Thursday, October 24, 2019

From Ian:

Hillel Neuer: Another UN blow to human rights
In total, as of Jan. 1 more than half of council members will be non-democracies.

Does it matter that the world’s highest human-rights body is being subverted?

It does. The council’s pronouncements and reports are translated into multiple languages and influence the hearts and minds of millions worldwide.

Dictators on the council will continue to ensure that most of the world’s worst abusers enjoy impunity. Violators like China, Cuba and Saudi Arabia have never been the object of a single resolution, urgent session or commission of inquiry.

Instead, Israel is repeatedly singled out for condemnation, the only country targeted under a special agenda item at every meeting. Hamas terrorism is ignored.

Dictators will also make sure to appoint more anti-Western figures like Jean Ziegler, the longest-serving council official, who openly defends the Maduro regime. In 1989, he announced the creation of the Moammar Qaddafi Human Rights Prize, which over the years was awarded to Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan and, in 2002, to Ziegler himself.

After Moammar Khadafy’s Libya was elected to the council in 2010, Swiss foreign minister Micheline Calmy-Rey defended the choice, saying it was “important to keep a dialogue” in order to “improve the human-rights situation across the world.” Yet after regimes like Russia, China and Cuba served on the council for a decade, their repression only got worse.

Sadly, for the foreseeable future at the United Nations, the inmates will be running the asylum.

UN Palestinian rights official calls for ban on Israeli settlement products
The UN independent expert on human rights in the Palestinian territories on Wednesday called for an international ban on all products made in Israeli settlements, as a step to potentially end Israel’s 52-year-old “illegal occupation” of the West Bank.

Michael Lynk, the Special Rapporteur on Palestinian territories, told the General Assembly’s human rights committee Wednesday that the international community should also issue “a clarion call to the United Nations” to complete and release a database “on businesses engaged in activities related to the illegal settlements.”

Lynk said the international community has a responsibility and a legal obligation to compel Israel to completely end its occupation and remove barriers to self-determination for the Palestinians.

Israel is deeply opposed to a Palestinian-led international boycott movement, which it views as an attack on its very existence. Supporters of the boycotts say they are a non-violent way of protesting Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

The UN Human Rights Council has repeatedly delayed the release of a controversial report about companies doing business in Israeli settlements, which was originally to be published in 2017.

  • Thursday, October 24, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

There is a new World Jewish Congress survey of German attitudes towards Jews - and the results are not encouraging.

41% of Germans say that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to Germany.

41% also say that Jews talk too much about the Holocaust.

29% say that Jews are more loyal to Israel than to the countries in which they live.

26% say Jews have too much economic power, and 24% say Jews have too much power in the international financial markets.

24% also say Jews have too much power over world politics.

24% say that Jews think they are better than other people.

21% say Jews have too much control over the global media landscape.

19% say Jews do not care what happens to anyone else.

12% blame Jews for most wars.

25% said that something like the Holocaust could happen in Germany today, and 38% said it could happen in another European country.

On the other hand, only 16% of Germans admitted to having unfavorable opinions of Jews (meaning that many people with antisemitic attitudes don't believe that they do) - compared to 53% who have unfavorable opinions of Muslims, 23% who have an unfavorable opinion of Christians and 64% who do not like Roma (Gypsies.)

34% don't like Israelis, and 51% don't like Palestinians.

66% say Israel has the right to exist as the Jewish state. But 58% disagree with the statement that Israel is unfairly criticized internationally for its treatment of Palestinians, only 19% agree.

42% say supporters of Israel use the charge of antisemitism to shut down criticism of Israel as opposed to 22% who disagree.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, October 24, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last month it was reported that the Facebook page of Fatah, the political party that dominates the Palestinian Authority and the PLO, was taken down after Palestinian Media Watch documented its explicit support for terror.

Fatah admitted it took down the page because it was worried that Facebook would find it to be promoting terror.

Only a few days later, it returned. And it still pushes a pro-terrorist message.

Yesterday, it published a paean to arch terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, murderer of 38 Jewish civilians including 13 children, calling her the most beautiful girl ever to come out of Lebanon.

It regularly gives biographies of other terrorists; this week featuring two who raided Israeli villages in 1968 from Lebanon and were killed.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, October 24, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Telegraph India reports that on October 14,  students at Jamia Millia Islamia University protested a medical infrastructure expo hosted at the university in which Israel showed some innovations.

The international conference titled "Global Health Zenith Confluence ’19" was seemingly organized by the Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics, which now denies any involvement. When students found out that there was going to be an Israeli presence, they protested.

Five students were being charged with discipline violations for their violent protest. Other students went on strike in solidarity, paralyzing the university.

On Wednesday, the university caved into all their demands. Besides giving amnesty to the students, the demand included an agreement that no Israelis would be allowed to participate in any university program.

Ironically, the students are calling this a victory for "freedom of expression."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

What I’m about to write will probably be off-putting, even offensive to some Western readers. But it’s a subject that is extremely relevant to life in much of the rest of the world, especially in the Middle East. Everyone knows that tribal identity plays an important role here, more so than in the West. And there is a related idea that is no less important.

I’m talking about honor, and what I believe to be the moral imperative to maintain one’s honor and the honor of one’s tribe or nation.

