Monday, January 20, 2014

  • Monday, January 20, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Why is it so refreshing to hear a world leader saying the truth?

Text from TOI.

Monsieur le Premier Ministre, Monsieur le Président de la Knesset, Monsieur le Président de la Cour Suprême, Monsieur le Chef de l’Opposition, Mesdames et Messieurs les Ministres, Et les Députes, Distingués Invités, Mesdames et Messieurs,

Shalom. And thank you for inviting me to visit this remarkable country, and especially for this opportunity to address the Knesset. It is truly a great honour.

And if I may, Mr. Speaker, on behalf of my wife Laureen and the entire Canadian delegation, let me begin by thanking the Government and people of Israel for the warmth of your hospitality. You have made us feel extremely welcome. We have felt immediately at home.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Canada and Israel are the greatest of friends, and the most natural of allies. And, with your indulgence, I would like to offer a reflection upon what makes the relationship between Canada and Israel special and important. Because the relationship between us is very strong.

L’amitié entre le Canada et Israël prend ses racines dans l’histoire, se nourrit de valeurs communes et se renforce volontairement aux plus hauts échelons du commerce et du gouvernement ce qui est l’expression de fermes convictions.

The friendship between us is rooted in history, nourished by shared values, and it is intentionally reinforced at the highest levels of commerce and government as an outward expression of strongly held inner convictions.

There has, for example, been a free trade agreement in place between Canada and Israel for many years, an agreement that has already proved its worth. The elimination of tariffs on industrial products, and some foodstuffs, has led to a doubling in the value of trade between our countries. But this only scratches the surface of the economic potential of this relationship. And I look forward to soon deepening and broadening our mutual trade and investment goals.

As well, our military establishments share information and technology. This has also been to our mutual benefit. For example, during Canada’s mission to Afghanistan, our use of Israeli-built reconnaissance equipment saved the lives of Canadian soldiers.

All such connections are important, and build strong bridges between us.

Pour bien comprendre la relation particulière entre Israël et le Canada, il faut regarder, au-delà du commerce et des institutions, les liens personnels tissés par l’amitié et la parenté.

However, to truly understand the special relationship between Israel and Canada, one must look beyond trade and institutions to the personal ties of friendship and kinship. Jews have been present in Canada for more than 250 years. In generation after generation, by hard work and perseverance, Jewish immigrants, often starting with nothing, have prospered greatly. Today, there are nearly 350,000 Canadians who share with you their heritage and their faith. They are proud Canadians. But having met literally thousands of members of this community, I can tell you this: They are also immensely proud of what the people of Israel have accomplished here, of your courage in war, of your generosity in peace, and of the bloom that the desert has yielded, under your stewardship.

Laureen and I share that pride, the pride and the understanding that what has been achieved here has occurred in the shadow of the horrors of the Holocaust.

La compréhension du fait qu’il est juste d’appuyer Israël parce qu’après avoir connu la persécution durant plusieurs générations, le peuple juif
mérite d’avoir son propre pays et mérite de vivre en sécurité et en paix dans ce pays.

The understanding that it is right to support Israel because, after generations of persecution, the Jewish people deserve their own homeland and deserve to live safely and peacefully in that homeland. Now let me repeat that: Canada supports Israel because it is right to do so.

This is a very Canadian trait, to do something for no reason other than it is right, even when no immediate reward for, or threat to, ourselves
is evident.

On many occasions, Canadians have even gone so far as to bleed and die to defend the freedom of others in far-off lands. To be clear, we have also periodically made terrible mistakes as in the refusal of our government in the 1930s to ease the plight of Jewish refugees. But, as a country, at the turning points of history, Canada has consistently chosen, often to our great cost, to stand with others who oppose injustice, and to confront the dark forces of the world.

Il est donc dans la tradition canadienne de défendre ce qui est juste et fondé sur des principes, que ce soit ou non commode ou populaire.

It is, thus, a Canadian tradition to stand for what is principled and just, regardless of whether it is convenient or popular.

