Thursday, August 11, 2016

  • Thursday, August 11, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

Dr. Mohamed Issa Daoud, who is considered an expert in national security and strategic affairs, told an Arab satellite channel that the Rothschild family controls all the world's economies, explaining that Jews established the first banks in the world.

Daoud said during his Wednesday night interview with the program "In the Spotlight" on the satellite channel Al Nahar Al Youm that the Rothschild family founded the State of Qatar and indeed the Qatari royal family is a branch of the Rothschilds - but they will lose their power by the end of 2017.

He also said that five families control the global economy and US media.

This "strategic expert" added that Jewish wealth is funding the Arab Spring revolutions.

Previously, he accused the Turkish leadership of being Masonic and Zionist,

Al Nahar al Youm has over 3 million "Likes" on Facebook.

But how do we know that Al Nahar al Youm isn't part of the Jewish media empire? How do we know that Daoud isn't part of a massive false flag operation to divert attention from the real Jewish crimes? In short, how do we know that he isn't a Jew himself trying to discredit Arab media or to ruin Egypt's economy from within?

This all requires much more research.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

  • Wednesday, August 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Albawaba:
Russian president Vladimir Putin is considered many things: a war criminal, a dictator, on one hand; a strong leader and the savior of the West on the other. Jewishness is not something he is oft accused of, but Lebanon’s As-Safir ran an article by Sami Kleib Tuesday entitled “Putin’s Jewishness, does it benefit the Arabs and Syria?”

The article alleges that Russia under Putin enjoys close strategic relations with the Jewish state. “No Russian or Soviet president has offered more to Israel than Putin,” the article read in its opening paragraph. To this end, Kleib cites frequent visits to Moscow by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and military sales between the two countries.

But Kleib goes even farther in his attempt to prove Putin’s supposed Jewishness. “Some novels on Putin say he lived in a Jewish neighborhood when he was young,” wrote Kleib. Other outlets have reported on the Jews in Putin’s life too.

On whether Putin’s good relations with Jews in Russia, Eastern Europe and Israel will benefit the Arabs, Kleib suggests Russia play a larger role in mediating between Israel and “the resistance,” referring to Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and others who oppose Israel’s existence.

As-Safir is generally considered a supporter of the March 8 Alliance in Lebanon, which includes Hezbollah.
There are actually a number of conspiracy websites that claim that Putin is Jewish. Here's one great "proof":

Putin traces his earliest connection to Judaism back to his early childhood in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, when he befriended a Jewish family that lived in his apartment block. In his 2000 autobiography, Putin wrote that the unnamed family loved him and that he used to seek its company.

“They were observant Jews who did not work on Saturdays and the man would study the Bible and Talmud all day long,” Putin wrote. “Once I even asked him what he was muttering. He explained to me what this book was and I was immediately interested.” Can anyone believe that Jews let goyim read their holy books?

Just look at Putin’s face and ears closely; he is no more a Christian than Benjamin Netanyahu.

The As Safir article seems to be copying its information from one of the conspiracy sites.

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From Ian:

Olympic medalist Yarden Gerbi: Israelis are a special nation
Yarden Gerbi, the Israeli Judo athlete who won a bronze medal, Israel's first, at the Rio Olympics yesterday (Tuesday), reflected on her achievement and the difficulties she encountered on the way.
Speaking with Army Radio, the 27-year-old Gerbi sounded ecstatic yet emotionally and physically drained.
"After what I've been through today, nothing is heavy," she remarked when asked if the medal is weighing on her neck.
"There were two very difficult moments today. The time just before the first fight is really difficult, because you know that if you lose you go home. The second moment was the loss in the quarterfinals. Picking yourself off the mat after a loss is... just really hard."
When asked how she did it, Gerbi replied "I just had to get some closure from my coach. I felt that I deserved to win that fight. When [my coach] told me I really should have won, and just was unlucky with the officiating, I was able to move on. Once I know I did my part, that's all that matters. I don't waste my time worrying about what the officials do."
The interviewer then asked Gerbi if she felt any awareness of the fact that the entire country back home in Israel was holding its breath watching her.
If BBC News, reported sport (h/t IsraellyCool)

