Monday, February 27, 2017

From Ian:

Khaled Abu Toameh: Palestinians: Why a "Regional Peace Process" Will Fail
Many Palestinians sometimes refer to Arab leaders and regimes as the "real enemies" of the Palestinians. They would rather have France, Sweden, Norway and Belgium oversee a peace process with Israel than any of the Arab countries.
Hani al-Masri, a prominent Palestinian political analyst, echoed this skepticism. He, in fact, believes the Arabs want to help Israel "liquidate" the Palestinian cause.
The Jordanians are worried that a "regional solution" would promote the idea of replacing the Hashemite kingdom with a Palestinian state. Former Jordanian Minister of Information Saleh al-Qallab denounced the talk of a "regional conference" as a "poisonous gift and conspiracy" against Jordan and the Palestinians.
The Lebanese have for decades dreamed of the day they could rid themselves of the Palestinian refugee camps and their inhabitants, who have long been subjected to apartheid and discriminatory laws.
Israel as a Jewish state is anathema to Palestinian aspirations. Any Arab or Palestinian leader who promotes such compromise is taking his life in his hands. And Palestinian history will record him as a "traitor" who sold out to the Jews and surrendered to American and Israeli pressure.
Abbas and his Ramallah cohorts are already up at night worrying about the talking between Israel and some Arab countries, particularly Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. Such "normalization", in the view of the PA, is to be reserved for after Israel submits to its demands.
Any "regional solution" involving Arab countries would be doomed to fail because the Palestinians and their Arab brethren hate each other. Any solution offered by the Arab governments will always be regarded as an "American-Zionist dictate."
Here is what Palestinians really want: to use the Europeans to impose a "solution" on Israel.

Israeli intelligence minister says Trump created a new path to peace
Katz’s plan, which he says has been adopted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is regional and multilayered. And if all goes smoothly, there might be some type of autonomous, demilitarized Palestinian entity at the tail end.
“Netanyahu went to America after many discussions here in which we spoke about the idea for regional peace, based on security and economic considerations in the region,” said Katz in an interview with The Washington Post.
“I told the prime minister that the goal should be to deal less with labels and more with content,” said Katz, who also serves as Israel’s minister of transportation.
This was the one of the messages Netanyahu shared in a news conference with President Trump in the White House earlier this month.
Responding to a journalist’s question asking if the prime minister had come to Washington to tell the president he is backing off from the solution of two states for two people — the Israelis and the Palestinians — Netanyahu said: “Rather than deal with labels, I want to deal with substance. It's something I've hoped to do for years in a world that's absolutely fixated on labels and not on substance.”
“I am against two states. As one White House official pointed [out] – ‘if you ask five people what two states would look like, you'd get eight different answers,’ ” said Katz, a member of Netanyahu’s Security Cabinet.
Katz said this point and others made recently by the new U.S. administration has made clear that Trump will allow Israel to find its own solution, in its own time.
Trump, he said, has opened up the playing field for peace.
Trent Franks: Israel’s ally serving in the White House
As President Obama’s days in office were coming to an end, he and Secretary of State John Kerry broke with over 20 years of bipartisan precedent by refusing to veto a resolution at the UN Security Council designed to undermine Israel’s right to exist. The resolution, orchestrated by the Obama administration, went to such an outrageous extent it would categorize even places like the Western Wall as occupied territory. This overt betrayal by Obama of our closest ally reinforced the position of the ubiquitous antisemites at the UN.
The cowardly refusal of the Obama administration to confirm to the world who our allies are left President Donald Trump in the very uncomfortable position of having to do damage control before he was even sworn in. If anything should serve as unequivocal confirmation to the entire world of America’s commitment to Israel and the Jewish people, it is the president’s choice of Dr. Sebastian Gorka as White House deputy assistant.
I am compelled to respond with disgust to recent attempts in the press and on social media to libel this American patriot. Dr. Gorka truly understands the existential threat Global Jihadism poses to both America and Israel. He has repeatedly stated that groups like al-Qaida and Islamic State (ISIS) share a totalitarian bond with the Fascists and Nazis who threatened the world in the 20th century. To associate him in any way with such ideologies is repugnant and a prime example of “fake news.”
Most disturbing of all is the attempt to portray Dr. Gorka as in any way antisemitic. Having called upon his expertise on counterterrorism repeatedly in Congress and used his analysis to inform our work, I can attest that he is a deep and relentless friend of Israel and the Jewish people.
Sebastian Gorka’s service to the nation, his reputation, and his national security credentials are all unimpeachable and I am delighted that Israel and the Jewish people have such an ally serving our president in the White House.
The author is serving his eighth term in Congress and is the chairman of the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus.

  • Monday, February 27, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Fools, apparently, rush in where angels fear to go.  At the same time, he who hesitates is lost.  So it seems that folk wisdom doesn’t provide obvious advice on how fast to move when military or political advantage opens up.

As mentioned last time, timing is one of the crucial ingredients for any sort of political or military strategy.  And for a small nation such as Israel, which has been at the center of military and political conflict since the nation’s birth, deciding between “full-speed-ahead,” “steady-as-she-goes” and “proceed-with-caution” is a routine decision.

