Saturday, May 31, 2014

From Ian: Palestinian Propagandists are Losing Their Touch To be sure Palestinian propagandists from the West Bank had their helpers in the West. For example, Charles Enderlin, the man who helped broadcast the Al Durah video to French viewers in 2000, has a lot to answer for. Jews are fleeing the hate he helped promote. But nowhere is this harvest of hate more evident than in Palestinian society itself. In lying to the world about the cause of their...

Friday, May 30, 2014

  • Friday, May 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
People aren't only getting sick of BDS in US universities. The University of Sussex Students Union held a referendum on the question: Should the Students’ Union endorse a boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions? The motion failed to pass by a vote of 904-649. Unfortunately, even the "no" vote argument was framed as anti-Israel: No one can deny the suffering...
From Ian: Khaled Abu Toameh: Palestinians: BDS Activists Are Troublemakers, Criminals At university campuses in the US, Canada, Australia and Europe, they are hailed as heroes campaigning for Palestinian rights. But in Ramallah, ironically, activists belonging to the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions [BDS] movement are seen by the Palestinian Authority [PA] as trouble-makers and law-breakers. For some PA officials, BDS is a movement that...
  • Friday, May 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
I don't know if I will do this every week, but people liked last week's roundup, so.... Of course, this week was dominated by my original coverage of the Beitunia Pallywood incident (all posts here.) My Synchronized video of the Beitunia incident (created Saturday night but improved later in the week) was the first and IMHO best video analysis that proved really beyond...
  • Friday, May 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
You can find subtle Israel hatred in the most interesting places. Think-Progress has an article about  Pope Francis' visit to the Middle East. At the conclusion of Pope Francis’ already surprise-ridden trip through the Holy Land last week, the first Argentinian pope turned heads by spontaneously inviting Presidents Shimon Peres of Israel and Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority to visit him for a joint “prayer summit” at the...
From Ian: Minister praises policemen who stopped suicide bombing “Your vigilance and professionalism led to the capture of a terrorist with an explosive belt,” Aharonovitch told the policemen in a phone conversation shortly after the Friday morning incident. “You prevented an attack and saved lives, and I’m proud of you and your professional excellence,” he said. The incident took place on Friday morning, when Border Policemen saw a Palestinian man,...
Story here, h/t JJ. This poster series continues to go strong - some 5000 views every week, from all over the world. People are hungering for the truth about Israel and it is hard to argue with straight facts showing how minorities in Israel are treated as well or better than they are in almost any nation, and how there are no limits to what they can accomplish. ...
  • Friday, May 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya: A prominent Saudi cleric has declared that online conversations between men and women are religiously forbidden and has warned that they may lead to committing sin. According to Saudi daily al-Eqitisadiya, Sheikh Abdullah al-Mutlaq, a member of the Saudi Committee of Senior Scholars, said that chatting online through social networks falls under the forbidden...
  • Friday, May 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Morocco World News: Ghislaine Taibi, who works for a French-speaking private Moroccan channel has been harshly criticized by many Moroccans for a recent visit she paid to Israel. A picture of her holding the Torah [sic] while standing adjacent to the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem has set social media ablaze. The bulk of comments on the picture associate...

