In this regard, Jerusalem researcher Fakhri Abu Diab says that this Judaization event will be attended by 10,000 Jewish athletes from 60 countries around the world.In his interview with Safa Agency, he explained that this marathon differs from the previous flag marches because the last marches were attended by settlers from inside historical Palestine only.He added, "According to the path and plan specified by the occupation municipality, this march or marathon will not enter the Islamic Quarter and the Old City in order to avoid the anger and reaction of the Jerusalemites and to convey a message to the Jewish arrivals that Jerusalem lives in peace and security."
Abu Diab asserts that the aim of this event is purely political but with a sports cover, and it is an attempt to march new flags with the aim of demonstrating Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem and raising the Israeli flag.The researcher considers that the occupation clearly uses culture for political and Judaizing purposes.And he continues, that the occupation municipality claims that the aim of the event is to revive the tourism industry and benefit the economy, but in its essence it is a Judaization work to promote the Israeli narrative that Jerusalem lives in security, peace and stability and an attempt to bring more Jews in from the world.Abu Diab expects this event to create an angry reaction and confrontations. "Because any Israeli provocative action must be followed by a reaction from the Jerusalemites."
Just a call for violence, in a mainstream (non-Islamist) news site, to disrupt a sporting event. Nothing to see here.