At this moment in history, when a U.S. President hostile to the Jewish state has been replaced by one respectful of its interests, there is an understandable tendency to want to rush ahead and gain as much advantage as possible.  In some cases, this is a wise choice, especially in places like the UN where American backing of Israel has returned with a vengeance.

At the same time, while it might seem that this is the right moment for Israeli politicians to push controversial legislation, or for Israel’s supporters abroad to assume a friendly White House and Congress means brighter days ahead, there are a number of reasons to move cautiously through the today’s uncharted waters of US and international politics.

To begin with, the new US President has become a lightning rod for a broad range of opposing forces, domestically and internationally.  And as we have seen in recent years, such forces have little resistance to being infiltrated – if not entirely taken over – by anti-Israel activists ready to force their issue to the top of everyone else’s agenda. 

The mercurial nature of now President Trump also means that assuming continued unalloyed support from this White House is as much a folly as counting on anyone outside of ourselves to make protection of Israel’s interests an ongoing top priority.  While it is highly unlikely we’ll see the same kind of animus we experienced with Trump’s predecessor, there is no shortage of potential flash points Israel and her friends need to navigate.  Are we prepared, for example, if the new President gets it into his head that he can resolve the Israeli-Palestinian dispute with some grand bargain that has eluded less talented “deal-makers?”

Last time, I mentioned the difference between administrative, legislative and cultural victories which can provide a framework for determining how to best proceed during unpredictable times. 

The sorts of Executive Orders we’ve seen flowing from the White House represent the sort of slam-bam wins that make supportive partisans cheer and opposing ones squeal, but such “victories” tend to be highly unstable.  President Obama’s major victories (including ObamaCare, the Iran Deal and various Executive fiats he ordered), for instance, are all examples of victories won without widespread legislative and public support.  So it’s no accident that these are the very issues most easily undone by his successor.

Legislative victories – especially ones that take into account multiple perspectives – tend to be more stable and longer lived.  One need only look at how bi-partisan Congressional support prevented the Obama administration from doing even more damage to the US-Israel relationship to see the power bi-partisan consensus wields within a democracy.   

But on the whole, the most long-lasting political victories take place at the cultural level.  Civil rights, women’s rights, LGBQ rights, victory in the Cold War and – yes – support for the Jewish state are societal transformations within the US that were cultivated over decades, to the point where they are now givens threatened more by over-reach of their supporters than by hostile forces eager to see these examples of social progress overturned.

Anti-Israel forces assume they are playing a long game, hoping that the violence and propaganda they have visited upon the world will eventually translate to an abandonment of the Jewish state – if not by this generation of Americans, then perhaps the next.

What they have failed to take into account is that Israel and her friends are also capable of long-game strategy.  Bi-partisan Congressional support, for example, did not emerge out of thin air but was cultivated over decades by smart, political operators within the organized Jewish community – leveraging general support for Israel within a US public cultivated by countless other Jewish groups and individuals dedicated to telling the truth to counter the lies of the BDS “movement” and its antecedents. 

What this means in today’s unstable world is that Israel needs to continue to leverage the current supportive atmosphere while not becoming joined at the hip with today’s administration – or any administration – to the exclusion of alliances that contribute to ongoing legislative and cultural support. 

Friends of Israel happy with the new President need to understand the cost (and potential instability) of administrative victories, and plan accordingly.  Similarly, pro-Israel forces hostile to Trump et al need to fight within the movements they work with to ensure the anti-Trump agenda doesn’t become yet another progressive cause that falls to ruins after infiltration and takeover by the ruthless foes of the Jewish state.

Winning in a long game requires forgoing today’s single marshmallow for tomorrow’s two.  In other words, it requires resisting impatience, thinking in terms of decades, rather than weeks, and refusing to allow foes or friends to turn support for the Jewish state into a domestic partisan football. 


We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, February 27, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Times of Israel:
A Palestinian woman was convicted on Sunday of assaulting an Israeli legislator during the Knesset member’s November 2014 visit to the Temple Mount.

The indictment from the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court said Sahar Natshe shouted “go away” and “Allahu Akbar” as she pushed Shuli Moalem-Refaeli (Jewish Home), in an attempt to prevent the MK from entering the compound.
Here's the video, although it is unclear when exactly Moalem-Refaeili was pushed.

This is hardly a big story, but Palestinian media are upset over this ruling.

Not so much because of the conviction, but because the court apparently also noted that Judaism's holiest site is holy to Jews.

The "Quds Foundation for Human Rights" issued a statement condemning the court for daring to claim that the Temple Mount is holy to Jews. It said that the court ruling mentioned not only previous Israeli Supreme Court decisions but also referred to Maimonides (the Rambam.)

"The Court used the Jewish religious vocabulary to bestow the Jewish character on the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and defined the limits of the sanctity of the place and according to the Jewish religion," the statement said.

The group warned of the use of Jewish legal texts to prove that something is holy to Jews is outside the bounds of the court's legal rights. It also claimed that declaring the Mount holy for Jews is a violation of the rights of Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims.

This is of course ridiculous; quoting the Rambam is meant as objective proof of the holiness of the site, it is not being quoted as a legal precedent.

