Monday, July 03, 2017

  • Monday, July 03, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Pakistan Observer:

WHILE Muslims across the globe have observed the Al-Quds day on June 23, the Israeli institutions and organizations are reportedly awaiting the Netanyahu government’s go-ahead for the construction of a so-called ‘Third Temple’ in place of al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in the Israeli-occupied Jerusalem al-Quds. ‘Wall politics’ have been a part of the ongoing antagonism between ‘occupier and occupied’. Ironically, the Zionist-backed propaganda move is being covertly and overtly supported by Israeli premier’s cabinet ministers who harbour Jewish fundamentalism.
Since the Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem in 1967, Israeli governments in power— the Likud or Labour have been intermittently trying to divert the global attention from the simmering issue of Arab-Israeli conflict via propaganda or political treachery. Today, the Likud government under Netanyahu is sponsoring a Zionist project via propaganda strategy— under the Temple Movement— to build a third Temple in the Al-Aqsa compound. 
You learn something new every day. I'm still unclear on  how the Netanyahu government is blocking Jews from praying on the Temple Mount but planning to build a Temple there. But perhaps I'm not as tuned in to the zeitgeist as this Pakistani expert.

Meanwhile, Iranian media makes the normal Palestinian reporting of "fanatic settlers storming the Al Aqsa Mosque" seem tame:
Hordes of Zionist settlers, escorted by Israeli regime forces, stormed and desecrated al-Aqsa Mosque via the Maghareba Gate in the occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem).

Before the sacrilegious incursion on Sunday, Israeli regime forces unlocked the Maghareba Gate and cordoned off the plazas of al-Aqsa Mosque.

The assault makes part of the morning break-in shift launched by fanatic Zionist settlers at 07:00 a.m. at holy al-Aqsa Mosque—the third holiest site in Islam.

Palestinian Islamic institutions have warned of Israeli regime's plots against al-Aqsa Mosque amid intensification of Zionist settlers' desecration of the holy Islamic site.

The Al Aqsa Mosque was never the third holiest site in Shi'a Islam.  That is a very recent claim by Iran and it is entirely because of Israel.

The Iranian website helpfully provides a photo of the "hordes" of "fanatic Zionist settlers" "desecrating" and "storming" the suddenly "third holiest site."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, July 03, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
The director of the American Civil Liberties Union Human Rights Program, Jamil Dakwar, is an anti-Israel bigot.

A graduate of Tel Aviv University, he is a former Human Rights Watch lawyer and a former senior attorney for Adalah, a rabidly anti-Israel group that has lent its support to efforts to link Israel with apartheid and even once filed a petition, still on their site, falsely claiming that Israel was planning to bury hundreds of Palestinians supposedly killed in Jenin in mass graves.

Dakwar just posted this tweet, linking to an Al Jazeera anti-Israel propaganda piece:

The entire purpose of Herzl's modern Zionism is to provide a safe haven for persecuted Jews to go - but for Dakwar, this is unacceptable. Encouraging Jews to move to the Jewish state is, in his words, "exploit'ing' horrible acts of anti-semitism."

Yes, a person who is supposedly supportive of civil rights wants to take away the right of Jews to choose to move to the Jewish state when they are being attacked. Apparently, he prefers that they stay where they are and suffer.

Beyond that, his assertion that anti-Zionism is unrelated to antisemitism is another strange position for a human rights advocate to take. No one is saying that they are exactly the same, but to deny that much of the antisemitism in the world takes the form of anti-Zionism is to deny reality. Of course, the fact that the people who hide their hatred for Jews under the false pretense of caring being simply anti-Israel comes from the same political circles that Dakwar hangs out in may have something to do with his justification of left-wing anti-semitism.

Not to mention that to deny the Jewish people have a right to self determination (or to deny the there are a Jewish people altogether, which often goes hand in hand with this) is unquestioningly antisemitic. And this is a position that is appears that Jamil Dakwar holds.

