Saturday, October 31, 2015

  • Saturday, October 31, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Saeb Erekat said recently that "Palestinian efforts against the Nazi regime are a deep-rooted part of our history." From the New York Times, May 23, 1937: From JTA, also May 23, 1937: Nazi flags and pictures of Hitler and Mussolini were being displayed by many Arab shops in the Old City today in connection with the celebration of Mohammed’s birthday. Arab children...
From Ian: Islamic State in Egypt claims it brought down Russian plane; 224 dead The Islamic State terror group in Egypt claimed responsibility for bringing down a Russian passenger plane on Saturday carrying 224 people. Russian authorities, however, rejected the claim. IS in Egypt, Wilayat Sinaa (formerly known as Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis) published the claim of responsibility hours after the plane, traveling from from the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh...

Friday, October 30, 2015

From Ian: Douglas Murray: Academic Freedom Opposed by "Who"? It is that time of year again. News arrives of 343 "university teachers" who signed a letter pledging that henceforth they will not cooperate with Israeli academic institutions. Their joint letter took up a full page today in Britain's left-wing Guardian newspaper (where else?) and has caused almost no stir in Britain. It comes days after a letter signed by 150 leading British writers,...
  • Friday, October 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Posted on Twitter this morning: This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations...
An UNRWA teacher on Facebook shares her favorite baby picture: This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference....
From Ian: Caroline Glick: Rabin's true legacy Abbas’s actions at the UN this week, where he called for the world to protect the Palestinians from Israel while back at home he simultaneously continued his calls for Palestinians to take up knives and take to the wheel of their cars to murder Israelis, cannot come as a surprise. They are of a piece with the PLO’s previous diplomatic machinations from 2000 to 2003 in the wake of its terrorist war...
  • Friday, October 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From MEMRI: (h/t Yoel) This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give...
A Twitter thread between Amnesty Middle East Director Philip Luther and an apparent EoZ fan: Luther didn't answer about the amazing coincidence. But in the end, Luther cannot spot Palestinian lies because he is part of an organization that lies all the time. I tweeted to him one provable lie showing that Amnesty's Gaza Platform inflated the number of dead Gaza civilians...
  • Friday, October 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian media are reporting that some 200 Gazans went by bus to the Al Aqsa Mosque this orning. This has been the norm for a few months now. This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written...
  • Friday, October 30, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Hamas' Al Qassam Martyrs Brigades (English) website: Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, has welcomed the decision of hundreds of British scholars to boycott Israel. It opined that it reflects the increasing international awareness of Israeli crimes against Palestinians. In a statement on Tuesday, Hamas's spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called on the peoples of the world to...

Thursday, October 29, 2015

  • Thursday, October 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog go...
From Ian: Pope says denying Israel’s right to exist is anti-Semitism Pope Francis marked the 50th anniversary of the turning point in the Catholic Church’s relations with Jews on Wednesday with a sharp condemnation of anti-Semitism, saying attacks on Israel’s right to exist were a form of hatred. “To attack Jews is anti-Semitism, but an outright attack on the State of Israel is also anti-Semitism,” Francis told a delegation from the World Jewish...
  • Thursday, October 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
"Winning a Debate With an Israel-Hater" was released earlier this month, and it is a nice addition to anyone's reading list. Dr. Michael Harris, a member of StandWithUs, sees first hand the anti-Israel protests in the San Francisco Bay area. He brings years of experience to explain how to confront and make fools of the haters. The book itself is relatively short, more...
Vic Rosenthal's weekly column: The World Zionist Congress met last week for the 37th time since it was founded by Theodor Herzl in 1897. Like many Jewish institutions today, it has become a battleground for the Right and Left. But what happened at the meeting put into clear focus that the struggle is really between Zionism and … something else. An organization...
From Ian: Palestinian Murder of American-Israeli Poses Challenge to J Street Will the murder of fellow-peace activist Richard Lakin spur J Street, Americans for Peace Now, and other left-of-center groups to follow Leonard Fein's footsteps and speak out? And not just speak out in general, vague terms--but ask for specific actions, such as: 1. According to the media, one of Lakin's killers was a member of Fatah, the PLO faction that is headed by...
  • Thursday, October 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday I reported that Moroccan Jews were alarmed at an anti-Israel demonstration where there was a performance showing supposedly orthodox Jews trying to demolish the Dome of the Rock when they are stopped by heroic Arabs, "stabbed"  and "executed." One of the organizers of the rally named Osidon responded by saying that the Jews are making a big deal out of...
  • Thursday, October 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ha'aretz: Israeli Arab lawmaker Basel Ghattas visited the Temple Mount on Wednesday, touring the site in defiance of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's directive to the police to prevent Knesset members from visiting the flashpoint complex amid recent tensions and violence. In the video, Ghattas, who is from a Christian family, addresses Netanyahu in Arabic, saying...
  • Thursday, October 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, David Collier wrote a must-read bombshell article about how he witnessed MP Gerald Kaufman accusing Israel of wantonly murdering Palestinians and fabricating evidence afterwards, and how "Jewish money" was behind Conservative support for Israel. Here is his followup article submitted to publish here: Two days ago I sat in government buildings within the Westminster...
  • Thursday, October 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, I quoted a new Amnesty International report that supposedly showed how Israeli forces routinely murder Arabs at checkpoints for no reason at all. All of the evidence given comes from Palestinian "eyewitnesses" who often say contradictory things and who even Amnesty researchers have concluded often lie. Let's go into more detail on the first case Amnesty supposedly...

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

UNRWA teacher Najlaa Nojom lives in Bethlehem. She recently shared this video, glorifying stabbing Jews, on her Facebook timeline. Here are some screenshots: I think this fits right in with UNRWA's vaunted "neutrality" policy. The video is neutral about whether Arabs should stab Jews, run over Jews or stone Jews to death. This blog may be a labor of love...
From Ian: Amnesty´s War on Israel: Accusations of "Unlawful Killings" without Evidence On October 27, 2015, Amnesty International published a fundamentally flawed statement alleging a “clear pattern…of lethal force being used unlawfully by Israeli forces following a wave of recent stabbing attacks by Palestinians against Israeli civilians and military or police forces in Israel and the occupied West Bank.” This is at least the third statement...


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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For 20 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.


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