Friday, April 04, 2014

  • Friday, April 04, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Dr. Michael Lumish (bio here), of the Israel Thrives blog, has an excellent article expanding on my piece yesterday about Peter Beinart:

The Elder of Ziyon has a recent piece entitled, Peter Beinart cannot tell the difference between a "narrative" and a fact.

Speaking before a group of Democrats and progressives, former New Republic editor, Peter Beinart, said the following concerning conservative billionaire Sheldon Adelson:

In 2008, when Tel Aviv University's Shlomo Sand published a book called "The Invention off the Jewish People," he was widely called anti-Semitic. When Adelson says the same about Palestinians, he's a Republican rock star.
This is an example of what the Elder calls the "Assumed Symmetry Fallacy."

He writes:

I am not a logician and do not know of a formal name for this fallacy, but let's call it the Assumed Symmetry Fallacy: the assumption that two sides - by virtue of their opposition - are falsely assumed to be symmetric.
This is a very important insight and one that we need to consider and discuss.  The western world tends to think of the Arab war against the Jews as a matter of symmetry.  They use terms like "cycles of violence" or the "Israel-Palestine" conflict, both of which suggest a symmetry of power and hostility.

This is not merely a matter of false analogy, as one of his commenters suggests, but of a systemic bias against the Jewish minority in the Middle East via medias and governments throughout the world.  It is a bias in which it generally suggested that the Jewish minority deserves a good beating because we are mean to the "Palestinians."

The Jews of the Middle East, via the State of Israel, are now a powerful people and we should be very proud, as Jews and friends of the Jewish State, of their accomplishments. The success of Israel is nothing short of remarkable, given its humble beginnings. Israel has the most powerful military in the entire region and one of the best economies, given its relative size, of any country in the world. Israel is creative, innovative, technological, internationally-minded, and sophisticated. 

However, the Jews of the Middle East also represent a tiny minority surrounded by a much larger, hostile majority of Muslims who have made it very clear, over the long and brutal course of 1,400 years, that they simply will not stand for Jewish sovereignty on historically Jewish land and will do everything within their power to make life miserable for the Jewish minority. They teach their children that Jews are the descendants of apes and pigs and that killing Jewish people is pleasing in the sight of Allah. They wage war against us. They shoot rockets at us. They strap suicide belts onto women and children because when Muslim women and children commit suicide in an effort to murder Jews it is considered not merely a noble act, but the most noble spiritual act of the shaheed. 

The truth of the matter is that in the Long Arab War Against the Jews of the Middle East, there is no symmetry. In terms of numbers, resources, land mass, every advantage goes to the Arabs. They outnumber the Jews by a factor of 60 or 70 to 1 throughout the region. They conquered and control over 99% of the entire Middle East, with the sole exception of the Jewish State of Israel, and are driving Christians out of the region entirely. They hold all non-Muslims under submission to Islam within the system of dhimmitude since the rise of that religion in the 7th century. 

And now they literally create a brand-spanking new people, the "Palestinians," for the distinct purpose of countering Jewish sovereignty and freedom on historically Jewish land. So, no, there is no symmetry in this fight. 

The Jews are fighting to maintain freedom and sovereignty and the great Arab majority is dedicated to destroying that freedom and sovereignty and will ruin their own cousins, the Palestinian-Arabs, in order to keep them as the dagger pointed at the heart of the Jewish people on Jewish land. 

Peter Beinart, it should be noted, is perhaps the single foremost example of Jewishdhimmitude in the public square today. He represents an excellent example of the kind of Jewish "progressive" who cannot only not bring himself to take his own side in a fight, but who has so incorporated the "Palestinian narrative" of pristine victim-hood into his understanding of the conflict that he honestly believes that the besieged Jewish minority in the Middle East are the aggressors upon their former Arab-Muslim masters. 

Finally, and most importantly, the Elder is generally correct when he writes this:

The Palestinian Arabs are a recently invented people. They exist today, to be sure, but they were not a "people" before 1948 at the very earliest. Westerners who drew the borders after World War I created what today's Palestinian Arabs laughably call "historic Palestine" - arbitrary lines that surrounded a people who had as much in common with those across those lines as with those within them. Arabs in the Galilee had more in common with those in Damascus than those in Bethlehem. Tribes and families trumped geography (and they often still do.) They became a "people" because of how their Arab brethren refused to allow them to integrate into their countries, forcing them to suffer as a separate group that eventually diid turn them into a people. Arabs themselves admit freely that they kept Palestinian Arabs in miserable conditions in order to foster their nascent "unity."
And that, of course, is his primary point concerning the Assumed Symmetry Fallacy. The Jews have been a people for over 3,500 years and perhaps considerably longer. Among the peoples of the earth the Jews, along with the Chinese and other indigenous peoples, are among the oldest on the planet. Jews are also, along with native Americans, for example, among the most persecuted. The Palestinian-Arabs, by contrast, only emerged as an allegedly distinct people toward the end of the twentieth-century and did so for the specific purpose of beating up on the Jews. 

