Tuesday, July 03, 2012

  • Tuesday, July 03, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:

Talks on the $70 billion a year global arms trade hit deadlock before starting Monday amid a diplomatic battle over Palestinian representation.

Arab demands that Palestinians be allowed to take part led to a threat of an Israeli walkout and a block on European Union presence at the conference, diplomats said. Even the Vatican has been drawn into the dispute.

“This chaotic start is a tragedy for this event, which is so important,” said a minister from a western nation who went to the U.N. headquarters for the start of the negotiations.

Talks among the 193 United Nations members were meant to have started on Monday morning and gone on until July 27 to come up with a draft arms trade treaty.

However, tense negotiations over the Palestinian representation came to a head in the hours before the start. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called off his opening speech and it was not clear when the talks would begin, according to AFP.

Arab nations have demanded that the Palestinians, who have been seeking to bolster their international presence, get a place at the conference.

The Arab group said the European Union should not be allowed at the talks if the Palestinians do not get a place, diplomats said. “The Egyptians, acting for the Arab group, have held up the conference. They insisted that the Palestinians take part,” said one Arab diplomat.

The Palestinians are observers at the U.N. and the European Union has super-observer status. The Vatican, which is also a U.N. observer, has said it should also take part if the Palestinians get their way, diplomats said.

“Certain states, fearing an arms trade treaty with strong human rights provisions, are exploiting the legitimate Palestinian cause by delaying what supporters of a strong treaty have been working towards for seven years,” said one Western diplomat condemning Egypt’s action.

This is not about Palestine. It is actually a transparent attempt to use procedural delays in a battle which they know that they cannot win on the arguments alone,” the diplomat added.

Israel, a key arms manufacturer in the Middle East, said it would not take part in the talks if the Palestinians did get conference recognition, Arab and Israeli sources said.

While the Palestinians have sought to bolster their international presence by asking for full U.N. membership, some diplomats indicated the move could be a tactic by Egypt and others to weaken the treaty.

U.N. states have spent seven years preparing for the talks on how to regulate the arms trade.

Ahead of the negotiations at U.N. headquarters, the foreign ministers of France, Britain and Germany and Sweden’s trade minister called for a comprehensive treaty.

While acknowledging that their countries bear “a special responsibility” as leading exporters, they said a solid treaty was need to counter “a growing threat to humanity” because of the numbers killed in conflict each day.

They said any treaty should be legally binding, but nationally enforced.
As I write this, Guns N' Roses is playing a sold-out show in Tel Aviv. And in September the Red Hot Chili Peppers is playing in Israel as well.

No one is more frustrated about this than the BDS group that calls itself Metalheads Against Apartheid. As one of its members lamented in February:

The trend to attract metal bands to play in Israel is not new. I’m going to take some credit for coining this little-known term. The concept was gleaned from the “pinkwashing” term, which has gone mainstream. Similar to “pinkwashing,” “metalwashing” is a way for Israel to gain acceptance through reaching out to metal fans. The number of heavy metal bands that have taken a liking to Israel and shut their eyes to Israel’s war crimes, human rights abuses, and violation of international law is growing. Apartheid Israel appears to have strong support from some metal bands. The question is, why? (I’ll leave you to ponder that)

The growing BDS movement continues to ask metal bands to cancel, and the Israeli-led co-resistance movement was prompted to write a letter entitled “A letter to all metal bands,” asking them to refrain from playing in the apartheid state. Sixteen Israelis signed the letter. The only metal band so far to cancel has been August Burns Red.

Here’s a partial list of bands whom have screamed, distorted their amps, and wore a lot of black for the stages of Tel Aviv:

Napalm Death, Metallica, Children of Bodom, Arch Enemy, Lamb of God, Linkin Park, and Ozzy Osbourne.

Looking ahead, Guns N’ Roses, Scorpions, Opeth and Dark Tranquility plan to play this year and Lamb of God plans to return.
16 Israelis signed the letter? And they are bragging about it?

Now what happened with the MAA's only "victory" of August Burns Red?