Grandson of Holocaust Survivor Wins Silver Medal for France at Rio Olympics
A French Olympian who is the grandson of a Holocaust survivor won a silver medal with his team on Monday in the men’s freestyle relay finals at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
The swimmer, Fabien Gilot, — who, as Tablet reported, sports a Hebrew tattoo that says, “Without them, I am nothing” — explained that the phrase is a tribute to his Jewish grandfather, the late Max Goldschmidt, an Auschwitz survivor who greatly influenced his life.
Goldschmidt grew up in Berlin and after World War II moved to France, where he met his wife and raised a family, according to Tablet. Gilot’s father, Michel, said Goldschmidt, who died in 2012, was an inspiration to the athlete and witnessed many of his achievements.

  • Wednesday, August 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
There was a recent kerfuffle over the (false) rumor that Google had erased "Palestine" from Google Maps.

One reaction to this came from Katherine Gallagher, a senior staff Attorney, Int'l Human Rights at Center for Constitutional Rights

Since I had never heard that declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel is against international law, I politely asked her to please elaborate:

I copied Professor Katherine Franke, who is the Sulzbacher Professor of Law, Director of the Center for Gender & Sexuality Law at Columbia Law School and who retweeted the original claim.

Although both of them were on Twitter after I asked the question, for some strange reason they decided not to answer.

I asked again:

And again and again:

How disappointing that a professional lawyer who makes an assertion like that and her law professor supporter cannot dig up a simple reference to a legal document that says that it is illegal for Israel - or anyone else - to declare Jerusalem its capital.

The only possible basis for saying this would be if they claim, against all logic and legal reasoning, that the UNGA's 1947 and subsequent resolutions that tried to declare Jerusalem to be a "corpus separatum," a separate entity not under any state's jurisdiction.

General Assembly resolutions are not international law and the resolution never came to pass, just as the Arab state of Palestine never came to pass either.

But if they claim that Jerusalem west of the Green Line is not part of Israel, then "east Jerusalem" cannot possibly be part of "Palestine." In fact, under the UN's original plan, Bethlehem was going to be part of the corpus separatum as well.

Although this still seems to be the official policy of the EU and the US and UN in many ways, it is inherently illogical: if the Green Line is meant to be the basis for the boundaries between Israel and a Palestinian state, then these nations accept that west Jerusalem is part of Israel. There is zero legal basis for declaring Jerusalem an international city as the UN originally planned, so anyone making that claim is not making a legal argument but a political one. To put it bluntly, the reason why the Western world doesn't recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital is because they are afraid of Arab reactions, not because of anything illegal about Israel building the Knesset within the Green Line.

But hey - maybe I'm wrong and somehow these two brilliant legal minds can come up with a way that Israel cannot declare Jerusalem to be its capital but Palestinians can declare it to be theirs that is consistent with international law.

I'm not holding my breath, though.

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Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory

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Shea StadiumJerusalem, August 10 - The Islamic religious authority that administers the affairs of a contested sacred compound unveiled plans today for the construction of a baseball stadium on the plateau's northern end to augment the holiness of the site and bring more honor to God.

The Waqf, the religious council governing the Temple Mount - known in Arabic as the Haram al-Sharif - released a plan Tuesday afternoon to build a diamond with artificial turf and extensive seating so that the throngs of Muslim youths visiting the compound will have recreational options available to them beyond the existing parkour and soccer events that occur there daily. With such a facility a stone's throw from the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, worshipers will be able to engage in an additional ritual that celebrates the site's Islamic heritage.

When completed, the field and stands will occupy most of the area of the Temple Mount between the Dome of the Rock and the Mount's northern edge. The stadium will seat an estimated 25,000, and a specially-designed Jumbotron display will feature prominently over the center field seats. The Dome of the Rock will be visible beyond right field. Waqf officials said they expected preliminary work on the site to begin within three months and be competed by the spring of 2018, in time for the baseball season, an ambitious schedule unheard of in Jerusalem, a city with restrictive regulations on the size, design, and placement of buildings.