By their logic, there is no such thing as a Jewish holy place, because every single such place is claimed as a Muslim holy place (by sheer coincidence, of course.)

Another Arab newspaper claimed that the court also gave the right for Jews to pray on the Temple Mount unimpeded. I cannot find any corroboration to that.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, February 27, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Iran's AhlulBayt News Agency:
Secretary-General of International Conference in Support of Palestinian Intifada (Uprising) Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said on Saturday that the issue of Palestine should be kept alive as the major issue of the Islamic world.

Supporting the Palestinian nation and countering aggression of the Zionist Israel will effectively contribute to the security of the entire region, added Amir-Abdollahian.
So what, specifically, does "supporting the Palestinian nation" mean?
 He made the remarks in a meeting here with the visiting wife of the Palestinian commander Martyr Qantar, a high-profile Lebanese ... killed by the Zionist regime's airstrike on a residential building in Jaramana near the Syrian capital in 2015.

Qantar’s wife, Zeinab Barjavi is in Tehran as one of the guests of the International Conference on the Palestinian Intifada which was held in the Iranian capital on Feb 21-22.

Martyr Qantar who spent three decades of his life in the Zionist regime’s prisons is considered a role model for patience, resistance and self-sacrifice,” Amir-Abdollahian said.
He is referring to Samir Kuntar, the monster who murdered Danny Haran while his 4-year old daughter Einat watched, and then killed her by bashing her head against a rock with the butt of his gun.

Kuntar, who was released in a swap for Israeli soldiers' bodies, then reportedly went on a spree of rapes in Lebanon that was hushed up by his grateful hosts for his role in the "resistance." His ex-wife told a TV reporter that he deserved to be killed.

And, of course, that peace-loving moderate Mahmoud Abbas, who is in Geneva today to discuss his peculiar ideas of human rights at the UN Human Rights Council, went out of his way to meet Kuntar as a hero. And Kuntar isn't the only child killer for whom Abbas has gone out of his way to meet and honor.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

  • Sunday, February 26, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Two weeks ago, Hamas held elections in Gaza.

One of the people elected to a senior role was Dr .Suhail Hindi, who was head of UNRWA's Gaza teachers' union and has been known to be affiliated with Hamas for years. When UNRWA tried to fire him in 2011 after that little fact was publicized, the Gaza teachers all went on strike (he was the head of the union, remember) - and UNRWA caved, allowing Hindi to keep his job as a principal.

After being elected to a Hamas position this time, Hindu still wanted to keep his UNRWA principal's job. So, with an almost unbelievable amount of nerve, he vehemently denied that he was elected to anything, even though his name was published as one of the members of the winning slate.

When Israeli media, prompted by COGAT, started mentioning that Hindi was elected a Hamas leader while he was a UNRWA employee, Chris Gunness of UNRWA defended Hindi, saying he had no reason to disbelieve Hindi's denials - as if he forgot the 2011 incident altogether.
“Allegations have been circulating in conventional and social media networks about an UNRWA staff member being elected to political office in Gaza,” said UNRWA spokesperson Christopher Gunness in a press statement on Gaza neutrality issue.

“As soon as the allegations came to UNRWA's attention, the Agency undertook a preliminary investigation, including discussing the allegations with the staff member. Based on the due diligence carried out by the Agency to date, UNRWA has neither uncovered nor received evidence to contradict the staff member's denial that he was elected to political office,” the statement read.

UNRWA reported Sohail Al-Hindi as rejecting the news about his name appearing amongst the winning list of the Hamas political bureau in Gaza, saying: "I have no relation whatsoever with the issue".
But now UNRWA has changed its tune, after more evidence came in, but claiming that they were ready to suspend Hindi all the while before Israeli authorities said anything.

A United Nations agency said on Sunday it was suspending a Gaza staffer accused of being politically active in the terror group Hamas, which rules the coastal strip.

UNRWA, the UN agency in charge of Palestinian refugees, said the decision had already been taken ahead of an Israeli call earlier Sunday to fire Suhail al-Hindi, head of the agency’s staff union.

“Before that communication, and in light of our ongoing independent internal investigation, we had been presented with substantial information from a number of sources, which led us to take the decision this afternoon to suspend Suhail al Hindi, pending the outcome of our investigation,” UNRWA spokeswoman Chris Gunness wrote.
Given the history of UNRWA with al-Hindi, don't bet that this suspension will last any longer than his last one.

Gunness is being exposed as a liar yet again in front of our very eyes.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, February 26, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yes, this was a real question on Quora last week:

The answers are, as you might imagine, very funny:

My guess would be that we are extremely popular, thus many advertisements like to hitchhike when the word Israel is mentioned. Your iPhone gets chocked up with the cookies.
Of course, to check my theory, you’d need to write something good about Israel and see if the consequences are the same. Would this reflect badly on your health?
If you send your iPhone to the Mossad for repair, they will fix this problem.

You may be aware that we just held our annual Meeting of the Elders of Zion. One of the issues we were grappling with was people criticizing us. One especially sleazy technology controller came up with a strategy to combat this.
Every time someone criticizes Israel or Jews, we will make their device slow down a bit. Eventually, they will either stop, or their phone will stop for them.
Of course this was with Donald Trump’s approval.