At the time, BDSers were ecstatic and thanked the band, especially as it happened on the first anniversary of the Mavi Marmara.
August Burns Red, a phenomenally popular Christian metalcore band, has just cancelled their June 9 concert in Israel. “They have no plans to reschedule,” says a reliabOKle source that must remain anonymous. They cancelled because they do not want to play in Israel.This comes as welcome news exactly a year to the date after the 2010 Israeli attack on civilians aboard the Freedom Flotilla, in which nine volunteers were killed execution style, and fifty others were seriously injured, one of which remains comatose.
Only one problem: The band never said that they canceled because of BDS. And if they canceled because of the Mavi Marmara, then the other Middle Eastern country they canceled is most curious indeed. In the words of the band:
We are very sorry to announce that August Burns Red will be canceling our upcoming shows in Turkey and Tel Aviv due to commitments regarding out upcoming June 21st album release in the U.S.

Our apologies go out to all the awesome fans who were planning on coming to these shows and the many that already bought tickets, and to the promoters who worked so hard to make them happen.

We haven't canceled a show since 2005 so this has been a real hard thing for us to accept. We were really looking forward to these shows and plan on making it up to you as soon as possible.
What this means is that despite organized campaigns, BDSers have not managed to convince a single metal band to boycott Israel.

The reason? Well, obviously, heavy metal is Zionist.

And Zionists use heavy metal to corrupt Muslims.

  • Tuesday, July 03, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Real Jerusalem Streets has an entire photo essay on Yitzchak Shamir's funeral today.

He notes:
In 1991, Prime Minister Shamir approved Operation Solomon which brought over 14,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel. On the day of his funeral, Ethiopian community leaders were in the last group to leave the Knesset grounds.
Read the whole thing.

David G has a run down of tributes to Shamir:
Seth Lipsky at the New York Sun concludes:
One of our favorite facts is that history doesn’t disclose her alternatives. The world will never know what would have happened had America and the other parties been held to the standards Shamir insisted on at Madrid. No doubt there are many who will scorn the very thought. But here we are a generation after Oslo, and the Iranians are building an a-bomb, the Arafat who was embraced at Oslo is gone without achievement, the Eyptians have just elected a president who will make it a priority to seek the release of the sheik who masterminded the first bombing of the World Trade Center, the Syrians are engulfed in a civil war, the Lebanese are victims of Iranian-based terror and tyranny, and the Europeans are more hostile to Israel than ever. So the world will miss this practical idealist who knew where he stood and wouldn’t budge.
Daniel Gordis offers similar thoughts at Tablet (h/t Yair Rosenberg):
For all the misgivings many now have about Shamir’s intransigence or his specific policies, part of his legacy is that Jews ought not to pretend not to know what, deep down, they know. Yitzhak Shamir knew what he had seen, both in Europe and then in the Arab world, and he knew what it meant. He was no less ambivalent about the Arabs than he was about the Poles and refused to vote for Begin’s peace treaty with Egypt. Presumably in deference to Begin, he abstained, but he made it clear that he thought Israel was paying far too high a price. Today, three and a half decades later, with the Muslim Brotherhood’s rise to power in Cairo and with Israel now missing the Sinai as a buffer, who was wiser? Was it the Nobel Prize-winning Begin who’d turned peacemaker, or Shamir, who had not? Will the sword devour forever? Yes, Shamir sadly believed, it will. Is it possible that he was right?
Emanuele Ottolenghi gives a unique perspective on Shamir:
Shamir did. He withdrew, like his predecessor Menachem Begin, and did not dispense wisdom or settle scores from the column of a magazine or the chairmanship of a foundation for the years he was out of office. And heaven knows he might still have had much to say. But he understood that a defeated statesman must acknowledge his loss and graciously withdraw from sight. His silence, for 20 years, is a testimony to the respect he had for the democratic process and his profoundly humbling recognition that his time as leader had passed.

  • Tuesday, July 03, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Summer's here, and time is right for - jihad!

Islamic Jihad is sponsoring summer camps again this year. Some 10,000 potential murderers between 12 and 16 are being indoctrinated in about 50 camps.