But, I would argue, support today for the Jewish State of Israel is more than a moral imperative. It is also of strategic importance, also a matter of our own long-term interests.

Ladies and gentlemen, I said a moment ago that the special friendship between Canada and Israel is rooted in shared values.

En effet, Israël est le seul pays du Moyen‑Orient à s’être ancré depuis longtemps dans les idéaux de liberté, de démocratie et de primauté du droit.

Indeed, Israel is the only country in the Middle East Which has long anchored itself in the ideals of freedom, democracy and the rule of law. These are not mere notions. They are the things that, over time and against all odds, have proven to be the only ground in which human rights, political stability, and economic prosperity, may flourish. These values are not proprietary; they do not belong to one nation or one people. Nor are they a finite resource; on the contrary, the wider they are spread, the stronger they grow.

Likewise, when they are threatened anywhere, they are threatened everywhere. And what threatens them, or more precisely, what today threatens the societies that embrace such values and the progress they nurture? Those who scorn modernity, who loathe the liberty of others, and who hold the differences of peoples and cultures in contempt. Those who often begin by hating the Jews, but, history shows us, end up hating anyone who is not them. Those forces which have threatened the State of Israel every single day of its existence, and which, today, as 9-11 graphically showed us, threaten us all.

Ou bien, nous défendons nos valeurs et nos intérêts, ici, en Israël, nous défendons l’existence d’un État libre, démocratique et distinctement juif ou bien nous amorçons un recul, sur le plan de nos valeurs et de nos intérêts dans le monde.

And so, either we stand up for our values and our interests, here, in Israel, stand up for the existence of a free, democratic and distinctively Jewish state, or the retreat of our values and our interests in the world will begin.

Ladies and gentlemen, Just as we refuse to retreat from our values, so we must also uphold the duty to advance them. And our commitment as Canadians to what is right, fair and just is a universal one. It applies no less to the Palestinian people than it does to the people of Israel.

Autant le Canada soutient sans réserve le droit d’Israël à la légitime défense, autant il préconise depuis longtemps un avenir juste et sûr pour le peuple palestinien.

Just as we unequivocally support Israel’s right of self-defence so too Canada has long-supported a just and secure future for the Palestinian people.

And, I believe, we share with Israel a sincere hope that the Palestinian people and their leaders will choose a viable, democratic, Palestinian state, committed to living peacefully alongside the Jewish State of Israel. As you, Prime Minister, have said, when Palestinians make peace with Israel, Israel will not be the last country to welcome a Palestinian state as a new member of the United Nations. It will be the first.

Sadly, we have yet to reach that point. But, when that day comes, and come it must, I can tell you that Israel may be the first to welcome a sovereign Palestinian state, but Canada will be right behind you.

Ladies and Gentlemen, support – even firm support – doesn’t mean that allies and friends will agree on all issues all of the time. No state is beyond legitimate questioning or criticism. But our support does mean at least three things.

First, Canada finds it deplorable that some in the international community still question the legitimacy of the existence of the State of Israel.

Notre point de vue sur le droit à l’existence d’Israël en tant qu’État juif est absolu et non négociable.

Our view on Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state is absolute and non-negotiable.

Deuxièmement, le Canada est convaincu qu’Israël devrait pouvoir exercer ses pleins droits d’État membre de l’ONU et profiter de sa souveraineté dans toute sa mesure.

Second, Canada believes that Israel should be able to exercise its full rights as a UN member-state, and to enjoy the full measure of its sovereignty. For this reason, Canada has spoken on numerous occasions in support of Israel’s engagement and equal treatment in multilateral fora. And, in this regard, I should mention that we welcome Israel’s induction this month into the western, democratic group of states at the United Nations.

Troisièmement, Nous nous refusons à critiquer Israël de façon isolée sur la scène internationale.