Maybe your phone is tired of you criticizing Israel online. Try to criticize Palestine and see if it goes faster, you never know.

It's because Apple is founded by the Illuminati and the Illuminati’s aim is to establish a Jewish world government so they slow down people’s iPhones so that these people don't mess with the Illuminati’s plan to establish a Jewish world government.
I hope you're now enlightened.

Wrapping the phone in tin foil will solve the problem. Use the same foil that you use to make your hats. 

(h/t Josh K)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

David Collier: You don’t want dialogue! Says the Palestinian to the SOAS PalSoc
The event passed successfully. I was surprised by the amount of students that engaged. Israeli chocolate was handed around, very few SOAS students refused. I think it highlights how minority opinion is allowed to rule over everyone, even in (especially in?) the most hostile of environments.
I did what I normally do, and wandered. Listening to the exchanges between Israelis, and some of those, who in a few short days, will be screaming about the ‘Apartheid state’. I had a few interesting exchanges, but not many. The SOAS Palestinian Society had set up an ‘opposition stall’, but they were ineffective. However, the message I want to deliver today is not about the successful event, but rather to tell a short story through one Palestinian SOAS student I met there.
Hope not Hate
As I was considering that the majority of feedback I was hearing was positive, I came across two of the Israeli girls talking to someone who identified as a Palestinian SOAS student. I listened intently for about 10 minutes. Question, answer; another question another answer. But this was a two way street and the Israelis were interested in asking questions too. It proved to be an opportunity for real dialogue between two groups of people, who are normally unable to engage properly. Exactly what we should be used to seeing on campus. After a while, I said to the Palestinian student that I wished there were more like him, and went away.
Shortly after this, he left the crowd where the Israelis stood. I saw him begin to make his way back into the SOAS building. A couple of girls from the SOAS Palestinian Society stall were clearly unhappy that a SOAS student, and a Palestinian one, had spoken to the ‘enemy’. So they approached him to bring him into line.
This is the exchange:
Palestinian to SOAS PalSoc 'this is what's wrong, you don't want dialogue""

Report: Trump may pull US out of UN Human Rights Council due to Israel bias
The Trump administration may soon back Israel on its claim of UN bias and pull out of the organization's Human Rights Council, Politico reported on Saturday.
According to the report, the administration is not expected to withdraw ahead of the council’s next session that begins on Monday, but discussion of the option has already begun and is expected to include input from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley and President Donald Trump.
The administration regards the Council as being inherently anti-Israel which is the main reason for the consideration for pulling out of the international body, according to the report.
The news site also reported that in private conversations, Secretary Tillerson has expressed doubts about the effectiveness of the Council.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner did not confirm whether the issue was being considered and would only say that "our delegation will be fully involved in the work of the HRC session which starts Monday." (h/t Yenta Press)
UN Watch: U.S. Needs to Stay in the U.N. Human Rights Council—To Fight Back
There’s a reason that France, Russia, China and every other world power invests time, money and political capital to campaign for a seat at the U.N. Human Rights Council: to gain influence in a consequential world body.
Like it or not, the UNHRC’s decisions, translated into every language, influence the hearts and minds of hundreds of millions of people around the globe.
If the U.S. wants to be a winner, it would be foolish to abandon the coveted 3-year term that it just won a few months ago. When the U.S. left from 2006 to 2009, nothing got better; the UNHRC only got worse, and it began sending its anti-Israel reports to the International Criminal Court.
Here’s what UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer said before the U.S. Congress in testimony earlier this month:
Why the U.S. Needs to Stay in the U.N. Human Rights Council - Neuer in Congress

Edward Moran - Unveiling The Statue of Liberty 
Enlightening the World
, 1886
Two of the most significant political questions facing the West today are those of immigration policy and identity politics. 

Women's March organizer, Linda Sarsour, stands at the crux of both and has successfully put pro-Israel diaspora Jewry between the horns of a political dilemma. 

Sarsour just raised considerable funds for the restoration of a recently desecrated Jewish cemetery near St. Louis, Missouri. Thus, even as she despises Israel she goes out of her way to help American Jewry. 

Meanwhile, as disappointed ideologues from both left and right spit an endless stream of vitriol at U.S. President Donald Trump for everything from corruption to racism, the issues of immigration and identity politics garner the most rancor.

Concerns around both are vital and divisive because they cut a sharp line down the central contradictions agitating the progressive-left and the Democratic Party.

These central contradictions are those between the foundational ideological pillars of  universal human rights and the multicultural ideal, upon which the western-left stakes its moral authority.

Progressive-Left Ideals

The foundational thinking behind the ideals of universal human rights and multiculturalism is grounded in the history of western Christianity, imperialism, slavery, and war as interpreted through the lens of Enlightenment liberalism.

Concepts around universal human rights can easily be thought to bolster progressive-left immigration policies, while the multicultural ideal drives the kind of "identity politics" associated with groups like Black Lives Matter or activists like Sarsour.

The problem, however, is that these foundational ideological pillars are logically inconsistent and mutually exclusive. A person cannot simultaneously support universal human rights and the multicultural ideal if the former must defer to the latter's disinclination to make ethical judgments between cultures.