Thursday, May 29, 2014

  • Thursday, May 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
IBSI (Institute for Black Solidarity with Israel) Director Dumisani Washington speaks at Hillel UCLA on Dr. King's pro-Israel legacy, Israel's multiethnic society, the formation of BASIC, and the racism and hypocrisy of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. ...
From Ian: Explaining Why So Many Palestinians Are Still Refugees (REVIEW) As the authors elucidate, UNRWA’s steadfast espousal of the Palestinian “Right of Return” reveals both the degree to which it has been politically co-opted and compromised by its constituency, and that it is a position at odds with the United Nations’ own Charter; such a right “necessarily entails the dissolution of Israel as such… Jewish sovereignty as envisioned by the Zionist...
  • Thursday, May 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This horrific video was allegedly taken in the Syrian city of Deir ez-Zor. Reports say that it shows the execution of a child by the Syrian Islamist group ISIS in front of a large crowd. Just a reminder as to what kind of neighborhood Israel is in. Not to mention how little Israel's neighbors care about violence that cannot be blamed on Israel...
  • Thursday, May 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ben Ehrenreich writes that the bullets that killed the youths in Beitunia were not fired by the Israeli shooters in the CNN video, but from an entirely different group: In the LARB article I quoted a doctor who treated both boys and who told me that their wounds were without question caused by live fire. Nuwara was shot in the chest, Abu Thaher in the back: both bullets...
From Ian: Baker: Govt. Should Act Now on Sovereignty Baker was a member of a panel headed by former High Court Judge Edmund Levy that in 2012 researched the question of Israel's “occupation” of Judea and Samaria and found that Israel could not be considered as such under international law. Baker said that it was impossible to dispute Israel's right to the Land of Israel, including Judea and Samaria, as ancient and modern history makes it clear that...
  • Thursday, May 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ok, I've stared at the videos and photos taken during "Nakba Day" for hours. I've read all the articles I can find. I've come up with my conclusions that there is no possible way that Nadeem Nawara was shot and killed by Israeli forces. But CNN and the New York Times, showing far less diligence, have concluded that he was killed by Israeli live fire. OK. I'm just an anonymous...
  • Thursday, May 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
A fascinating story from Reuters: In an unprecedented, three-year cyber espionage campaign, Iranian hackers created false social networking accounts and a fake news website to spy on military and political leaders in the United States, Israel and other countries, a cyber-intelligence firm said on Thursday. ISight Partners, which uncovered the operation, said the hackers'...
From Robert Mackey of the NYT: The Israeli military suspended a soldier who was captured on video this month firing his rifle at protesters in the occupied West Bank. Video evidence showed that the soldier fired his weapon within seconds of a Palestinian boy’s collapsing to the ground with what proved to be a fatal gunshot wound. As the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

  • Wednesday, May 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, the foundation stone was placed for the reconstruction of the Tiferet Yisrael synagogue in Jerusalem. I discussed previously how this grand synagogue once dominated Jerusalem's skyline and it was destroyed by the Arabs in 1948 along with dozens of other synagogues. Here is what the synagogue looked like from the Temple Mount in the 1930s, Tiferet Yisrael's dome...
From Ian: BDS Movement boycotts online peace discussions among Israeli and Arab youth Maybe it’s a fool’s errand, but at least it’s an attempt to get youth talking to each other. Which is why it has been attacked since its inception by BDS movement supporters. The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) is the official international boycott organization. The American Studies Association adheres to its academic...
  • Wednesday, May 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Daily Star, Lebanon: Merkava tank destroyed in Sidon [sic] Political activists in Sidon Saturday blew up a replica of the Israeli-made Merkava tank as part of celebrations marking Resistance and Liberation Day. Plumes of smoke ascended from the southern coastal city of Sidon’s Martyrs Square after activists blew to pieces a replica of the infamous war vehicle...
The PreOccupied Territory weekly satirical column continues... Jerusalem, May 27 - Turkey asked Interpol yesterday to issue a Red Notice for a number of former top Israeli military commanders in connection with the deaths of ten protesters in a 2010 raid on a Turkish flotilla to Gaza, but Israeli analysts expect the group to end up imprisoned in Israel on various...
From Ian: Michael Lumish: So, Just What is a “Palestinian,” Anyways? The Philistines, of course, were a seafaring people of the Aegean islands. They were one of the rivals for regional dominance competing with the ancient Israelites along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea over one thousand years before Jesus of Nazareth walked the land. They were, needless to say, not a people from the Arabian peninsula and were in no way the forebears of...
  • Wednesday, May 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Karim Younis, one of the Arab murderers who have been in Israeli prison the longest, is complaining that the PLO didn't do enough to get him and his fellow prisoners released in the planned fourth batch. Younis wrote a harsh letter to Palestinian leadership saying that they dropped the ball and that they should quit their jobs and return to their mansions. "This means...
  • Wednesday, May 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
More footage taken from the extended "Nakba Day" CCTV video in Beitunia shows an attempt to fake an injury for the cameras that doesn't pan out. Now that we have established that people faked injuries for the cameras, what else might have been faked? (All posts on this topic here...
  • Wednesday, May 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Now that the entire hours-long footage of the CCTV cameras from the Nakba Day incidents in Beitunia are available, interesting facts are emerging. We can see cameramen arriving at both incident scenes about ten minutes ahead of time, even sitting on the same object directly in front of where the youths are supposedly shot. We see a youth hopping around on one leg, pretending to be injured, and his buddies calling an ambulance over, only to see him...

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

  • Tuesday, May 27, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Really: ...
From Ian: Shmuley Boteach: Pope Francis’ Failure to Confront Evil No one can deny that Pope Francis is a man who walks the walk. While many disagree with his neo-socialist world-view, who can feel anything but respect for a world leader who eschews the perks of office to champion the poor and the oppressed? The Pope is also courageously confronting the Church’s obsession with abortion, gay marriage, and contraception in favor of spiritual values...


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