Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:The UN’s director of relief operations in Gaza told Palestinians in Gaza that they had not been defeated by the Israeli military on Sunday.“The Palestinians were not defeated by Israeli army in its latest offensive against the Gaza Strip, and they proved to be capable of resuming their life anew despite all their hardships,” said John Ging, the director of the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), which serves hundreds of thousands...

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Elder of Ziyon

This cartoon from Palestine Today shows what Palestinian Arabs really consider to be "settlements."And it is hardly limited to the West Bank.And here is how "moderate" Firas Press looks at "settlements:"The clear implication is that the idea of Jews living in supposedly Arab territories is inherently aggressive. The logical conclusion of that mindset is that to kill all Jews...

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
zionist attack zoo
This Zionist Pig article from Palestine Today is notable because it doesn't merely accuse "settlers" of unleashing these wild boars on Palestinian Arab crops, but now the IDF and the Israel Nature and Natural Parks Protection Authority are part of the conspiracy!And they have "witnesses!" Wild pigs spread in the territory of the town of Arraba, south of Jenin in the northern West Bank, and caused serious damage to agricultural crops....Witnesses...

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:Six Palestinians were killed on Sunday morning in clashes between Palestinian Authority security services and gunmen affiliated to Hamas in the northern West Bank city of Qalqiliya.According to the medics, three security officers and two Hamas fighters were killed, in addition to the owner of the building where the Hamas men had stationed themselves. A couple of observations:The PA police are incredibly incompetent, even after months of...

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Elder of Ziyon

Here is a report from AP, showing Arab displeasure at US arms supplies to Israel as well as Israel's declaration of Jerusalem as its capital.Guess when this happened?The report is dated September 12, 1966. Yes, the Arabs were complaining then that the US was not being fair in its policy of maintaining a balance of power between Israel and the Arabs. To them, the US should...

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
I just saw yet another article in the Saudi Gazette about how important it is for other Arabs to feel sympathy for Palestinian Arabs and to boycott Israel.The feedbacks for the article are limited to 500 characters, so as a personal challenge I wanted to craft a response that fit within those limits.Here's my reply (not yet posted):It is interesting that Arabs don't seem to notice the institutionalized bigotry that they have against Palestinians...

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
Creeping Sharia noticed that Congress has just allocated billions of dollars to, shall we say, questionable "allies."Anne Lieberman emailed many bloggers and journalists about these stealth appropriations: I would wager that few among you know - I certainly didn't - that Congress appropriated almost a billion dollars to the Palestinians last week. And what's worse is that they specified about a third of it to go to Gaza (Gaza = HAMAS). I thought...

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
Binyomin Netanyahu has, apparently accidentally, stumbled upon one of the best political weapons Israel has. And even he doesn't realize it.When he took office, the Western press started obsessing over his non-use of the words "two state solution." The world made the assumption - despite "Ultra-Rightist Avigdor Lieberman's"' acceptance of the Roadmap - that Netanyahu was a super-hawk whose proposals for peace were smokescreens for his real desire...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
From CAMERA's blog:Elder of Ziyon blog's investigation of a list of Palestinian dead during the Israeli military operation in December and January reveals that hundreds who were reported to be civilians were in fact militants. The list of 1417 Palestinian victims was published in March by the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR), a Gaza-based organization. By cross-checking the names on the list with other Palestinian sources, including Hamas-affiliated...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:Newly-appointed Palestinian Minister of Social Affairs Majida Al-Masri has ordered a ministry-wide boycott of Israeli products as her first decision in her new role.The decision says Palestinian products must have the priority, but if a certain product is unavailable, priority goes to Arab countries, then foreign equivalent. Israeli products are to be boycotted altogether.I hope she expands her plan to the entire PA.I don't have recent...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
There are a number of articles today asking whether Benjamin Cardozo would be properly considered the first Hispanic US Supreme Court Justice.His ancestors likely came from Portugal, although his family lived in the US for generations. And some people question whether Portuguese people are properly considered Hispanic, with some contradictory evidence whether the US legally considers them as such.I think that there is a subconscious reason why people...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
work accident
Work accident - A Hamas member was killed on a special "jihad mission" in the the northern Gaza Strip, and apparently he managed to kill someone else along with him. Interestingly, he seems to have been killed in a tunnel that is nowhere near Egypt, meaning that it is likely that Hamas is working on more tunnels to Israel to stage terror attacks.Tunnel collapse - Another Gaza man was killed, and another injured, when a smuggling tunnel collapsed...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
Although I cannot find the source now, Gazans earlier this month feared that the meat being served in restaurants was actually donkey meat.And now, Egyptians are worried that the hundreds of thousands of pigs slaughtered in Egypt because of swine flu fears have made their way into Egyptian markets as well.Both pig and donkey are not allowed to be eaten by Muslims.So, the Arab media has been publishing handy guides on how to tell the difference between...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an: Four Egyptian police officers stationed in the northern Sinai were arrested on suspicion of receiving bribes from Gazan smugglers, an Egyptian security source said on Tuesday. According to the source, the four officers are first lieutenants, and they were taken to north Sinai security department in Al-Arish city for questioning.The four, according to the source, received a sum exceeding 100,000 Egyptian pounds ($17,800) each. The source...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:The number of Palestinians to die as a result of the Israeli and Egyptian siege of Gaza reached 337 when an infant succumbed to illness on Monday.The child, 12-month-old Muhammad Rami Ibrahim Nofal, was not issued a permit for medical treatment abroad, despite his serious heart condition. He died at a Khan Younis hospital while doctors waited for the permit that never came.In a statement, the de facto Health Ministry said it had appealed...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
From Ha'aretz: Police revealed on Tuesday that the Israeli-American teen Dana Bennett was murdered by a serial killer.Adwan Yahiya Farhan, 34, of the northern Arab village Wadi Hamam, has confessed to Bennett's killing, as well as three others.The first murder attributed to Farhan took place in 1995. He allegedly murdered an acquaintance near the Jordan estuary, possibly following a homosexual relationship with him.Farhan also confessed to having...