And I suppose this is where I disagree with the Elder. Are the "Palestinians" a distinct and separate people from Jordanian Arabs or Syrian Arabs or Egyptian Arabs? The classical definition of nationhood would suggest not. So-called "Palestinians" share the same religion with other Arabs, the same food-stuffs, generally speaking, with other Arabs, the same language and traditions. The "Palestinians" are Arabs. Period. And, in fact, most of them immigrated into the area following the Jewish aliyahs around the turn of the century.

The Jewish people are under no obligation to recognize a brand-new allegedly distinct people who came into existence for the explicit purpose of robbing the tiny Jewish minority of sovereignty on Jewish land. 

The truth of the matter is that we owe them nothing.

If this sounds rather harsh, I am sorry, but the "Palestinians" have turned down every single offer for a state in peace next to Israel since 1937. They are never going to accept a Jewish presence with autonomy on land that was once captured by the forces of Islam, because to do so contradicts the very reason that they came into existence as an allegedly distinct ethnicity to begin with. 

What the Elder understands, and what Beinart clearly does not, is that there is no symmetry. Shlomo Sand is a racist and a traitor to his people. The very notion that the Jews are a recently invented people is historically preposterous and Sand is a fraud. Adelson, however, whatever one may make of his politics, was correct if he suggested that the "Palestinians" are a newly invented people. 

This is not a matter of opinion. 

It is a matter of fact.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

  • Thursday, April 03, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Not demands for a permanent peace - but demands just to continue to pretend to negotiate!
Palestinian negotiators have posed seven conditions that must be met by Israel to continue negotiations beyond April 29.

The conditions were announced during a 9-hour meeting Wednesday with Israeli negotiators in Jerusalem, a high-ranking source in the PLO told Ma’an.

The following are the conditions, according to the source.

1. To receive a written letter from Israel's premier recognizing the Palestinian borders of 1967 with East Jerusalem as its capital.

2. The release of Palestinian prisoners who former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert agreed to free including Marwan Barghouthi, Ahmad Saadat, and Fuad Shweiki.

3. Implementing a border-crossing agreement and lifting the siege on Gaza.

4. The return of exiles deported in the 2002 Bethlehem siege.

5. Stopping settlement activity in Jerusalem, and opening closed institutions in Jerusalem.

6. Allowing the reunification of 15,000 Palestinians with their families.

7. Israel refraining from entering areas under Palestinian Authority control for arrests or killings, and granting the PA some control over Area C.
The problem is that they know that the world will consider these reasonable.

So their best option is to continue to "talk" and get everything they demand without any compromise.

Which is what they have been doing all along.
From Ian:

Richard Millett: Palestine Solidarity Campaign holds anti-Israel hate event at P21 Gallery.
Meanwhile, Jehan al Farra, an alumnus of the Islamic University in Gaza, definitely was in London. She had been in the UK since September studying for a Masters in Computer Studies.
Her main preoccupation last night was describing the problems of studying in Gaza, especially getting to and from academic institutions there due to fuel shortages.
During the Q&A an audience member pointed out that she is highly articulate and very confident, which is a tribute to her teachers and the syllabus. This was a difficult point for her to address without admitting that, just maybe, the situation isn’t as bad as her and her colleagues were attempting to portray.
Fox News Rips Richard Silverstein
On International Women’s day, March 8, a devastating new film about the endemic culture of brutally oppressing women within Islamic society was debuted. This film is now being shown on campuses and other venues across America.
So Fox News ran a piece on the film and asked CAIR for a representative to defend their anti-free speech stance. Instead of sending someone from their organisation, they put forward Richard Silverstein to speak for them! Let that sink in: Muslim Brotherhood linked group CAIR puts forward a Jewish blogger from Seattle to attack a film about the horrendous treatment of women in Muslim society.
Seriously. Richard Silverstein is now on the CAIR rolodex as an official apologist! It’s pretty hard to reconcile his claim to be “pro-Israel” with an organisation which the Anti Defamation League (ADL) describes as:
Islamophobia in action? 'Honor Diaries' screening shut down by CAIR
...CAIR isn’t doing the dirty work here or even its own research. The group is relying on the facts and arguments presented by Richard Silverstein, a progressive blogger who discredits the film on his blog: “One has to ask why a film about the purported abuse of Muslim women was produced by Jews, and ones with a distinct ideological agenda at that.”
CAIR links to his blog on Twitter to make the case: A Jew can’t be profiling human rights abuses against Muslim women.

