bridge between maps 1 and 3. What is not said, of course, is that Israel accepted the partition and the Arabs did not, so as a result Israel in 1949 looked like it does in map 3.

Map 3 is still a lie, however, because in no way was the green land "Palestinian" at that time. Gaza was administered by Egypt and the West Bank annexed by Jordan. No one at the time spoke about a Palestinian Arab state on the areas controlled by Arab states - only in Israel.

In other words, this progression of maps is a series of lies meant to push a bigger lie, and it is tragic that a lot of people believe them to be the truth.

Here is a small attempt on my side to show a more accurate picture of Israel's giving land it controlled up for peace since 1967:

This map shows that Israel gave up control of the Sinai, Gaza, Southern Lebanon and much of the West Bank over the years. Rather than falsely accusing Israel as a land-grabbing rogue state, it accurately shows Israel as perhaps the only state in history that has voluntarily given up more than two-thirds of the areas it controls in exchange for nothing more than a paper agreement - or sometimes not even that. All at the risk of serious security concerns for her people, no less.

This is all because Israel wants, desperately, to live in real peace with her neighbors. This desire is not reciprocated by those neighbors, unfortunately.

The real map shows the truth of Israel's incredible concessions in the often vain hope for peace.

UPDATE here.

Friday, October 16, 2015

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: Jewish blood stains many hands
Predictably, the Western media ignored the hundreds of attacks on Israeli Jews these past few weeks. It waited until Israel started killing terrorists. Then it sprang into action to portray the Israelis as brutal oppressors driving helpless Palestinians to desperate measures.
In American and British newspapers, on CNN and the BBC, the focus was on the Palestinians who had been killed with their Israeli victims added as an afterthought.
The New York Times excelled itself in its twisted anti-Israel reporting by peddling an absurd theory – which every expert dismisses as utter rubbish – that the “explosive historical question” was whether the two Jewish Temples had ever stood on the Temple Mount at all.
On BBC TV’s Newsnight, presenter Evan Davies tried to insist that measures Israel was taking to deter further murderous attacks were “reprisals” – in other words, revenge attacks. Then he suggested that the most likely reason why these young, “post-Oslo” Arabs believed Israelis should be killed was that they had been “provoked” by Israel’s behavior.
Such remarks betray total ignorance of the Arab pogroms against Jews, the frenzied butchery and the very same incitement and lies about al-Aksa that have being going on in the Land of Israel for almost a century.
Even more important than the malice of the media is the part played in Arab incitement by Israel’s supposed friends and allies.
Col. Richard Kemp: Palestinian and Western Leaders: Blood on Their Hands
Secretary Kerry's comments will encourage the continuation of violence and lead to further deaths of both Israelis and Palestinians. His explanation for the widespread knifings, suicide bombings, shootings, arson, firebombings, vehicle attacks and lethal rock-throwing is either naive or mendacious; perhaps both.
Kerry asserts that the frustrations of Israeli settlement activity are responsible for the Palestinians' murderous behaviour. The reality is that this new wave of killings is a continuation of the aggression against Jews that has been going on in the territory of Palestine for many decades -- since long before 1948 and pre-dating the first Israeli settlements in the West Bank that Kerry falsely brands as illegal.
The violence is motivated by the same racist and sectarian zeal that drives the Islamic State and numerous Arab governments and jihadist groups that have sought to eradicate the presence of "infidels," whether Jews, Christians or Yazidis, from land that they consider the exclusive preserve of Muslims.
Palestinian children are taught that Jews are descended from apes and pigs and must be killed before their "filthy feet" desecrate the holy places of Islam -- in the words of President Abbas.
Secretary Kerry, the UN, and the EU should be discouraging further violence by condemnation and by meaningful threats of sanction against the Palestinian Authority leadership. The international community has encouraged Hamas's illegal use of human shields and berated Israel for defending itself and for inflicting civilian casualties, which were in reality the unavoidable consequence of Hamas's unprovoked aggression and its way of fighting from within private houses, schools, hospitals and mosques.
This encouragement of Hamas violence, especially the effectiveness of its human shield strategy, did not go unnoticed by other Islamist terrorist groups. That is also what Hizballah wants: the wholesale deaths of their own people as a trigger for unbearable international pressure against Israel.
Fred Maroun: Are Israeli Jews too nice?
In a 2004 Haaretz interview, left-wing historian Benny Morris who had previously been the darling of anti-Zionists expressed the opinion that Israel’s founders had been naïve. As Morris put it, “It was a mistake to think that it would be possible to establish a tranquil state here that lives in harmony with its surroundings.”
I think that Israel’s founders were not naïve, but they took the high road even though the Arab attackers had no such ethics. Yet, if Jews behaved like Arabs, today’s Israel would have been very different.
If Jews behaved like Arabs
If Jews behaved like Arabs, after her victory in 1948, Israel would have expelled all Arab residents (although some Arabs were expelled, this was not an official policy, and the vast majority of Arabs who wished to stay were able to do so). Since Arab states were expelling Jewish citizens, such an action by Israel would have seemed natural, and today’s Israel would not have had Arab members of parliament in Israel’s Knesset attacking Israel’s legitimacy and defending Palestinian terrorists.
If Jews behaved like Arabs, after her victory in 1967 and the annexation of East Jerusalem, Israel would have expelled all Arab residents from East Jerusalem. This would have almost been expected since Jordan had in 1948 expelled all Jews from East Jerusalem even though they were at that point a majority. In fact, if Jews behaved like Arabs, Israel would also have annexed the West Bank and Gaza and expelled all their Arab residents. (h/t Cliff)
In the tent pissing in: Fisking J-Street’s Alan Elsner’s Op-Ed on Jerusalem Violence
CNN published an op-ed by Alan Eisner. It’s logic is quintessential (cookie cutter) J-Street logic. Good insight into how Western audiences tragically misread the situation here. I first experienced Elsner at a conference on BDS at University of Baltimore Law School. Feeling a bit defensive, he at one point said, “Look, do you want us in the tent pissing out, or outside the tent, pissing in.” To which someone from the audience called out, “We’re afraid you’ll be in the tent pissing in.” And here we go.
He triumphally blames Israel for the violence. It’s as if, to paraphrase the venerable Jeremiah Wright, “Israel’s karma is coming home to roost.”
Both sides must realize that they have no choice other than to negotiate a just end to this conflict, and that can only come through a two-state solution.
Huh? Even the far left peaceniks in Israel have realized that this liberal take on the problem is not shared by the Palestinians.
Without the ability to exercise their right to self-determination, Palestinians will continue to resist with whatever means they have at their disposal.
This is pure Palestinian propaganda. There’s nothing here about Palestinians getting serious about making the kinds of compromises that a “two-state” solution – whose logic is oh so obvious to Elsner and so many other right-thinking folks in liberal democracies. It’s basically a free pass to “resist” by any means (including stabbing 13-year old boys) until Israel makes the concessions that J-Street demands.
This is not to justify these meaningless and horrific knife attacks.
Ooops. Sorry. I guess I misunderstood. He’s about to denounce these acts and get at why they are completely unacceptable, and how he, as a liberal with strong moral standards, cannot remain sympathetic to their cause as long as they resort to such depraved means of “resistance.”