Right now, the Tikkunists of liberal Judaism (and liberal Christianity as well) are running for the exits. According to the philosophy espoused by liberal, humanistic Westerners, the only moral considerations are those that relate to not hurting others and being fair to all. Indeed, many believe that tribalism and nationalism are actually immoral, because they imply treating outsiders and insiders differently.

But in other cultures, there are other principles that are important, in many cases important enough to die – or kill – for. One of them is honor, which refers to the public reputation of a person or tribe for the willingness to do whatever is necessary to defend its property and interests. In the Middle East, a person (or nation) that will not fight to protect their property deserves to lose it.

This is at variance with Western usage of the word. In the West, honor is an objective characteristic of an individual. In the Middle East, it refers to the subjective beliefs of others about an individual, a family, a tribe, or a nation. In the West, honesty is the most important component of honor. In the Middle East, toughness and the willingness to do what you must to protect yourself or your group are what determine the degree of honor you possess.

When you lose honor, which you do by not defending yourself when someone takes something of yours or hurts you in some other way, you put the world at large on notice that it is permissible to hurt you. The consequences of losing your honor include losing your property or your life.

In some Arab societies the concept has expanded to a pathological degree. Insofar as women are considered property, even a hint that the “ownership” of a woman by her own or her husband’s family is compromised is enough to damage the honor of her family. Such cases often have tragic endings, when the woman is murdered by close family members in order to restore the family’s honor. This happens even among well-off, educated Arab citizens of Israel.

I do not suggest that we adopt the hateful pathologies of Arab societies. But many Israelis, particularly the Ashkenazi elite that comprise our decision-making classes, are too quick to trade honor for peace and quiet. Our enemies value honor more than we do. There are countless examples of damaging compromises: we don’t punish terrorists in a manner commensurate with their crimes (i.e., we don’t kill them, and sometimes we even punish our own soldiers for killing them). We don’t retaliate for arson balloons, or sometimes even for rocket attacks.

We allow Arab members of the Knesset to literally call for the destruction of the state, despite a law that says that anyone who does that may not sit in the Knesset (we disqualify right-wing Jewish candidates for less). We selectively enforce laws, tax regulations, etc., in favor of Arab citizens to avoid trouble. We allow our enemies to hold our citizens, dead and alive, captive. And, disgracefully, we have allowed the piecemeal takeover of the Temple Mount and most of the Old City of Jerusalem by the Palestinian Arabs, after the high price in blood that we paid to take them back in 1967.

I could go on and on, but it is always the same: it would be hard, expensive, dangerous, or – very important – make us look bad in the eyes of the West, if we were to protect our honor; and since honor is only subjective, why bother?

But honor is not “only subjective.” In the Middle East, deterrence is not determined only by the size of your army and whether you have nuclear weapons (not that these aren’t important); honor is a big part of it. Why is it possible for Hamas to keep throwing thousands of terrorists at our border fence every Friday, and to burn our fields and forests with impunity? Could it be that the repetition of rocket attacks is due to our policy of attacking empty buildings? When we don’t kill those who are trying to kill us, the message is sent that they should keep trying.

While Israel has great military power at hand, it keeps squandering its honor. When Hillel said, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” he was saying that it is morally required to act in one’s own interest, no less so than it is morally wrong to be “for myself alone.” One of the characteristics of moral situations is that moral principles sometimes conflict, and that makes it hard to take decisions in particular cases. In Israel, it often happens that our Western moral sensibility conflicts with Middle Eastern imperatives. Unfortunately, the Western sensibility usually pushes the Middle Eastern one aside. We need to learn to balance these principles before our honor deficit becomes so great that we completely lose the ability to defend ourselves.

We can start by removing those members of the Knesset who despise and incite against the Jewish state, by ensuring that terrorists do not survive to enjoy the benefits paid to them by the Palestinian Authority, by taking back sovereignty over the Temple Mount and the Old City, by making Hamas pay in blood for burning our fields, and so on.

Some will say that this is unjust or illiberal, and perhaps by Western standards – standards growing out of Hellenistic and Christian traditions, which do not factor in honor – they may be correct. But we live in the Middle East, not Seattle or Berkeley, and in this neighborhood you can’t ignore tribe, nationality, or religion – and above all, honor.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Pro-Israel YouTube channel discovers YouTube has been hiding its videos
Hiding pro-Israel videos and content is nothing short of antisemitic. Maybe some want to claim that it is anti-Israel and not antisemitic, but we just call that modern antisemitism. It might look different than it did before the modern state of Israel existed, but antisemitism is antisemitism. Stopping people from seeing content that supports the Jewish state – well, what else would that be called? It screams antisemitism!

If YouTube tried to stop people from seeing pro-Muslim videos, the world would be outraged. If YouTube tried to stop people from supporting the Palestinian Arabs, again, the world would be outraged. But when it comes to the Jewish people and the Jewish state, the world is silent.

YouTube shuts down Israeli NGO’s channel for showing UNRWA violence videos
YouTube has shut down the channel of the Center for Near East Policy (otherwise known as the Israel Resource Review) for what it claims were “repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines on Violence or Graphic content.”

In a letter sent last week to the center’s head, David Bedein, “the YouTube Team” said that the platform “prohibits violent or gory content posted in a shocking, sensational or disrespectful manner.

“We have decided to keep your account suspended,” the letter continued. “You won’t be able to access or create any other YouTube accounts.”

