Thursday, August 31, 2017

From Ian: Young Anti-Zionist Jews Claim to Speak For My Generation. They Don’t. It’s Time We Called Them On It. “If six million people were walking around saying that they were ‘chosen,’ you would want to kill them, too.” A few months ago, I was shocked to hear these words from a fellow Brown University student. With a remarkable degree of ignorance about the history of the...
  • Thursday, August 31, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Avner Inbar is the Co-Chair and Co-Founder of Molad, a Jerusalem-based progressive think tank. Of course he wants peace with Palestinians. He supports Israel negotiating with Palestinians, Jews talking with Arabs, Israel embracing the Arab Peace Initiative, and Fatah unifying with Hamas. But some kinds of dialogue are out of bounds. In an audio recording published...
The attitude of Israelis to African “infiltrators” or “asylum seekers” or “refugees” – what you call them is indicative of how you feel about them – is a manifestation of a broad cultural divide in our society. There are about 50,000 illegal immigrants (estimates vary) from various African countries, mostly Eritria and Sudan but also numerous others, who came...
From Ian: Eugene Kontorovich: Symposium on Occupation Law: The Necessary Non-Normativity and Temporal Indeterminacy of Occupation Law Certainly some prolonged occupations are the result of colonialist or annexationist aims. But this is not inevitably the case. The Allied occupation of West Berlin lasted forty-five years, and had the then-dominant views about the duration of...
  • Thursday, August 31, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is a letter to the editor in the New York Times from June 24, 1960, by the head of American Friends of the Middle East, Harold Minor: His points are: - Any Arab intransigence is a result of Israeli actions - The Palestinian [refugee] issue is the key issue in the entire Middle East, and if that problem would be solved, there would be no other problems - The...
  • Thursday, August 31, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
David Bedein, who has done more than almost anyone to expose the hate taught in UNRWA schools, has looked at the latest crop of textbooks published under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority in 2017. I've spoken to him and he expends a great deal of effort and money to ensure that his translations are as accurate as possible. Here is some of what he found (images...
Every once in a while someone sends me a link to a post by ninth-rate academic Juan Cole, and I can't resist showing what a shill for Iran he is. Here's today's, where he pretends to debunk Netanyahus' warningd of Iran using Syria and Lebanon as springboards to attack Israel. : First of all, Iran has not vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Rather, Iran has a no...

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

From Ian: J Street Rewrites History to Create ‘Palestine’ The US government’s reluctance to demand the immediate creation of a Palestinian state has sent J Street into a panic. With its candidates having been defeated in elections on both sides of the ocean, and its proposals crumbling in the face of reality, J Street is trying one last desperate strategy: rewriting history...
"Has Israel finally won the war and defeated the Palestinian dream? Read our cover story," said the tweet with a gif of an Arab child in an empty doorframe looking like Jesus on the cross, whom, after all, the Arabs claim as a native son.  Has Israel finally won the war and defeated the Palestinian dream? Read our cover story —...
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.  Check out their Facebook page. Palestinians: Trump Not Serious About Alt-Right Till He Offers Them Lifetime Pensions For Killing Blacks Charlottesville, August 30 - Officials in the Palestinian Authority and its various administrative organs have reacted dismissively to accusations...


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