"Normally a project of this scale would require all sorts of zoning and other approval," explained Hugib Zadamm, a Waqf secretary. "But there is no way we would legitimize the Zionist occupiers by seeking their approval for anything. So we're just going to build it - and that saves months, perhaps years, of bureaucracy. They don't have the political will to stop us anyway - they're afraid to lift a finger to enforce their so-called sovereignty, so we can get away with anything. This is going to be glorious."

Zadamm further explained that the current use of the Haram al-Sharif by Muslims for sports and recreation does not do justice to the holiness of the place, which must be preserved by keeping away Jews with their filthy feet and Talmudic rituals. "Soccer is fine, some variation of hopscotch, and the various games that our day camps play all the time here are all well and good, but we were looking for something to really make a statement about the divine nature of the place, and this grand gesture was deemed the most suitable."

"I mean, other than bowing with our backsides toward the Dome of the Rock when we pray," he added.

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From Ian:
Caroline Glick: Obama, Clinton and the power of mendacity
Over the years, many commentators and observers have argued that Clinton is less dangerous than Obama. Obama they say is an ideologue whereas Clinton is driven by a simple lust for power and, of course, her own convenience. Consequently, she causes damage in little ways – like endangering the lives of US agents – while Obama clears a path for Iran to rise as a regional hegemon and nuclear state.
The problem with this assessment is that it ignores their symbiotic relationship. Clinton has decided that her interests lie with acting like a loyal Democrat and implementing Obama’s policies.
Like Obama, she doesn’t need to worry about the consequences of those policies for the US and the world. Because like Obama, she is sheltered from criticism by a loyal media.
Amiri is dead. Iran is building nuclear plants with Russia. But as the New York Times explained on Monday, “Nobody knows better than President Obama how easy it would be for Donald J. Trump to reverse the policies of the past eight years if he defeats Hillary Clinton this fall.”
Nobody, that is, other than the New York Times, and the Washington Post and CNN and Clinton.
And so they will continue to work together with Obama, to ensure that the public is kept in the dark about the nature of those policies and their horrible consequences for the US and the rest of the world.

Vic Rosenthal: US sends arms to Hezbollah-controlled Lebanese army
Hezbollah has effective control of Lebanon, and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) are thoroughly infiltrated by Hezbollah.
So why is the US providing weapons and equipment to the LAF? There is no way to keep them out of the hands of Hezbollah.
The IDF will be facing these weapons in the near future. Thank you, Barack Obama!

MEMRI: Article In Palestinian Online Daily: The Claim That Jews Are The Descendants Of Apes And Pigs Is Foolish And Primitive
In his column in the Palestinian online daily Dunya Al-Watan (, Anwar Al-Waridi, a Palestinian poet and author living in Jordan, mocked Muslim clerics who scream about Jews being the descendants of apes and pigs, while Jews control Arab land and have been defeating the Arabs for the past century. According to him, this claim about the Jews is ridiculous, and is indicative of a backwards collective Arab mentality that underestimates the enemy.
The following are excerpts from the article:
"The problem is the Arab collective mentality. The Jews are not the descendants of apes or pigs, but human beings, sons of Adam and Eve. The cry made repeatedly by some of the crazed and primitive Muslim clerics, 'Jews, the descendants of apes and pigs," is shameful. To those who rely on the esteemed verse: 'We said to them, Be apes, despised' [Koran 2:65] or the verse: 'and made of them apes and pigs and slaves of Taghout' [Koran 5:60], [I say as follows]: though there is disagreement among commentators about the meaning of these verses, the favored opinion is that [the Jews] became apes in character, not in form – meaning that they did not physically transform into actual apes, but rather that their attributes became apelike.
"Moreover, the transformation from people to apes [only] happened to some of them [and only] during a certain period, and did not include all Jews. And even if we assume that they did turn into actual apes, and that this happened to all [Jews] – can an ape give birth to a human? How, therefore, can the Jews of today be the descendants of those who turned into apes, in the opinion of these ignorant Muslim clerics? An ape begets an ape and a human begets a human, and therefore the Jews of today are not the descendants of apes or pigs as we scream stupidly and primitively, as though this is a crushing blow to [the Jews]. Moreover, if they are the descendants of apes and pigs, and have managed to defeat us for close to a century – is there honor in being defeated by apes and pigs?