This year's theme is "Signs of Victory."

The camps are meant to identify the next generation of jihadists.Activities include visiting the families of "martyrs."

Here you can see the logo for the summer camps, that is on all the campers' T-shirts.

And this is only Islamic Jihad. Hamas has summer camps too.

Naturally, I must bring out one of my favorite videos on the topic, my classic Hello Martyr, Hello Fatah:

  • Tuesday, July 03, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency reports that a Gaza company exported 2000 pieces of clothing to Britain yesterday.

As in May, this is presumably shipped from the Ashour clothing company - located on Izzedine al-Qassam Street, Gaza City - to the British JD Williams Company.

Looking at the JD Williams site, however, one cannot find that they tell us which clothes were manufactured in Gaza. I think this is one of the sweaters but I'm not sure.

If it is so important to label goods that are created by Jewish-owned companies in the West Bank, why is it not important for consumers to know that their clothing is made in Gaza? That way if they want to buy it they can, and if they want to boycott it they can do that as well.

After all, Gaza manufacturers pay taxes and help legitimize the Hamas government, which ignores human rights and freedom of Gazans. Every pro-Palestinian activist should think twice before doing anything to help Hamas.

Yet for some reason Europeans (and others) are only keenly interested in knowing the origin of goods made by Jews in the historic Jewish homeland.
Qudsmedia reports:
The General Authority of the Supreme Islamic Council in Jerusalem confirmed that the Wailing Wall is part and parcel of the Wall of Al Aqsa Mosque... It has nothing to do with the Jews, and it is the yard of the Islamic Buraq, with reference to the League of Nations in 1930, which acknowledged that the Wailing Wall is Islamic and the property of the Muslims.

...It is known a priori that the yard of any house is a part of it. And that the repeated incursions of occupation will not give them any right to the Al Aqsa.

The Commission stressed that the lifting of the Israeli flag in the courtyards of Al-Aqsa is a blatant attack and affects the sanctity of Al-Aqsa and provokes the feelings of Muslims.

...The Commission concluded its statement by emphasizing that "Al Aqsa is for Muslims alone, whose claim is superior to any decisions by the courts, we cannot negotiate, nor abandon it, nor to give up a single grain dust from it."
The anti-Israel Kairos USA recently issued a document that essentially ignores Judaism as a religion and claims that Jews have no rights to Israel. It was taken apart by Adam Gregorman and by Dexter Van Zile.

Here's one of the least offensive parts of their document, even though it is plenty offensive:
Now, if they believe that the Land has a "universal mission" that includes "all of humanity" then they must believe that Jews have the absolute right to worship on the Temple Mount and build their own synagogue or Temple there as long as it does not impede on the ability of Muslims to worship there as well.

Will any of them say that publicly? Or are the just using a bizarre theological justification for minimizing Jewish rights to the land of Israel while justifying Muslim supremacism n Jewish holy sites?

In other words, do they believe that only Jews are part of this wonderful, utopian "realm of God" that limits their rights to self-determination but Muslims and Arabs can still do what they want?

Because it sure sounds like that is exactly what they are saying.

(h/t D.)

Monday, July 02, 2012

  • Monday, July 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Daily Star:
Three devices exploded in Zrarieh south Lebanon Monday that the Army said were spying apparatuses detonated wirelessly by Israel. One of the devices appeared to be a solar powered battery, and the other two communications devices, security sources said.

The explosions occurred in the village of Zrarieh, three kilometers north of the Litani River, and outside the operations area of the United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon.

UNIFIL officials did not make any comment on the matter, since it was outside their jurisdiction.

Hezbollah issued a statement claiming the devices were wiretapping instruments that had tapped into the party’s communications network.

“As part of its continuing counter-espionage efforts against Israel, the Islamic Resistance managed to locate an Israeli eavesdropping device on the resistance’s wired communication network in Zrarieh. As a result, the enemy detonated the device from a distance,” the statement said.

The Lebanese Army is conducting an investigation into the explosions, according to a statement issued by the Army command.

