Tuesday, March 31, 2015

  • Tuesday, March 31, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Israeli embassy in Washington tweeted this today: If Iran is gobbling up countries while under sanctions, how many countries will it devour when sanctions are lifted? pic.twitter.com/5AZNRLQmTW — Embassy of Israel (@IsraelinUSA) March 31, 2015 I agree there is a disconnect between the tweet, which emphasizes Iran's attempts at hegemony in the Arab world, and the...
  • Tuesday, March 31, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
JPost reports: Amid fierce opposition from right-wing leaders, preliminary plans for the construction of 2,200 new Arab housing units in east Jerusalem’s Jabel Mukaber neighborhood were approved by the Interior Ministry’s District Planning and Building Committee on Monday. The committee also retroactively approved 300 illegally-built Arab homes in the area. On Tuesday,...
From Ian: Daniel Mael: The notorious anti-Israel writer is using a lie to drag Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s name through the mud. The notorious anti-Israel writer is using a lie to drag Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s name through the mud. In a recent article that has been widely circulated online by an unholy alliance of Islamists and extreme Leftists, the notorious anti-Israel propagandist Max Blumenthal has accused women’s-rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali of “deception.”...
What's wrong with this picture? According to Haaretz' clown Rogel Alpher, it is the tiny Israeli flag in the bottom left. Channel 20 is the only television station in Israel which proudly waves a political flag. It is blatantly right wing. Sharon Gal was one of its presenters, until he joined Avigdor Lieberman's party and started to issue blood-chilling warnings to Arab...
  • Tuesday, March 31, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an: Former Tunisian President Muncef al-Marzouki will take part in the third "Freedom Flotilla" attempting to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition said in a statement Monday. Marzouki reportedly gave the movement his full support at a World Social Forum in Tunis last week, and confirmed that he would be on board of one of the "Freedom...
From Ian: Khaled Abu Toameh: Abbas Wants Arabs to Bomb Gaza Strip The Palestinian Authority (PA) is calling on Arab countries to launch a military strike against the Gaza Strip -- even as the PA plans to bring "war crimes" charges against Israel for doing exactly the same thing in the summer of 2014. The Arabs are allowed to attack the Gaza strip to remove Hamas from power, while Israel is not even allowed to launch airstrikes at those who are...
  • Tuesday, March 31, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
As usual, the 26th Arab League Summit ended with a flurry of declarations. Yet while Palestinian issues usually dominate the discussions and declarations, this time there was very little that was stated beyond the boilerplate condemnations of Israel. The real story was the idea of a joint Arab rapid strike force, but there were plenty of others listed before they even...
  • Tuesday, March 31, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
There is news this morning about the University of Southampton planned anti-Israel conference. The conference was meant to discuss "the legality, validity and legitimacy” is Israel, as well as the "problems associated with the creation and nature of the Jewish state itself and the status of Jerusalem.” The organizers claim that the conference was canceled:. It is with...
Here is how Human Rights Watch reported on the beginning of Israel's airstrikes in Gaza last summer: Israel/Palestine: Unlawful Israeli Airstrikes Kill Civilians Bombings of Civilian Structures Suggest Illegal Policy Israeli air attacks in Gaza investigated by Human Rights Watch have been targeting apparent civilian structures and killing civilians in violation of the laws...

Monday, March 30, 2015

From Ian: Ryan Bellerose: The Gideon Levy Travelling Hate Show Then he showed anyone with critical thinking ability he is clueless, when he stated that 5 weeks would be enough to create a peace, if only Israel was committed to it, that Israel wouldn’t be able to create it in 5 years because Israel is racist and antidemocratic. He said “For people like me, nothing is as important as ending the occupation.” Then he named groups such as Breaking the...
  • Monday, March 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Palestinian Media Watch: The Mufti of the Palestinian Authority Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, appointed in 2006 by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to the position of most senior religious leader in the PA, told a conference of "Muslim scholars and delegations from over 46 countries" that Israel must be destroyed in the name of Islam: "The land of Palestine is waqf (i.e., inalienable religious endowment in Islamic law). It must not be...
J-Street never tires of claiming to be supportive of a two-state solution, a position that it falsely claims is not the position of American Zionist organizations. On Friday, I posted a video showing that a speaker at the recent J-Street conference, during a panel discussion on the future of liberal Zionism, advocated for the ending of the Jewish state and instead saying...
From Ian: Jeffrey Goldberg: What to Worry About in an Iran Nuclear Deal Here are a few questions that have, helped by various news stories about the talks, repeatedly crossed my mind in recent days. I would prefer to see a nuclear deal struck, of course, but unsatisfactory answers to these issues would be cause for real worry: 1) What will Saudi Arabia do in response to a deal? If the Saudis—who are already battling the Iranians on several fronts—actually...
  • Monday, March 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Over the weekend a number of Arabic websites "quoted" Israel's Channel One website with a bizarre story. The story supposedly said that there was a cell of 30 young Jews who are being incited by rabbis to carry out suicide bombings against Arabs in the West Bank. The story said that the Shin Bet warned about these impending attacks but didn't want to do anything about them...
  • Monday, March 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is the must-read article of this past weekend. I'm reproducing it in full: With reports that Washington and its partners may reach a nuclear accord with Iran in the coming days, a former senior IAEA safeguards official answers the most pressing questions about Tehran's program and how the agreement might affect its capabilities. This is the time required to produce...
  • Monday, March 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the NYT: With a negotiating deadline just two days away, Iranian officials on Sunday backed away from a critical element of a proposed nuclear agreement, saying they are no longer willing to ship their atomic fuel out of the country. For months, Iran tentatively agreed that it would send a large portion of its stockpile of uranium to Russia, where it would not be accessible...

Sunday, March 29, 2015

  • Sunday, March 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
EoZ reader Karin received another email from the Virginia State Bar in response to many complaints about their sudden decision to cancel a meeting in Israel: March 29, 2015 Dear Fellow Members of the Virginia State Bar, On Friday March 27th, we canceled the Virginia State Bar's planned Midyear Legal Seminar trip to Israel. The decision was based primarily on a U.S. State...
  • Sunday, March 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
There have been countless articles about Binyamin Netanyahu's supposedly anti-Arab message on Election Day. What he said that caused all the backlash is "The right-wing government is in danger. Arab voters are coming out in droves to the polls. Left-wing organizations are busing them out." Joe Klein in Time takes this one sentence and concludes that "he won because he...
  • Sunday, March 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
As opposed to the bogus story reported earlier, this is one that really happened - along with video proof. From 0404: At least 230 olive trees were uprooted his weekend in Kfar Adumim, a comunity in the northern Judean Desert. This morning, Boaz Ido, plantation owner, discovered the damage. This is part of a series of vandalism there that has taken place there. Boaz told the news 0404: "Devastating damage, especially painful. Last three weeks...
From Ian: Richard Kemp: The US must confront Tehran: Achieving cooperation through coercion Namely, Iran must stop exporting terrorism; stop destabilizing the Middle East; and stop threatening other countries with annihilation. Without Iran’s full compliance with those terms, America should not contemplate a deal. Given that existing sanctions caused Iran to capitulate, as regime survival became an increasing concern, intensifying, not removing...
  • Sunday, March 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
If you are smoking a cigarette, pondering your seven-deuce off-suit in the hole, and looking around the table wondering who the sucker is... you're the guy. The Arabs and their western-left allies have the Jews hooked into a sucker's game. One thing that should, by this late date, be absolutely clear to anyone who has been paying attention to the ongoing war against...


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