Thursday, April 30, 2015
From Ian:
Israel Does Not Owe Its Existence to the United Nations
Contrary to what many believe, the UN 1947 partition plan did not set the legal groundwork for the creation of the state of Israel. Rather, Eugene Kontorovich explains, Israel was created “despite the UN.” Kontorovich also discusses the potential impact of future UN resolutions. (Interview by Yishai Fleisher; audio, 25 minutes).UN announces “review” of bookstore after protest over...

Thursday, April 30, 2015
Elder of Ziyon

What happens when you mix a culture that is crazy about soccer with one that is certifiably insane about Jews?
From Metro-UK:
It’s official: there will be another Messi arriving on the planet very soon.
Lionel Messi confirmed he will become a father for the second time after the Barcelona star uploaded a picture of his pregnant girlfriend, Antonella Roccuzzo, onto Instagram...

Thursday, April 30, 2015
Elder of Ziyon
Vic Rosenthal

Vic Rosenthal's weekly column:
Alex, the son of anti-Zionist billionaire George Soros, is starting a Jewish political action committee:
Bend the Arc PAC will back progressive candidates by making direct contributions to their campaign committees. It will focus on issues such as income inequality, marriage equality, social justice and immigration reform.
Alex Soros...

From Ian:
On first day, IDF field hospital in Nepal treats nearly 100, delivers baby
Israel’s field hospital in earthquake-hit Nepal began operating Wednesday morning, with staff treating nearly 100 patients and delivering their first baby — a boy — on the first day, according to an IDF spokesperson
Among the patients were some 30 Israeli nationals. Most were suffering from dehydration and were soon released to their hotels.
Over 250 doctors and...

Thursday, April 30, 2015
Elder of Ziyon

The Action Group for Palestinians in Syria now count 2,771 Palestinians killed since the start of the Syrian civil war. 100 were killed in March alone.
Many of them could have been saved if it wasn't for the deep desire by Arabs to destroy Israel - and a conscious decision by "leader" Mahmoud Abbas.
In January 2013, Mahmoud Abbas bragged that he chose to let the Palestinians...

Thursday, April 30, 2015
Elder of Ziyon

In December 2013, the European Court of Auditors released a report on their direct financial support to the Palestinian Authority.
Among the findings of the audit (which found billions of euros of support missing) was that thousands of PA workers were being paid to do nothing.
[T]he audit found indications that in Gaza a considerable number of civil servants were receiving...

Thursday, April 30, 2015
Elder of Ziyon
media bias
Now that police beatings are in the headlines again, it is fashionable for so-called progressives to equate the police with Israeli soldiers - as if Israeli police and soldiers are the quintessential example of police brutality.
From The Guardian:
David Simon, the creator of The Wire, has again weighed in on unrest in his adopted city of Baltimore, turning his frustration from the protesters to the “army of occupation” of the city’s police.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Elder of Ziyon

Al-Monitor reports:
It all began as a personal project by a young Israeli Arab who lives in northern Israel. He wanted to use social networking to convince other Israeli Arabs that the Israel Defense Forces are not some “army of evil” and that its soldiers are not as bloodthirsty as they tend to be portrayed in Arab propaganda films. He soon learned, however, that in the...

From Ian:
Bereaved families continue their legal fight against 'Jenin, Jenin'
Representatives of bereaved family members and Israeli soldiers who fought in the Battle of Jenin in 2002 are outraged that police were called over the tent they set up to protest the film, which they say defames Israeli soldiers.
Last Wednesday, on Israel's Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terrorism, the protest tent was erected outside Attorney General...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Elder of Ziyon
Here we see the army of screaming Muslim women following a group of peaceful Jews strolling on their holiest spot.
It is as pure a view of antisemitism as one can imagine, and the Muslims are very proud of them.
Only after the Jews exit the holy spot do they start singing. (I really want them to adapt a "Yibaneh Hamikdash" tune to "Allahu Akbar" and start dancing every time they hear the chants outside the Mount gates.)
This soccer game was...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Elder of Ziyon

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.
Check out their Facebook page.
Dearborn, MI, April 29 - Local hairdresser Malik Hassan regularly wows customers with his uncanny ability to convincingly argue that Jews are behind every negative phenomenon ever documented, Detroit-area sources reported Wednesday.
Mr. Hassan, 28, often...

From Ian:
Israel’s aid team to Nepal larger than any other country’s
Israel’s aid team to the earthquake-battered Himalayan nation of Nepal is the largest in manpower of any international aid mission.
Over 250 doctors and rescue personnel were part of an IDF delegation that landed Tuesday in the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu, in the wake of Saturday’s magnitude-7.8 earthquake that devastated large swaths of the mountainous country, killing at least...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Elder of Ziyon
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Elder of Ziyon

From the New York Times, May 29, 1971:
It sounds ridiculous to claim that the Jewish Quarter had an "Arab character" after only 19 years, but isn't it equally ludicrous to characterize all of Jerusalem outside the Green Line as "Arab East Jerusalem"? Yet that is what is routinely written today.
Jews were a majority in Jerusalem since the 1860s. Since...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Elder of Ziyon

Map depicting the MV Maersk Tigris’ original path toward the UAE and diversion after being intercepted by the IRGCN. (Source: marinetraffic.com)
The best roundup of what happened yesterday in the Persian Gulf comes from the (Asia/Pacific) Diplomat site:
The shipping lanes in the Strait of Hormuz have long been highlighted as a potential flashpoint amid the simmering geopolitical...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Elder of Ziyon

I reported last week that Hamas had won student elections in Birzeit University, which had generally been pro-Fatah in recent years despite a strong Hamas presence.
The PA apparently didn't think much about this show of student democracy, because Arabic media is reporting today that the PA arrested 12 Hamas supporters both at Birzeit as well as at Hebron Polytechnic University.

From Ian:
Anti-Zionism is racism
Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. Jew-hatred is not a result of the existence of Israel or of anything Israel does. The cause and result go the other way round. Israel is hated because Jews are hated.
We are not talking about the religion of Judaism. Strange to say, it’s very rare to hear even the most rabid anti-Semite attack the Jewish religion. (We ourselves do, in a rational way, because we attack religion as such,...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Elder of Ziyon

From the Wits Vuvuzela:
Wits’ SRC president, Mcebo Dlamini caused controversy this weekend after he posted a Facebook status regarding whites and the state of Israel: “I love Adolf Hitler”. Following his Facebook comments, he told Wits Vuvuzela that he admired the German leader, who sent millions to death camps, for his “charisma” and “organisational skills”.
Mcebo Dlamini,...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Elder of Ziyon

December 1940. France had fallen six months earlier. The United States would stay wrapped in
isolationism for another year. The
British Empire stood alone against the Nazi barbarians.
In Jerusalem, the Very Reverend
Dr Norman Maclean (1869-1952) was fourteen months into his wartime appointment
as chaplain to St Andrew’s Church. The
son of...

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