Moreover, it is shocking that a "human rights" advocate cannot even consider that anti-Zionism as it is practiced today is inherently a denial of human rights. To deny Zionists the right to participate in left-wing causes, to deny their right to speak on campus, to create a hostile environment for them in various parts of the US and Europe are also violations of human rights.  Yet the ACLU "human rights" division is silent on that violation of human rights for people who hold different political opinions than they do.

This is the opposite of human rights and it is disgusting that a person who is vehemently against the human rights of  the vast majority of world Jewry represents the ACLU's human rights agenda.

(h/t Adam Levick)

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Sunday, July 02, 2017

  • Sunday, July 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

From the Libya Herald:

In a surprise move, a senior member of the so-called National Salvation Government of Khalifa Ghwell has announced that Libya’s Jewish community has the right to return as well as be compensated for any losses its members may have suffered.

The call was made by Mohamed Ali Triki, a top official in Ghwell’s “foreign ministry”, on Thursday at a three-day conference held on the Greek island of Rhodes. It was organised to mark the 50th anniversary of the last exodus of Jews from Libya as a result of the 1967 Six-Day War. Libya’s Jewish community was part of the national fabric, Triki was quoted as saying, adding that the national salvation government would enable them to return.

The right-to-return was supported by Omar Gawairi, the Beida-based government’s information chief, who was also attending.

Ghwell is reported today to have angrily denied reports that Triki was speaking on his behalf in Greece. He also claimed he had no prior knowledge of the Rhodes conference.

Announced three months ago and organised by Rafael Luzon, head of Libyan Jewry abroad, its aims was reconciliation between the exiled Libyan Jewish community and their original home country.

Although it was not officially supported by the Israeli government, one Israeli minister attended – Ayoob Qara, the Arab Druze politician who is minister of communications.

There are no thought to be almost no Jews left in Libya.
There was a minor uproar when Luzon tweeted that Ghwell had sent a message with Triki, which as this article said he vehemently denied. Ghwell reportedly threatened to sue Triki over speaking in his name without authority!

There are also some angry op-eds about this conference, justifying expelling the Jews out of Libya because of how Israel supposedly threatened Mecca and Medina during the Six Day War.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, July 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Today reports "The longest Palestinian flag in Europe, with a length of 100 meters, to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the Naksa (setback of 1967) was unfurled at The Hague."

The accompanying video shows the flag being unfurled, in slow motion to some song.

It is clearly only 5 or 6 stories high, meaning this "100 meter" record-holding flag is only about 20 meters long.

Telling the truth is a problem for some people.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

PMW: Abbas’ Fatah vows to rebuild terrorist monument in Jenin after Israel dismantled it
Palestinian Media Watch's recent exposure of the PA's new square in Jenin named after terrorist Khaled Nazzal who was responsible for the murders of 31 Israelis, among them 22 children, led to public protests by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and others. As a result, the mayor of Jenin briefly took down the monument in the square. However, only two days later, he changed his mind and put the monument up again. On Friday, the Israeli army entered Jenin and dismantled the terror-glorifying monument.
Now Abbas' Fatah Movement has pledged to restore it:
"It does not matter how many times the occupation removes the monument in memory of the Martyr - it is our obligation to rebuild it."
[Official Fatah Facebook page, June 30, 2017]

Fatah further announced that - as an act of solidarity with Jenin - a monument in honor of terrorist Nazzal has been placed by "young people" in Ramallah (See photo above). Fatah stressed that terrorist Nazzal "remains in our hearts, in our memory, in our squares, and in our streets":
Text on monument: "This is a monument in memory of Martyr (Shahid) Khaled Nazzal, which was established as a challenge to the occupation authorities
#The_Palestinian_people" [Official Fatah Facebook page, June 30, 2017]
Posted text: "An initiative of the young people in Ramallah; Khaled Nazzal remains in our hearts, in our memory, in our squares, and in our streets, and the monument will return to Jenin in order to serve as testimony to the period, to the history, and to a special kind of fighter"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, June 30, 2017]