  • Thursday, April 03, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

On 8 May 1998, Radio 786, a Muslim community radio station operated by The Islamic Unity Convention (IUC), broadcast a programme which featured extensive anti-Jewish, recycled conspiracy fantasies and Holocaust denial. The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBD) lodged a complaint against the IUC with the then Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), contending that it amounts to hate-speech.

Antisemitic claims made in the broadcast were that Jews were the secret, conspiratorial engine behind catastrophic world events such as the First and Second World War, and Communist revolutions; that they stole natural resources from countries such as South Africa; controlled world banking for their own benefit; and invented the Holocaust to invoke sympathy to among other things, facilitate the creation of the State of Israel.

Following convoluted legal tussles that took place around the constitutionality of the relevant sections of the Broadcasting Code of Conduct, the SAJBD and the IUC squared up at a hearing in December 2012, held under ICASA's Complaints and Compliance Committee.

Yesterday evening a settlement was reached in which the IUC recognised that the material aired on Radio 786 could be viewed as antisemitic and nonsensical. The SAJBD welcomes this acknowledgment by the IUC.

In reality, 16 years of complex legal wrangling, which reached the Constitutional Court twice, could have been avoided had this acknowledgement been made by the IUC right at the outset.

That being said, the SAJBD is satisfied with the outcome which has vindicated its decision to confront and expose what was a very hateful and defamatory attack on the Jewish people.

Below is the Joint Statement by the SAJBD and IUC. For more information, please contact Mary Kluk on 083 775 8618 or Tzvi Brivik on 082 77 88844


Sixteen years ago, Radio 786 aired a radio show that featured Dr Yakub Zaki as a guest speaker.

The South African Jewish Board of Deputies (SAJBOD) Radio 786 contends that the broadcast amounts to advocacy of hatred based on race that constitutes incitement to cause harm ("hate speech") and accordingly that it constitutes a breach of the applicable code of conduct for broadcasters.

Whilst recognising that some Dr Zaki's comments may have been viewed as nonsensical, and anti-Semitic, Radio 786 maintains that the broadcast does not amount to advocacy of hatred based on race or that it constitutes incitement to cause harm and accordingly does not constitute a breach of the applicable code of conduct for broadcasters.

For the past sixteen years, both Radio 786 and the SAJBOD have fought to vindicate their positions and beliefs.

In the spirit of Ubuntu and in the hope that South Africa and all its people and communities will grow as a result of this experience, both sides have agreed to close this chapter by this settlement.

Radio 786 recognises that the broadcast caused offence and distress to members of the South African Jewish community. SAJBOD, on the other hand, recognises that there was no intention of Radio 786 to cause any such offence or distress.

Both parties reaffirm their commitment to freedom of speech and a pluralistic society in which the dignity and equality of all are respected and protected.
This is a bit short of an apology by the Islamic radio station. It looks like the SAJBD was just sick and tired of pursuing this.

This is not the first offensive antisemitic guest on that radio show. Here is information about a 1996 broadcast as well as more details on Zaki's interview:
In 1996, Radio 786, a Muslim radio station, had to apologize for airing an interview with Dr Ahmed Huber who spoke of the 'Holocaust swindle'. Two years later the same radio station interviewed Dr Yaqub Zaki who, besides claiming that the "million plus" Jews who died in the Second World War had died of infectious diseases, spent much of his time engaged with elaborate Jewish conspiracies, including a bizarre connection between Jewish financiers, the Boer War, Alfred Milner and Zionism. In June this year [2007] (following an eight year legal wrangle brought by the Jewish Board of Deputies against the radio station and lengthened by technical disputes) the Independent Broadcasting Authority found Radio 786 guilty of contravening its broadcasting codes.

Zaki's birth name was James Dickey.

More on Zaki from 2005:

Dr Yaqub Zaki, deputy leader of the Muslim Parliament of Great Britain, has said that he would be "very happy" if there were a terrorist attack on Downing Street. Dr Zaki, who is an author and academic, told the Scottish edition of the Sunday Times that he would have no objection to such an attack, and would not mind what happened to the "inmates" of No 10.

