Monday, April 18, 2011

  • Monday, April 18, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is Easter week, so the media is doing their annual stories about how Israel is supposedly restricting some Christians from coming to Jerusalem. (I showed the bias on a similar Reuters story last year.)

I received an interesting email from commenter Womble last Tuesday. Here's what he wrote:

I’ve just returned from a trip to the north of Israel, focused mostly on Christian holy places, and I’ve taken some photos.

This photo was taken in Nazareth this morning. It shows the banner which greets any Christian pilgrim or tourist who wants to visit the Christian places of worship in the city.

If you want to get to the Church of the Annunciation or to the Synagogue Church, there’s literally no way to get there without being confronted with this warning to embrace Islam or else. (The building on the right is the Church of the Annunciation; this way you can see the proximity). My guess is that it is the work of the local branch of the Islamic Movement, whose offices are located nearby.

However, I cannot identify the logo in the upper left corner of the banner, so I can’t be absolutely sure if it’s the Islamic Movement or some other, less known, organization doing it.
I think that Womble is right and this is the Islamic Movement of Nazareth:

Either way, here is a little seen side of how Muslims feel free to intimidate and bully Christians in the Middle East - and even in Israel.

It turns out that this is not the first time the Nazareth Islamists have done something like this. Here's a banner they erected before Christmas, 2008, also in front of the Church of the Annunciation:
More about that incident here.

This is a story you will not be seeing in the mainstream media.

Especially this week.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

  • Sunday, April 17, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights put out a statement condemning the murder of Vittorio Arragoni, the terror-supporting member of ISM (but I repeat myself) who was killed on Friday.

If you believe that the PCHR has any objectivity left after its willful labeling of Hamas terrorists as "civilians" in Gaza, check this out:

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, on Thursday evening, 14 April 2011, a group named "Group of the Companion Mohammed Bin Maslamah" announced the kidnapping of the Italian journalist, Vittorio Arrigoni, 36, a prominent member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) and a human rights defender. In a video posted on the Youtube website, the group demanded the release of detained members of the group, affiliates of the so-called "Salafist Jihadist Group". The kidnappers threatened to kill Arrigoni if the government in Gaza did not meet their demands within 30 hours.

In a grave development, contrary to fundamental values shared by all Palestinians, the group carried out their threat. On Friday morning, 15 April 2011, security services found the body of Arrigoni in a house located in the 'Amer project area, west of al-Karamah building in the west of Jabalia, north of the Gaza Strip. In his testimony, a PCHR staff-member reported signs of beating on the victim's face, signs of handcuffs on his hands, and signs of strangulation around his neck.
Yes, a so-called human rights organization is stating as a fact that all Palestinian Arabs are against murdering innocent people.

This same PCHR had, up until a couple of years ago, prominently detailed hundreds of instances of Palestinian Arabs being murdered by other PalArabs. It know quite well what Fatah and Hamas did to each other. It knows what Hamas did the the Salafist group in Gaza. Yet PCHR states as a fact that all Palestinian Arabs share fundamental values against murder!

Do we detect a wee bit of bias here?

One more fun part of the PCHR report:
[The PCHR] appreciates the role played by the International Solidarity Movement and other human rights defenders in the occupied Palestinian territory;
The ISM is not a human rights group, it is a terror-enabler group. So is, apparently, the PCHR.
  • Sunday, April 17, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Vittorio Arrigoni, who is being beatified as a new Palestinian Arab saint as I write this, was not the first ISM activist to be murdered by his fellow Palestinian Arabs.

In September 2007, ISM member Akram Ibrahim Abu Sba’ was killed by members of Islamic Jihad. He was shot twice in the chest in Jenin.

His killing was never condemned by the ISM. They know better than to say anything bad about Islamic Jihad, their erstwhile partners in "resistance" against Israel.
  • Sunday, April 17, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine News Network has an article about a mural painted in a Gaza camp:
The Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural Project is an initiative co-produced by The Rachel Corrie Foundation and Breaking the Silence Mural Project, along with co-sponsors The Middle East Children’s Alliance, the Gaza Community Mental Health Program and the International Trauma Treatment Program.