Third, we refuse to single out Israel for criticism on the international stage. Now I understand, in the world of diplomacy, with one, solitary, Jewish state and scores of others, it is all too easy “to go along to get along” and single out Israel. But such “going along to get along,” is not a “balanced” approach, nor a “sophisticated” one; it is, quite simply, weak and wrong. Unfortunately, ladies and gentlemen, we live in a world where that kind of moral relativism runs rampant. And in the garden of such moral relativism, the seeds of much more sinister notions can be easily planted.

And so we have witnessed, in recent years, the mutation of the old disease of anti-Semitism and the emergence of a new strain. We all know about the old anti-Semitism. It was crude and ignorant, and it led to the horrors of the death camps. Of course, in many dark corners, it is still with us. But, in much of the western world, the old hatred has been translated into more sophisticated language for use in polite society. People who would never say they hate and blame the Jews for their own failings or the problems of the world, instead declare their hatred of Israel and blame the only Jewish state for the problems of the Middle East.

As once Jewish businesses were boycotted, some civil-society leaders today call for a boycott of Israel. On some campuses, intellectualized arguments against Israeli policies thinly mask the underlying realities, such as the shunning of Israeli academics and the harassment of Jewish students. Most disgracefully of all, some openly call Israel an apartheid state. Think about that. Think about the twisted logic and outright malice behind that: A state, based on freedom, democracy and the rule of law, that was founded so Jews can flourish, as Jews, and seek shelter from the shadow of the worst racist experiment in history, that is condemned, and that condemnation is masked in the language of anti-racism. It is nothing short of sickening.

(At this point in Harper’s address, several Arab Knesset members, some of whom had earlier heckled him, got up and left the Knesset chamber. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other Knesset stood to applaud Harper.)

Mais, il s’agit du nouveau visage de l’antisémitisme. Un antisémitisme qui vise le peuple juif en prétendant viser Israël.

But this is the face of the new anti-Semitism. It targets the Jewish people by targeting Israel and attempts to make the old bigotry acceptable for a new generation. Of course, criticism of Israeli government policy is not in and of itself necessarily anti-Semitic. But what else can we call criticism that selectively condemns only the Jewish state and effectively denies its right to defend itself while systematically ignoring – or excusing – the violence and oppression all around it? What else can we call it when Israel is routinely targeted at the United Nations, and when Israel remains the only country to be the subject of a permanent agenda item at the regular sessions of its Human Rights Council?

Ladies and gentlemen, any assessment – any judgment – of Israel’s actions must start with this understanding: Depuis soixante-cinq ans qu’existe comme nation l’État moderne d’Israël, les israéliens ont enduré d’innombrables attaques et calomnies et n’ont pas eu une seule journée de véritable paix.

In the sixty-five years that modern Israel has been a nation, Israelis have endured attacks and slanders beyond counting and have never known a day of true peace. And we understand that Israelis live with this impossible calculus: If you act to defend yourselves, you will suffer widespread condemnation, over and over again. But should you fail to act you alone will suffer the consequence of your inaction, and that consequence will be final, your destruction.

La vérité, que le Canada comprend, est que beaucoup des forces hostiles dirigées contre Israël s’exercent aussi sur tous les pays occidentaux. Et Israël y fait face pour beaucoup des mêmes raisons que nous. Mais Israël y est confronté de beaucoup plus près.

The truth, that Canada understands, is that many of the hostile forces Israel faces are faced by all western nations. And Israel faces them for many of the same reasons we face them. You just happen to be a lot closer to them. Of course, no nation is perfect. But neither Israel’s existence nor its policies are responsible for the instability in the Middle East today.

One must look beyond Israel’s borders to find the causes of the relentless oppression, poverty and violence in much of the region, of the heartbreaking suffering of Syrian refugees, of sectarian violence and the fears of religious minorities, especially Christians, and of the current domestic turmoil in so many states.

So what are we to do? Most importantly, we must deal with the world as we find it. The threats in this region are real, deeply rooted, and deadly and the forces of progress, often anaemically weak. For too many nations, it is still easier to scapegoat Israel than to emulate your success. It is easier to foster resentment and hatred of Israel’s democracy than it is to provide the same rights and freedoms to their own people.