... Dr Zaki is not exactly proposing an attack on Mr Blair, but he is saying that he would be perfectly happy if one took place. His actual words were: "I say go ahead."

...Dr Zaki is, in his way, a national figure, serving the Muslim Parliament at a very high level, and an educated person of some standing. It is possible that some Muslims might have taken his remarks seriously, though obviously I hope they do not.

Dr Zaki, despite his remarks, is one of those Muslims who have been deemed "moderate" by the authorities. He serves on the Muslim Parliament, which is supposed to be a moderate body. So, too, is the Muslim Council of Great Britain (MCB), which has more than 400 affiliate bodies.
  • Thursday, April 03, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the PA's official Wafa News Agency:

The Israeli authorities announced Wednesday the opening of a Waldorf Astoria branch hotel, part of the Hilton chain of hotels, which manages the Waldorf brand, on the site of the Supreme Islamic Council building in West Jerusalem, said Al-Aqsa Foundation of Waqf and Heritage in a press release.

The foundation stated that the construction of Waldorf Astoria hotel, which is located opposite from Maˈman Allah cemetery, was commenced on the ruins of the Supreme Islamic Council building, which was demolished except for its facades that are utilized for tourist attraction purposes.

The foundation considered the seizure of the site of the Council building and the construction of the hotel on its ruins as a seizure and Judaization of an Islamic waqf that comes as a part of the overall Judaization of Jerusalem.

The old building was built in 1929 on the initiative of the Mufti of Palestine, Haj Amin Al-Husseini, and designed by Turkish architect Nahas Bey in the Islamic architectural style.

In 1936 the building was seized by the British mandatory authorities and turned into administrative and military offices. In 1948 it was seized by the Israel under the Absentees’ Property Law. It used to house the Israeli Ministry of Industry and Trade until 2003. Three years later, it was purchased by Reichmann, a US Jewish tycoon, for $20 million.

Reichmann announced later his intention to transform the building into a luxury hotel, which came as part of the ‘Mamilla project; ‘Alrov Mamilla' project is one the largest Israeli construction projects in Jerusalem.
How insensitive for Israel to build a hotel at that site!

After all, in 1929, it was built by the Mufti of Jerusalem as   - a hotel!

That's right. He didn't build the Supreme Muslim Council building in 1929, he built the Palace Hotel. Much of the facade is being kept or restored for the Waldorf.

Here are some details about this supposedly holy Islamic site and how respectfully the Mufti (Abbas' hero) treated the cemetery, from the book "One Palestine, Complete: Jews and Arabs Under the British Mandate," by Tom Segev and Haim Watzman:

The mufti remained in power and at one point got himself into an embarrassing situation over dealings with Jews: he signed an agreement with a Jewish contractor, Baruch Katinka, to build a luxury hotel in Jerusalem. The Palace was to be built across from the large Muslim cemetery in Mamilla. Katinka had reasoned that a Jew would not get the job, so he entered into a partnership with an Arab contractor. The two of them, together with Tuvia Dunia, another Jewish builder and Chaim Weizmann's brother-in-law, concluded their deal with the Supreme Muslim Council, which was backing the project, and got to work. The mufti demanded that preference be given to Arab workers and that any day of rest during the course of the work would be on Friday. But when he was forced to choose between religious piety and business interests, he chose the latter and made Katinka, the Jewish contractor, his confidant.

A short time after excavation began on the hotel's well, it turned out, as it often does in Jerusalem, that there were graves under the hotel lot—the excavations had turned up several skeletons. Katinka asked the mufti what he wanted to do about the discovery of what seemed to be a Muslim burial site, and Haj Amin ordered that the matter be kept secret. He feared that the matter would become known to Mayor Nashashibi, who, seeking to discredit a rival Husseini, would take the opportunity to halt construction. The skeletons were carted away secretly, and work continued.
Nashashibi nevertheless did manage to outmaneuver his great enemy by refusing to link the building to the city sewage system. Katinka suggested to the mufti that an alternative system of pumps and pipes could direct the hotel's sewage, after partial treatment, into the Mamilla cemetery. The mufti agreed, again on condition that the pipes be laid in total secrecy, at night. Under no circumstances should anyone find out.

And here's some more information about the Palace Hotel.
The hotel was unable to compete with the plush King David Hotel a few blocks away and closed its doors in 1935. The building was expropriated by the British Mandate Government.

...When the British attempted to arrest the Mufti in 1937 he fled Palestine, and the British made do with confiscating his property. The Husseini clan owned several well-known buildings in Jerusalem, among them the Palace Hotel, the Orient House, and the Shepherd Hotel in Sheikh Jarrah on a plot of land known as Karam al Mufti, named for Husseini.