Already a makeshift sign marked with the logo of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) has been set up in the square in Jenin where the monument stood, announcing the "Martyr Comrade Khaled Nazzal Square." Fatah posted a photo of it and its "inscription":
We Were Kicked Off Chicago's Dyke March For Not Being 'The Right Kind of Jew'
Anderson said she has been contemplating this very issue — and she is drawing upon the wisdom of one of America’s greatest LGBT equality leaders and icons, who also happened to be Jewish.
“Harvey Milk said, ‘Come out, come out, wherever you are,’” Anderson said. “I think for gay people, that has been the number one tool for changing hearts and minds. I think now is the time for progressive Jews to start doing that.”
Admittedly, it seems odd at best to think progressive Jews should “come out” in America. However, it is not about merely identifying ourselves but challenging stereotypes and expectations for how we must behave in our communities.
“People just have a very one-sided view of what it’s like to be Jewish in America and all the different views Jews can hold,” Anderson said. “I understand why people have been quiet. I have been quiet. But if we don’t speak, others dictate the conversation, and we get pushed out even more.”
Grauer is optimistic that, at the very least, the strong emotions surrounding the Chicago Dyke March will force an open discussion and, ideally, change.
“Hopefully, now that we have shared how we feel, how do we come together towards something better — whether it be a way we understand each other or the way we have relationships with Israel and Palestine and with people around these issues?" she said. "I would love to see us move towards something around those lines. It may be too soon for that to happen, but that’s where I would love to see this move. I think everyone — I would hope everyone — would, as well.”
For Grauer, it is “too soon to tell” if she would march in next year’s Dyke March. “I want to make sure that we’re marching together and accepting each other [and] our differences and recognizing that we’re here for a good reason together. If that’s the kind of Dyke March it turns into, that’s the kind of one, I’d be proud to walk in it.”
Anderson, on the other hand, was dubious she would join or, for that matter, feel secure at the next Dyke March. “I think I would feel physically unsafe if I came back with that same flag,” she said. “I think I would feel physically unsafe if I came back with anything short of a forehead tattoo that said ‘Israel is the worst thing that has ever existed’ — and I am not going to play that game. I should be able to be there as a Jew without passing a test.” (h/t Think of England)
Manifesto of an Outraged Queer
Laurie Grauer, one of the women forced to leave told the Windy City Times that the flag was “from my congregation which celebrates my queer Jewish identity, which I have done for over a decade marching in the Dyke March with the same flag.” She continued, “People asked me if I was a Zionist and I said ‘Yes, I do care about the state of Israel but I also believe in a two-state solution and an independent Palestine.”
It is unfortunate at best that members of the queer community are confusing the making of spaces threatening-free and comfortable with fascism, confusing political astuteness with tyranny. Who decides which individuals and groups are considered the “in groups” and the “out groups”? Who elected these organizers as the Thought Police?
No matter how the organizers attempt to frame the issues, this is anti-Jewish oppression plain and simple! Shame on them and those who supported their decision!

  • Sunday, July 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jeremy Ben Ami, leader of J-Street, was interviewed by Israeli TV.  He said some whoppers like how much he respects Israeli democracy, but I found this exchange (starting around 4:00) to be interesting:

I just went through J-Street's site. Unless I missed something, I cannot find a single J-Street-sponsored mission to Israel that is intended to strengthen the ties between American Jews and Israel.

I cannot find any J-Street sponsored events to raise money for Israeli poor or handicapped or terror victims.

I cannot find any J-Street events that celebrate Israeli or Jewish culture.

I cannot find any J-Street -sponsored college lectures by Israelis on any topic besides criticizing Israel's policies.

It is difficult to find any articles that praise the Israeli government. For anything. (I found one that commends Netanyahu for supporting an Egyptian cease-fire proposal in the 2014 Gaza war, and another that supports his attempts to restore ties with Turkey. In contrast, there are hundreds of articles that attack the democratically elected Israeli government.)

Also, it is curious that for an organization that is supposedly only meant for Americans, there is am Israeli version of the site that talks about how J-Street tries to work with Israeli political lobbies that are against the Israeli government.

J-Street is not trying to preserve the relationship between American Jews and Israel. It is trying to destroy it by strengthening those  American Jews (and non-Jews) who hate Israel and by attacking those American Jews who love Israel.

Ben-Ami is again shown to be a liar.