Je suis convaincu qu’un État palestinien viendra, et l’une des conditions qui va lui permettre de venir c’est lorsque les régimes qui financent le terrorisme se rendront compte que le chemin de la paix est celui de la conciliation, pas celui de la violence.

I believe that a Palestinian state will come, and one thing that will make it come is when the regimes that bankroll terrorism realise that the path to peace is accommodation, not violence.

Which brings me to the government of Iran. Late last year, the world announced a new approach to diplomacy with the government in Tehran. Canada has long held the view that every diplomatic measure should be taken to ensure that regime never obtains a nuclear weapon. We therefore appreciate the earnest efforts of the five permanent members of the Security Council and Germany. Canada will evaluate the success of this approach not on the merits of its words, but on the implementation and verification of its promised actions.

Nous espérons vraiment qu’il soit possible d’obtenir que le gouvernement iranien renonce à s’engager, sur la voie sans retour, de la fabrication des armes nucléaires. Mais, pour le moment, le Canada maintient intégralement en vigueur les sanctions que nous avons imposées.

We truly hope that it is possible to walk the Iranian government back from taking the irreversible step of manufacturing nuclear weapons. But, for now, Canada’s own sanctions will remain fully in place. And should our hopes not be realized, should the present agreement prove ephemeral, Canada will be a strong voice for renewed sanctions.

Ladies and gentlemen, Let me conclude with this thought.

Je crois que l’histoire d’Israël est un très bel exemple pour le monde entier.

I believe the story of Israel is a great example to the world. It is a story, essentially, of a people whose response to suffering has been to move
beyond resentment and build a most extraordinary society, a vibrant democracy, a freedom-loving country with an independent and rights-affirming judiciary. An innovative, world-leading “start-up” nation. You have taken the collective memory of death and persecution to build an optimistic, forward-looking land, one that so values life, you will sometimes release a thousand criminals and terrorists, to save one of your own.

In the democratic family of nations, Israel represents values which our Government takes as articles of faith, and principles to drive our national life.

And therefore, through fire and water, Canada will stand with you.

(MKs and hundreds in the Knesset gallery rise to give Harper a standing ovation.)

My friends, you have been generous with your time and attention. Once more, Laureen and I and our entire delegation thank you for your generous hospitality, and look forward to continuing our visit to your country.

Merci beaucoup.

Thank you for having us, and may peace be upon Israel.

  • Monday, January 20, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Christian Peacemaker Teams, an NGO that hangs around Hebron to catch Jews doing bad things, recently published an article about how they can understand how teenagers want to throw stones at Israeli soldiers:

Years ago in our Hebron apartment, we had a foam cushion insert on which someone had drawn a smiling face. Dubbed “Happy Foam Square,” we would throw it at a wall when our work got frustrating, and doing so was surprisingly cathartic.

So in a small way, I understand why throwing stones feels good. I also understand, when I see the posters of small boys throwing stones at tanks, that their actions are brave. I understand why the narrative of an occupied people resisting one of the most technologically advanced militaries in the world with rocks and Molotov cocktails is a source of pride in some circles.
They have endless stories about alleged abuses by IDF soldiers in Hebron, even as they are being bombarded with these innocent stones.

It reminded me of a video I took a while back, which got lost when a YouTube account of mine was closed. I just made a quick updated version:

When the people who are telling you something have an agenda, see how honest they are about incidents that contradict their stories.

I'm not saying ugly things don't happen in Hebron sometimes. But it is not the way these NGOs say it is, and there are plenty of violent incidents against Jews in Hebron that these NGOs will never, ever talk about. Because their funding, quite frankly, depends on demonizing Jews, not reporting the truth.

