Wednesday, June 22, 2005

  • Wednesday, June 22, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Check out this remarkable article about how Israeli hospitals and doctors treat Arab terrorists, often going above and beyond.
The moral dilemma of treating someone who wants to kill you is beyond my wisdom, but it once again shows the stark contrast between the truly superhuman way that Israeli Jews keep their morality under fire and the subhuman acts that Palestinians routinely practice and support.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

  • Tuesday, June 21, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
It is very scary reading the Palestine Post in the 1930s as it watches the rise of Nazism and yet has no idea of the magnitude of the crimes yet to be committed.

Here is a fairly typical article. showing the increasing criminal acts against Jews in Berlin and Vienna in 1938:

On the same front page is this smaller, far more hopeful item, showing Jews who managed to get out of the ovens of Germany to build a new life in Israel. They built a new town on Jewish-owned land with their own hands and escaped the fate of their doomed families in Germany. They even built their own security fence to keep the inevitable Arab terror attacks from reaching them.

This is the story of Israel and anyone who considers this "immoral" hasn't the faintest idea what the word means.

Cross-posted to Palestine Post-ings.
  • Tuesday, June 21, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
MEMRI has another winner:
In a June 15, 2005 editorial titled 'All the Evidence Proves that Al-Zarqawi is an American Agent,' a leading Egyptian government daily Al-Akhbar's states that Al-Zarqawi is working for the U.S. and is massacring Iraqis in an effort to extend the occupation in Iraq. [1] The following are excerpts from the article:

'All the evidence proves that Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi is working for America, because his victims are Iraqis and not [members of] the coalition forces under the command of the American occupation forces in Iraq. Abu Mus'ab Al-Zarqawi's official title is 'leader of Al-Qa'ida's faction in Iraq.' Osama bin Laden is the commander of the Al-Qa'ida organization, and this proves that [Al-Zarqawi's commander,] bin Laden, has [also] been an American agent ever since he operated against the USSR forces in Afghanistan in favor of the Americans!'

So the question is, are Arabs that publish and presumably believe such idiocy struly imbecilic, or is this just an extreme manifestation of the absurd Arab pride that cannot admit that any Arabs can ever do anything wrong?
  • Tuesday, June 21, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
I guess I missed when Amnesty International condemned these laws.


Palestinians in Jordan are NOT given full Jordanian citizenship, and DO NOT have the same rights and duties as any other Jordanians. Palestinians in Jordan carry special identification stating that they are not Jordanian. They are disproportionately represented in business, but underrepresented in the army. Information from the Jordanian censuses which distinguishes between Palestinians and pre-Nakba Jordanians is not publicly available; however, the Palestinian population is estimated to be 50-60%.


An estimated number of 500,000 Palestinians are living in the kingdom of Saudi-Arabia as of December 2004. They are not allowed to hold or even apply for Saudi citizenship, as the new law passed by Saudi Arabia's Council of Ministers in October 2004 ( which entitles expatriates of all nationalities who have resided in the kingdom for ten years to apply for citizenship, with priority being given to holders of degrees in various scientific fields ) has one glaring exception: Palestinians will not be allowed to benefit from the new law because of Arab League instructions barring the Arab states from granting them citizenship in order 'to avoid dissolution of their identity and protect their right to return to their homeland'.


Palestinians in Lebanon are barred from 73 job categories including professions such as medicine, law and engineering. They are not allowed to own property. Unlike other foreigners in Lebanon, they are denied access to the Lebanese healthcare system. The Lebanese government refuses to grant them work permits or permission to own land. The number of restrictions have been mounting since 1990.
  • Tuesday, June 21, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian depravity keeps getting worse, just when you thought it wasn't possible.
Israel says a 21-year-old Palestinian woman arrested carrying explosives at a Gaza checkpoint planned to blow herself up in an Israeli hospital.

Wafa al-Bis was stopped on her way on her way to Beersheba hospital where she was to receive treatment for burns.

Ms Bis said on Israeli TV she wanted to be a suicide bomber but then later told foreign journalists the explosives were planted on her without her knowledge.

The incident comes amid a rise in violence despite a four-month truce. (Someone please explain what a truce means according to the BBC.)

The Israeli military said Ms Bis was stopped by suspicious soldiers at the Erez crossing point between Gaza and Israel.

The army said she had tried to blow herself up there but the explosives did not detonate.

Israeli officials said Ms Bis, who comes from the Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza, was burnt in a cooking accident five months ago, and had received treatment on humanitarian grounds in the Beersheba hospital.

They said she was making another trip for follow-up treatment on Monday, but planned to blow herself up instead.

In an interview shown on Israeli television, Ms Bis said her 'dream was to be a martyr'.