(h/t Yoel)

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  • Sunday, July 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

On Thursday, PLO negotiator Saeb Erekat said at the UN that  “Hamas and the PFLP are not terrorist organizations,” calling Hamas a  “Palestinian political party.”

Even Saudi Arabia has called Hamas a terror group. The UAE seems to agree. Pan-Arab media are calling Hamas a terror group. The US and EU consider it one as well.

On Saturday, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum thanked Erekat, saying  "Saeb Erekat, in front of the United Nations, defended the legitimate Palestinian resistance and refused to consider both Hamas and the Popular Front terrorist organizations."

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for terrorists and their fans to dwell together in unity!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, July 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
A couple of weeks ago, an EoZ reader mentioned to me that he couldn't reach my site through the UK's Sky Broadband.

I wrote to their technical support and received an answer on June 20:

Thanks for getting in touch
On initial inspection, the site is still categorised under the Dynamic and Blogging categories. So if this is the case, then no filters on the Broadband Shield would restrict this site.
I have asked our content list provider Symantec to review the site to make sure the category is correct. There is a possibility that malicious software was detected which would be filtered by the Broadband Shield under Phishing and Malware, but this may already be removed
Once I have a reply I will be back in touch
Kind regards
Brian Bolton
Service Excellence Consultant

This is the third time I have contacted Sky; I did it in 2015 and 2016 for similar issues and each time they claim that when they looked at EoZ it was categorized as "Dynamic and Blogging" and is accessible to all.

Then another person tweeted me the same thing yesterday, and included a screenshot showing that EoZ is blocked for "Weapons, Violence, Gore and Hate."

Moreover, the person who wrote to me says that Sky's documentation on how to change one's settings doesn't apply to him because his ISP was bought by Sky but he doesn't have a Sky account that allows him to edit these settings.

This means that anonymous, arbitrary people have the ability to censor websites they do not like by simply complaining to some ISPs without any fear of they themselves being exposed for their censorship attempts or even having to prove their claims.

This is very troublesome. And beyond that, Sky's insistence that this categorization is from Symantec does not seem to be true; Symantec's Norton website checker sees no problems with my site, but there may be another way that Symantec categorizes site. Yet Sky customers (and one other British ISP)  are virtually the only ones who have mentioned this issue to me; Symantec filtering is used worldwide.

Sky customers can contact Sky technical support to complain at

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Saturday, July 01, 2017

From Ian:

Where Are the Moderate Muslims?
To many Muslims — especially radical Islamists — Jewish sovereignty in any part of the Holy Land is a red line that cannot be crossed. The mere existence of a Jewish State in the Middle East is totally unacceptable to their Islamic doctrine. As a consequence, Jews in Israel have been subjected to violence, murder and destruction. And until that doctrine undergoes reformation, the “religion of peace” will view the Jewish state as an unacceptable intruder in the Middle East.
This is the true heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was very prescient to demand that any peace agreement include the formal recognition of Israel as a Jewish state — because violence and war by internal and external Muslim terrorist organizations and by neighboring Muslim countries have remained an inescapable barrier to a final status peace agreement.
Israel has no choice but to protect its existence as the Jewish homeland, against all those who wish to destroy it. Genuine peace can only come after hostility from Islamists ends. Violence, incitement and anti-Jewish diatribes preached by Muslim and Palestinian leaders must stop.
Ultimately, the transition of Islam to a true religion of peace will end conflicts in Muslim societies, the Middle East and elsewhere. Shias and Sunnis will stop killing each other, and civil wars will end. ISIS will be defeated. And the Muslim world and local Arab leaders will formally accept the reality of the Jewish state of Israel.
We can hope that — in the near future — the influence of global communications, the internet and social networks can help trigger a 21st century Islamic reformation. In past centuries and millennia, Islam’s elder brethren — Judaism and Christianity — underwent significant reforms that helped lay the foundation of the modern world. The time has now come for Islam to become a genuine religion of peace.
Fred Maroun: Another anti-Semitic war is coming while the world again looks the other way
The overriding responsibility, however, rests with the terrorist regime of Iran which finances the Lebanese terrorists and supplies them with weapons. Although Hezbullah is very much a Lebanese organization that is motivated by its own hatred of Israel, it is also a proxy of Iran, and it would be far less dangerous without Iran, despite Hezbullah’s strong support among the Lebanese population. Iran, however, has a free hand in supporting Hezbullah. Iran is even considered somewhat respectable after it signed a nuclear deal with the US, the UK, France, China, Russia, and Germany.
Since the nuclear deal with Iran did not require that Iran stop supporting terrorism, all six nations that signed the deal also hold part of the responsibility for the impending war. Barack Obama, David Cameron, Francois Hollande, Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, and their governments did not try to stop the terrorist regime’s single-minded determination to attack the Jewish state, but chose the economic benefits of trade with Iran instead.
So-called peace groups indicate by their names a distaste for war; however, they are busy denouncing Israel, the country that would be at the receiving end of the war. Denouncing Hezbullah, the side that is itching for war, seems to be the furthest thing from their minds. Among those so-called peace groups are Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER), CODEPINK: Women for Peace, and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which are listed by the Anti-Defamation League among the top ten anti-Israel organizations in the United States.
The United Nations Security Council stated in resolution 1701 that, “The clear path forward was by disarming and disbanding Hizbollah and other militias, as well as by Lebanon’s exercise of authority over all its territory”, but neither the United Nations nor its Security Council has done anything to enforce that direction. On the contrary. Since 2006, the UN General Assembly adopted numerous resolutions against the Jewish state (20 in 2016 alone), but not a single one against the Lebanese terrorists.
Primetime French TV Show Hosts Frank Discussion on Antisemitism in Wake of Sarah Halimi Murder
The issue of Traore’s motives was front and center during a recent panel discussion on the popular weekend TV talk show “On n’est pas couché” (“We’re not lying”).
The main guest was Michel Boujenah, a French Jewish actor and writer, who engaged in a sometimes emotional examination of Halimi’s murder with three other panelists and the show’s presenter, Laurent Ruquier.
On the subject of Traore, Halimi’s killer, Boujenah told the audience: “They said it was a mentally unstable person. But it was a mentally unstable person who chose his victim, who tortured her, insulted her with every antisemitic slur, and threw her out of the window.”
Boujenah, who was born in Tunis, continued: “He was crazy. But he was a crazy antisemite. There is no doubt about this question.”
Another panelist, Yann Moix, said that the silence around Sarah Halimi’s murder was reminiscent of the case of Ilan Halimi, no relation, the 23 year-old kidnapped, tortured and murdered in 2006 by an antisemitic gang who set out to find a Jewish victim in the belief that Jews were wealthy and therefore would pay a ransom demand.
Responding, Boujenah reflected, “We are 15 million Jews on this planet. There are a billion and a half Chinese. What did we do? What did we do that is so bad? To be hated in this manner. What did we do? I would like an explanation.”

Friday, June 30, 2017

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: Denial: the Labour Party's antisemitism
David Hirsh’s must-see video, Whitewashed: Antisemitism in the Labour Party (which you can view below) starts with a truly shocking clip of Jeremy Corbyn speaking. Having referred to the profoundly anti-Jewish, murderous terrorist organisations Hezbollah and Hamas as his “friends”, he says (of either or both): “The idea that an organisation that is dedicated towards the good of the Palestinian people and bringing about long term peace and social justice, and political justice, in the whole region should be labelled a terrorist organisation by the British government is a big, big historical mistake”.
Hirsh’s film not only highlights examples of the antisemitism in the Labour party, but observes the appalling way in which Jews who draw attention to this are dismissed as “lying for Israel”. It states what so many on the left deny: that while in theory it is possible to be anti-Zionist but not anti-Jew, in practice the distinction is meaningless.
As one speaker observes, the Labour Party cannot call itself an anti-racist party if it denies the existence of left-wing antisemitism. Through interviews with Jewish people whose evidence to Baroness Chakrabarti’s vacuous “inquiry” into the issue was ignored, it shows how a report that was supposed to point to solutions to anti-Jewish attitudes in the party ended up as just another manifestation of the problem.