For example, a person cannot honestly claim to stand for universal human rights if that person fears speaking out for Yazidis buried alive under Islamist imperial aggression. A person cannot favor universal human rights if he or she does not really care about the desecration of Palmyra. Nor can a person honestly care about universal human rights if they aren't the least bothered by the genocide of the Christians throughout the Middle East under the boot of Arab-Muslim religious domination.

It is precisely for this reason that someone like Sarsour cannot support feminism while also embracing Sharia under the banner of multiculturalism. They are mutually exclusive concepts. Western feminism, at its most basic, is embedded within the ideal of universal human rights. The very foundation of western feminism is universal human rights. Multiculturalism as expressed in identity politics, however, insists upon holding individuals to prejudicial standards of behavior according to skin color or gendered orientation.

In this way, identity politics repudiates Martin Luther King, Jr., without his temerity to come out and honestly say so,

And this is part of the reason why the progressive-left claim to moral exemplarism, grounded in social justice, is deeply problematic and why identity politics actually promotes racism, not its diminishment.

The left only cares about social justice and human rights according to where one's "identity group" falls on the hierarchy of victimhood. In this way "identity politics" draws young people away from notions of individual freedom and equality in favor of a cultivated group victim status in competition with other ethnic or gendered minorities, including the Jewish minority.

This "cultural Marxist" way of viewing human social interactions encourages racial hatred, street violence, a manichean, black and white, Good versus Evil manner of living politics while potentially cultivating a white nationalist backlash in response.

Furthermore, it is the left-leaning, post-structural, anti-imperialist political viewpoint which frames the Arab-Muslim war against the Jews in the Middle East as actually an unjust war waged by racist, imperialist, Zionist Jews against an innocent, indigenous people "of color" who therefore have every right to fight back by any means necessary.

Diaspora Jewry

democratsThis increasingly-pressurized political dynamic puts progressive Jews - who represent the great majority of diaspora Jewry - in difficult social and political positions because increasingly they may either be pro-Israel or "progressive" but not both.

This is nothing new. The distrust and dislike between liberal pro-Israel Jewry and progressive-left, Democratic Party, anti-Zionism has been simmering for years.

The Washington Post tells us that today:

"While conservative Republicans favored Israel by a 44-point margin in 2001, the margin is now 70 points. And while liberal Democrats favored Israel by 30 points at the turn of the century, they now favor the Palestinians by 12 points."

This is the high wire that someone like, for example, Sarah Silverman must cross in an intensely public way. Silverman does not share this problem with Bernie Sanders because Sanders is not particularly pro-Israel to begin with. 

Silverman honestly is pro-Israel and, if I judge her correctly, she is someone going through the process of sorting through and rearranging her political baggage.

{Shortly after the recent election Silverman interviewed Sanders and I put together a little audio something in response.}

But she is a stand-up and an actor, not a politician, so she gets the benefit of the doubt.

Nonetheless, Silverman represents stresses within the diaspora Jewish community between their allegiance to universal concepts of social justice and Tikkun Olam versus the well-being of the Jewish people as a distinct national group. Although diaspora Jews have shown a remarkable loyalty to social democratic ideals, the people who most strongly vouch for those ideals - i.e., the international Left and the Democratic Party - do not reciprocate the friendship as we see from the Pew Research Poll (above) published in the Washington Post from last month.

The reason for this is because western progressives increasingly see Palestinian-Arabs as innocent, indigenous "Davids" bravely facing-off against the malicious, invading Zionist "Goliath." They also - in a manner both racist and condescending - view the great Muslim people as without agency and, thus, without responsibility for the foreseeable outcome of their own behavior.

Like nineteenth-century western imperialists, progressive-left identitarians treats non-whites as small children in need of fatherly protection.

And it is for this reason that so many western liberal Jews favor either loose immigration policies or open borders. To do otherwise is conceived as a betrayal of essential Jewish values of kindness, fairness, justice, and compassion. It is also seen as a betrayal of the coastal, anti-Trump resistance which can easily cost people friendships and jobs.

In other words, unless western Jews favor the unvetted importation of millions of people from among a population that generally despises us... it makes us racist. 

If we object to bringing these millions into our home countries without responsible vetting procedures - despite the fact that for thirteen hundred years we lived under Arab-Muslim imperial rule as second and third-class non-citizens - this makes us terrible people and Islamophobes. Even though much of the Arab religious leadership continues to screech for the genocide of the Jewish people, diaspora Jews are irredeemable, backwards, xenophobes for merely desiring the exclusion of jihadis into our home countries.

{Why should western Jews care, after all, if their own kids get harassed by anti-Semitic anti-Zionists during their college years after forking over perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition?}

Nonetheless, I probably speak for something close to a majority of diaspora Jews when I say that we welcome immigrants from anywhere in the world into our home countries. 

The only thing that we ask is that they pass through regular legal channels and not include jihadis among their number.