The letter, according to Bedein, was in response to an appeal by the organization. The YouTube channel was shut down for the first time about one week prior.

The Center for Near East Policy works to uncover corruption within the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, UNRWA. The organization has produced several mini documentaries, including UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos, which examines what it describes as the “human tragedy of life in the UNRWA refugee camp of Shuafat, in the heart of Jerusalem.”

Another documentary, Terror of Return, was shot on the Gaza border in the summer of 2018, showing how “UNRWA’s right of return policy is the ideological foundation with which the next generation of children are brainwashed to believe.”

The documentaries are filmed by Arabs on site and produced by academics in Israel.

“The only real proof that UNRWA is violent is film,” Bedein told The Jerusalem Post. “We have statements by UNRWA children, but these are just statements. The films are convincing proof.”

He said he was shocked that a social media outlet would shut down a team of journalists for doing their jobs.
Czech lawmakers pass resolution condemning BDS movement
The lower house of the Czech parliament on Tuesday passed a resolution condemning all forms of anti-Semitism as well as calls for boycotts of Israel.

The non-binding resolution, which passed the Chamber of Deputies with an overwhelming majority, strongly condemns “all manifestations of anti-Semitism directed against individuals, religious institutions, organizations as well as the State of Israel, including the denial of the Holocaust.”

It further rejects “any questioning of the State of Israel’s right of existence and defense” and “condemns all activities and statements by groups calling for a boycott of the State of Israel, its goods, services or citizens.”

The resolution calls on the government in Prague not to offer any financial support to groups that promote a boycott of Israel and to intensify efforts to prevent anti-Semitism. It also urges the government to provide “greater security” to people and institutions that could become the target of anti-Semitic attacks.

During a brief discussion before the vote, lawmakers stressed the historically close relations between Israel and the Czech Republic.

Jan Bartošek, the head of the Christian Democrats faction in the chamber, who introduced the resolution, said the Czech Foreign Ministry helped formulate the wording of the resolution.

“I am convinced that Israel is our strategic partner and ally in the Middle East,” he said.

Okay, so it’s the Daily Mail, it's sensational. So you don’t exactly trust it. Still, it was disturbing to read: “Teacher is sacked for 'joking' to Jewish primary school pupils that she would 'ship them off to the gas chambers' if they didn't finish their homework.”

The whole thing happened in front of a class of 28 ten-year-olds, 11 of whom are Jewish. Trying to get them to hand in their work, the teacher said, “You better finish off your work quick, or I’ll ship you all off to the gas chambers.”
The kids told their parents, the teacher got fired, and that’s all fine, as far as I’m concerned. I don’t need a backstory. These basic facts are enough. That teacher deserved to be fired.
Newberries Primary School, in Hertfordshire

But one of my friends (let’s call him “Max”) thought the dismissal of the teacher was “a shonda for de goyim.” From his point of view, we had a chance to show this teacher just how wonderful and merciful we are, and instead of least giving her a chance to prove that she was ONLY JOKING, we got her fired.
To Max, it’s as if a traditional antisemitic trope has been played out ON THE STAGE OF REAL LIFE and now this teachers thinks we are nasty Jews who run the world and get people fired.
This is sad and bad.
Max thinks we would have done better to educate the teacher, (in particular about the destruction of the Temple!) rather than fire her. Otherwise, he says, we are “only creating more Jew-haters.”
Max, it is clear, prefers to take a gentler approach, to be “nice” about the Holocaust, and assume the teacher had only been joking, just like she said. He thinks we have no reason NOT to believe her.
But this I do not understand: Why does Max want to be “nice” about the Holocaust?
Scratch marks on gas chamber wall in Auschwitz
Because from my point of view, there is no world in which we should be nice about the Holocaust, ever. There is no paradigm or context in which the idea of systematically gassing and burning millions of my people because they are Jews, is funny. And for an educator to have access to young minds using such horrific images with such a stupendous lack of sensitivity is, to me, pure evil.

No. There is no benign way to look at this. None at all.
I can’t judge Max, of course. I can only turn his supposition around in my mind, try to see a context, weigh these things against my own beliefs and come to a conclusion. Could she have been joking? Could it be that to the teacher, threatening kids with gas chambers was a way to inject some lighthearted fun into things? Like telling ghost stories in the dark or going on a roller coaster? Like, “MWUHAHAHAHA, if you don’t do your homework, I’ll send you to the gas chambers, My Pretties!”
You see what I did there, right? I tried to look at things from the perspective of Max.
I failed.
Because there is no way young minds should be exposed to such an attitude: such appalling insensitivity and ignorance as that teacher displayed. And that is why the parents had to speak out. It’s what we have to do, every single time someone is cavalier about the horrors that have decimated our people. In particular in the case where the offender is an educator. And in particular in front of Jewish children, who feel these things more deeply than their classmates. Which is only natural.
So you see, from my point of view, this was exactly the right time to fire this teacher, and it was also the right thing to do. Why? Because this teacher failed at her job in every possible way: as an educator, as an example for young people, and as a human being.
Max thinks we should educate the teacher. We could do that: give her a course on the Holocaust (rather than on the destruction of the Temple). But here is what I wish Max understood: it is not our responsibility to educate that teacher. It is her responsibility to educate herself. It is every person’s responsibility to know and internalize the lessons of this recent history: the lessons of the Holocaust.
We are speaking of a teacher. Presumably college-educated. This person can read. What happened in the Holocaust is all on record.
The Holocaust did not, after all, take place in Ancient Greece.
This is contemporary history. 
It's practically NOW.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, October 23, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
YNet reports:

A Palestinian from the West Bank who converted to Judaism in Israel was inexplicably arrested by Palestinian Authority forces security forces over two weeks ago and has been held in custody ever since. He claims to have been tortured during that time on multiple occasions, which left his limbs badly burned.