Former Senator Joseph Lieberman Speaks To The Daily Wire About The Left’s Anti-Semitism Problem
On Friday, The Daily Wire spoke with former Democratic vice presidential candidate and former Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman about the rising tide of anti-Semitism on the Left. Acknowledging the political divisions within the Democratic party itself following a contentious primary election battle between the centrist wing of the party, represented by Hillary Clinton, and the left-wing of the party, represented by Bernie Sanders, Lieberman suggested that the anti-Semitism on the Left is inherently intertwined with controversies surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“There are areas where there is a rising opposition [to Israel] but it’s not based on reality,” said Lieberman following a panel discussion in Paris about Iran’s expansionist policies.
But to Lieberman, this anti-Israel sentiment remains confined to the political fringes.
“I think America remains, by every public opinion poll I’ve seen, very pro-Israel,” he said.
When asked directly about the Bernie Sanders movement, and its disturbingly anti-Israel sentiments, Lieberman said he was hopeful about the future of the Democratic party’s relationship with Israel, however, it was impossible to deny that “an element” within the party had moved away from the American political establishment’s traditional bipartisan support for the Jewish State.
“I’m concerned about that,” said the former vice presidential candidate. “When I became active in politics the Democratic party [during the Kennedy era]” was very supportive of Israel.
But things have changed, noted Lieberman.
Caroline Glick: Who cares about Jewish unity?
But what was Netanyahu’s alternative? If the American Jewish community flies off the handle and declares war against the government, threatening to blackball the elected leaders of the Jewish state when they adopt measures that while impolite have little substantive effect on their positions, then why should Israel take their views into account? If everything that the government does is terrible, then dialogue is reduced to recrimination. Sitting with progressive Jewish leaders from America means being subjected to a lecture about how terrible Israel is by people who do not live here and are not interested in having a serious discussion about what is actually on the table.
The fact that they are not interested in having that sort of discussion, and that they have no interest in making Israel their home, is demonstrated by their indifference to the real implications of the draft conversion law. Leaders truly invested in the future of both their communities and of their communities’ ties with Israel would be appalled by the retention of monopoly control over conversions by rabbinic authorities who refuse to recognize the difference between children of intermarriage and non-Jews with no relation to Judaism and the Jewish people.
They would insist that religious-Zionist rabbis be reinstated in the state rabbinate, and work avidly to ensure that conversions once approved cannot be overturned.
The real problem here is that while everyone involved speaks of the need for Jewish unity, no one involved in the conversation seems to be motivated to work toward that goal.
Jewish unity isn’t achieved by mutual recrimination.
And it isn’t achieved by one-upmanship. It is achieved through compromise based on mutual respect and love for fellow Jews. Absent that, nothing good will come from negotiations or laws or agreements. Absent that, nothing good will come at all.

  • Friday, June 30, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
I just went through a long article at Al Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network, talking about what strategy Palestinians need to use to achieve their goals. It was written by Nadia Hijab and Ingrid Jaradat Gassner.

Hijab is a senior fellow at the Institute for Palestine Studies and Gassner is one of the founders of BDS.

The actual goals are not spelled out, but it becomes pretty clear what they are - destroying Israel, on both sides of the Green Line.
 There is a problem in the debate itself. By focusing on the ultimate settlement and whether it should be one state or two, the discussion too often leapfrogs the need for a process of decolonization as well as reparations for the damage inflicted upon the Palestinians. Decolonization and reparations must be part of the final settlement, whether it is that of a Palestinian state in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) adopted at the Palestinian National Council in 1988 as an expression of the Palestinian right to self-determination, or that of one state in all of the former British Mandate Palestine in which all citizens are equal.
Decolonization is not really defined well, but the goals become clear when the writers speak about the Green Line:

Perhaps at the end of the day a just one-state solution will become a reality, and then there will be no need to insist on holding on to the Green Line to ensure that IHL is applied to the OPT. Until then, however, Palestinians must not give up the sources of strength and power they have today. Otherwise, we risk losing the tools offered by IHL and legitimizing the Israeli settlements instead of advancing our cause.