(h/t Bob Knot and Calev Ben Yefuneh)

From Ian:

Abbas' terror glorification continues as he calls murderers "heroes" four times in same speech
In December 2013, Israel released 26 Palestinian terrorist murderers from prison. In his speech at the PA event celebrating their release, Mahmoud Abbas welcomed the terrorists and called them "heroes" four times during his speech:
"[The release of our prisoners] is a day of joy for our nation, for our people, for our heroic prisoners... There will be more groups of heroes who will come to us... They [the Israelis] postponed these heroes' release by 24 hours... we congratulate you and ourselves for the [release] of these heroes." [Official PA TV, Dec. 31, 2013]
Terrorist murderers are "heroes," Abbas says four times in speech

David Singer: History and Geography Can Unblock Deadlock
Agreement that Jordan comprises 78% of historic Palestine would greatly enlarge the territorial field within which the Jewish-Arab conflict can be resolved – making the conflict much easier to settle.
To achieve this end result Kerry could instruct his State Department to prepare a questionnaire for Israel, the PLO and the Arab League to complete by a specified date.
The questionnaire could possibly include these questions:
1. When was “Palestine” first so named and by whom?
2. Was the name of “Palestine” prior to its change “Eretz Yisrael”? (h/t Bob Knot)
UNRWA's Role in Middle East Peace
UNRWA has not led to the economic development that was supposed to occur, but conversely, has implanted a culture of permanent dependency.
Even though UNRWA is supposed to be an objective organization, because of the anti-Israel bias evident since its creation, through anti-Israeli textbooks, for example, or naming facilities after terrorists, it appears unwilling to encourage Palestinians to find any peaceful solution of the conflict -- not to mention what a peaceful solution would mean to its own "job security."
It would be more productive for genuine peace in the region if the office of the High Commissioner for Refugees took over the function of assisting the Palestinians as it has so ably done for all other refugees.

  • Monday, January 20, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Akhbar English, a pro-Syrian, pro-Hezbollah Lebanese paper, has a fascinating article that says that the only people to blame for Palestinian Arabs starving and dying in the Yarmouk camp are Palestinians themselves.

The reason it is fascinating is because it reveals the mindset of Hezbollah and Syria and how quickly they turn on the very PalArabs that they pretend they want to defend.

Today, the unfolding events are 100 percent a Palestinian responsibility. This is a fact, and those who deny it should present us with evidence, not slogans. They should admit that Palestinians in Syria enjoyed advantages that their counterparts were deprived of in every corner of the world – advantages not even enjoyed in Gaza and the West Bank. In Syria, Palestinians were citizens.
Um, no, they weren't, although they were treated better than they were in Lebanon and Egypt.
Naturally, Palestinians endured oppression, tyranny, and misery like all Syrians. They also suffered from the practices of some Palestinian forces that took advantage of their relations with Damascus. But what happened to Yarmouk today? What made it a target? What pushed Palestinians in this camp to believe in toppling Bashar al-Assad?

In mid-2011, Yarmouk came to be at the heart of the Syrian crisis. No one imagined it would remain neutral, but no sane person ever figured that much of the camp would raise their weapons in the face of Syria.

The camp witnessed interior clashes, then some residents “rebelled” and took over large areas in the interest of “the Syrian revolution.” They refused to let the Syrian army in, and turned the camp into a haven for opposition armed groups.
This is sort of true, but I don't think it was as widespread as the author says. After 18 months or so of witnessing Syrian atrocities, many Palestinians in Yarmouk were more sympathetic to the rebels, although in general my impression is that most tried to stay neutral in the hope that they'd be left alone.
The Syrian army bombarded the camp. Militants and civilians were killed. This was followed by the great exodus. Those who stayed are the ones who refused to go through a new displacement, as well as members of armed groups and their families. In a few months the camp was transformed into a haven for groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and al-Nusra Front.

The camp’s most prominent group is Aknaf Bayt al-Maqdis Brigades (Brigades in the Environs of Jerusalem), formed by members of Hamas, including a bodyguard of Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Meshaal. Hamas claims the group leaders are no longer within its organizational structure, but still refuses to condemn their actions. Some of these militants provided assistance to armed groups outside the camp and even outside Damascus countryside.