The mural is a community building memorial honouring all those who have lost their lives in struggle and those who are resisting oppression. Inspired by the killing of Rachel Corrie, the mural tells a tale of two cities linked through tragedy, Olympia, Washington and Rafah, Palestine. The overall purpose of the project is to increase the strength and visibility of the global solidarity movement for social justice across the world through the use of art, culture and technology.

‘Freedom Tree', the first of A Tale of Two Cities- Olympia-Rafah Solidarity Mural Project in Gaza, was inaugurated last January 16th. Located in the Afaq Jadeeda (New Horizons) Association of Nuseirat Refugee Camp, the mural was painted by the staff of New Horizons and facilitated by Susan Greene.

Facing the deaths of more than 1400 civilians, destruction of homes, schools, hospitals, roads and infrastructure after Israel’s large-scale military offensive (December 2008- January 2009), Palestinians in Gaza are finding ways of continuing to cope with trauma and rebuilding their communities.
The anti-Israel activist who wrote this story for PNN, Alessandra Bajec,  is now claiming that every single Arab killed in Cast Lead was a civilian. They love to deny that Gaza is run by a well-armed, Iranian trained terror group, and that more than half of those killed in Cast Lead were in fact terrorists. Nope - to these moonbats, they are all "civilians."

More interesting, though, was part of an interview where she asks the Director of the Public Relations Department at the Gaza Community Mental Health Program a very good question:

How concretely do you think this and similar projects can help people in Gaza in rebuilding their communities?

Indeed - how do these art projects really help Gazans who are supposedly suffering so much? Why is a giant mural in a camp a wonderful thing for people who are under "siege"?

The answer:
Such projects are very important, as I said, to show solidarity with Palestinians, to make people aware and expose the human rights violations that Palestinians endure. Once people in the world get to know about the Palestinian people, see what their life looks like…that will encourage more solidarity and advocacy, will help build our community and fundraise for our projects. So this is a really important project, definitely valuable in this respect.
So this project helps make people aware of supposed Israeli crimes (like killing over 1400 mythical civilians) so those people can hate Israel and give money for more similar projects, so more people can become aware of Israeli crimes and hate Israel!

It doesn't really help Gazans, you see. It helps the world hate Israel, which makes the Gazans feel good and their mental health will therefore improve because they know other people hate Israel as much as they do. Then more Westerners can tattoo "Resistance" on their biceps and really make a difference!

It is the circle of death wrapped up in pseudo-art. Very progressive!
Lebanon is a very complicated place.

You literally need a scorecard to keep track of all the different groups that make up Lebanon's political scene and their shifting loyalties. The three main groups are,of course, the Christians, the Shiites and the Sunnis, but each of those groups have splinter groups that may or may not be aligned with their co-religionists at any time. There are also the Druze and smaller groups, whose very survival depends on being able to anticipate which way the wind is about to blow and jump on the side of the winning team.

Add to this that these are not just political groups but they all generally were parts of militia in the 1970s and 1980s. Sometimes they have to take out their weapons to defend their towns and villages.

And add to this the entire recent history of civil war. Plus the collective memory of being effectively controlled by Syria, by Israel or (more recently) by Iran. Not to mention the French influence on Lebanese culture and the fact that it is a favorite vacation spot for decadent, rich Saudis. More ingredients in Lebanon's ratatouille is the generally liberal and Western-style of downtown Beirut compared with the poverty of the south and the traditionalism in other areas.

The resulting dish is dizzying in its complexity.

Michael Totten, in his great book "The Road to Fatima Gate: The Beirut Spring, the Rise of Hezbollah, and the Iranian War Against Israel ," explains it all (or at least a lot of it) in a wonderful first-person journalistic style.

