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Showing posts with label Poster. Show all posts

Monday, October 24, 2022

Things I tweeted over the past couple of months that were not posted here (to my recollection.)

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Sunday, September 04, 2022

Way before Princess Leia, other royals adopted the famous hairdo

In response to yet another idiot claiming the British Mandate coin proves "Palestine"

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Tuesday, August 09, 2022

AP actually did some reporting and researched the Gazans killed by rocket fire. Based on that and other information, I have updated by database of people killed in Gaza and how.

Close to one-third of the Palestinians who died in the latest outbreak of violence between Israel and Gaza militants may have been killed by errant rockets fired by the Palestinian side, according to an Israeli military assessment that appears consistent with independent reporting by The Associated Press.
No one in Gaza with direct knowledge of the explosions in question was willing to speak about them publicly. But live TV footage showed militant rockets falling short in densely packed residential neighborhoods. And AP visits to the sites of two explosions that killed a total of 12 people lent support to suspicions they were caused by rockets that went off course.

Islamic Jihad said 12 of its fighters were killed, a smaller armed group said it lost a fighter, and Hamas said two Hamas-affiliated policemen who did not take part in the fighting were killed. Israel said it killed at least 20 militants and seven civilians.  

 On Saturday night, seven Palestinians were killed in a blast in the crowded Jebaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza. The Israeli military said it carried out no operations in the area at the time. It released video footage purportedly showing a barrage of militant rockets, with one falling short.

Islamic Jihad had announced a rocket attack on the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon, just north of Jebaliya, at around the same time as the explosion.

Video footage of the aftermath circulated online, showing what appeared to be a rocket casing sticking out of the ground on a narrow, busy street. When the AP visited the site on Monday, the casing was gone and the hole had been filled in with dirt. Palestinians are usually keen to display evidence of Israeli airstrikes to international media.

Al-Mezan attributed the blast to a “projectile,” and the PCHR said it was still investigating.

On Sunday night, an explosion killed five Palestinians ages 4 to 17 at a cemetery in Jebaliya, also around the same time Islamic Jihad announced a barrage of rockets. The Israeli military said it was investigating.

Visiting both sites in Jebaliya, the AP saw none of the telltale signs of an Israeli strike — the wide craters left by F-16s or the narrow holes caused by drone strikes.

In a third suspicious explosion, one of the Hamas-affiliated policemen, who was off-duty, was killed Sunday along with three of his young children in the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza. Hamas, a far more powerful militant group that has fought four wars with Israel, stayed out of the latest fighting, and Israel appears to have been careful not to target it.

I haven't yet identified the "smaller armed group" terrorist AP references. (UPDATE: Adin Haykin mentions that Hassan Mansour was also claimed by the DFLP as well as Islamic Jihad.)

It hadn't occurred to me that the Hamas policeman who was killed with his children was killed by rocket fire. This means that, based on my research, 14 children were killed - and 11 of them by rocket fire! (Two were human shields, one was killed near a wedding that is still unclear.)

It is clear from this article that not only does the Hamas-based health ministry lie about people killed by terror rockets - so do the "human rights" NGOs. If they don't claim someone was killed by Israel, then certainly that person was killed by a rocket, but they won't report it.

The human rights of those Gazans don't matter.

Here is my updated list of people killed in Gaza and whether they were killed by Israel or Islamic Jihad rockets:

1- Imad Abd al-Rahim Shallah, 50 Gaza.

With PIJ
2- Youssef Salman Qaddoum 24 Gaza. PIJ
3- Tayseer Mahmoud Al-Jabari, 50 Gaza City. PIJ
4- Salama Muharib Abed 41 Gaza. PIJ
5- Alaa Abdullah Qaddoum, 5 Gaza City. With PIJ
6- Donyana Adnan Attia Al-Amour 22 Gaza. Likely rocket ("artillery shell")
7- Mohamed Ahmed Abdel-Fattah Al-Madhoun, 26 Al-Nada Towers. PIJ
8- Fadl Mustafa Zorob 30 Khan Younis. PIJ
 9- Muhammad Hassan Al-Bayouk, 35, Khan Younis. PIJ
10- Ahmed Mazen Azzam, 25 Gaza Strip. PIJ
11- Tamim Ghassan Abdullah Hijazi, 23 Al-Zana. PIJ
12- Osama Abdul Rahman Al-Suri, 27, Bani Suhaila. PIJ
13- Hassan Mohamed Mansour, 26, Jabalia.  PIJ/DFLP
14- Naama Muhammad Abu Qaida 62 Jabalia. Apparent rocket(wedding)
15- Nour El-Din Ali Al-Zubaidi 19 Jabalia Likely IDF (Qassam Brigades)
16- Hazem Muhammad Salem 12 Jabalia. Jabalia rocket
17- Ahmad Muhammad Al-Nayrab 13 Jabalia. Jabalia rocket
18- Moamen Muhammad Al-Nairab 4 Jabalia. Jabalia rocket
19 - Khalil Iyad Abu Hamadeh, 19, Jabalia. Jabalia rocket
20- Ahmed Walid Al-Fram, 18 Jabalia. Jabalia rocket
21- Misbah al-Khatib 50 Jabalia agreed. Jabalia rocket
22- Muhammad Muhammad Ibrahim Zaqout 19 Jabalia. Jabalia rocket
23- Ziad Ahmed Al Mudallal, 36 Rafah. PIJ
24- Muhammad Iyad Hassouna, 14 Rafah. With PIJ in Rafah
25- Ismail Abdel Hamid Mohamed Salameh, 30 Rafah. With PIJ in Rafah
26- Hana Ismail Ali Salameh, 51, Rafah. With PIJ in Rafah
27- Rafat Saleh Ibrahim Al-Zamili, 45, Rafah. PIJ
28- Khaled Saeed Mansour 47 Rafah. With PIJ in Rafah
29- Alaa Saleh Al-Tahrawi, 30, Rafah. With PIJ in Rafah
30- Ahmad Muhammad Afana, 31, Jabalia. Hamas (but not target)
31- Dia Zuhair Al-Borai, 30 Jabalia. Rocket (House in Jabalia)
32- Jamil Ehab Najm 15 Jabalia. Rocket (Fallujah cemetery)
33- Jamil Najm Najm 6 Jabalia. Rocket (Fallujah cemetery)
34- Nazmi Fayez Abu Karsh 16 Jabalia. Rocket (Fallujah cemetery)
35- Hamed Haider Najm 17 Jabalia. Rocket (Fallujah cemetery)
36-Mohamed Salah Najm 17 Jabalia. Rocket (Fallujah cemetery)
37- Muhammad Yasser Nimr Al-Nabahin 13  Rocket (Al Bureij)
38- Ahmed Yasser Nimr Al Nabahin 9 Al-Bureij. Rocket (Al Bureij)
39- Dalia Yasser Nimr Al Nabaheen 13 Al Bureij. Rocket (Al Bureij)
40 - Yasser Nimr Mahmoud Al Nabahin 45 Al-Bureij. Rocket (Al Bureij), Hamas police
41 - Khaled Ayman Yassin, 27 Zaytoun Apparent IDF attack
42- Shady Emad Nimr Kahil, 27 Zaytoun Apparent IDF attack on municipal worker
43- Abd al-Rahman Jum’ah al-Silk 19 al-Shuja’iyya. Apparent IDF attack
44- Mahmoud Daoud in Gaza Apparent IDF attack, Hamas policeman
45- Haneen Walid Abu Qaida, 10 Apparent rocket (wedding)
46- Fatima Obaid, 15 Rocket (Beit Hanoun)
 47-  Ibrahim Shehda Abu Salah, Beit Hanoun  Apparently killed with #15
48- Lian Al-Shaer, 10, killed from the attack that killed PIJ members 8 and 9 above.

