Thursday, February 28, 2019

From Ian: Anti-Israel Democrats Defend Past Comments At Anti-Israel Restaurant Freshman Democratic congresswomen Ilhan Omar (Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) defended their comments on Israel and its influence in the United States on Wednesday night at Busboys and Poets, a restaurant owned by a man who himself has said the United States takes "marching orders from Tel Aviv." The...
  • Thursday, February 28, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
I mentioned on Sunday that four men were sentenced to prison in Libya for forming a Hamas cell there. The specific charges were that the four had acquired and shipped arms to Hamas from Libya through the Sinai and then through tunnels to Gaza. Hamas is not denying that they are members. They merely say that they should be released because they "have never entered into...
 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse. – Osama bin LadenAll courses of action are risky, so prudence is not in avoiding danger (it's impossible), but calculating risk and acting decisively. Make mistakes of ambition and not mistakes of sloth. Develop the strength to do bold...
From Ian: The Palestinians' Automatic "No" to Peace The Palestinian issue—once at the heart of Arab political discourse in our region—has been pushed to the margins. Mahmoud Abbas might still be able to extract a promise out of the elderly Saudi king not to go "behind the Palestinians' backs," but the entire world knows about the business his son conducts with Israel. The...
In The Forward (where else?), Peter Beinart offers a defense of anti-Zionism, saying that it is wrong to associate it with antisemitism. "Anti-Zionism is not inherently anti-Semitic — and claiming it is uses Jewish suffering to erase the Palestinian experience," he claims. The entire article is an attempt to thread the needle to find boundary cases where it might theoretically...
by Daled Amos One of the most controversial issues surrounding how UNRWA does business is its fast-and-loose definition of refugees, which has kept expanding over the years. When UN General Assembly Resolution 393 was passed on December 2, 1950, endorsing UNRWA's purpose, it clearly stated: [T]he reintegration of the refugees into the economic life of the Near East, either...
  • Thursday, February 28, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
The UN Human Rights Council has issued a report about Israel's conduct during the weekly riots in Gaza. Unsurprisingly, it cherry picks facts and assumes the lies of terrorist supporters are the truth. The bias and lack of fact checking can be seen in the press release about the report: “The onus is now on Israel to investigate every protest-related killing and injury,...

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

From Ian: Disdain For Jews Is The Sinew Of Identity Politics Omar’s anti-Semitism drew endorsements from white supremacist David Duke and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. If there is one thing white supremacists and black nationalists share, it is hatred of Jews. Women's March co-president Tamika Mallory, a vocal supporter of Farrakhan's, naturally added to Omar's...
  • Wednesday, February 27, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas announced the death of Mohammed Ibrahim Qadih, 24, after suffering a heart attack while working in a "resistance tunnel." Heart attacks are pretty rare for 24 year olds. It is possible that Hamas wanted to get rid of him and found a way to do it. Ma'an reported that he died from an accident, not a heart attack. So something is not quite right with this story. ...
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.  Check out their Facebook page. By Gree Vance, Professor of Literature, Bumblethuck College New York, February 27 - Theodore Seuss Geisel earned numerous plaudits for his children's books, but a new examination of one of his better-known works reveals a dark undercurrent of...
From Ian: Palestinians and the Disastrous Politics of Rage Palestinian victimhood knows no reconciliation with Israel because central to identity politics is the conviction that permanent victim status must be maintained. Palestinian identity politics hamstrings Palestinian aspirations for a better life. Grassroots criticism of the Palestinian leadership is disallowed because...
  • Wednesday, February 27, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Since the "woke" crowd is so attuned to antisemitic dog whistles, what do they think about this one? Enemies of humanity, i.e. intl’ capitalists & Zionists, have decided since 100 years ago to destroy families which represent a divine tradition. Wherever people ignored divine laws, they managed to implement their policies and they tried to do so in our country,...
  • Wednesday, February 27, 2019
  • Elder of Ziyon
Arab and Muslim media, especially Palestinian media, routinely deny that there were ever any Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount. This academic paper by  Milka Levy-Rubin about why the Dome of the Rock was built to begin with gives copious amounts of proof that show that the Muslims who built the Dome chose the site precisely because of its association with...


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