Tuesday, June 25, 2024

  • Tuesday, June 25, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

i24News reports:
Reports from Palestinian sources indicate that the Kerem Shalom crossing will open for Palestinians from Gaza, marking the first access since the conflict's onset. 

This decision, requiring stringent security checks and coordination with Civil Administration officials, primarily aims to facilitate medical treatment abroad for Gaza patients, in collaboration with Egyptian authorities.

Sources within the IDF's Southern Command have confirmed this move, portraying it as an initial step towards enabling essential travel. Additionally, individuals with specific humanitarian needs and special permits will be permitted to exit Gaza through Kerem Shalom.

Military officials emphasize that while security protocols remain stringent, there is a proactive stance within the security apparatus to facilitate Palestinian departures under rigorous scrutiny. 
Times of Israel adds that, according to reports,  the initiative was coordinated between Israel and the World Health Organization.

For six weeks now, Egypt has refused to allow patients to leave Gaza, no matter how desperate the need, because, something something, Israel. Essentially, the Egyptian government was comfortable dealing with Hamas at the Rafah crossing and considered dealing with Israel instead to be an affront to its honor. Arab terrorists are much better partners, apparently, than any Jews. 

Everyone in the world sees Egypt's refusal to save Gazan lives, which has been the case since the beginning of the war. And yet the criticism of Egypt - outside from Gaza residents themselves - has been quite muted. 

Because criticism of Egypt would shame them. And everyone knows that you must never shame Arabs, because that is worse than letting child cancer patients in Gaza die.

That is the exact calculus of the world refusing to say a negative word about Egypt. It's okay to occasionally criticize Hamas, and Syria, because they are criticized by moderate Arab states as well. But to criticize Egypt or Jordan or Lebanon? No, that cannot be done publicly.

Even when that criticism can save thousands of lives.

Here we see Israel cares more about the lives of Gaza children with illnesses than Egypt does. It is quote obvious. And it will just as obviously go unreported in the media and by Western officials. 

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