Military intelligence personnel were at the scene of the blasts, which it said took place at 5:15 p.m.
Hezbollah's  Al Manar has photos, although it is hard to figure out what exactly they are. Presumably this is one of the devices before the explosion...

And afterwards:

Al Manar also says that "the storage device is linked to the transmission equipment via a 80-meter cable directed towards the bordering Zionist military posts." I'm not sure if they are claiming that the 80-meter cable was a huge antenna, because the area the devices were found is many kilometers from Israel.
  • Monday, July 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
According to eChinaCities:
The World Air Stewardess Association has announced the “2012 World’s 10 Most Beautiful Air Hostess Airline Company” list, with Israeli airline, El Al Airlines, grabbing first prize.
This sounds a little fishy - who still uses the word "stewardesses?" - but it is a chance for some gratuitous photos, which I haven't done for a while.

This ad is from 1969, with Zehava Shilon modeling a new uniform .

Fasten your seatbelts… unfasten your seatbelts… magazine? care for a pillow? check your coat? are you comfortable enough? El Al means ‘to the skies,’ sir… just push the button… just pull the knob… yes, sir… no, sir… coffee, tea, or milk? piece of gum? piece of fruit? yes, ma’am… yes, sir… NO, SIR! coffee, tea, or milk? I’ll do that… I’m not allowed… I’m 28, sir… we’re not allowed. Sir, the wings always do that… no, ma’am… yes, ma’am… feel better? just push the button… just pull the knob… another pillow? isn’t that nice? here’s your dinner… no, sir… PLEASE, SIR! more coffee? fasten your seatbelts…. Shalom… Shalom… Shalom. I feel like I’ve walked all the way from Tel Aviv. I did!

And, finally, I found an ad for El-Al - pantyhose: (click to enlarge)

Unlike El-Al cigarettes, I don't think these were meant to have anything to do with the airline.

UPDATE: Jzaik found some recent videos of El Al flight attendants training:

  • Monday, July 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Cirque du Soleil is scheduled to perform in Israel, for the first time, from August 8-18.

So naturally there is a protest - from a Palestinian Arab circus school:
The Palestinian Circus School sent a letter to the General Management of Cirque du Soleil calling on it not perform in Israel, according to statement issued Monday. Cirque du Soleil is scheduled to perform in August.

We do not take lightly calling for Cirque du Soleil, or any circus for that matter, to not perform in Israel, especially since we ourselves are totally committed to the art of circus and are committed to bringing the circus everywhere we can,” said the letter.

“However, for circus to be faithful to its art form, we are also unrelentingly committed to human rights. Thus, we write to request that Cirque du Soleil reconsider its planned performance in Israel, a military occupying power and violator of international law and human rights, and join other artists from around the world who have called on you to support human rights and the right of all people to be free from military occupation,” said the letter.

“Your visit to Israel will be fully facilitated by the Israeli authorities, at the time when our movement as students and artists of the Palestinian Circus School is permanently crippled by military law that denies us entry to Jerusalem, Jaffa, Akka, Haifa or Nazareth, not to mention the completely closed Gaza Strip,” added the letter.
If they want a two-state solution, then why do they object to Israel treating them like a separate state by restricting how they can perform in Israel?

Ah, but the premise of the question is wrong.

This was published by the official PA WAFA news agency, meaning that the PA really does support boycotting Israel - against signed agreements - even though they are careful not to say it too loud.
  • Monday, July 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Reuters:
Sudan accused unnamed "Zionist institutions" on Sunday of fanning anti-government protests as it tries to snuff out disturbances which echo Arab Spring unrest elsewhere.

For two weeks, anti-austerity protesters have been calling for the resignation of the government of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, one of Africa's longest serving leaders.

"Zionist institutions inside the United States and elsewhere... are exploiting the latest economic decisions to destabilize the security and political situation," the state-linked Sudanese Media Centre quoted presidential assistant Nafie Ali Nafie as saying.

Nafie said the government had evidence of collusion between rebel groups in Darfur, politicians in arch-foe South Sudan and Zionist institutions in the United States to sabotage Sudan. He did not present the evidence.