Given the history of the Jewish people under millennia of Christian and Muslim domination, this seem like a rather small and commonsensical request.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, February 26, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Iran's Mehr News:
TEHRAN, Feb. 23 (MNA) – Palestine Intifada Conference secretary general has said non-governmental organizations could play a vital role in strengthening the Resistance movement.
Hossain Amir-Abdollahian, Parliament’s Director General for Foreign Affairs, made the remarks in the closing ceremony of ‘International Conference for Activists and NGOs Supporting Palestine’ on Thursday in Tehran.

“Today we hosted four committees including Iranian and foreign NGOs, Youth, Parliaments and Resistance in the conference,” the official said expressing gratitude to attendees and organizers.

Former diplomat underlined that Resistance is the most important effort to be done for Palestine “Resistance would be extended to occupied territories and we urge NGOs to play more active role in realizing the objectives of the conference.”

Amir-Abdollahian announced the formation of a supreme committee comprising of 25 memebers including senior Palestinian officials, Palestinian NGOs, non-Palestinian NGOs and fellows from interested countries’ parliaments; “the committee would be in charge of taking measures and stances on the basis of needs of the region and Palestine and pursue the adopted policies in Palestine Intifada Conference precisely and fast.”
Iran is organizing NGOs that are supposedly "non-governmental" specifically to attack Israel. And of course these "NGOs" are happy to cooperate.

I think I found the webpage of the organization behind this and the list of NGOs involved autotranslated from Farsi does not ring any bells:

1 Assembly of NGOs and activists advocating freedom Qods
2 International Union of NGOs rights of the Palestinian people
3 Cultural Institute of Armageddon (Yes, really)
4 Institute consumer opinion makers
5 Association for Solidarity with the Palestinian women
6 Staff commemorating the Martyrs of Islam World Movement
7 Quds Press Agency
8 Research and Political Research Institute - Scientific Neda
9 Society for the Defense of the Palestinian Nation
10 Some mornings Cultural Foundation
11 The International Association of anti-Zionist
12 Office for International Studies in fighting terrorism
13 Olive Cultural Institute
14 Notification of Call of Javed Middle East
15 International Union of Unified Ummah
16 Supporters population of liberating Holy Quds

The English version has fewer NGOs: (h/t Bob K)
International Union of United Ummah
Armageddon Cultural Institute
Information Institute for the Middle East Eternal Voice
Society for the Defense of the Palestinian Nation
Neda Institute for Scientific Political Research
International Union of NGOs for the Rights of the Palestinian Nation
The Society for the Liberation of al-Quds al-Sharif
Andishe Sazan-e Noor Institute
Association of Solidarity with Palestinian Women
Quds New Agency

 Even so, this reveals that many NGOs not the independent voices they claim to be but are in fact controlled by governments who use them for their own purposes.

(h/t YMedad)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, February 26, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Jordan Times:
Activists have vowed that 2017 will be a year of “increased activism” against Jordanian normalisation of ties with Israel, with a particular focus on the two countries’ recent gas deal.

Activists from anti-normalisation campaigns have marked the beginning of what they predict will be an “eventful year” of activism, aimed at cancelling the gas deal with Israel and forcing the resignation of the government.

They said 2017 will be a period of concerted “anti-normalisation” activities which Jordanians from all backgrounds engage in,  including protests against the gas deal, both on campuses and in the streets.

Mohammad Absi, head of the anti-normalisation campaign, said the normalisation process started in 1994, when the government signed the Wadi Araba peace treaty with Israel.

“Despite [consecutive] governments promoting and reinforcing the idea of normalisation, people had the choice to ignore it. But with the gas deal, people do not have that choice anymore,” he told The Jordan Times in a recent interview.

After collecting signatures for a petition in Amman, Irbid, Karak and Balqa, and organising demonstrations to voice “the people’s rejection of normalisation”, Absi said the campaign will highlight issues related to the Jordanian workforce in Eilat, in order to protest normalised relations with Israel.

“2016 was a year that saw normalisation thoroughly endorsed, with many documents and papers promoting engaging in trade and tourism with the Zionists. This year, we aim to increase efforts to cancel the gas deal signed with the Israeli government,” he added.
Here's the weird part:
As part of a series of events planned this year, activists from different political parties on Friday organised a march in front of Al Husseini Mosque in downtown Amman to protest recent price hikes and the gas deal.
There was a huge turnout on Friday and Saturday from various protests against price hikes on a number of items including fuel.

But the deal to import gas from Israel will save Jordan some $600 million annually. Prices will go much higher without the deal.

What alternatives do the anti-Israel Jordanians have for fuel?

The article has an activist saying that Jordan can use shale and alternative energy, but that is hardly a plan.