The 50-year-old is Hebron resident who worked at a supermarket in the Jerusalem area. He converted on the eve of Rosh Hashanah three weeks ago at a strict Haredi court in the city of Bnei Brak by Rabbi Nissim Karelitz, who passed away on Monday.

Prior to his conversion he studied at Machon Meir Yeshiva in Jerusalem, an institution strongly associated with nationalist politics and settler movement. He was in the process of having his conversion recognized by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel before he was arrested, which would have allowed him to apply for Israeli passport.

On the eve of Yom Kippur, the man traveled to an area of the West Bank under Palestinian security control, just beyond the section of the territory under Israeli security control. There, he was supposed to meet with one of his nine children, who along with their mother are all Muslim.

During the family reunion, a white Skoda vehicle carrying four men approached the 50-year-old. The men got out of the car, dragged the Palestinian into the vehicle and drove away. Later, the man was dropped off at a police station in Hebron by the four.

Haim Perg, the leader of the Jewish community in Hebron, is helping the Palestinian with his legal troubles and according to him, the 50-year-old is the grandson of a Palestinian man who helped save Jews during the 1929 Hebron massacre.

"As far as I'm concerned, he's like my son, and I will shake up the world for somebody to come and save him," Perg said. "The man's grandfather rescued 26 Jews during the events in Hebron. Now that he is in danger, we have a commitment to help him."

Perg added that he spoke by phone with the Palestinian who told him he was being badly beaten and had even had his hands and feet burned during the torture he’s had to endure.
This story has been out in English for 24 hours, and tweeted to Human Rights Watch. Yet even though they tweet lots about Israel, this story somehow is not important enough to even tweet.

The reason, of course, is that to HRW, Arab and Muslim antisemitism is a topic that must never be mentioned or hinted at.

Look at this article from a HRW researcher about antisemitism in Europe in 2015 after a spate of mostly Muslim attacks on Jews:

 In January, four Jewish men were killed in a kosher supermarket in Paris, two days after the brutal attack on the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that left 12 people dead. Last week, a man attacked a synagogue in Copenhagen, killing a Jewish man as he guarded the building during a Bat Mitzvah celebration.... Last May, a man shot four people dead in a Jewish museum in Brussels. In 2012, a man and three children were shot dead at a Jewish school in Toulouse. 
Not once is the fact that these were Muslim attacks mentioned. And if you would come up with that conclusion on your own, HRW doesn't want you to take any guesses that perhaps Islamists have a problem with Judaism:
[T]he factors which drive some to commit violence are complex too; some attackers may have been exploited and coerced, while others may have acted more out of frustration than deep-seated hatred. 
HRW is bending over backwards to excuse Islamist antisemitism!

But when the synagogue in Halle was attacked on Yom Kippur, then HRW mentioned "right wing extremism." That can be named, Islamic and left wing extremism cannot be.

Interestingly enough, the German report on extremism linked to by HRW has separate sections on right-wing, left-wing and Islamic violence. But HRW only mentions one of them and does everything it can to erase the other two.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Terrorists Call for Killing Jews -- from UN HQ in Gaza
Leaders of several Palestinian factions are again calling for stepping up terrorist attacks against Jews. The difference is that this time, the calls were made during a sit-down strike held by Palestinians outside the offices of the United Nations in the Gaza Strip.

The leaders of the Palestinian factions chose to issue their calls for killing Jews in front of the UN offices in the Gaza Strip. It is as if they are asking the UN to approve their continual terrorist attacks against Israel.

What is clear -- and disturbing -- is that the UN officials in the Gaza Strip choose to remain silent when the Palestinian leaders came to their offices to incite their people to step up their terrorist attacks.

The sit-down strike was organized by the "Jerusalem Department" of Hamas, the terrorist group that has been ruling the Gaza Strip since the summer of 2007. The purpose of the sit-down strike was, according to Hamas, to protest visits by Jews to the Temple Mount, or Haram Al-Sharif -- a site in Jerusalem sacred to both Muslims and Jews.

Hamas, which governs the Gaza Strip near Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority (PA), which governs the West Bank near Jordan, as well as other Palestinian factions have long been waging a vicious campaign of incitement against the decision by Israeli authorities to allow Jews to tour the Temple Mount compound.

The Palestinians are opposed to the presence of Jews on the Temple Mount -- whether as visitors or worshippers. Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount is completely forbidden by the Israeli police, and Jewish visitors are forbidden from singing, whispering, praying or making any kind of religious displays. Still, the Palestinians continue to incite against the Jewish tours, ignoring the fact that the Israeli authorities do not allow Jews to pray on the Temple Mount.

The PA and Hamas officials and media outlets regularly describe the peaceful visits by Jews as "violent invasions by extremist Jewish settlers into the Al-Aqsa Mosque."