  • Wednesday, August 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Jordan's Ammon News:
Border Guards late Monday foiled an infiltration attempt by a vehicle coming from northeastern border with Syria, an army statement said.

The statement added that military observers spotted a vehicle speeding towards the Kingdom's border.

A border patrol applied the rules of engagement taken in such cases, killing the infiltrators and destroying their car.
If this had happened in Israel, there would be immediate reports in the media and from NGOs saying:

* The car was not aiming at the soldiers, there was no risk to human life.
* The people in the car were obviously Syrian refugees who were greeted with deadly force when they tried to escape.
* This was a disproportionate response.
* This was an extrajudicial execution.
* Why couldn't they just fire at the tires?
* The soldiers should be equipped with pepper spray for situations like this. Or pen lasers. Or some other technology that we know nothing about but that must exist to save the lives of the people in the car.
* Did they have to kill all the people in the car?
* Isn't destroying the car afterwards unnecessary? It sounds like gratuitous revenge.
* The rules of engagement are racist. They wouldn't treat Jordanians driving cars the same way.
* We call for a full and transparent investigation (that we can then attack because it is obviously biased.)
* We call on the UN to investigate this incident. Also the ICC.
* This is yet more proof that we live under an evil regime.

I'm sure I missed some....

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Twice in the past couple of days I received gloating responses from people I communicated with on Twitter.

One was Amnesty UK:

I tweaked them, wondering whether they were documenting the deaths with as much tenacity as they pretended to do for Gaza:

But a few days later, they had a response:

Indeed they created an app for people to report violence in Rio and it allows drilling down into each alleged incident. 

So they got me.

But, as I responded, why won't they fix the many mistakes and lies in the Gaza Platform?

They ignored that tweet, as they ignored many others about the propaganda site that they pretend documents Israeli war crimes.

Clearly they read my tweets. And clearly they have no intention to correct themselves when they are found to be wrong - or lying.

A similar thing seems to have happened with my assertion that the West Bank has Olympic-sized pools (which normally means 50 meters, a certain depth and other technical details.)

I am no longer convinced that there are true Olympic sized pools in the West Bank suitable for training (although I think there is one in Gaza.) And I was happy to admit my doubts to  Luke Baker from Reuters, who happily gloated that I was not being fair and balanced.

And, of course, as with Amnesty, no response. 

This is the difference between those who care about the truth and those who only pretend. I am happy to admit I'm wrong - it does happen, sometimes - because the truth is of supreme importance. But the people at Amnesty and Reuters only pay lip service to the truth. When they are shown to be wrong, they rarely correct themselves unless they would be more embarrassed by their refusal to correct than by the correction itself. 

Which means that you cannot rely on Reuters or NGOs like Amnesty to say anything truthful. It is propaganda, adhering to their pre-existing biases, and anything that contradicts their false assumptions is not worthy of being addressed. 

These two episodes shows that they read the criticism and they read the proof that they are wrong or lying - and they actively choose not to correct themselves. 

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  • Wednesday, August 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
Shady Shehada is a project engineer for UNRWA. (Yes, that's how he spells his name in English.)

Previously he worked for UNDP as well in the same role.

So he sounds like a typical Gazan who manages to get jobs at the UN and other NGOs.

His Facebook page has a couple of interesting posts that indicate that he could easily be one of the "aid workers" who would happily help Hamas.

He published this poster with a photo that is taken from a horror movie as "evidence" of Israeli crimes:

He commented, "All Hail the resistors who thrust each weapon in defense of the dignity of the people of defending themselves and the right to life."