Hate for Israel is so extreme that the haters are willing to sacrifice Jordan itself.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

From Ian:

Alan Dershowitz: Why I Will Leave the Democratic Party If Ellison Is Elected its Chairman
Tomorrow the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will have to choose the direction of the Democratic Party, as well as its likely composition. It will be among the most important choices the DNC has ever had to make. There has been a powerful push from the hard-left of the Democratic Party, led by senator Bernie Sanders, to elect Keith Ellison chairman. If he is elected, I will quit the party after 60 years of loyal association and voting. I will become an independent, continuing to vote for the best candidates, most of whom, I assume, will still be Democrats. But I will not contribute to the DNC or support it as an institution. My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party. I will urge other like-minded people – centrist liberals – to follow my lead and quit the Democratic Party if Ellison is elected Chairman. We will not be leaving the Democratic Party we have long supported. The Democratic Party will be leaving us!
Let me explain the reasons for this difficult decision on my part. Ellison has a long history of sordid association with anti-Semitism. He worked closely with and supported one of a handful of the most notorious and public anti-Semites in our country: The Reverend Louis Farrakhan. And he worked with Farrakhan at the very time this anti-Semite was publicly describing Judaism as a “gutter religion” and insisting that the Jews were a primary force in the African slave trade. Ellison has publicly stated that he was unaware of Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism. That is not a credible statement. Everyone was aware of Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism. Farrakhan did not try to hide it. Indeed he proclaimed it on every occasion. Ellison is either lying or he willfully blinded himself to what was obvious to everyone else. Neither of these qualities makes him suitable to be the next Chairman of the DNC.
Moreover, Ellison himself has made anti-Semitic statements. A prominent lawyer, with significant credibility, told me that while he was a law student, Ellison approached her and said he could not respect her, because she was a Jew and because she was a woman who should not be at a law school. This woman immediately disclosed that anti-Semitic and anti-feminist statement to her husband and friends, and I believe she is telling the truth.
The upside-down moral universe of BDS supporters and the UN
BDS campaigners and the UN love to target Israel, but their hypocrisy only increases as these self-proclaimed defenders of human rights ignore the atrocities in Syria.
IT’S WIDELY known that Israel is often singled out for criticism and held to an unfair double standard. Nowhere is this more evident than in the relentless Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns seeking to vilify Israel and in the annual adoption of numerous one-sided anti-Israel UN resolutions.
Now, when compared to the worsening atrocities in Syria, the assault on the Jewish state may have surpassed all previous levels of hypocrisy and absurdity.
In December, in my hometown of Portland, Oregon, for example, local pro-BDS groups were actively mobilizing. They were galvanized by what they consider to be the most serious human rights issue in the world, comprising, they say, the destruction of communities, homes and lives.
You’re probably thinking this urgent problem must be the humanitarian crisis in Syria and that this was a call to action against a despotic genocidal regime. You would be wrong, however.
This campaign wasn’t about Syrian President Bashar Assad or his Russian and Iranian enablers. Rather, it was a call to action targeting the American corporation Caterpillar Inc. and, by extension, Israel, which uses Caterpillar bulldozers for military purposes.

  • Saturday, February 25, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

This weekend is the "Palestinians Abroad" conference in Istanbul. About 4000 people attended the first day's ceremony.

The PLO has been very concerned about this conference because it was not involved. Sure enough, while the point of the conference is "return," the speakers have attacked the PLO more than Israel, based on the tweets coming from the conference. The PLO pretends to represent them and they do not feel that they are represented at all.

Arabic tweets of the speech of another official, Mohsen Salah, has him saying "Depriving the Palestinians out of the opportunity to participate in the Palestinian decision is a crime against the entire people" and "No one can monopolize the national decision."

Not surprisingly, the mainstream Palestinian press is ignoring this conference. The PLO's Saeb Erekat instead is attending that other pro-Arab conference, the J-Street Conference, this weekend.

We also learn some wonderful facts from the Istanbul conference, like this one:

7 million!

And they all want to live in Tel Aviv! (I'm sorry, "Tel al-Rabi," the wonderful and mythical Arab metropolis that was taken over by the Jews.)

(h/t SpotlightingSA)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Friday, February 24, 2017

From Ian:

Nadiya Al-Noor: Anti-Semitism is the new social justice
Anti-Semitism is the acceptable form of bigotry on the Left. It’s thinly veiled as “anti-Zionism,” which really is just anti-Semitism with a fancy name, as it opposes the Jewish Indigenous Rights movement. Students are expected to hate Israel in the name of being progressive. Jewish students are painted as privileged racists, unless they disavow Israel and abandon their indigenous struggle in order to assimilate. My people (Muslims) are portrayed as helpless victims of ruthless Jewish aggression. Palestinians become pawns in the game of Jew hatred. The world falls for it. Israel is evil, end of story.
Studies show that a campus with an active Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter is more likely to have anti-Semitic incidents (no surprise there). My university, Binghamton University in New York, is unique in that the pro-Israel voice is the most dominant narrative. We used to have an SJP problem, but to my knowledge, they disbanded after the administration cracked down on their anti-Semitic harassment. Now our Muslim Student Association partners with our Hillel for mosque-synagogue interfaith trips. The Jewish and Muslim communities here are on good terms, because we see each other as people. We don’t allow the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to define us.
Universities need to address anti-Semitism on campuses. If there was an Islamophobic incident at a university, you can bet the administration would deal with it much more swiftly. Anti-Semitism is tolerated because of Leftist hypocrisy. Because of the rampant anti-Semitism on university campuses and the racial diversity of students participating in Jew hatred, anti-Semitism is often excused or justified.
Jewish students, you need to be proactive. Don’t wait for an anti-Semitic incident to happen. Don’t wait for an SJP to emerge and fester. Hold an Israel Peace Week or Hebrew Liberation Week. Educate your fellow students. If you don’t speak up, anti-Semites will.
Anti-Semitism is unacceptable, even if it’s trendy.
Zionism is Not Racism
41 years later, Columbia University students are still equating Zionism with racism.
As part of their annual “Israel Apartheid Week,” the Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, in conjunction with Columbia/Barnard Jewish Voice for Peace, are hosting an event Monday, February 27th entitled “Zionists are Racists.”
If you buy into Dr. King’s assessment that the arc of the moral universe is long but bends toward justice, then you buy into the idea that as humanity progresses, we sometimes must look back at the actions of the past and recognize that they do not conform to our standards of morality. The very essence of progress is predicated on acknowledging there is a problem which needs addressing.
The students who are hosting this offensive, bigoted, and hateful event are guilty of precisely the opposite. They drag us back to a past that is so shameful, it has already been corrected.
The 1975 United Nations General Assembly resolution that infamously gave the world “Zionism is Racism” was revoked in 1991 with 111 nations voting in favor of its repeal. Twenty-five countries voted against the repeal, including the shining beacons of democracy and equality of Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace are keeping fantastic company.
Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief: All Hands on Deck Required for Fight Against Antisemitism in US
The fight against antisemitism in the US requires “all hands on deck,” the editor-in-chief of The Algemeiner said during an i24 News appearance on Tuesday.
Dovid Efune called President Donald Trump’s public condemnation of antisemitism earlier in the day a “great beginning” to an expected broader effort to quell the recent surge of anti-Jewish hate incidents — including a spate of telephone bomb threats against Jewish community centers across the country and the desecration of graves at a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis.
“Absolutely, you have to call in the FBI, you’ve got to call in [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions [to investigate the incidents],” Efune said. “These are criminal people doing criminal acts — hateful people, and they have to be brought to justice.”
Referring to critics of Trump who have accused the president of waiting too long to speak out against antisemitism, Efune said, “There is no such thing in this case of too little, too late. He’s [been] in office for a number of weeks, and I think and I hope that he’s just getting started.”
“I think it’s unfair to say…that the president has been dragging his feet,” Efune stated. “I think what we’ve seen here is a president who is reluctant to take commands from anybody, especially from the media, and especially from his political opponents. So really it was a question of finding the right time and place to speak out against antisemitism and we saw that the president found that this morning.”

From Ian:

Report: Attackers saw off Jewish man’s finger, beat his brother near Paris
Two Jewish brothers said they were abducted briefly and beaten by several men in suburban Paris in an incident that ended with one brother having his finger sawed off by an assailant.
The brothers were hospitalized in what was described as a state of shock following the incident Tuesday night in Bondy. A case report published Thursday by the National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism, or BNVCA, based on a police complaint by the alleged victims did not specify their medical condition.
The kippah-wearing brothers, whose father is a Jewish leader in Bondy, were forced off the main road by another vehicle on to a side street, according to the BNVCA report. While the vehicle was in motion, the driver and a passenger shouted anti-Semitic slogans at the brothers that included “Dirty Jews, You’re going to die!” the father told BNVCA based on the complaint filed by his sons.
The vehicle forced the brothers to stop their car, and they were surrounded by several men whom they described as having a Middle Eastern appearance. The men came out of a hookah café on to the side street, according to the case report published by the news website JSSNews.
The alleged attackers surrounded the brothers, then kicked and punched them repeatedly while threatening that they would be murdered if they moved. One of the alleged attackers then sawed off the finger of one of the brothers.
Caroline Glick: Toward a true US-Israel partnership
America and Israel should abrogate Obama’s military assistance package and replace it with a partnership based on US finance of Israeli R&D projects geared toward developing weapons systems and technologies that both the US and Israel require.
The deal should stipulate the modalities for both sides sharing the technologies with third parties, and their rights to use the technologies developed by Israel with US capital for civilian commercial purposes. Israel should be permitted to purchase US platforms based on Israeli-developed technologies.
Such a partnership would enable Israel to ensure that its continued dependence on the US won’t place it at a disadvantage vis-à-vis its enemies such as Iran, which are able to purchase advanced weapons systems from Russia and China. Such a partnership would ensure that both the US and Israel have the systems they need to outpace Chinese and Russian technological advances and develop the weapons systems they need to win tomorrow’s wars.
In his remarks before the Conference of Presidents, Rivlin voiced concern at the fact that Israel has become a partisan football in US politics. His concern is well placed.
Assuming that Israel’s dependence on the US will be a fixed variable for the foreseeable future, Israel needs to consider the best way of ensuring that the alliance will persevere regardless of the partisan attachments of future presidents.
The best way to ensure the resilience of the US-Israel alliance over time is for Israel to transform its military dependence into a mutually beneficial alliance with the US. A new military relationship based on joint technology development rather than Israeli purchase of US platforms is the best way to accomplish that goal, for the benefit of both countries.
UN Watch: Has the UN Human Rights Council Lost Its Way?
Hillel Neuer, Director of UN Watch provides a brief history of the UN Human Rights Council and how it has fallen from its initial high ideals into a political farce.


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