She said she was recruited by the al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades - an off-shoot of Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction.

Ms Bis also said she had been angry over allegations that Israeli guards had ripped out pages of the Koran at a prison in northern Israel, claims Israel denies.

'What angered me and the Palestinian people is the abuse of the Koran,' she said. 'Should we sit in silence with our hands tied?'

Later, she pleaded for mercy because she 'didn't kill anyone'.
Presumably if she has managed to blow herself up with a bunch of Jews she would not be pleading for mercy.

Incidentally, where does the Al Aqsa Martyr's Brigades get their money from? Could it possibly be from the PA - from the millions coming from Europe and the US? As far as I can tell, no one from the PA has ever declared the Al Aqsa terror group illegal - which sounds to me like they are still on the payroll. Probably "policemen."

Terrorist commander in West Bank says he's going to be a policeman in Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas's security forces

Monday, June 20, 2005

  • Monday, June 20, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
The following are excerpts from an interview with Syrian historian and author Dr. Georgette 'Attiyya. Syrian TV aired this interview on June 15, 2005.

Dr. Attiyya: The Palestinian woman's womb is a factory for the conflict; it produces fighting children. After this fighting child is produced, he is taught: 'This is your land, this is your country, you will fight for it, stand on it, and die for it.' Therefore, a very important connection exists between motherhood, land, and blood."

Sunday, June 19, 2005

  • Sunday, June 19, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
but SoccerDad threw me a pity mention in the latest (excellent as usual) Haveil Havalim, mentioning my Palestine Post-ings website as well.

Hey, a pity mention is almost as good as a regular one :)
  • Sunday, June 19, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Example #2659 of Reuters' explicit pro-terror bias in this article in Mediacrity.

Friday, June 17, 2005

  • Friday, June 17, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
In April 1948, in one of the battles that preceded Israel's War of Independence, the Haganah decisively defeated the Arab fighters for control of Haifa. The Palestine Post has a few articles that describe the Arab refugees from Haifa during this time period that shed a little light upon the basic question of who created the Arab refugee problem?

This is only about Arabs in Haifa (and Jaffa) in a very small timeframe, but it shows the mindsets of the Jews and of the Arabs at the time and that it would be reasonable to expect that these mindsets remained somewhat consistent throughout the duration of the war.

The first article describes the Arab dilemma of whether they should leave a Jewish-controlled Haifa. Notice that these decisions are being made after the major fighting is over, while the truce is being negotiated. These Arabs, at least, were clearly not leaving because of war.

Notice also how the Haganah is bending over backwards to try to respect the rights of the Arab citizens of Haifa, pledging to protect their property and clearly expecting them to return. This is not the behavior of people who are trying to ethnically cleanse an area.

Meanwhile, Arabs were streaming out from Jaffa. A telling detail emerges in this account of the flight to Egypt: that Arabs were the ones encouraging other Arabs to leave, and other Arabs were upset by this. But no where do they say that Jews are expelling Arabs.

The general sense of panic among the Palestinian Arabs at the time can be seen from the tiny article at the end about the run on banks.

The next week, in a recap of the events that happened in Haifa, we see that it was clearly the Arab leadership who encouraged their people to leave. Interestingly, shortly thereafter most of Haifa's Arabs have returned to their intact homes, safe and sound. This is not the first time that the Arab leadership's treatment of the Palestinian Arabs were at cross-purposes with what the people wanted.

Again note how explicitly the Haganah is trying to keep the Arabs in their homes.

This is only a snapshot in time from a single source, and this is all before the outside Arab armies invaded (although this was considered a fait accompli), but it does show a couple of inescapable facts:

* The Haganah was acting in a way totally inconsistent with the desire to create a Jews-only state.
* The Jews were bending over backwards to respect Arab property and lives.
* The Palestinian Arab people were feeling that their leadership was not acting in their best interests. This feeling was amplified in an article the following week, right before Israel declared her independence:

The analogy to today is clear. Today the Palestinian people remain pawns in the hands of their supposed "leaders" - while the people just want to live and be able to raise their families, their leaders are obsessed with the destruction of Israel and are willing to sacrifice as many of their people as necessary to reach that goal. While the Arabs show no respect for the religion or property of others, the Jews retain respect for the human rights of their declared enemies. While the Arabs create nations that are Judenrein, the vast majority of Israelis have no desire to kick out the Arabs from Israel.

Crossposted to Palestine Post-ings.

UPDATE: SoccerDad adds this article with more details about that time period.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

  • Thursday, June 16, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
I continuously look for reasons for the disengagement that makes sense. In a Jerusalem Post op-ed, one reason is given (although this is not the point of the article:

One explanation for Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's about-face on the settlements, his willingness to uproot what he himself planted, is that in his mind as a statesman – rather than in his view as a general – a close strategic relationship with the US will do more to protect Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Netanya 50 years down the line than a hilltop settlement.