Political Islam Is Declining in the Middle East
The lack of a reaction to the death of former Egyptian president Muhammad Morsi and the absence of religious demands by protesters in Algeria, Sudan, and Iraq suggest that political Islam is waning after the defeat of ISIS three years ago.

Few live images were more dramatic than the collapse and death of former Egyptian president Muhammad Morsi, the first-ever Muslim Brotherhood head of state, in a transparent glass cage on June 17, 2019 during his seemingly never-ending trial proceedings in Cairo.

No one outside Egyptian officialdom questioned the severe conditions of Morsi’s incarceration since the day special forces surrounded the presidential home and placed him under arrest in July 2013, paving the way for his minister of defense, Abdel Fatah Sisi, to rise to the presidency in his stead.

For all the human drama of Morsi’s death, it prompted barely a whisper among the Egyptian public. It elicited protests by hapless exiled Muslim Brotherhood leaders, a predictable tirade by Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and some ineffective criticism from Qatar’s al-Jazeera, which shares Erdoğan’s antipathy to Sisi and sympathy for the Brotherhood.

When Egyptians took to the streets three months after Morsi’s death, their chants – “Down with Sisi’s tyrannical regime” – had nothing to do with Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood, or Islamist ideology.

The same can be said of the months-long protests that are taking place in Algeria and Sudan, which have been described as the stirrings of a new “Arab Spring.” Their common denominator is the marked absence of political Islam in the protesters’ messages.
Khaled Abu Toameh: ‘Arab Spring will spread to Palestinian territories’
Masri pointed out that Palestinians had joined the Arab Spring by launching protests against the PA and Hamas. The protests, however, were swiftly squashed by the PA and Hamas security forces.

He also noted that Palestinians have in recent years proven that they are capable of launching protests, such as the demonstrations in the West Bank against the PA’s social security law and the widespread protests against economic hardship in the Gaza Strip earlier this year.

“Those who believe that Palestine, its leadership and its president are immune from the extension of the Arab Spring because they are under [Israeli] occupation are mistaken,” Masri cautioned.

The “Israeli occupation,” he wrote, “does not provide a guarantee that Palestine won’t face popular uprisings. The general crisis the Palestinian cause is suffering from now, and the disaster we are experiencing as the division [between the West Bank and Gaza Strip] continues and deepens, justify a revolution against the ruling elites.”

Palestinians refer to the split between the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which began in 2007, as inkesam (division). Then, Hamas violently took control of the Gaza Strip after toppling the PA.

The Palestinian political analyst warned that if Palestinian leaders don’t implement reforms and allow public participation in the decision-making process, change will come “through a revolution and public outrage.”

By Daled Amos

Worldwide antisemitism is getting worse, with a spike in expressions of Jew-hatred and attacks on Jews, reminiscent of levels during the years leading up to the Holocaust.

Not so long ago, this seemed to be mostly an issue for European Jews.
Not any more.

In the US, during the past couple of years especially, antisemitism has boiled over from college campuses to social media, to public figures and Congressional representatives.

Antisemitism on the right makes headlines -- the violence that accompanies it ensures that it makes the news.

Islamic antisemitism still escapes scrutiny, and kneejerk cries of "Islamophobia!" effectively deflect criticism.

Meanwhile, antisemitism on the left is still denied outright.

Especially in New York City.

Over the past months, reports of attacks on Chasidic Jews appear regularly on Twitter, often accompanied by video revealing that African Americans are behind the attacks.
This goes against the narrative.

That was the problem in Crown Heights in 1991 during the riots.

Former New York Times journalist Ari Goldman wrote in 2011 about what it was like trying to report on what was happening during those riots. He describes it as a case of Telling It Like It Wasn't, where he witnessed journalism "go terribly wrong." The media insisted on framing the violence as a two-sided "racial conflict" between Blacks and Jews -- ignoring the pervasive antisemitism behind the riots themselves:
In all my reporting during the riots I never saw — or heard of — any violence by Jews against blacks. But the Times was dedicated to this version of events: blacks and Jews clashing amid racial tensions. To show Jewish culpability in the riots, the paper even ran a picture — laughable even at the time — of a chasidic man brandishing an open umbrella before a police officer in riot gear. The caption read: “A police officer scuffling with a Hasidic man yesterday on President Street.”
Today, the relationship between The New York Times and the Jewish Community continues to be problematic.

Last year, The Algemeiner published a collection of posts by Ira Stoll from 2016 to 2018 on anti-Jewish and anti-Israel bias in The New York Times. Entitled "The New York Times and The Jews", the book is divided into chapters such as "Double Standards," "Jerusalem" and "Iran."

There is also a chapter devoted to "Hasidim."

Stoll introduces the chapter:
"If the Times newsroom had any Hasidic Jews as reporters or editors, or if the newspaper's reporters and editors had more Hasidic Jewish friends, maybe the newspaper would be less inclined to hurl pejorative adjectives at them."
Or as Stoll notes elsewhere:
Is there any group of people who the New York Times feels comfortable insulting as openly and easily as Orthodox Jews?
For example, Stoll writes that New York Times Column Smears Satmars as Ignorant Welfare Sponges.