I made a mock-up of the New York Times lampooning their front page last year where they published photos of dozens of children supposedly killed in Gaza, blaming Israel. They had never done anything like that before and they are never going to do that for these children killed by Islamic Jihad. (I've updated the data since I made this poster.)

(h/t Abu Ali Express)

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Wednesday, July 13, 2022

I created these in April but cannot find that I posted them, so here is a series of graphics showing that Zionism is an integral part of Judaism.

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Sunday, July 10, 2022

One piece of evidence that I had not noted previously was that Jenin militants had claimed that they had injured an Israeli soldier. 

Here's video of where militants to the south got the news with translation from Palestinian Media Watch:

What makes this more compelling is the timeframe. The false news that a soldier was down spread quickly throughout Jenin, as this screenshot from the (pro-terrorist) Jenin camp Telegram channel shows.

The second message is the same video shown above.

This was minutes after Abu Akleh was shot, so she is the only person who the militants could have been referring to. (It takes a couple of minutes to upload the video and type in the caption. Abu Akleh was shot between 6:30 and 6:35.)

This is a strong indication that the Jenin terrorists thought that the crowd of journalists (with helmets) were IDF soldiers, and shot in their usual wild manner without verifying what they were doing, and then celebrated their "successful" hit before realizing that the hit one of their own heroines.


Meanwhile, very, very slowly, the idea that Palestinians killed Shireen Abu Akleh has started to percolate into the media.

CAMERA's Karen Bekker noted at JNS that the two main journalist witnesses to her death initially said that the gunfire came from a building, when the IDF was in their vehicles.

Fox News reports that Shurat HaDin filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court saying that the Palestinians were responsible for Abu Akleh's death, although they do not cite any of my evidence.

I made a new poster with all the latest evidence in one place:

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Friday, June 03, 2022

I created a series of posters to summarize the main findings I mentioned in my video and followup posts.

The IDF was only in Jenin for perhaps 45 minutes that morning, it was not a large operation. They simply didn't have the time to take over buildings and set up sniper positions in a hostile environment. As we showed in other contexts, some Palestinian observers even identified the snipers all over Jenin as being militants. 

Shireen was shot by Palestinian snipers in the buildings opposite her. I don't know if it was accidental or purposeful - they were about 185 meters away so they may have misidentified the helmeted Abu Akleh as a soldier - but the soldiers were in a different direction, and too far away to have fired the gunshots we heard in the videos.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Sunday, May 29, 2022

There is a flip side to saying that anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

It is that Judaism is inherently Zionist.

Some posters I made .... and there are plenty more examples.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2022

If anything debunks the apartheid charge...

This is not a controversial story in Israel at all.

Now, imagine the (unjustified)  negative reaction in the US if a qualified Muslim was nominated to the Supreme Court. Or in France. 

And then tell me that Israel is practicing "apartheid."

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Friday, May 06, 2022

From TheJC:
The Israeli army has appointed the first female Muslim-Arab major in the country’s history.

Ella Waweya was promoted last week, eight years after joining the IDF (Israel Defence Forces).

Telling the JC of her “joy” over her promotion, the 31-year-old major said that she had kept it secret when she first joined the military.

She said: “It took some of my family time to accept, but they are now proud of me.”

Major Waweya is deputy commander of the military’s Arabic-language spokespersons’ unit.

She joined up after studying communications at university, determined to help the IDF communicate and explain its actions through Arabic-language media.

She said: “When I saw Arabic media I thought someone needs to give a different perspective on this, and that’s exactly what I’m trying to do today.

“I’m showing that the IDF looks after all residents of Israel, not just one people.”
(h/t Irene)

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