So talking about a two-state solution is a scam - but it is necessary because they believe that they have solid legal grounds to insist on a state in the territories to begin with, based on pressuring Israel on "occupation". But that isn't the goal - it is a stage.

This is a little more explicit here:
A framework of analysis is strategic if it allows Palestinians to make effective use of their available sources of power in a struggle for decolonization and reparations that pursues a set of clear core goals.  The question that arises at this point is: What are the Palestinians’ core goals? To date, the “goal” has been largely defined as a sovereign state along the 1967 borders with Israel. Yet referring to what is actually a political settlement as a goal confuses the issue. The Palestinian struggle has always been about Palestinian rights in and to the land of Palestine. The original solution adopted by the Palestine Liberation Organization in the 1960s was that of a secular democratic state in all of Palestine. This was followed in 1974 by a decision on an interim solution for a state in any part of Palestine that was freed, and in 1988 by a decision for a state on the 1967 borders. However, the purpose of all these political solutions was to fulfill Palestinian rights in and to the land of Palestine.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Major (res.) Eyal Harel, don’t blame the system
[This was NOT translated from the Hebrew edition to the English one at Haaretz (Which is fake news by omission) - Guess why. (h/t Yenta Press)]
An IDF officer answers claims by a fellow (Breaking The Silence) officer: My name is Eran Ben Yaakov, and I am a major in reserve duty. Eyal Harel has served under my command in most of the incidents he describes ("What Really Happens in the World's Most Moral Army", Haaretz,June 19). He was a platoon commander in the engineering company in which I served as deputy commander. In the absence of the company’s commander, I was also the de facto commander of Girit outpost during a large part of the period in question. Later I was appointed commander of the company, and Harel was my deputy during the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Overall, we served together in reserve duty for nearly a decade. I read Harel’s words with sorrow, not only because he distorts the truth, but also because he does so in order to portray himself as a victim, full of regret and yet not responsible for his own actions. But this is not the case. I know him to be a good, virtuous and disciplined person.
But, in my opinion, his decisions as a commander weren’t always the best, and it angers me that he blames the system.
Regarding the incident in which a body appeared at Gaza’s shore near Rafah (an Egyptian soldier murdered [in Egypt] drifted to the shore), I was next to Harel when he fired into the air in order to drive the crowd away. I didn’t give him the order. He
did it of his own volition, and I scolded him for it was unnecessary. I wasn’t present at the second incident, but according to soldiers who were there, that was an unneeded shooting as well. No one pushed him into this. (h/t Yenta Press)
Abbas's Lies and Palestinian Child Victims
Hamas and human rights groups hold Abbas personally responsible for the deaths of the children and the possible deaths of other patients in need of urgent medical treatment not available in Gaza Strip hospitals. One human rights group went so far as to call for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to launch an investigation against Abbas.
In a move of mind-bending irony, we are witnessing a Palestinian president waging war not only against Hamas, but also against the two million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip -- while Israel continues to provide the Palestinians living under Hamas with humanitarian aid.
That is the standard operating procedure of the man who lied straight to the face of President Donald Trump, by claiming that he had stopped incitement against Israel and was promoting a "culture of peace" among his people. Will the last sick Palestinian child please stand up?
PA to again allow Gazan patients to be treated in Israeli hospitals
The Palestinian Authority will reportedly once again allow patients from the Gaza Strip to be treated in Israel after three babies died on Tuesday in the enclave controlled by the Hamas terror group.
Following an international outcry over the deaths, the Palestinian Health Ministry will on Sunday increase the number of permits it issues for Gaza residents to receive medical care in Israel, the Haaretz newspaper reported on Friday.
The Palestinian Authority has severely cut back on medical aid to the Gaza Strip as part of a series of tough measures aimed at forcing Hamas to cede control of the coastal enclave, including reducing the amount of electricity it provides the Strip and slashing PA salaries to Gaza residents.
The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry blamed the Palestinian Authority for the deaths of the three babies, all less than a year old, saying Ramallah has refused to grant permits for them to be treated in Israel.
To leave Gaza and travel to Israel for medical treatment, or to receive treatment in the West Bank or abroad, Gazans must first get confirmation from the PA that it will pay for the treatments.


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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.


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