Monday, May 25, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak lost his grandson last week, forcing him to cancel a trip to Washington.The official reports said that Mohammed Mubarak was treated at a hospital in Paris, but Arab sources are now reporting that the boy was in fact treated at a hospital in Petah Tikva, and that Egypt tried to cover up that fact.Arab eyewitnesses at the hospital reported increased security around one patient, as well as Egyptian security forces. They...

Monday, May 25, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
This morning I heard an awful cover of the classic Motown hit, "Heat Wave," by Martha and the Vandellas. I have no idea who made that travesty, but as I surfed YouTube I came across a version by The Who.Even though I'm a Who fan, I assumed that it would be bad, as most 60's covers were. But it is actually a pretty good version:It seems appropriate for the unofficial first day of summer.....

Monday, May 25, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
This is an excerpt from a pamphlet that was written by Julius Stone, a hugely influential legal scholar and prolific author of standard texts in the field, along with comments added by one of his students after Stone's death:SOVEREIGNTY IN JERUSALEMThe Partition Plan of 1947 envisaged an international Jerusalem, separated from both Israel and the then proposed Palestinian State. During the 1948 war, East Jerusalem (which includes the holy places...

Monday, May 25, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
zionist attack zoo
One more time, Ma'an shows how ridiculously biased it is:A herd of settler-owned wild boars were released onto Palestinian farmlands in western Salfit on Monday morning, damaging crops there.The chair of the Palestinian Agricultural Trade Union, Khalil Omran, said, "The boars broke into the fields at the Al-Najara and Al-Jaheer areas of western Salfit. They caused the destruction of wheat and barley fields and damaged fruit trees.”“One of the attacked...

Monday, May 25, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
About 70 Christian gravestones were desecrated in the West Bank over the weekend in two separate cemeteries. The village, Jafna, is one of the very few remaining areas in the West Bank with a Christian majority.The PA leadership has a new list of demands before they will even deign to negotiate with Israel: An end to all construction in "settlements" including Jerusalem, dismantling all security roadblocks, and the removal of outposts "as required...

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
Let's pretend that somehow, a terrorist group manages to place a series of impossible-to-defuse remote-controlled bombs at the Mall of America. Their demands are simple - if the United States wants to save the lives of the shoppers at the mall, we must concede a tiny island to the terrorists, irrevocably. The United Nations would ensure that this island becomes part of the terrorist state, legally, under international law. The island just has...

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Elder of Ziyon

From YNet (h/t t34zakat):An independent research company revealed Sunday that 90% of the Palestinian "security personnel" killed in Gaza during the IDF offensive there in January were members of terror organizations.The IDF says 709 gunmen were killed in the fighting, of which Hamas has claimed 343 were innocent police officers.But the independent Israeli 'Orient Research...