In that piece, he quotes a New York Times article complaining that:
A history of pandering to the ultra-Orthodox in Brooklyn goes back at least to the days of Mario M. Cuomo...According to a 2011 study by the UJA-Federation of New York, the Jewish philanthropic organization, just 11 percent of Hasidic men and 6 percent of Hasidic women in and around New York City hold bachelor’s degrees, while the poverty rate among Hasidic households stands at 43 percent, nearly twice the figure citywide.
Stoll points to a significant omission by the New York Times article: the data for the Hasidic poverty rate comes from a Special Report on Poverty which actually readjusts the federal poverty guideline for the purposes of defining poverty so that "a poor household is a household whose annual income is less than 150% of the 2010 federal poverty guideline" [p. 21]. So for example this would contrast "100% of the federal poverty guideline ($22,000) and the 150% level ($33,000) [p. 125].

Similarly, while the article makes a point of mentioning Satmar's geographic roots:
the Satmar, its name taken from the Hungarian town of Szatmar, where Rabbi Teitelbaum had fought to resist the encroachments of a modernizing society. Subsequent decades have seen virtually no retrenchment in the sect’s mistrust of the larger world.”
-- there is no attempt to show the connection between that "mistrust" and the Holocaust.

One of the comments to Stoll's article notes that The New York Times refers to the Satmar having "immigrated to the United States, colonizing a section of Williamsburg in Brooklyn for his Hasidic sect" That kind of language is unlikely to be used with other immigrant groups.

In another article, Stoll notes how the New York Times Obsessively Cheerleads for Those Exiting Orthodox Judaism. While the topic itself is reasonable and "those struggling with their transitions in life certainly deserve compassion and support" -- The New York Times itself appears fixated on the topic:
o An October 2014 Times “On Religion” column by Samuel G. Freedman addressed this topic, mentioning Footsteps -- a non-profit organization that describes itself as helping those "contemplating leaving, insular ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in their quest to lead self determined lives."

o An August 2015 report for a New York Times subsidiary, 'the Women in the World conference', also mentions the group Footsteps a second time. The subheadline of that report is, “Women who leave ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities often face isolation, loneliness, and a crisis of identity.” That article mentions Faigy Mayer, a former Belz hasid, reporting, “it remains unclear how — or even if — Mayer’s past contributed to her suicide.”

o A March 12, 2017 Times feature about actors in a Yiddish play reported: “During a rehearsal break, the five actors discussed going ‘off the derech’ — or O.T.D. —  and refers to leaving the Hasidic religion and lifestyle.”

o A March 30, 2017 New York Times Magazine article goes over the same ground again, reporting about Footsteps yet a third time and again referring to the suicide of Faigy Mayer.
At no point is proof offered that suicide rates are higher among Orthodox Jews than non-religious Jews -- in fact studies indicate the opposite.

More to the point:
If the Times finds individual religious transitions so newsworthy, one wonders, why doesn’t it write more about people leaving other religious traditions — say, people struggling to abandon Catholicism, or Mormonism, or Islam? Or why doesn’t it write, in the same sympathetic and supportive and non-skeptical tone, about people unhappy with their secular upbringing who are finding meaning and happiness by becoming religious Jews?

Instead the newspaper obsesses over the formerly Orthodox Jews.
In The New York Times Tries Explaining Its Flawed Crusade Against Yeshivas, the issue is the criticism of Yeshivas:
39 yeshivas were violating state law by not providing students, particularly boys, an adequate education in secular subjects like English, math and science.
Stoll contacted the paper and wanted to know why no one defending the schools was quoted in the story. When an editor answered his question, they did not say it was because no one responded to their request for comment.

They just didn't think a comment from the Yeshivas themselves was necessary:
We saw this as an article about the city and the status of the investigation, so when we went to get comment, we went to the subject: the city.
In Jewesses Bathing in Public Pools? New York Times Editorial Writers Can’t Stand the Stench, Stoll notes the double standard comparing Orthodox Jews and Muslims. A June 2016 New York Times editorial describes the idea of providing women-only hours at a public swimming pool in Williamsburg, Brooklyn as a “strong odor of religious intrusion into a secular space.” Yet, he points out, a February 2016 article just a few months earlier actually praised a Toronto pool offering women-only hours for Muslims as "a model of inclusion"

During 2019, Stoll has not highlighted New York Times articles targeting religious Jews -- but Jews in general have been singled out.

Stoll notes that a New York Times article deliberately entitled, “A Leading Jewish Philanthropist Is Accused of Sexual Harassment” had triggered complaints because of the gratuitous mention of a Jewish philanthropist. The headline in the online version of the article instead identifies the subject as "a leader in Jewish philanthropy."

Similarly, in Useful Idiots and Trumpist Billionaires Paul Krugman calls out Trump fundraiser Stephen Ross for his support for what Krugman takes for granted is a racist:
Ross is Jewish — and anyone Jewish has to be completely ignorant of history not to know that when bigotry runs free, we’re always next in line for persecution.

In fact, the ingredients for an American pogrom are already in place.
Stoll notes how odd Krugman's formulation is:
Jews are rarely next in line for persecution -- usually, we are first in line
o  Here is Krugman warning that the ingredients for a pogrom are in place -- without any mention of the attacks on synagogues in Pittsburgh and Poway that have already happened.
o  Krugman's attack on "anyone Jewish" casts an awfully wide net
o  You need not look further than Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib to see that Republicans have not cornered the market on bigotry
Stoll concludes
Personally, I’m not hosting any fundraisers for Trump. But, unlike Krugman, neither am I Jew-shaming any of my fellow Jews who choose to do so.
Of course, if anything stood out in The New York Times this year when it came to reporting on Jews, it was this cartoon:

-- featuring a gratuitous kippah on Trump's head, no mean feat for someone who is supposed to be both antisemitic and a racist.

