Wednesday, March 21, 2012

  • Wednesday, March 21, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The first day of spring has arrived, and with it comes my quarterly request for donations.

EoZ has continued to grow this year, now with 2150 Twitter followers and 2250 subscribers (including over 700 that get my daily email digest.) I have received over 400,000 hits this year already, and 42,000 just last week.

I now have over 13,500 posts. As a result, Google loves me and I get lots of search engine traffic. (Inexplicably, I'm still getting over a thousand hits a month just for people looking for Victoria Beckham's Hebrew tattoo.)

I experimented with posting on Times of Israel and the Algemeiner, and might try it again. I'm also working on other projects that will be revealed in good time.

I get thousands of comments, most of which I at least skim, as well as lots of emails asking questions or offering tips.

Twitter is an increasingly important component of the blog. While I am hardly an avid tweeter, I do tweet lots of interesting  links that I come across in the course of the day that I don't have time to blog. It is sort of like a real-time linkdump. Also, people tweet ideas and links to me, so you can often see interesting scoops early.

I just added two Twitter widgets on the right side of my blog webpage so you can keep up with the latest links and information coming from and going to EoZ.

Also, if you have a tablet or smartphone, you can read my blog on the Google Currents app which makes EoZ look almost like a native magazine app.

Anyway, all of this takes a lot of time (and some money.) I spend countless hours reading, researching and writing. My day usually starts at 5 AM so I can get most of the posts done early and still have time to do the Real World stuff that keeps coming up (and, lately, increasing.)  The donations I've received, for which I am most thankful, help out tremendously.

I'm not interested in fame, but I am very interested in getting the truth out to the world. When you donate, you become a partner in this endeavor.

The easiest way to help is to donate with the PayPal buttons in the upper right of the page. You can give a one time donation, or, if you are a regular, you may want to subscribe to pay every month. If you think that the information you get here every day is comparable in value to what you read in the newspaper or magazines, please consider paying what you would pay for your local paper.

If you dislike PayPal, you can also give an Amazon gift certificate.

Thanks as always for your support!

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.


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