  • Friday, October 16, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

I've been seeing a few Arabic articles about how Israelis are supposedly hysteric with fear, bringing examples of some false reports of terror attacks and how people reacted.

One fairly funny Israeli cartoon was used as evidence of Israeli fears by a Jordanian site, complete with what is now a meme of Israelis using umbrellas and nun-chucks as makeshift defensive weapons.
"I'm just peeling an apple!"

The underlying theme is that Israelis are acting like frightened children while Palestinian children are terrorizing them.It is another manifestation of the honor/shame and  macho dynamic, where being frightened is considered feminine and shameful. This is a recurring theme, with some Arabs posting videos of IDF soldiers reacting with what appears to be fear when something unexpected occurs.

From UN Watch:

GENEVA, October 16, 2015 – UN staffers are using the imprimatur of their official positions to incite Palestinian stabbing and shooting attacks against Israeli Jews, with one UN-identified employee calling on Facebook to “stab Zionist dogs,” according to a new report issued today by UN Watch, the Geneva-based non-governmental organization that is accredited by the United Nations with the mandate to monitor the world body’s compliance with its charter.

UN Watch submitted the report today to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNRWA chief Pierre Krähenbühl, and U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power, whose government’s $400 million annual grant makes it the largest funder of UNRWA.

“The UN and top funders of UNRWA such as the United States government must act immediately to terminate employees who are inciting murderous anti-Semitism and fueling the deadly pandemic of Palestinian attacks against Israeli Jews that have claimed innocent men, women and children, aged 13 to 78,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.

“Despite UNRWA’s promise, in wake of our previous report, to take action and dismiss UNRWA perpetrators of incitement, there has been no accountability whatsoever,” said Neuer. “On the contrary, UNRWA’s main response has been to try and intimidate UN Watch.”

“We call once again on Ban Ki-moon and UNRWA to immediately terminate their employees who incite to murder. Moreover, we call for the establishment an independent commission of inquiry, to include representatives of the U.S., the EU (gave $139 million), the UK ($95 million), and other top UNRWA funders, to investigate the culture of impunity for perpetrators of racism and incitement that pervades UNRWA.”

“UNRWA’s strategy of impunity, denial and deflection only enables more incitement and violence. It’s time to put an end to the pattern and practice of UNRWA school principals, teachers and staff members posting antisemitic and terror-inciting images, indicating a pathology of racism and violence within UNRWA that must be rooted out — and not buried, as UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness has attempted to do by calling for boycotts of newspapers or NGOs that dare to report these incidents of hate,” said Neuer.

“We’re urging the UN to finally recognize that these despicable posts, published on Facebook accounts run by people who openly identify themselves as UNRWA officials, constitute a gross violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which prohibits incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence,” said Neuer.

They bring eight examples of UNRWA employees supporting terror, including five that I have reported about in recent weeks (they give me credit for two of them.)