After the British departed Palestine in 1948 and Israel's creation, the Palace Hotel became Israel’s Ministry of Industry and Trade.
So what about this Supreme Muslim Council headquarters? Evidently, it was planned to be built as part of a business center on top of the "sacred" Mamilla Cemetery in 1945:

An area of over 450 dunams in the heart of Jerusalem, now forming the Mamilla Cemetery, is to be converted into a business centre. The townplan is being completed under the supervision of the Supreme Moslem Council in conjunction with the Government Town Planning Adviser. A six-storeyed building to house the Supreme Moslem Council and other offices, a four-storeyed hotel, a bank and other buildings suitable for it, a college, a club and a factory are to be the main structures. There will also be a park to be called the Salah ed Din Park, after the Moslem warrior of Crusader times.
...In an interview with "Al-Wihda." the Jerusalem weekly, a member of the Supreme Moslem Council stated that the use of Moslem cemeteries in the public interest had many precedents both in Palestine and elsewhere....
This business center was never built. A few years ago a parking lot next to the cemetery was earmarked for a museum, causing great outrage - even though Muslims planned to build an office park on top of the cemetery in 1945, and move the bodies elsewhere.

You can see in Google Street View how the Waldorf looked under construction a year or two ago, along with the Mamilla cemetery still across the street - a huge open space in the middle of an expensive part of Jerusalem.

The Jews have had greater respect for the Muslim cemetery than the Mufti and the Supreme Muslim council ever did.

View Larger Map

Oh, and notice how Wafa calls the cemetery the "Maˈman Allah" cemetery? That's a lie too: it was named after a St. Mamillah and the Muslims afterwards stole the name and pretended it was Islamic.

From Ian:

Why the peace talks are collapsing, part 94
There will be plenty of dire consequence, including the terrible possibility of a lurch back into violent confrontation and an upsurge in terrorism, and plenty of blame to assign if this week does indeed mark the end of Kerry’s bid for a deal. The Palestinians have a weak president who, while no duplicitous, terror-fostering Arafat, never confronted the narrative bequeathed by his unlamented predecessor, to the effect that the Jews have no sovereign legitimacy in this part of the world. The Israelis have a prime minister who, facing a choice of confidence-building demands from the PA, opted not to take the pragmatic path of curbing settlement expansion and instead betrayed victims’ families, undermined the justice system, and encouraged future terrorists to believe they can get away with their crimes, by freeing dozens of vicious killers.
At the heart of the impasse, however, lies a fundamental asymmetry: Israeli Jews have come to believe that their own best interests, and specifically the imperative to retain a Jewish and democratic Israel, require an accommodation with the Palestinians. There is no comparable imperative on the Palestinian side — not, that is, so long as much of the international community persists in indicating to the Palestinians that they will be able to achieve full independence and sovereignty without the inconvenience of coming to terms with Israel.
SPECIAL REPORT: Palestinians in Flagrant Violation of At Least 11 of 15 Treaties Abbas Just Signed
Despite U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s best efforts to bring Israel and the Palestinians together at the negotiating table and Israel’s support for continued peace talks, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has once again broken his word to Israel and the United States. In addition to rejecting the basic premise of “two states for two peoples,” and instead of meeting with the Secretary to move forward towards peace, Abbas chose to pursue unilateral recognition by signing onto 15 international conventions and treaties.
Revealed here for the first time in a special report: The Palestinians are in clear violation of at least 11 of the 15 treaties they just signed. What follows is a synopsis of the treaties signed and key facts on the ways in which Palestinian leaders are in violation of the their obligations.
Terror Suit Against Jordanian Bank Tests U.S. Diplomacy and Secrecy Laws
The lawsuit was filed in Federal District Court in Brooklyn. Known as Linde v. Arab Bank, in its current form it focuses on the deaths of 39 Americans and the injury of 102 others in two dozen terrorist attacks during the second intifada in the early 2000s. The plaintiffs contend the Jordanian bank transferred money to Hamas leaders and administered a Saudi-funded program that paid a standard benefit of $5,316 to thousands of families of people killed in the conflict with Israel, including several suicide bombers.
The bank, which operates in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, denies wrongdoing and says it did not knowingly or willfully do business with terrorists when processing electronic fund transfers. But the bank may not be able to make that case because it refused to turn over records — names, account numbers and transactional details — as potential evidence.

