Saturday, November 14, 2009

  • Saturday, November 14, 2009
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sheikh Salah continues his daily warnings about Jewish ambitions on Al Aqsa, this time saying that a series of "Talmudic" parks will be built around the Temple Mount. Will there be a Rabbi Akiva ride?

Sunday is "Palestine Independence Day!" Yes, the ancient state was declared in 1988, and no one really noticed. Mahmoud Abbas made a speech to mark the occasion, and Hamas relented from its earlier threat to ignore the day and keep schools open.

Meanwhile, Saeb Erekat is threatening to declare independence again, by bringing it to a UN vote. UPI seems to mistranslate the Al Ayyam interview with him, changing his words from "a Palestinian state on the borders of 1967 with Jerusalem as its capital" to "a state that would include all Palestinian areas held prior to the 1967 Arab-Israeli War and that had East Jerusalem as its capital," which is certainly not true. (h/t My Right Word)

The Arab love for Guinness (world records, not the ale) continues, with the world's largest embroidered dress being created in Hebron.

Der Speigel is saying that a Shalit deal is coming Real Soon Now.

Looks like another UNRWA workers' strike is coming this Tuesday in Gaza and the West Bank.

Firas Press has an unusual article about Israeli Muslims in the IDF and how they are proud to serve their country. The author is astonished, especially since all Muslim IDF soldiers are volunteers. The commenters aren't happy.

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