Five [now six - EoZ] Palestinians were killed on Friday evening and two others were injured when their vehicle accidentally slammed into a military hummer at the Silwad Bridge, by the entrance of Ofer near the central West Bank city of Ramallah.But that's just what you would expect the lying, genocidal Zionists to say, isn't it? In fact, this is a new chapter of Zio ethnic cleansing via car accidents.
The Public Affairs Department at the Palestinian Police in Ramallah said that all of the deceased residents are family members; a husband, his wife and their children.
Israeli sources reported that four Israeli soldiers, who were in the military hummer, were lightly wounded and were airlifted to an Israeli hospital.
The Israeli police said that the Palestinian vehicle was speeding, and that one of its tires exploded leading the vehicle to slide into the opposite direction of the street to slam into the military vehicle.
At least, that's what a spokesman for the "moderate" Fatah movement says in Firas Press:
Fatah spokesman Osama al-Qawasmi condemned the killing of six Palestinians from the same family in a collision with an IDF vehicle, saying that the incident was deliberate.You see how insidious the so-called "Israelis" are? To support their claim on "heritage sites" in the West Bank, they target and murder entire Palestinian Arab families by forcing them into car accidents!
Qawasmi said that Israel's ruling authorities have been trying to push the region into violence, pointing out that a resolution annexing the Ibrahimi Mosque and the vicinity of Bilal Ben Rabah mosque and the walls of Jerusalem to the list of so-called list of Israeli heritage sites, as well as deliberate shooting on the Shalaldeh family in the Bethlehem area and the continuing incursions of the holy places, particularly in Jerusalem, and other unilateral actions are in creating new facts on the ground.