The only thing more stunning than the poor taste The New York Times showed in allowing such a cartoon to begin with, was their claim when they finally got around to apologizing for the cartoon.

More than a few people were left scratching their heads when The New York Times claimed, “We have been and remain stalwart supporters of Israel.”

That was quite an odd claim, considering the fact that it is not even clear The New York Times is a stalwart supporter of Jews in general.

This is not to say that The New York Times is single-handedly encouraging antisemitism. They did not create the problem.

But The New York Times has shown that it is part of the problem.

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  • Wednesday, October 23, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

From MyCentralJersey:

The controversial "P is for Palestine" book reading went on as planned Sunday at the Highland Park Public Library, after being rescheduled from May.

About four adults and three children attended the event. Those inside, which included borough resident Lisa Ben-Haim, were members of the local Jewish community, Ben-Haim said.

“It started at 2 and she rambled until almost 3 o'clock, and then she started reading from the book,” Ben-Haim said. “All of us had planned to walk out in protest when she got to 'I is for Intifada,' but it was so painful sitting there listening to her, we walked out at E."

Protesters of the reading appeared outside the venue. With about 125 of all ages, the group was on hand to "let their voices be heard," Ben-Haim said. She added that the protesters had posters and were present to mark that they felt the event was "inappropriate."

There were a handful of supporters on the opposite side of the street, said borough resident Josh Pruzansky. The road was closed, and 10 police officers ensured the safety and security of both groups.

This is a peaceful protest, Pruzansky said, but the author, Golbarg Bashi, "supports the BDS movement." 

"We don't want her speaking to our children in a community library," he said. "She is a person who sponsors hate, sponsors violence. BDS was called antisemitism by the United Nations, by the U.S. Congress, by the Parliament of Germany. It was called antisemitism by the state of New Jersey. Why are we bringing an anti-Semite to our library to speak to our children on a Jewish holiday?"
Here was the pathetic counter-protest with about three people:

I am told that Pruzansky, a key organizer of the protest, won the bidding for the Chatan Torah honor on Simchat Torah, and his win was announced as "P is for Pruzansky" to the laughs of the congregants.

Mondoweiss is calling protests against a book that seeks to normalize BDS and a violent uprising against Jewish civilians "censorship" even though the book supposedly sold out of its printings.

Bashi has also written an anti-Israel children's counting book where Palestinian children climb "the last olive tree in the land yet to be free" that the "woeful woodcutter" wants to chop down.

(h/t Sam)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Wednesday, October 23, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

Haaretz and JPost report:

A court in Ramallah earlier this week ordered the blocking of 59 Palestinian websites, blogs and Facebook pages that oppose the Palestinian Authority and PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

The decision was made at the request of the Palestinian prosecution, but it is widely assumed that senior PA officials were behind the move. The prosecution, in its petition to the court, argued that the sites disseminate harmful content about the PA and its officials and are likely to be used to incite lawlessness.

Some of the blocked websites are very popular among Palestinians and in the rest of the Arab world. Some report critically on developments in the West Bank and Gaza, while others are identified with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the camp of Mohammed Dahlan, one of Abbas’ leading opponents. The list includes the Arab48 website, which is based in Haifa and is identified with the Balad party.

The court said it found that the websites have published articles and photos that “threaten national security and civic peace.”

The court accepted the PA Attorney General’s argument that the websites have attacked and offended “symbols of the Palestinian Authority.”

Most of the websites targeted by the PA are affiliated with Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Mohammed Dahlan, a senior Fatah official and archival of Abbas. Some of the websites are known for their criticism of financial and administrative corruption of the PA and its senior officials.

The law being enforced, which is truly chilling in that it can sentence anyone who makes fun of Mahmoud Abbas to up to 15 year of hard labor, was passed in 2017 to little news coverage. Officially the law is called a "cybercrime law."

The judge who passed the ban said "These sites have published phrases and pictures and articles on the Internet threatening national security and civil peace and disruption of public order and public morals and that arouse Palestinian public opinion.

The list of 59 websites includes a Facebook page called "Abbas doesn't represent me" and "Riyad Maliki doesn't represent me." Maliki is "foreign minister" and former minister of information for the PA. It is obvious that the Facebook pages do not threaten anyone but Abbas' dictatorship and his attempt to control all information and news from the territories.

A survey of some of the sites shows nothing that is remotely pro-Israel.

Perhaps the most surprising thing about this story is that Mohammed Shatyyeh, the prime minister, heavily criticized the proposed ban. "We have asked the attorney general and the competent authorities to reconsider this decision," Shtayyeh told reporters in Tulkarem.

Shtayyeh is an astute politician and realizes how bad such a ban looks. His position gives him no authority to do anything about it except support an appeal on the decision. The Supreme Court members were handpicked by Abbas.