Meanwhile, the Syrian army has not entered the camp, and it doesn’t intend to. This is a decision made by Syrian authorities and well known by all parties, including the camp’s armed groups. No real solution will ever be reached unless the Palestinians themselves force the militants out and decide to distance the camp from any interior Syrian tumult.
The Syrian army has not let food or medicine into the camp since mid-2013, people are starving to death, they regularly bombard it with missiles and barrel bombs, and this columnist is praising them for not entering!

Now, the writer notes that dozens of jihadists from Gaza have fought in Syria, and therefore concludes that Palestinian Arabs are collectively guilty of opposing the Assad regime, and therefore get what they deserve:
Why is a Palestinian youth from the 1948 territories, the West Bank, or Gaza ready to travel to Syria to blow himself up when he can walk a few miles and blow himself up against occupiers of his land? There are a number of facts that indicate Palestinians are contributing to the war in Syria.

According to a December 2013 BBC report, 30 Palestinians from Gazan were killed in Syria, while an estimated 70 Palestinians left Gaza to join the war in Syria. Prominent Salafi leader in Gaza, Abdullah al-Maqdesi, told France 24, “About 27 jihadis left to fight in Syria, some of them came back, some were martyred, some injured and others are still there or left Syria to another country.”...

What are these Palestinians doing? Why are they doing it? Who can stop them or convince them that their battle is elsewhere? Palestinian refugees are the ones called to conduct an overall review.

The one who seeks to liberate Palestine doesn’t join a bunch of murderers who work under US command to serve one occupier and one criminal: Israel.
There are also pro-Syrian Palestinian groups, like the PFLP-GC, in Yarmouk. In an incident in 2011, the PFLP-GC shot and killed 14 Palestinians who were angry at their pro-Assad position and burned down their headquarters in Yarmouk.

Since then, many PFLP-GC members have defected to the other side.

Here is the context for this article.

The Palestinian Arab press in recent weeks has woken up to the dire situation in Yarmouk and has become more anti-Assad. This is clearly making Hezbollah nervous, because Hezbollah pretends that it is a major defender of Palestinian Arabs, and the majority of Palestinian Arabs are against Hezbollah's supporting Assad. Therefore, Hezbollah must declare that Palestinians are anti-Palestinian, and the only parties who really care about them are - Hezbollah, Iran and Syria!

(h/t Yoel)

  • Monday, January 20, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
In 1977, Mahmoud Abbas wrote a book called "Zionism: Beginning and End." It was republished in 2011 and is available to view, today, on his website.

This article describes one of the strategies Abbas spells out in the book for destroying Zionism and asserts that Abbas kept his philosophy years afterwards.

Zionism is based on racism, which carry the seeds of failure in itself, but more importantly is that the Zionist community in occupied Palestine is based on the marginalization of Sephardic Jews who are forced to submit to the elite Western "Ashkenazim." Abu Mazen lists movements and organizations emerging in the Zionist society that are resentful of state policies, motivated by contradictions with the Zionist idea, or justifications as a result of marginalization and social exclusion. Abu Mazen offers the idea of building bridges with the out-of-power and marginalized groups in the Zionist society, to strengthen their positions, and widen the gaps in the Zionist entity. This vision is the philosophy behind the efforts of meeting with the leftist forces of Zionism and the anti-government personalities of the Israelis themselves. He kept these meetings in eastern and western European capitals quiet, before the news gradually floated to the surface.

Abbas continues this strategy today. The PLO issued a detailed 56-page strategy document at the end of 2012 and the PLO has been following the plan slavishly. But one of the points mentioned was "to develop a strategy to work with Israeli society, particularly with the forces that supported the principle of two states on the 1967 borders, especially since it is not expected that the Government Israel will fulfill their obligations, particularly with regard to halt settlement activity or the release of prisoners or accept the principle of two states on the 1967 borders."