Police used teargas to put down protests in Khartoum on Friday.

The Sudanese Commission for Defence of Freedoms and Rights estimated on Sunday that 1,000 people had been arrested since the protests began.

Demonstrators have chanted the widespread Arab Spring refrain: "The people want the downfall of the regime".
I wonder if there is an inverse square law for accusations of "Zionism" as they go further away from Israel. When they are hurled by Israel's neighbors, they seem to be taken much more seriously by the people than when they are used by leaders of Muslim countries further away.

(I include Iran in this; I don't think the Iranians are nearly as gullible to the constant cries of "Zionism" as their government thinks.)
  • Monday, July 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Ancient synagogue and mosaic unearthed in Galilee
Huqoq discovery dates back 1,500 years; artwork depicts biblical story of Samson

PMW PA Israel spreads drugs to destroy Palestinian society
"One day after Iranian Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi was condemned internationally for saying that Jews and their Talmud are responsible for international drug trafficking, no less than five articles in the official PA daily cited different Palestinian Authority officials accusing Israel of having a policy to disseminate drugs among Palestinian youth."

MERIA Journal Volume 16 No2 June 2012
Western governments, experts, and journalists have long assumed that an Israel-Palestinian or comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace agreement ending the conflict was near at hand and easily achieved. In fact, the truth is the exact opposite. Indeed, there has not been any real “peace process” or real chance for a diplomatic solution since the Palestinian leadership rejected a deal in 2000. This article examines the factors that, on one hand, make the “peace process” deceased and, on the other hand, inhibit recognition of the fact that a formal Israel-Palestinian peace that ends the conflict is unlikely for many years to come.
This article will observe the process whereby Hamas has consolidated and maintained its rule in Gaza. It will argue that the gradual strengthening of the Gaza leadership within Hamas preceded the upheavals of 2011. The fallout from the events in Egypt and Syria, however, served to accelerate and accentuate the process whereby the Gaza leadership made gains at the expense of the external leadership.
Assuming that Iran does indeed obtain nuclear weapons and Israel doesn’t launch an attack on its facilities, what is Israel’s “plan B” to deal with the new situation? This article analyzes the issue.

Al Guardian’s sloppy, biased coverage of Yitzhak Shamir’s death
Guardian obit on Yitzhak Shamir reduces sum of former PM’s moral life to Palestinian litmus test
The Guardian changing history.
However, the Guardian is not alone. Interestingly, the Daily Telegraph - in an obituary published just over an hour before the original Guardian one – made exactly the same mistake:
“Born in Poland on October 15, 1915, Shamir emigrated to British-ruled Palestine in 1935 after his family perished in the Nazi Holocaust”.

Getting ready for Red Hot Tel Aviv VIDEO
Red Hot Chili Peppers play up their ‘excitement and thrill’ to be coming to Israel, birthplace of their original guitarist

Al Qaeda 'plot to blow up passenger jet' in run up to Olympics uncovered by security forces
“Al Qaeda intended to use a radicalised Norwegian Islamic convert to attack U.S. planes in the build-up to the London Games - which start in 26 days on July 27 - it is understood.”
  • Monday, July 02, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Mahmoud Abbas was interviewed by Voice of Palestine on its 18th anniversary, and the old dictator showed how tone-deaf he is to what's going on outside his own window.

He spoke about freedom of the press, and said that there is an obligation to tell the "truth" but that this obligation does not extend to "insults." Freedom of the press is not absolute, he said, adding that the news media should concentrate on "important" matters.

Given that this comes on the heels of Abbas' attempt to censor any media that is critical of his regime, it appears that Abbas is really out of touch with how his people think.

Even worse, this comes only a day after his own police violently suppressed a peaceful protest against his policies, indicating exactly where he feels that freedom of expression ends.

Fatah's popularity has been falling lately, and Abbas is showing exactly why. There have been protests before but this new wave seems that it might really be the Palestinian version of the Arab Spring. Abbas' new statements will only stoke the fire.

And another dictator that the US put its weight behind will be replaced by something even worse.


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