We learn about Lebanon as Totten does. We follow him as he interviews Shi'ite, Maronite and Sunni leaders and ordinary people as well. We tag along as he gets threatened by people with guns and eventually finds that he is somehow safer with armed people around.

Unlike many journalists who speak as if they are omniscient, Totten lets us see his mistakes and how he learns from them.

He takes us on his journey during the Israel/Hezbollah war of 2006 and mini-civil wars precipitated by Hezbollah in afterwards. He speaks to many people on most sides, and lets us know when he doesn't believe what they say. He and his friends get into dangerous situations that are inconceivable to Western eyes - but he knows that and explains it so the audience gets it.

Totten often uses that skill to great effect. For example, he mentions that he asks Eli Khoury, a leader of the March 14th movement, "What is the solution?" Totten then goes on to tell his readers that this is a very American question, one that he soon learned not to ask, because the Lebanese know that there isn't one. However, Americans are solution-oriented and cannot grasp that basic concept that is so integral to survival in the Middle East.

We cannot solve the problems. We can only manage them as best we can, today.

One other talent that Michael Totten has is the ability to see the entire picture and relate to it. It is easy to get lost in the minutiae, especially in Lebanon where there are so many groups competing with each other and none of them are in the majority. But Totten is always there to remind us what the real danger is. It is Iran, using Hezbollah as its proxy. All of the desire to be pacifist or pan-Lebanese is doomed as long as Hezbollah, effectively an arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, has effective veto power over the Lebanese government and controls its own state within a state. No one can confront Hezbollah militarily nor politically, and as a result Iran is extending its hegemony over the region.

Totten's journalistic style is especially appreciated in the Lebanese arena. While most other journalists will meekly follow whatever restrictions their interview subjects impose on them, Totten reports on the entire context of his interviews, letting us know that if he cannot find out a piece of information it is not because he didn't try. He also lets us know when his subjects are not being entirely truthful.

Totten was not in Lebanon for all the events he covers so he relies on his friends to fill in the personal stories. Also, he didn't talk much about the Palestinian Arab experience in Lebanon outside of broad historical strokes; there is no interview with the Arabs in refugee camps and the Nahr al-Bared fighting is glossed over as a "sideshow." While this is probably true, there are  about as many Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon as there are Druze, and demographics do matter. I would love to have seen him highlight Lebanese discrimination against them across the board as well as what they have done to help destroy Lebanon from inside.

These are minor points, though. The Road to Fatima Gate is a brilliant combination of memoir and journalism, and it is highly recommended.
  • Sunday, April 17, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JPost:
Daniel Raphael Viflic, the 16-year-old boy who was injured in the anti-tank missile attack on a school bus in the Negev by Hamas terrorists 10 days ago, died on Sunday after a steady decline to critical condition.

When the bus sustained a direct hit by the missile, Viflic suffered severe head trauma and was artificially respirated at the scene. He was rushed to Soroka University Medical Center Hospital in Beersheba, where his family has been holding vigil for the past ten days. On April 12, the severity of his condition was upgraded to extremely critical and doctors expressed concern that he had suffered irreparable brain damage.

The missile hit the bus moments after most of the children got off, while it was traveling near Kibbutz Sa'ad, about 2.5 km. from the Gaza Strip. Just two people were on the bus when it was hit – the driver, who was lightly injured, and the boy, who was en route to visit his grandmother.
May his parents be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
ברוך דיין האמת
  • Sunday, April 17, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Lots of last minute Passover stuff to do, so I have to delay the many posts I want to write. Alas.

Meanwhile, here's a sign that spring is actually here.

  • Sunday, April 17, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas' Palestine Times newspaper quotes the mother of one of the youths who were arrested for the Fogel family murders.

[The mother stated] that her son was asleep with his brothers at 9:30 PM, i.e., during the operation, and he is not linked to any political party or organization, and he is a student in high school who only travels between home and school.