When Sharon is asked what he is getting for disengagement from Gaza, he – or his aides – reply that they are not getting anything from the Palestinian Authority, but are getting something very substantial from Washington: commitments that the US will back Israel's position on the Palestinian refugee issue and on retaining the large settlement blocs. This is far more important than a billion-dollar arms deal with Beijing.

Sharon has built up an unprecedented relationship with US President George W. Bush, but at the same time he has also stacked Israel's eggs in one basket to an unprecedented degree.

If this is the reason for the pullout, it makes no sense. While Sharon and Bush do have a close relationship, what good does that do Israel when either of them are out of office? To think that this will help things 50 years down the road, or even ten years from now, is foolish as well as foolhardy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

  • Wednesday, June 15, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
It is always interesting to hear the deafening silence from the world about daily Palestinian child abuse. And this isn't Hamas; it is Fatah Tanzim, whose salaries are paid by our favorite terrorist in a suit, Mahmoud Abbas.
The Shin Bet and IDF have arrested in recent weeks four Palestinian minors, aged 15 and 16, who were recruited by the Fatah Tanzim to blow up in Israel, details released for publication on Wednesday afternoon revealed.

Arrests conducted by security forces in the Balata and Askar refugee camps in Nablus thwarted the attacks that had been in advanced planning stages.

One of the minors admitted to being recruited by Muhammad Nakib, 21, who was arrested in January this year for involvement in terrorist activities.

The minor told officials that he expressed intentions to follow in the footsteps of his friend, Omar al-For, who blew up in the Carmel Market in Tel Aviv in November 2004 – an attack that claimed the lives of three Israelis.

Two other minors from the Askar camp said they were recruited in April by Tanzim activists in the Balata camp to blow up at an IDF checkpoint near Nablus. The fourth minor said he had been recruited by operatives in Balata to blow up in Israel.

Four suspected recruiters that belonged to the infrastructure were also arrested. According to officials, they had received instructions and funds from Hizbulalh in Lebanon.
  • Wednesday, June 15, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
I decided that the articles that I write based on historical Palestine Post clippings would be more effective on their own blog, so I created one called Palestine Post-ings.

All of those articles will continue to be posted here as well, and I am not turning on comments on the other site, but it looked to me that having them all gathered in one place is more effective than searching through the other assorted stuff here.
  • Wednesday, June 15, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Remember how the Jews used to be accused of poisoning the wells during the Bubonic Plague?

Palestinians seem to be students of history.
RAMALLAH, June 13 (Xinhuanet) -- Palestinian chief of Environment Authority Yousef Abu Safeya accused Israel Monday of glutting the Palestinian markets with carcinogenic canned juice.

'Such kind of drinks are specifically produced for the Palestinian consumers in the Gaza Strip.' Abu Safeya told a weekly session of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC).

He pointed out that the Palestinian security services had recently seized a number of shipments, including canned juice containing a carcinogenic substance.

He added that the Egyptian authorities impounded two Israeli trucks carrying child toys polluted with carcinogenic and radioactive substances at the Rafah commercial crossing on the borders with Israel in March.
UPDATE: The specific carcinogenic substance that Israel is inflicting on unsuspecting Palestinians has been identified:

It is saccharine.

For some reason, no one is saying that the PA is inciting terror when it makes classic anti-semitic claims like this with a straight face.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

  • Sunday, June 12, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
But it is a very good issue even without yours truly being linked.

I will not be blogging during the yom tov. Chag kosher v'sameach!

Friday, June 10, 2005

  • Friday, June 10, 2005
  • Elder of Ziyon
Arab countries in 1948 realized that they had natural allies in fighting Jews: Germans who were in British POW camps in the Middle East during World War II.

The Germans had the advantage of real-world combat experience to be able to effectively train Arabs to throw the Jews into the sea.

Soon, it became apparent that there were other Nazi sympathizers who could be called upon to help in this jihad:

And soon, a more organized campaign was started by Egypt and Syria to recruit Muslims who had fought with the Nazis in Europe to act as mercenaries against the Jews in preparation for the upcoming, inevitable war.

Apparently, the International Refugee Organization operating in Europe was at least partially complicit in this plan to allow former Nazi sympathizers to be recruited to try to finish the job that Hitler didn't.

There has been much documented about the collusion of Arabs and Nazis, but the Nazi contributions to the Arab cause in 1948 and the active Arab recruitment of Nazi and Fascist elements appears to be a lesser-known chapter in this wicked partnership.


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