All those peace-loving Israeli leftist groups who enthusiastically meet Palestinian Arab officials (until the smart ones see the truth) are unwittingly part of the plan to divide and destroy Zionism, and eventually the Jewish state.

It seems apparent that the "American Jewish leaders" that Mahmoud Abbas met in September, who were so proud that they were meeting with him that none of them thought to ask him a single difficult question, were essentially unwitting dupes in this 2012 plan. They were clearly handpicked to be the people who would swoon over Abbas the peacemaker.
  • Monday, January 20, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency (which is anti-Hamas) reports that Hamas security forces are being deployed throughout Gaza in an attempt to stop any rocket firing by Islamic Jihad.

A warning by Binyamin Netanyahu reached Hamas through Egypt saying that Israel would escalate reprisals if rocket fire continued.

Last week, several rockets were fired towards Ashkelon. Israel identified an Islamic Jihad terrorist as being responsible and seriously injured him yesterday in an airstrike on his motorcycle.

Hamas wants to stop Islamic Jihad from retaliating for the attack, and is meeting with PIJ leaders, deploying forces near the Gaza border and searching cars of suspected rocket launchers.

Pro-Fatah media like to publish stories of Hamas stopping attacks, because they believe that this undermines Hamas claims to be leading military attacks against Israel and instead shows them to be "collaborators."

Sunday, January 19, 2014

  • Sunday, January 19, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From an interview in Asharq al-Awsat of Palestinian Arab Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki:

Q: You said that there are a number of contentious issues. Which is the most intractable?

This is the issue of recognizing the Jewish nature of the Israeli state. This is a sharply contentious issue. It would be dangerous to recognize this because this would mean our acceptance of the dissolution of our own history and ties and our historic right to Palestine. This is something that we will never accept under any circumstances.
Isn't that interesting? The Palestinian position is that if there is any Jewish history in Israel, then Palestinian Arab history goes *poof*.

So they must deny history in order to maintain their bogus claims!

Now, it is true - there is no particularly Palestinian Arab history to speak of before the 20th century. No one identified themselves as Palestinian, there was no particularly Palestinian cuisine or dress or culture (although some towns did have their own specific costumes and crafts.) But this answer betrays how flimsy Palestinian Arab ties to the land are (as a people.)

Imagine if a US official said that he or she could not recognize Native Americans as being their own peoples - because to do that would be to deny American history. It makes no sense because there is an independent American history that occurred over the past 250 years, some concurrent with Native American history. Indigenous American history is not much of a threat to American history.

Yet PLO officials cannot accept a Jewish people or Jewish history! They know that their own ties to the land are superficial and recent compared to the Jews. Their history begins with the advent of Zionism; without Zionism they would never have become a people in any way. They'd be Syrian or Egyptian of Jordanian today. Anyone using the word "Palestinian" today would use it roughly the same way we use the word "Levantine" - there are no "Levantine people" even though plenty of people have been born in the Levant.

History is not the Palestinian Arabs' friend. Any honest look at history shows how shallow their claims on the land are. And every single PLO official knows this fact very well.

This is why they expend enormous efforts to change history. That is why they promulgate crackpot Khazar theories and adore idiots like Shlomo Sand. That is why they insist that there were never a Jewish people.

But if you want to know the full reason why Palestinian Arabs can never accept historic fact, just read this 2011 article by former PLO negotiator Ahmad Samih Khalidi from the Institute of Palestine Studies I quoted a few years ago:

[I]f Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, then the lands that it occupies today (and perhaps more, for there are as yet no borders to this “homeland”) belong to this people by way of right. And if these lands rightfully comprise the Jewish homeland, then the Arab presence there becomes historically aberrant and contingent; the Palestinians effectively become historic interlopers and trespassers—a transient presence on someone else’s national soil.

This is not a moot or exaggerated point. It touches on the very core of the conflict and its genesis. Indeed, it is the heart of the Zionist claim to Palestine: Palestine belongs to the Jews and their right to the land is antecedent and superior to that of the Arabs. This is what Zionism is all about, and what justifies both the Jewish return to the land and the dispossession of its Arab inhabitants.