She added: "My son was arrested, on April 4th, about two weeks ago, and when the families went to inquire of their status, one of the soldiers told me there we want to conclude the investigation of this crime, even if we have to fabricate the charge against any person from the village."
Yeah, that sounds believable.

Of course, it will be considered not only believable but gospel truth to the Mondoweiss crowd. Every other statement attributed to the IDF are lies, of course, but a mother of a murderer claiming that an IDF soldier freely admits that they arrested her son for no reason will be swallowed whole.
  • Sunday, April 17, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the Huffington Post, the executive director of the Middle East and North African Division for Human Rights Watch, Sarah Leah Whitson, describes the West Bank this way:

And security concerns do not justify systematically separating Palestinians from Jews, with shanties and dirt roads provided for the one, and spacious villas with swimming pools and paved highways provided for the other.

Here is a photo I took of one of those "shanties". Click to see it in all its horror:

And here's a photo of those spacious villas:

The Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria that I visited were clean, well-planned and overwhelmingly suburban in nature. I saw nothing that could be remotely described as ostentatious. Houses were attractive but uniform in design.

From the highway, many of the Arab towns showed literal mansions, orders of magnitude larger than any Jewish house in the area. And many more were under construction.

Similarly, Whitson is pushing the similar slander that Palestinian Arabs are not allowed on "Jewish" roads, a complete lie that Yisrael Medad documented last week as such:

More photos of Palestinian Arab mansions are at Shiloh Musings.

(h/t Anne)
  • Sunday, April 17, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JPost:

The IDF Spokesperson on Sunday confirmed the arrest of two Palestinians, one a minor, from Awarta, in the March murder of five Fogel family members in their home in the Itamar settlement. The arrest was a joint IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) operation.

The suspects committed the crime for nationalistic reasons, and according to Army Radio, admitted to the crime without expressing remorse. Six others have been remanded on suspicion of involvement in the murders.

According to Shin Bet findings, the two teens, 18-year-old Hakem Awwad and 19-year-old Amjad Awwad, carried out the crime based on their own convictions and without direction by any specific political or terrorist organization.

On the Friday of the murders, the two reportedly met at 3:00 p.m. and planned to carry out the murder. At 9:00 p.m. they met again, equipped with knives, and broke into the Itamar settlement. The two broke into one home, which was empty, and stole an M16 rifle. Afterward, they went to the Fogel family home.

The teenage suspects proceeded to murder two of the children by stabbing, and then entered the parents' bedroom. Udi and Ruti Fogel awoke to the murderers' presence, and began to struggle with them. In the end, the suspects gained control and murdered them as well.

The two then left the house. One of the suspects returned and murdered the three-month-old baby Hadas, taking an M16 from the house.

According to Israel Radio, Amjad said that he was unaware that there were two other children in the house, and that if he knew, he would have stabbed them as well.

Following the incident, the two suspects involved five others, mostly relatives, to help cover up their crime. Hakem's uncle, Saleh, reportedly hid the knives, burned their clothing from the night of the murders, and brought the stolen weapons to Ramallah resident Jad Obeid.
Ha'aretz adds more details, slightly at odds with JPost's:

The two suspects, who are unrelated to one another, were identified as members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine along with several members of their family.
Shin Bet investigators have at this point not identified the murder as being carried out under the auspices of the Popular Front organization. According to what is currently known, the murders were carried out independently by the two suspects.

According to the investigation, it took the suspects about ten minutes to cut the fence which separates the settlement of Itamar from the Palestinian village of Awarta. They climbed the security barrier at the settlement unnoticed and walked about 400 meters into the settlement. Once inside the settlement, they broke into an empty home and stole an M-16 rifle, a weapons cartridge, a vest and a helmet before proceeding to the Fogel family's home.

So there were two fences between 'Awarta and Itamar; they cut one and climbed the second.
Before entering the house, the suspects noticed Yoav and Elad Fogel in the home's window. Yoav and Elad were the first to be stabbed after the suspect entered the home. The suspects then entered the parents' room. Ehud and Ruth tried to fight off the attackers, but were eventually overcome and stabbed to death. Ruth was also shot, but due to the weather at the time of the murder, the gunshots were not heard. The suspects fled the home, fearing that the gunshots had been heard.