And he published this photo of a heartbroken mother and fiancee mourning over their dead son and husband immediately before the Gaza war in 2014.

Who happened to be a Hamas terrorist.

Is it really surprising to learn that UN workers could be diverting funds and materials to Hamas?

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Tuesday, August 09, 2016

  • Tuesday, August 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

Jordanian newspaper Ad Dustour explains exactly why Jordan bans any Jews from bringing in kipot or tefillin into the country.

Jordanian authorities prevented Israeli militants from entering the territory of Jordan following the discovery of their intention to establish Talmudic rituals in regions of the Kingdom.

Israeli press sources said Jordanian administration refused entry to a group of Israeli extremists and prevented them from reaching the historic Petra region and a number of tourist areas after their intention to exercise Talmudic rituals. They were found with tools used in Jewish prayer, in addition to wearing "kipot."

Official sources confirmed in a statement to Ad Dustour that Jordan prevented a number of religious Jews from entering its territory after being found in possession of Tefillin prayer tools where two bands of leather are used by Jews on the head and the left hand in the dawn prayers according to Jewish belief.

The sources said that the authorities of Jordan informed the Israelis that they will not allow them to enter Jordan as long as they refuse to surrender their Talmudic tools at the crossing. The aim of the visit by Israeli extremists is prayer at the "Aharon Hacohen shrine" allegedly near Petra, where officials prevented UK visitors from wearing a Jewish skullcap. The sources pointed out that Israelis will not be allowed into Jordanian territory for the same reason, unless the Israelis remove their Jewish hats from their heads before entering the country.

We've reported this before, but it is nice to see it explicitly stated in Arab media.

Note the language: "extremists" and "militants."

Usually, tefillin are only worn for morning prayers and they would not be worn in public. However, a 2012 Jerusalem Post article says that some Jews would put on the tefillin at the shrines themselves, in public.
According to Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor, these complaints have been around for many years.

“For years there were some Israelis who would go to different holy sites of one sort or another and put on tefillin and start praying and you can understand for someone who has never seen a Jew before or this ritual this could be shocking, it could cause a disturbance and people could act badly.”

Palmor said they know of a number of incidents in which disturbances and violence broke out after Israeli Jews who had traveled to Jordan began laying on tefillin and praying in public places. He said eventually the Jordanian authorities adopted a procedure of asking incoming Israeli tourists if they are carrying tefillin, and holding them for them at the border crossing until they leave the country.
If that is true, then the Jews who put on the tefillin in public in Jordan were acting irresponsibly. There is no religious obligation to put on tefillin at a shrine.  Their pretense of religious zealotry made it impossible for all religious Jews to ever visit Jordan overnight.

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From Ian:

Israeli judoka Yarden Gerbi wins bronze at Rio
Israeli judoka Yarden Gerbi overcame an early loss to win the bronze medal at the Rio Olympics on Tuesday, becoming the first Israeli athlete to win a medal at the 2016 games, and the first Israeli Olympic medalist since windsurfer Shahar Tzuberi took home the bronze in the 2008 games in Beijing.
Gerbi defeated Japan’s Miku Tashiru in the repechage to claim the third place spot in the under-73 kg competition.
Gerbi, 27, and the 2013 world champion in her class, thus became the seventh Israeli athlete in history to be honored on the Olympic podium. She was also only the second woman to do so — the first being judoka Yael Arad, Israel’s first-ever medal winner, who took home the silver in Barcelona 1992.
She promptly received a call from President Reuven Rivlin, who called her a “champion” and said that “today, you are our hero.”
David Collier: Norman Finkelstein, the University of Westminster and antisemitism
So why is it antisemitism at Westminster?
The antisemitism doesn’t exist in the supply, it exists in the demand. In theory, for every speech given by an anti-Zionist Jew, there would be scores of Zionist Jews lining up to respond. All things being equal, we should never have heard of these Jewish anti-Zionists. They are insignificant outliers whose presence would only be recognised by sociologists and statisticians before being cast off into the bin titled ‘not to be taken into consideration’. Perhaps a study or two could analyse them to try to find correlating variables that could push forward a theory into their very presence. Bullying at school? The trauma of children of holocaust survivors? I am certain an innovative list could be created.
Yet where these people are selected, for the specific purpose of attacking what it means to be Jewish to the absolute majority, there exists a problem. You cannot hide behind a Jewish anti-Zionist to deflect accusations of antisemitism because the very act of turning the insignificant into a weapon against Jews is an antisemitic act.
I have heard people suggest people like Blumenthal are antisemites themselves. This is a mistake. People like Blumenthal are simply oddities. A handful of people displaying bizarre and obscure thought. When you see their name in print, you see antisemitism at work. When you hear them speak, when you see them listed in a programme, when you see them quoted, shared or retweeted – all antisemitism.
So someone in the States is so messed up he believes you can overstate the Holocaust. A child of holocaust survivors, he dates the rising awareness of his fictitious industry to 1967. Nothing of course to do with the Eichmann trial of 1962, where finally the world got to hear the true horror of events. Nothing to do either with the trauma of the genocide. It’s a money thing, a power thing, don’t forget after all, it’s the Jews we are talking about.
The antisemitism isn’t in his train of thought, it is in those that take the absurd and reward him, fund him and applaud him. Antisemitism is the adoring crowd of the village idiot.
So yes, the appearance of two of the anti-Zionist clowns in a single conference at the University of Westminster that spent so much time dealing with Zionism, Israel and Jews is an antisemitic act. It is about time everyone started realising this is the case.
Bernard-Henri Lévy: A Long-Awaited and Critical Appeal Falls Short
The letter begins with an enumeration of the recent terrorist acts that have beset France.
It does not omit Charlie (“the murder of cartoonists”), Bataclan (“the murder of young people listening to music”), of Magnanville (“the murder of a pair of police officers”). Nor, of course, does it fail to mention Nice (“the murder of men, women, and children celebrating the national holiday”) or Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray (“the murder of a priest celebrating Mass”). Clearly, it purported to present an exhaustive list of the attacks.
Except it left one out. And what it left out was the hostage-taking at the kosher supermarket on January 9, 2015, which occurred less than three years after Mohamed Merah’s murders at the Jewish school in Toulouse.
The omission was immediately noticed. I was disturbed by it, and said so on Twitter — which earned me (and others, I’m sure) an avalanche of insult: “You’re never satisfied … When Muslims are silent, that’s bad; when they speak up, that’s bad, too … What are you doing to national unity? Maybe you’re the one who’s trying to pit French people against one another?”
But the fact is that a slip like this cannot be allowed to go unremarked. And, given the prominence of those who signed the letter, it cannot fail to be upsetting.
What could have been going through the head of the person who (as is typical with this sort of group letter) composed the first draft? Or through the heads of the 41 others who, in the hours that followed, read and re-read the draft (as is also the usual practice), weighing each word, suggesting changes and talking things through before eventually signing?
Michael Lumish: This week on NOTHING LEFT (9 Aug 2016)
This week Michael Burd and Alan Freedman, from Nothing Left of mighty J-Air, out of Melbourne give us:
3 min Editorial: World Vision /Gaza scandal
10 min Noni Darwish, former Muslim talks about Interfaith,Muslim immigration, Sharia Law & the Jews
38min Michael’s view on interfaith (inc R’ J Hausman's view on why his colleagues are not doing their homework/ clip)
46 min Mike Lumish, Israel Thrives blog, USA
51 min David Bedein, investigative journalist
1 hr 14 min Ron Jontoff-Hutter, Berlin based writer
My piece is the final in my Failures of Progressive-Left Zionism series and is concerned with the tendency, which we also see from the Obama administration and the progressive-left, more generally, is the tendency to join with enemies (such as, for example, Black Lives Matter) while spitting hatred at friends.

  • Tuesday, August 09, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
It is actually against international law to prohibit Jews from praying on the Temple Mount, according to legal scholar and former Israeli ambassador Alan Baker. I interviewed him on July 12.

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