Sunday, May 31, 2015

  • Sunday, May 31, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Very interesting find by MEMRI: In a recent TV interview, Egyptian historian Maged Farag called for normalized relations with Israel, saying that Egypt would benefit from cultural and economic exchange, from tourism, and from Israel's advanced agricultural and industrial technology. "For 70 years, the Palestinian cause has brought Egypt and the Egyptians nothing but harm, destruction, and expense," said Farag. "We should think with a scientific...
  • Sunday, May 31, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports on something that makes Israel actually seem not so hell-bent on doing everything possible to make life miserable for Arabs: Palestinians living in Israel will be able to access the northern West Bank city of Qalqiliya through the Eyal checkpoint ten years since it was closed by Israeli authorities, officials in Qalqiliya told Ma'an on Sunday. Director of civil...
From Ian: Barack Obama's MidEast fantasy world Regarding Israel, Obama seems to believe U.S. – Israel relations during the past six years have basically been fine and that the recent drama and public acrimony between himself and Prime Minister Netanyahu has been overblown. Obama also says, “I have maintained, and I think I can show that no U.S. president has been more forceful in making sure we help Israel protect itself, and even some of my critics...
Anyone who reads my material knows that I often use the popular American pro-Democratic Party blog, Daily Kos, as one guide, among others, to progressive-left thinking.  Over years of observing prominent left-leaning venues I came to a conclusion that seems to irritate them. My conclusion was not, as it is sometimes claimed, that the western-left is crawling...
  • Sunday, May 31, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian Ministry of Information, run by the "moderates" of the Palesttnian Authority under that man of peace Mahmoud Abbas, has denounced terrorism. Suicide bombings? Hamas rockets? Knife attacks in Jerusalem? Arabs running over Jews in cars? No, of course not. The terrorism that they condemn is of a more heinous variety altogether. Jews walking around their most...
  • Sunday, May 31, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last month I noted a report written by many NGOs, including Oxfam and CARE  International, that blamed Israel for the slow pace of Gaza reconstruction. More recently Amnesty also blamed Israel (in a purportedly anti-Hamas report) saying that it needed to lift the blockade on Gaza to help reconstruction, implying that somehow Israeli restrictions were to blame for the...

Saturday, May 30, 2015

From Ian: The Jewish Revolt Review: Bruce Hoffman, ‘Anonymous Soldiers: The Struggle for Israel, 1917-1947’ Bruce Hoffman’s Anonymous Soldiers is a deftly written account of the Jewish revolt against the British in 1940s Palestine. Despite its scholarship—it draws heavily on recently declassified British documents—and its significant bulk, it is a page-turner that leaves the reader feeling sorry once the book is finished. Unlike most accounts of...

Friday, May 29, 2015

  • Friday, May 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
The compromise proposal that the PA proposed to the FIFA is not as much of a victory as Israel is pretending. 90% of FIFA members voted for this: In order to end the suffering and discrimination of our Palestinian football family at the hands of the illegal and racist occupation of our land, we have presented a proposal for a final solution. [A committee to investigate] (1) The restrictions of Palestinian rights for the freedom of movement. (2)...
From Ian: Alan Dershowitz: Universities Should be Unsafe for Political Correctness The current code word being tossed around to protect political correctness from competition in the marketplace of ideas is “unsafe.” “I feel unsafe” has become the argument stopper on many university campuses. Efforts have been made to shut down controversial events or speakers, some of which have succeeded, at MIT, the University of Michigan, Northeastern University,...
  • Friday, May 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • Friday, May 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Tomorrow, Mahmoud Abbas' grandson, also named Mahmoud, is getting married in Doha, Qatar. Some Arab newspapers say that it is likely that Abbas will meet with Hamas leader Khaled Meshal. Some sources say Meshal was invited. Abbas is also expected to meet with the Emir of Qatar to beg for more money. Abbas will fly there on a private plane with family members and his own...
From Ian: Caroline Glick: Barack Obama’s anti-Semitism test By rejecting the policy significance of anti-Semitism for the Iranian regime, Obama exhibited yet another anti-Semitic behavior. Obama asserted that if you fail to recognize the danger that anti-Semitism constitutes for Israel’s survival, then you are an anti-Semite. Obama’s statements about the Palestinians also indicate that he feels little love for Jews. As has been his consistent practice...
  • Friday, May 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Gilad Atzmon, antisemitic jazz musician, wrote a screed against Jewish Voice for Peace, the anti-Zionist organization, for not hating Jews enough. Apparently, Rebecca Vilkomerson, JVP’s Executive Director, wrote a letter to Alison Weir, another antisemite who described Judaism as “such a ruthless and supremacist faith," saying that they won't work with her any more because she is a bigot, and it doesn't look good for a group that pretends to be...
  • Friday, May 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
No, this isn't satire. Some starry-eyed peace activists announced the annual Jerusalem Hug: On Thursday, May 28th 2015 many people will gather around the Old City of Jerusalem. Israelis and Palestinians as well as peace activists from the world will walk hand in hand around the city walls. We will stand shoulder to shoulder, sharing our wish for peace and our love for Jerusalem....
  • Friday, May 29, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ammon News gives a hint as to what happened in an opinion piece: On May 24th 2015, events took place in Amman to raise awareness of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) communities in Jordan. These events drew a crowd which consisted of many activists, members, and allies of Jordan’s LGBT community. One of the spokespeople at the events was no other than the United...

Thursday, May 28, 2015

From Ian: The daily effects of Palestinian privilege Whilst the idea of ‘privilege’ is intellectually suspect for a host of reasons, it’s troubling that Jews, of all people, are often considered among “the privileged” within this paradigm. Not only has the post-Holocaust taboo against antisemitism been eroded, but Jews, who represent a fraction of 1% of the world’s population, are – in a manner evoking classic tropes – now routinely portrayed...
  • Thursday, May 28, 2015
  • Elder of Ziyon
You can find anti-Israel propaganda everywhere. From a North Dakota news site DL-Online: There have been many chapters in the life of retired North Dakota State University physics professor Ghazi Hassoun. “I was born in Palestine, during the British mandate, in 1935,” says Hassoun as he relaxes on a couch in the Pelican Lake summer home he shares with his Fargo-born wife,...
Vic Rosenthal's weekly column: Recently we’ve been hearing — both from Hezbollah and Israel — about the massive installations the terrorist group has been building just across the Lebanese border with Israel, and what will happen when war breaks out. Omri Ceren of The Israel Project explains: They’ve taken their arsenal – 100,000+ rockets including Burkan rockets...
From Ian: PMW: PA sports: Prohibiting peace building and glorifying terror This week, the Palestinian Authority is asking FIFA to suspend Israel's participation in FIFA sports activities. It is ironic that the PA is making such an aggressive request, when in fact it is the PA and Fatah who routinely disrespect the basic values of international sportsmanship, and the spirit upon which Olympic sports are founded. The Palestinian Authority's abuse...


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