Clearly, this is not the Palestinian Arab narrative, nor can it be.
Even in this passage, there is a Freudian slip that shows that Khalidi knows the truth: he correctly refers to Jewish immigration into Israel as a return to the land!

The Palestinian Arab position is that they cannot claim the land unless history itself is changed.  And that is exactly what they are doing.

(h/t @WarpedMirrorPMB)

  • Sunday, January 19, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
I started a blog with my posters, comics and infographics. I still have plenty to post there but you might want to check it out at Middle East Posters and Cartoons.  (Some might like this view better.)

(I'm still considering whether to post others' posters as well....but for now, let me finish mine.)

  • Sunday, January 19, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Maariv reports:

For the first time since the Second Lebanon War, Israeli flags are flying again over Lebanon, but this time it is not that IDF forces retook southern Lebanon, but the Lebanese are filming a movie about the period before the Israeli withdrawal.

Dozens of military vehicles, armored personnel carriers, soldiers in olive uniforms, guard posts and checkpoints were set up over the weekend in southern Lebanon, all with IDF markings and Israeli flags. The scenes will soon be on Lebanese TV screens, but the photos are bringing quite a few curious people on the Lebanese side and the Israeli side rubbing their eyes in amazement, not understanding what the IDF is doing a hundred meters deep in Lebanese territory.

I imagine that this movie will be as accurate as the Hezbollah theme park in Southern Lebanon is.

  • Sunday, January 19, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This comes from a University of Michigan study released recently. I'm highlighting only some of the results; others shows somewhat more tolerance.

From Ian:

UK parliament launches inquiry into funding for UNRWA, Palestinians
The British parliament has formed a committee of inquiry to probe the flow of funds used by the international refugee agency UNRWA to support the Palestinians, according to an exclusive report first revealed on Saturday by The Jerusalem Post's Hebrew-language sister publication, The Post.
According to the report, the British government contributes 90 million pounds annually in aid to the Palestinians. A third of that sum is earmarked for UNRWA – the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees.
The parliamentary committee was formed in response to heavy lobbying by pro-Israel organizations and with the encouragement of former Israeli Labor MK Einat Wilf. The committee is due to submit its recommendations to parliament soon.
"UNRWA is perpetuating the notion that the descendants of refugees are themselves refugees, and it is based on this principle that the Palestinians are demanding the right of return, something that will not happen in any future agreement," Wilf said. (h/t Bob Knot)
US, Canada urge UNESCO not to postpone exhibit on Land of Israel
“UNESCO’s decision is wrong and should be reversed,” said US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power on Friday. “The United States has engaged at senior levels to urge UNESCO to allow this exhibit to proceed as soon as possible.”
”UNESCO is supposed to be fostering discussion and interaction between civil society and member states, and organizations such as the Wiesenthal Center have a right to be heard and to contribute to UNESCO’s mission,” said Power.
In spite of her harsh rebuke, the US had opted not to sponsor the exhibit, which bore the sponsorship seal of only three countries, Canada, Israel and Montenegro.
Netanyahu slams UNESCO for scrapping Israel exhibit
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a scathing criticism of the UN’s cultural agency at his Cabinet meeting Sunday, for indefinitely postponing an exhibit on Jewish connections to the Holy Land.
“It would not harm the negotiations,” Netanyahu said in a statement. “Negotiations are based on facts, on the truth, which is never harmful. But what does harm the negotiations is the automatic summoning of Israeli ambassadors in certain countries regarding matters of no substance, while significant violations by the Palestinian Authority pass without a response.

  • Sunday, January 19, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Grahame Morris, British Labour Party politician, and Member of Parliament for Easington, on Twitter:

In case he deletes it...

I guess the next step in his career will be to write for Iran's PressTV.

(h/t Randy)

UPDATE: He deleted the tweet, but here is the screenshot.


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