Haaretz reports that an appeal is likely to be successful; we'll see. Palestinian journalists are heavily covering this story.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

From Ian:

Netanyahu gives up effort to form government, returns mandate
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned the mandate to form a government to President Reuven Rivlin minutes after the end of the Simhat Torah holiday on Monday night, and two nights before the deadline for him to build a coalition.

Rivlin, who has received the message from Netanyahu, will hold consultations with faction representatives who request to meet with him.

By law, the president has three days to give the mandate to Blue and White leader Benny Gantz.

Sources close to Gantz said they do not expect the mandate to be given before Wednesday.

Netanyahu released a video complaining that Gantz refused to negotiate with him. In the video, Netanyahu revealed that in addition to what is known to the public, he had initiated secret steps to build a unity government with Gantz.

The prime minister warned in the video that Gantz could form a minority government backed by the Joint List in a parliamentary safety net.

Netanyahu said that if Gantz built such a coalition, he would serve as head of the opposition.

“A minority government will be formed with the support of Joint List MKs who encourage terror and oppose Israel’s existence,” Netanyahu warned.

“How can a minority government led by Gantz and supported by these MKs fight terror?”
Israel Elections: Netanyahu Has Failed to Form Government
On Monday night, Israel's incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned the mandate given to him by President Reuven Rivlin to form a governing coalition, conceding his failure to do so as he celebrated his 70th birthday.

He’s in control now, but Gantz’s coalition chances no better than Netanyahu’s
For the first time in 11 years, the lawmaker tasked with forming Israel’s next governing coalition is not Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Likud leader marked his 70th birthday Monday evening by informing Reuven Rivlin that, after 26 frustrating days, he was returning the mandate to build the next government that the president had given him after September’s elections.

Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz, about to be given the same improbable mission, is now in the driver’s seat.

This is the exact scenario that Gantz, the IDF chief turned politician, has been awaiting since the results of September 17’s inconclusive election started to sink in.

After Rivlin’s late September consultations with the various parties where he heard their choices for prime minister, the Joint List alliance of majority-Arab parties claimed that Blue and White had asked its hardline Balad sub-faction to hold off on suggesting to Rivlin that Gantz be tasked with forming the government.

Gantz thus ended up with 54 recommendations: 33 from his own Blue and White party, 10 from the rest of the Joint List, six from Labor and five from the Democratic Camp. That was one crucial supporter fewer than the 55 endorsements Netanyahu received, with 32 from Likud, nine from Shas, seven from Yamina, and seven from United Torah Judaism.
A new Benjamin: How will Gantz face Israel's enemies? – Analysis
Six months ago, when Israel went to the polls for the first time, Gaza was front and center. It’s not much different this time, except that the threats posed by Iran and Hezbollah cannot be ignored – especially following the American withdrawal from Syria, which opens up a significant amount of territory to Israel’s enemies.

In April, tanks and thousands of soldiers were deployed along the border with the Hamas-run Gaza Strip after long-range rocket fire towards the center of the country. In May, the focus was on the northern border after, according to foreign reports, Israel expanded air strikes to both Lebanon and Iraq against Hezbollah and Iranian targets.

But will his dovish political leanings make him any less powerful as a prime minister – when facing enemies who have vowed the destruction of his country?


Netanyahu has kept the status quo in Israel’s South, which has been pounded by thousands of rockets in the past year alone, responding with targeted air strikes against Hamas targets and militants. While he’s been able to prevent another war with terror groups in Gaza, residents in Israel’s South have been contending with daily violence along the border fence.

Gantz, who was chief of staff during Operation Protective Edge in 2014, has ripped into Netanyahu’s handling of the Strip, saying that “other than advancing the building of the barrier along the Gaza border, nothing has been done.”

In the North, Gantz has called Hezbollah “the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world” and has stated that he stands “shoulder-to-shoulder” with Netanyahu against Iran, about which, as “IDF former Chief of Staff, I saw first-hand, precise information regarding what is really happening in Iran.”

During a rare flareup of violence along the Lebanese border two weeks before the second general election, Gantz suspended his campaign, writing on Twitter that “There is no opposition and no coalition in an operation against anyone who tries to harm the citizens of Israel or its sovereignty.”

So, while Israel’s newest Benjamin is a breath of fresh air for a country that has been ruled by the current Benjamin for so long, he will likely take a harsh stance against Israel’s enemies – and Israel’s security will not be eroded.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

  • Sunday, October 20, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
For those who celebrate, have a wonderful Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah!

Don't think I'd put Herzl on a level of Moses and Aaron, myself, as this 1902 Simchat Torah flag from Warsaw does, but it shows a remarkable acceptance of modern Zionism in only a few years from religious Polish Jews, something that anti-Zionists like to claim didn't occur.

I will not be posting or tweeting until at least Tuesday night. Chag sameach!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, October 20, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon

The President of the Jordanian Bar Association, Mazen Irshaidat, confirmed that there is no land registered in the Land Department with the names of Jews in the areas of Baqoura and Ghamir.

These are the areas on the border with Israel that Jordan leased out to Israel for 25 years in the peace treaty. There have apparently been rumors that Jews had bought lands in those areas.

Irshaidat told the Jordan 24 site that it is unacceptable to have lands owned by the Zionists or Jews in that area, and he confirmed that he could not find any Jewish names in the list of landowners in those areas.

Arabs often claim that they are only anti-Zionist and not antisemitic. Here is proof #8342 that they are not telling the truth.

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