Wednesday, January 31, 2018
From Ian:
David Collier: The BBC promote Soviet style antisemitism
The new face of Soviet style antisemitism
To legitimise the denial of anti-Jewish racism in Labour, the BBC led with Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi. Naomi is part of the Corbyn cult’s modern day version of the ‘Yevsektsiya‘. A group designed in 1918 to carry the Communist Revolution to the Jewish masses. The Yevsektsiya had the explicit mission of the ‘destruction of traditional Jewish...

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)
European antisemitism, German Jewry, Judean Rose, Opinion, Varda

The almond trees are blooming in Israel, right in time for
Tu B’Shvat, the new year of the trees. I like to bring a flowering branch into
my home where my family can see this visible reminder of the holiday. Out of
doors, it’s fascinating to watch the hillsides break out in spring-like
blossoms in the dead of winter. It’s so cool to live in Israel and watch the
way the...

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Elder of Ziyon
humor, Preoccupied, unwra

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.
Check out their Facebook page.
Geneva, January 31 - Officials at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees disclosed today that they are lobbying various governments to support an expansion of the organization's mandate beyond serving Palestinians to include...

From Ian:
PMW: PA TV to kids: "Follow the example" of arch-terrorist Abu Jihad, he is "a symbol"
A new children's program on PA TV called From My Country teaches children that arch-terrorist Abu Jihad, who the PA has bragged was responsible for the murder of at least 125 Israelis, is a role model to be followed.
The opening of the weekly 10 minute program, which has been...

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Elder of Ziyon

J-Street is backing Elissa Slotkin who is running for Congress in Michigan.
I don't know her detailed policy views, although if J-Street supports her, chances are her views would be at odds with mine.
But I did see an interview with her in Jewish Insider from last July which included this section which sounds like J-Street:
When asked about the Trump administration’s...

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Elder of Ziyon

One of the ironies of the anti-Israel movement is how many women's and gender studies professors are anti-Israel, when Israel is one of the most women-friendly countries on the planet.
Now, a new study shows how safe Israel is for women.
Australia is the world's safest country for a woman, according to analysis by consultancy New World Wealth in its 2018 Global...

Eden Elena is the 17-year old Ethiopian X-Factor contestant we mentioned earlier this month not only for her singing but also for how the audience reacted to her discussing her background and her commitment to coexistence between Jews, Muslims and Christians.
Last night, she won.
Here is her rendition of "Human" after her victory.
This seems appropriate as it happens...

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

From Ian:
Arabs are torch-bearers for Nazi anti-Semitism
On the day that the world commemorated the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp, the U.K. liberal newspaper The Guardian declared in an editorial :
“The Arabs, meanwhile, cannot be blamed for feeling that Europe’s blood debt to the Jews was paid with what they see as their territory.”

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Elder of Ziyon

Tonight and tomorrow is Tu B'Shvat, the traditional New Year for Trees in Jewish teachings.
The Jewish National Fund does some wonderful work with planting trees in Israel - but JNF does not plant fruit trees.
Zo Artzeinu is the place to go to help plant actual fruit trees that can help Israeli farmers make a living.
The farmers in this program follow the Jewish...

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Elder of Ziyon
Forest Rain, Opinion

Imagine being in cold and grey Europe and being told that somewhere, there is a sun-drenched land where everything our people have hoped for will come true. Imagine being weary of persecution, of never being left alone and knowing that there is a land where Jews will again be their own Maccabees.
Shaul Tchernichovsky wrote the song “They say there is a land” in Germany...

From Ian:
Palestinian Blackmail: US Is Our Enemy
The Palestinians' mock trial and "execution" of Trump and Pence gives the Palestinians a green light to target Americans physically. More interesting still is that members of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's ruling Fatah faction participated in the mock trial and "execution" of the US president and the Vice President.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Elder of Ziyon

Dr.. Ismail Ibrahim writes in Al Ahram Gate on Monday that the Muslims need to unite to defeat the treacherous, evil Jews.
Not Israels - Jews.
While Arab leaders are rushing to make agreements and peace with the Jews, Israel clings to the Knesset with a painting showing the area from the Nile to the Euphrates as part of Israel. doesn' t that mean Egypt,...

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Elder of Ziyon

The Quartet issued a strategy paper for the next two years, and it talks about initiatives to help Palestinians - with Israel's assistance and cooperation - that the media somehow missed.
Just in the energy sector:
The Gas for Gaza (G4G) initiative facilitates the agreement and construction of a gas pipeline from the Israeli gas network to Gaza. It is led through the formal...

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Elder of Ziyon

Hamas announced three new "martyrs" over the past couple of days, all in the senior demographic.
The first one was this 70 year old Ahmad Aweidah, "who died of an incurable disease." from his photos, it sure seems like he joined Hamas late in life after his diagnosis, so his family can get the benefits of a dead Qassam Brigades martyr.
Also, 60-year old Jabr...

Monday, January 29, 2018
Monday, January 29, 2018
Elder of Ziyon
Plain spoken truth that so many refuse to listen to.
"He did a great service for peace because peace can only be based on truth, on reality. And denying the simple fact that Israel's capital is Jerusalem is — pushes peace backward by creating an illusion, a fantasy. You can't build peace on fantasy," Netanyahu told CNN's Fareed Zakaria at Davos."The seat of government is in Jerusalem. This has been the case for the 70 years of Israel's existence...

From Ian:
Dani Dayan: Anti-Zionism Is Just Anti-Semitism by Another Name
The term anti-Semitism was created in the age of Enlightenment, when the pseudo-science of eugenics laid the seeds of Nazism. The unsubtle racism of neo-Nazis remains a lightning rod for mainstream outrage today, however religious and political hostilities against Jews are often unacknowledged for what...

Monday, January 29, 2018
Elder of Ziyon
A very interesting portion of an article in Times of Israel by Avi Issacharoff:
Although Gazans tend to blame Israel for their situation, it is actually the Jewish state that seems to be trying to encourage improved economic conditions.The Palestinian Authority recently decided to renew the electricity supply to Gaza by resuming payments for power generated by Israel (now providing power to homes for six hours, followed by 12 hours of darkness).But...

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