So far I have identified scores of examples of UNRWA teachers (and several examples of schools) supporting terror and antisemitism.

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: Kerry, Israeli Arabs and the separation delusion
Israel’s political leaders have rightly expressed anger at the US State Department’s hostile characterizations of the Palestinian terrorist onslaught. Secretary of State John Kerry’s claims, parroted by his spokesmen, that Israel is either entirely to blame for Palestinian terrorism or shares the blame equally with the Palestinians, are baseless lies.
Kerry and his spokesmen have alleged that the current Palestinian convulsion of murderous violence is a product of “a massive increase in settlements.” Yet as Haaretz reported this week, Israel has built fewer homes for Jews in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria since 2009, when Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu (and President Barack Obama) entered office, than it had since 1995. The steep increase in the Jewish population in the areas is almost entirely the result of Jewish women having babies.
The other accusations the State Department has leveled against Israel – that it incites violence and engages in terrorism – are so obscene that there is no point in trying to set the record straight. Quite simply, an administration comfortable with libeling Israel in this way doesn’t want to know the truth.
While at this point it is abundantly clear that Kerry like the administration he serves has an unpleasant, irrational obsession with the Jewish state, it’s hard to shake the conclusion that there is more going on here than simply opposition to Israel.
For instance his claim this week that “Unless we get going, a two-state solution could conceivably be stolen from everybody,” is more an assault on reality generally than on Israel in particular.
PA Tries to Claim Western Wall at UNESCO
In an attempt to gain international legitimacy for its rewriting of history, the Palestinian Authority (PA) will submit a resolution to UNESCO (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) next week claiming the Kotel (Western Wall) as its own.
The proposal calls to have the Kotel in Jerusalem - which is an outer wall of the Temple Mount that is the holiest site in Judaism - recognized as part of Al-Aqsa Mosque located on the Mount, reports Yedioth Aharonoth on Friday.
The PA is not a member of the UNESCO Executive Council, and therefore the proposal will be submitted for a vote next week on its behalf by the six Arab member states of Algeria, Egypt, Kuwait, Morocco, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Senior Israeli sources revealed that the PA is working in parallel to have the proposal submitted at the UNESCO plenum, where the PA is recognized as a state.
In response, Israel is working behind the scenes to rally opposition to the proposal, although there is an automatic Muslim majority making its adoption all but certain.
The Obama Intifada
How coddling Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas led to terrorism in Israel
Obama won’t hold the Palestinians accountable because that might jeopardize his policy of daylight between America and Israel. A policy that was intended to improve U.S. credibility in the Muslim world and thereby denuclearize Iran, disarm and remove Bashar al-Assad, and establish a peaceful Palestinian state. A policy that has instead destabilized the region, formalized the Russian-Iranian-Syrian axis, enriched and empowered the Shiite theocracy, rattled our allies, and done nothing to curtail Palestinian intransigence.
Even the carrot Obama offered Israel as part of the Iran deal—interdiction of Iranian weapons to Hezbollah—has been exposed as an illusion. Russia has a no-fly zone in Syria and is arming Syrian regulars and presumably Hezbollah, too. How else to explain Netanyahu’s sudden visit to Moscow last month? Hezbollah with a nuclear umbrella was something the Iran deal was supposed to prevent. Now Hassan Nasrallah benefits from the Russian nuclear umbrella, in addition to the Iranian one that will be unfurled a decade hence. Great job Obama.
So here we are: Palestinians no closer to statehood, Israel terrorized, Jewish and Arab lives being lost, and an atmosphere so rife with revisionism and paranoia that the New York Times is questioning the history of Jews on the Temple Mount. All because President Obama forgot that daylight ends in darkness.
State Dept. Deletes Tweet Calling Israel Attacks ‘Tragic, Outrageous’
The State Department on Thursday was caught deleting a tweet that had referred to the recent spate of terror attacks against Israel as “tragic” and “outrageous.”
The tweet was then replaced with a more subdued statement referring to the attacks on Jewish people as “recent.”
Secretary of State John Kerry “addresses the tragic, outrageous attacks on civilians in Israel and West Bank,” the State Department tweeted from its official account.”
That tweet was quickly deleted and replaced with a new tweet omitting references to the attacks as “tragic” and “outrageous.”
The first tweet says Kerry addressed the “tragic, outrageous” attacks on Israel. It was promptly deleted and replaced. The second tweet just calls the attacks “recent.”

  • Friday, October 16, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon

A moderate Salafi preacher in Amman caused a firestorm when he spoke out against Palestinian terrorists stabbing Jews.

Sheikh Omar Ibrahim Abu Talha called the stabbings a "barbaric act of terrorism" and said that the Palestinians who were killed while trying to stab Jews were not martyrs.

The full audio in Arabic is here.

Jordanians were incensed at the preacher.

Reports say that they reacted during the speech and he Abu Talha had to be escorted out of the mosque.

A group appealed to the Ministry of Awqaf (Religious Endowments) to prevent not only Abu Talha but all similar moderate Dalafi preachers from being able to give speeches in public. 

(h/t O)


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