Outside of the home, the suspects realized that their gunshots had gone unnoticed and they had not yet been discovered. Amjad Awad subsequently reentered the home in order to steal an additional M-16 rifle that was there. Back inside the parents' room, Awad noticed three-month-old Hadas and stabbed her to death. While leaving the home once more, the suspect noticed that there were more children but apparently figured that he was running out of time. The lives of Roi Fogel, 8, and Yishai Fogel, 2, were spared.
There have been many articles since the murders by anti-Israel writers saying that Jews had killed the Fogels, or foreign workers in the settlements (there were none,) or that the IDF was unfairly searching the village of 'Awarta without any evidence.

None of them will retract their lies, of course.
  • Sunday, April 17, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week I mentioned that the Sydney, Australia suburb Marrickville intended to boycott Israel - at the cost of nearly $4 million.

It looks like this foray of a left wing party into world politics has cost it dearly:

NOW we know that the meddling ideological extremism of the Greens cost them the inner-city seat of Marrickville in the NSW election last month.

What should have been a shoo-in in one of the most barmy left electorates in the country resulted in more than one-in-three voters rejecting the Greens because of Marrickville Council's Israel boycott, according to a poll by a Jewish group.

This is a boycott that, by the Green-controlled council's own figures, will cost it as much as $4 million to stop using Israeli-linked products such as Hewlett-Packard computers (apparently used at Israeli checkpoints) and Motorola telephones.

The voters were first to show some backbone, after abiding years of Green dabbling in Middle East politics. But last week Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd slammed the boycott as "nuts" and NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell threatened to sack the council if it doesn't reverse its stance.

Sensing the end of his dream run, even the Greens' supreme leader, Bob Brown, rejected the boycott and distanced himself from his failed state candidate, Marrickville mayor Fiona Byrne, although he can't help offloading blame onto what he calls the "hate media" for costing his party the seat.

But he should look a little closer to home for the culprit.

Jake, a 55-year-old Jewish health professional with friends in Marrickville, was so incensed by the council's Israel boycott that he took three weeks off work to wage a guerrilla campaign against the Greens, plastering the suburb with posters late at night, accusing them of homophobia for boycotting gay-friendly Israel.

"I felt so angry," says Jake, who wants to remain anonymous. "I couldn't sleep at night, so I organised the posters, hired some utes and ladders" and enlisted the help of his son and his friends. Greens supporters harassed them, ripped down the posters, called police, and tried to intimidate Jake's young helpers, posting footage of them on YouTube.

On election day, Jake and his son organised 10 friends wearing T-shirts with "Boycott the Greens" logos to visit polling booths, prompting "Zionist pigs" abuse from greenies.

The Greens lost to Labor by fewer than 700 votes, in a seat they were favourites to snare.

The backlash was quite a shock to the Greens, whose extremist ideological baggage is at last costing them votes.
The Middle East conflict is not a game. Yet it has somehow become a vehicle for moral preening half a world way and a badge of belonging for lazy leftists whose talents are best suited to fixing potholes, which, by the way, abound in Marrickville.
Another BDS epic FAIL.

(h/t Zvi)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

  • Saturday, April 16, 2011
  • Elder of Ziyon

So what is on his arm?

Since Arrigoni is being called a humanitarian and peace activist, one can imagine it says something like "No more war" or "Peace forever" or maybe "Mom" or  "I love puppies."

However, this modern martyr who was killed by the very people he loved and supported chose a different message to permanently ink on his arm.

It says "Moqowama." That means "resistance."

The very same word that Palestinian Arab terrorists use to describe suicide bombings, rocket attacks against civilians and everything else they do to target innocent Israelis.

That fact that he chose that word, from all the words in the world, to decorate his body says everything you need to know about how peaceful and humanitarian he was.


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