Showing posts with label celebrating terror. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebrating terror. Show all posts

Sunday, September 06, 2015

On the same day that four rabbis were murdered while at prayer in Har Nof, Jerusalem, UNRWA teacher Eiad Hindi posted this:

The text says:
This is the way
The time is near, oh Jerusalem

Will UNRWA condemn this posting? They sure haven't condemned any of the many others I've uncovered!

And I still have more...

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Last November 19, the day after Arab terrorists murdered four rabbis with axes and knives as they were praying in Jerusalem,, UNRWA teacher Omar Hussein posted this "joke" on Facebook:

The caption has the Jewish man saying "Oh Lord, let me die (as a result) of a stroke, and not (as a result) of an ax" - which rhymes in Arabic.

The second commenter, Mohammed Abu Amra, said "Amen" and added other methods to kill Jews.

Abu Amra says that he works for UNRWA as well as a technology education manager. He also posted a photo of a young girl with an automatic weapon with the caption "Everything in Gaza is beautiful."

Does UNRWA condone its teachers laughing about the murder of rabbis? Based on their lack of action from the other disgusting Facebook posts I have uncovered, one can only conclude that the answer is "yes."

And their claims to take these charges seriously is nothing but a smokescreen for their underlying antisemitism.

(h.t Ibn Boutros)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hamas claimed on Saturday that there is "no justification for killing innocents."

Too bad that they didn't mention that by their definition, Jews are never innocents.

From the Hamas student bloc at Al Quds University, translated by Palestinian Media Watch, we have what is probably meant to be a re-enactment of the Har Nof massacre, showing proud Muslims murdering praying Jews.

Will this be reported as widely as Hamas' fake "condemnation" of terror?


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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