  • Thursday, April 03, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The World Bulletin reports:
Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said on Wednesday that his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had vowed to "keep his promise" to work on easing Israel's eight-year-long siege of the Gaza Strip. reports:
Davutoglu added that Turkey is making progress to normalize relations with Israel, which have been tense since nine Turks aboard a Gaza-bound aid flotilla were killed by Israeli soldiers in 2010.

Israel's apology to Turkey last year marked the beginning of improvement of relations. Turkey is expecting "positive developments" in the coming days on its second requirement - compensation to the families - Davutoglu said. The third demand from Turkey is the lifting of the Gaza blockade. amplified this a little, saying that Davutoglu said that the compensation negotiations have seen "significant progress" and that there are negotiations between Israel and Turkey on "lifting the siege" of Gaza.

It is significant that these statements are being made after the Turkish elections, when many assumed that the AKP-led government would harden its position on negotiating with Israel.

I would guess that Israel can help increase exports from Gaza - maybe to the West Bank - and perhaps allow some more construction materials into the sector with restrictions, but  I cannot see much more than that without severely compromising Israel's security.

Peter Beinart is certainly at home at Haaretz, where stupidity can be masked as serious opinion.

On Wednesday, Beinart made one of those dumb "substitute X for Y" analogies while going after Sheldon Adelson:

Imagine this. Hillary Clinton, Andrew Cuomo, Elizabeth Warren and multiple lesser Democratic notables travel halfway across the country to kiss the ring of a Palestinian-American billionaire who has shown himself willing to spend tens of millions of dollars subsidizing presidential campaigns.

The billionaire has some provocative views. Six months earlier, he suggested that if Israel does not end its nuclear weapons program, America should drop an “atomic weapon…in the middle of the [Negev] desert that doesn’t hurt a soul.” If that doesn’t work, America should drop “the next one…in the middle of” Tel Aviv.

The billionaire insists that there is no such thing as the Jewish people. It’s a hoax; the Jews “have fooled the world very successfully.” And he declares that “There isn’t a” Jew “alive who wasn’t raised on a curriculum of hatred and hostility toward the” Palestinians.

Change the words “Democrat” to “Republican,” “Israel” to “Iran” and “Palestinian” to “Jewish,” and that’s exactly what just happened. Leading contenders for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination spent last weekend wooing and feting a billionaire, Sheldon Adelson, whose views - if directed at Jews—would put him in the company of Louis Farrakhan and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
I am not thrilled with an election system that gives great power to any billionaire, whether it is Sheldon Adelson or George Soros, who has wooed Democrats just as Adelson woos Republican politicians.

Some of the stuff Adelson says is wrong. Some of it is even admittedly offensive.

But there is a huge difference between the thought experiment Beinart gives here and what Adelson actually said, a difference that shows that Beinart has fallen for one of the biggest fallacies in the Middle East: the fallacy that there is equal value in the Zionist and anti-Zionist narratives.

I am not a logician and do not know of a formal name for this fallacy, but let's call it the Assumed Symmetry Fallacy: the assumption that two sides - by virtue of their opposition - are falsely assumed to be symmetric.

In 2008, when Tel Aviv University’s Shlomo Sand published a book called “The Invention of the Jewish People,” he was widely called anti-Semitic. When Adelson says the same about Palestinians, he’s a Republican rock star.
The Palestinian Arabs are a recently invented people. They exist today, to be sure, but they were not a "people" before 1948 at the very earliest. Westerners who drew the borders after World War I created what today's Palestinian Arabs laughably call "historic Palestine" - arbitrary lines that surrounded a people who had as much in common with those across those lines as with those within them. Arabs in the Galilee had more in common with those in Damascus than those in Bethlehem. Tribes and families trumped geography (and they often still do.) They became a "people" because of how their Arab brethren refused to allow them to integrate into their countries, forcing them to suffer as a separate group that eventually did turn them into a people. Arabs themselves admit freely that they kept Palestinian Arabs in miserable conditions in order to foster their nascent "unity." (It was for their own good, in Arab logic.)

But any analogy between the brand new people now called Palestinians and the Jewish people is, simply, obscene. There is no comparison in terms of history, in terms of culture, in terms of faith or in terms of the depth of feelings that have been felt towards the land for millennia. (This doesn't negate the fact that some Palestinian Arabs do have ties to the land. But as a people, there is simply no comparison, especially since a majority of Palestinian Arabs do not trace their ancestry to the region but rather from Arabian tribes and elsewhere.)