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
I just saw an article that included this:Whether it’s a tsunami in southeast Asia or a volcano in Latin America, an earthquake or a flood, there are always people in Syria – and other parts of the Arab world – who swear it’s part of an international conspiracy. Perhaps the most shocking was when a university professor in Amman, Jordan, said with a straight face: “The tsunami that hit Aceh was part of an American conspiracy to get rid of poor people,...

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
The British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, David Miliband, has come out with his own initiative of outreach to the Muslim world ahead of President Obama's similar public initiative, and it is a prime example of wishful thinking as a substitute for reality.He started off with a major policy speech at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies last Thursday. The speech looks very similar to what an Obama foreign policy may look...

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
A tiny NGO is claiming they have evidence that Israel used depleted uranium in Gaza - and lots more. Here's their full press release In the Gaza Strip between 27 December 2008 and 18 January 2009, the Israeli army conducted a ground and air offensive nicknamed « Operation Cast Lead ».During the first few days a Norwegian doctor doing humanitarian service in the hospital at Shifa, Dr Mads Gilbert, denounced the presence of radioactive matter, possibly...

Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
I just got this email from the Free Gaza mailing list: Dear Friends,It is with deep regret and sadness that we have to announce a separation within the Free Gaza Movement.Free Gaza Movement was formed in the fall of 2006 by five individuals....A year later, a non-profit called the Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees (AIPAC) was created in California as a means of accepting U.S. tax-deductible donations on behalf of Free Gaza.With...

Friday, May 22, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
A new poll in Egypt, reported by Firas Press, explains exactly what Arabs mean when they say they want to see "peace" in the region.The poll was titled "What are your dreams?" and was conducted by the "National Center for Social and Criminal Research in collaboration with the Center for Information and Decision Support Council of Ministers."According to the poll, 71% of Egyptians dream of peace in the region.The same poll found that 58% dream of...

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
Here's part of the English transcript of the radio broadcast describing the Israeli soldiers liberating the Old City. You can here the actual broadcast in Hebrew here.Colonel Motta Gur announces on the army wireless: The Temple Mount is in our hands! I repeat, the Temple Mount is in our hands! All forces, stop firing! This is the David Operations Room. All forces, stop firing! I repeat, all forces, stop firing! Over. Commander eight-nine here,...

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Elder of Ziyon

I've been wondering why my Yahoo email account gets so many banner ads like the one pictured on the right.After all, Yahoo and Google mail will automatically generate ads based on the content of the emails - and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what my emails included that would prompt ads for women looking for sugar daddies.Then it hit me...my email box is filled...

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
From Eli. E. Hertz of Myths and Facts via Jihad Watch:The United States Congressional Record1922 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVESNational Home forTHE JEWISH PEOPLE JUNE 30, 1922HOUSE RESOLUTION 360 - UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED "Palestine of today, the land we now know as Palestine, was peopled by the Jews from the dawn of history until the Roman era. It is the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. They were driven from it by force by the relentless Roman military...

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
work accident
What do Hamas and I have in common? Hamas is also upset about the PCHR being biased! Of course, the bias is against Hamas... "We put big question marks around their credibility and fairness."What does Binyomin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas have in common? Neither of them will agree to placing any part of Jerusalem under third-party control!Firas Press reports that Hamas is sending a computer virus to people in the West Bank through fake emails. Not...

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Elder of Ziyon

I just saw this picture at Palestine Today:It sure looks like a Palestinian Arab holding a deed to a house, presumably inside Israel, with the key to that house.Now, I'm no locksmith, but if old Palestinian keys looked like that, it looks like anyone could get into anyone else's house. No grooves or teeth in the key?And if the key is fake...what does that say about the d...

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency has an interesting story this morning from Gaza.Last Saturday, 85 women from Gaza were slated to go to Ramallah to participate in a conference from the General Union of Palestinian Women, a PLO-based organization. At the Erez crossing, Hamas stopped them and confiscated their conference materials and papers.This is not the first time we are reading about Hamas limiting movement between Gaza and the rest of the world; they also...

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Elder of Ziyon
It is a top story across many US news sites this morning:Four men arrested for an alleged plot to bomb a New York synagogue and Jewish community center are expected to appear in federal court Thursday, the U.S. Attorney's office said.The men also wanted to use surface-to-air missiles to fire at U.S. military planes, according to a criminal complaint filed in White Plains, New York.James Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams and Laguerre Payen are...

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