The nuclear analogy is similarly obscene. While Adelson's suggestion can certainly be considered offensive, Beinart's comparison is sickening. Israel does not threaten other nations with its nuclear arsenal. In fact, Israel apparently has had the bomb since the 1960s and has gone through a few wars without using them. Iran, however, shows videos on its TV about the joys of nuking Israel. Israel's nuclear program is not a danger to the world, Iran's is.

And comparing Adelson with Farrakhan and Ahmadinejad is equally obscene. Adelson  clearly doesn't have a grasp of the nuances of the Middle East as those of us who are immersed in it all day do, but there have been plenty of US politicians and pundits and even "experts" who say stupid and ignorant things every day. Beinart would never compare them to Farrakhan or Ahmadinejad (unless they are Republican), just as he would never compare Adelson with Soros, the closest analogy, because Soros' politics are far more acceptable to Beinart.

Beinart further quotes Adelson:
“There isn’t a Palestinian alive who wasn’t raised on a curriculum of hatred and hostility toward the Jews,” he told the Jewish Press in 2011.
Adelson was not careful with his words the way a journalist would be, but if he would have said "Palestinians are routinely taught to hate Jews" - does Beinart disagree? He is more upset at Adelson's generalization, eagerly branding him as having a "culture of hate," without acknowledging the elephant in the room that Palestinians really do have a culture of hate. Not one person - an entire people. While there is racism on the Jewish side, there is nothing remotely similar to the pervasiveness of hate on the Palestinian Arab side. But Beinart doesn't care about that because an old rich Jewish man is unacceptably generalizing, oh, at least 95% of Palestinian Arabs to include the 5% that Beinart likes to pretend represents reality.

In other words, Beinart proves here with his Assumed Symmetry Fallacy  thought experiments that he is at least as biased as Adelson is.

Recently, Palestinian Arab politicians claimed that their police found a secret Israeli lab that turned marijuana into heroin to give to Palestinian Arab youths. Mahmoud Abbas' aides have said that the Temple never existed. Abbas himself accused Israeli Jews of raising wild boars just to attack Arab farmers.

This is part of the Palestinian Arab "narrative." Zionists (and any sane people) would say that these stories are nonsense.

Do the two sides of "narratives" have equal value? Apparently, in Beinart's universe, the truth is not as important as what people believe the truth to be. Both sides are the same! Feelings trump facts, and fake history is just as valid as real history because favoring truth over lies can make the liars upset.

 Beinart's fallacious thought experiments and use of false analogies are a lazy rhetorical method that good writers and thinkers know to avoid. Beinart is neither a good writer nor a thinker.

  • Thursday, April 03, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas, which has suffered tremendously since the fortunes of the Muslim Brotherhood had changed by the Egyptian coup last year, has been ecstatic that Tayyip Erdogan's AKP party won most of the local elections in Turkey this week.

The Islamist party just erected this billboard in Gaza:

It shows Erdogan, Hamas leaders Meshal and Haniyeh, and previous and current Qatari leaders Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani and Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad.

The words on the sign say "Jerusalem is waiting for men."

The sign betrays wishful thinking that Turkey and Qatar are in the forefront of trying to "liberate" Jerusalem from Jews along with, of course, Hamas.

It is also an insult to the rest of the Arab world - always overly concerned with machismo - by implying that current leaders of the PA, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries that have marginalized Hamas are not being led by real men.

Hamas has a third message as well with this billboard. It is trying to regain its lost prestige from the microwar in February between Israel and Islamic Jihad and other terror groups, a flare-up that Hamas pointedly avoided participating in, making it look less "manly" than the Iranian-supported Islamic Jihad.

After all, there is little that is more phallic than the pervasive parades and posters of rockets in Gaza and from Islamists in the West Bank.  And Hamas refused to unsheathe its rockets to rape the weak, feminine Israeli enemy civilians in Sderot and Ashkelon. Which is unforgivable.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

From Ian:

Real satisfaction: Rolling Stones choose Israel over BDS boycott
The father of the failed boycott is Roger Waters of Pink Floyd, who not long ago compared playing for Israeli audiences with appearing in Nazi Germany. His main recruit is Elvis Costello (a fact that would have dismayed the original Elvis, an ardent Zionist).
Annie Lennox has also said she won’t play here again, but her ex-husband is an Israeli, so she probably has her reasons. Other boycotters proudly claimed by the BDS are nonentities; stars like Oi Palloi, which sings in Scottish Gaelic; Gorillaz Sound System, whose last hit was in 2001 and which no longer exists; a few anonymous jazz musicians (invariably described as “legendary”); and, most recently, Pal Moddi Knudsen, a self-taught Norwegian accordion player. Audiences in Tel Aviv would pay to see Costello, Lennox and maybe even Waters (Israeli fans tend to be tolerant). As for the others, they are like pimply teenage boys bragging about how they turned down a night on the town with Angelina Jolie.
Survey: Judea, Samaria and Gaza Arabs Reject Normalization
The vast majority of Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza support a boycott of joint activities with Israelis, according to a recent public opinion survey conducted by the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD).
Seventy percent of the respondents opposed joint cultural and sports activities with Israelis, while 55% said they wouldn't agree to cooperate with Israel in the fields of science, environmental protection and health.
Despite the wide calls for a boycott on activities with Israel, 78% said they had not heard about the Ramallah-based Palestinian BDS National Committee. Of those who were aware of the organization, which leads boycotts to delegitimize Israel, only 51% (in Gaza, Judea and Samaria) were familiar with its activities.
Hevron Arabs Kick Out Leftist Activists near Peace House
Roughly 20 extreme-left activists and Arab protesters arrived at Hevron in Judea this week, but their plans to spark a confrontation with Jewish residents of the 'Peace House' and IDF soldiers were upset, as local Arab residents kicked them out of the city.
The activists had arrived with cameras and the flags of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), hoping to spark clashes with Jews in Peace House, the Hevron building that in early March finally was recognized by the Supreme Court as having been duly purchased by its Jewish owners, after a six-year-long trial and a ten-year-long struggle.

  • Wednesday, April 02, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From WAFA:

President Abbas signed letters of accession to the following 15 multilateral treaties and conventions:

  1. The Four Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and the First Additional Protocol
  2. The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
  3. The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
  4. The Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in armed conflict
  5. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
  6. The Hague Convention (IV) respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land and its annex: Regulations Concerning the Laws and Customs of War on Land
  7. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  8. The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
  9. The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
  10. The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
  11. The United Nations Convention against Corruption
  12. The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
  13. The International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid
  14. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
  15. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Of course, in areas under Palestinian Arab control most of these treaties are routinely and egregiously violated. Racial discrimination, violation of children's rights, women's rights, torture, and corruption? Check, check, check, check and check.

But, of course, Abbas doesn't intend to protect his citizens from their Arab leaders, but to use these conventions as an excuse to slam Israel. We've seen this numerous times, as they use the language of human rights to damn Israel while denying their own people those same rights.

Palestinian Arabs are the world's foremost experts at weaponizing human rights.

  • Wednesday, April 02, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Every year, Americans for Peace Now adds  its own bizarre Haggadah inserts to be read by its fanatic members at their Seders.

This year's includes "This Pesach, let us learn to love living within the lines -- Green Lines, and other necessary boundaries. Let us embrace the spirit of dayenu. By ensuring “enough” for everyone, may our own abundance endure."

Yes, the Peace Now Haggadah demands hundreds of thousands of Jews to leave their homes and virtually every single Jewish holy site, like the Kotel, which is outside the "Green Line" that they have decided is "necessary." Much of the very land that God brought the Children of Israel to - celebrated in the very same "Dayenu" song - is off-limits to the "rabbis" of Peace Now.

No land swaps here!

Last year's was worse. It includes:
Victims of abuse often become abusers themselves. The Torah commands us "No!" Don't be an abuser. 36 times the Torah tells us "do not oppress the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt."

Despite all those warnings, our national homeland, Israel, has become an oppressor to another people. Palestinians living in the West Bank do not have freedom of movement. Israel rules their lives with checkpoints, refusing to allow construction in Area C, subjecting them to arbitrary military law. They have no representation and no voice in the government that controls their lives.

Some Palestinians compare the Israeli Occupation to a Nazi regime. We know that's not true. We know that such a comparison is ignorant.

But what if they compare us to Pharaoh?

Pharaoh ruled over us with a harsh hand in Egypt. We must not do the same to others.

We were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt. We must not become Pharaoh in Palestine.
Pharaoh, let us remember, tried to kill all Jewish boys and thereby destroy the Jewish people. He enslaved an entire people, quite literally, forcing them to do hard labor. He behaved virtually exactly like the Nazis. Why is comparing Israel to Pharaoh an appropriate analogy while the one to Nazi Germany is out of bounds?

Perhaps because Peace Now "rabbis" aren't above twisting the words of the Torah for their own political ends.

This isn't as bad as the "Jewish Voice for Peace Haggadah" but clearly the Peace Now Haggadah inserts - which used to at least acknowledge Arab terror attacks during the intifada - is moving in that direction.


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