Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:
Honest Reporting Searching For Israel's Capital (Video)
Israel Made Me Beat My Wife
“It’s truly amazing just how far The Guardian can go when it comes to blaming Israel. Angela Taylor takes a look at the status of women in Gaza and carries out some interviews.”
PMW: PA: Israel is octopus with fangs and burning flames, in PA Ministry of Education publication
UNWATCH Syrians slaughtered, but U.N. too busy condemning...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Elder of Ziyon

From Joel Schalit at AllAfrica.com:
On May 23, Hatikva had the dubious distinction of hosting the worst race riots since Israel's founding. Egged on by politicians from Israel's governing Likud Party, local Jewish residents brutally assaulted migrants and looted their stores.
For followers of Israeli politics, none of this was surprising. In the preceding weeks, right-wing...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Elder of Ziyon

Tomorrow evening, some 93,000 Jews will gather in MetLife Stadium, along with hundreds of thousands of other Jews worldwide (including in Tel Aviv's Nokia Stadium and Jerusalem's Teddy Stadium), to celebrate the 12th Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi.
Daf Yomi is a study program initiated in the 1920s by Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Poland. His idea was that Jews worldwide would study a...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Elder of Ziyon

From the Ha'aretz' Barak Ravid via Twitter, and verified by the MFA:
The MFA writes:
President Peres has previously sent two letters to the Egyptian president. The first was sent upon his election as president and the second was sent on the occasion of the month of Ramadan. In his first letter, President Peres congratulated President Morsy for winning the elections, emphasized...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Elder of Ziyon

CAMERA notes:
July 26, 2012: The Prime Minister "warned that it might take action to stop groups it deemed 'terrorists' from forming" an autonomous region. "No one should attempt to provoke us. If a step needs to be taken .... we would not hesitate to take it (Fox News)."
July 25, 2012: "... forces killed at least 15 ... in a raid near the country's...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Elder of Ziyon

Want to hear Mahmoud Abbas' latest howler?
Speaking to Turkey's Anadolu news agency, according to Palestine Press Agency, he criticized the US and whined that "the United States does not pay attention to the peace process at this time because of concern about the country's presidential election in November."
And what exactly has Abbas done to further the peace process?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
During Mitt Romney's visit to Israel's capital:
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Sunday told Romney in a Jerusalem meeting that diplomacy and sanctions leveled against Iran have not worked so far.
"I heard some of your remarks and you said that the greatest danger facing the world is the Ayatollah regime possessing nuclear weapons capability," Netanyahu said. "Mitt, I couldn't agree with you more, and I think it is important to do everything in...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Elder of Ziyon

Al Akhbar proudly published the results of an investigation that must have taken months, as they uncover the scandal of the century!
An investigation by the Campaign to Boycott Israel Supporters in Lebanon has exposed that Israeli-made products are being widely used in the beauty and cosmetics sector in Lebanon.
Therapeutic and cosmetic laser surgery is now an integral part...

Monday, July 30, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
From the NYT:
The Syrian conflict could worsen one of Jordan’s deep domestic schisms, between citizens of Palestinian descent and so-called East Bank Jordanians.
The government seems set on not letting more Palestinians enter.
Jordanian officials strongly deny that they turn back Palestinian refugees. In a report this month, an Interior Ministry official told Human Rights Watch that Jordan had not “sent any Palestinians back, period.” Near the...

Monday, July 30, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:
Mitt Romney's speech in Jerusalem:
Romney's Remarkable Speech in Jerusalem by Daniel Pipes
"But of the whole speech, it is the final words that most struck me: "May God bless America, and may He bless and protect the Nation of Israel." When last did a politician ask the Lord to protect another country and not his own?"Romney snubs Abbas, meets with Fayyad
Chief Palestinian negotiator blasts Romney over pro-Israel speech...

Monday, July 30, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
Islamists occupying the northern Mali town of Aguelhok stoned an unmarried couple to death in front of about 200 people on Sunday, two local government officials said.
“I was there. The Islamists took the unmarried couple to the center of Aguelhok. The couple was placed in two holes and the Islamists stoned them to death,” said a local government official on condition of anonymity.
“The woman fainted after the first few blows,”...

Monday, July 30, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
Juan Cole
From the Times of India:
Alleging that an Iranian state agency was involved in the February 13 bomb attack on an Israeli diplomat in the capital, the Delhi Police has concluded that the suspects were members of Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, a branch of the nation's military.
The investigation report, exclusively accessed by TOI, states that the IRGC members had discussed the plan to attack the Israeli diplomats in India and other countries...

Monday, July 30, 2012
Elder of Ziyon

Here is an image o the Bulgaria bomber pieced together by authorities based on his remains, according to a Romanian news site that says this has been confirmed by Bulgarian police:
The photo of his head were leaked by a Bulgarian site:
As Novite says:
The photos released by Bivol.bg show the distorted face of a young blue-eyed Caucasian male with black hair. The photos...

Monday, July 30, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
An unintentionally funny story from Ma'an:
The investigation into late President Yasser Arafat's death is ongoing, director of the committee responsible for the inquiry said Sunday.
Tawfiq al-Tirawi told Ma'an that a medical committee headed by Abdullah al-Basheer is undertaking research in coordination with international specialists and will brief officials on the results once investigations reach their final stages.
"We haven't initiated the...

Monday, July 30, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
Following are excerpts from several TV interviews with Syrian MPs and Lebanese sympathizers, which aired on various TV channels in July 2012.
Al-Manar TV, July 20, 2012:
Syrian MP Ahmad Shlash, deputy chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee: These biological and chemical weapons are intended for a confrontation with the country's enemies.
As for those terrorist groups, the defenders of the land can get rid of them...

Monday, July 30, 2012
Elder of Ziyon

A Facebook page has popped up saluting Tunisian swimmer Taqi Murabit for refusing to compete against Israeli swimmer Gal Nevo, featuring this photo that is being copied all over the place in the Arab blogosphere:
It would have been a great story, but it is a lie. Mrabet did compete against the Israeli and was in the pool at time - but he was disqualified.
From Tunisia...

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
YNet reports two Qassams being fired on Friday night, and four rockets being shot on Saturday. GANSO says on of the Saturday rockets was a Grad. Arutz 7 counted two rockets Saturday night, for a total of eight over the weekend.
But having terrorists shooting rockets aiming at women and children into your country is considered acceptable behavior by the world (when your country is Israel.) So this is hardly even worth mentioning.

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
From The Algemeiner, July 16:
Residents of the French Hill neighborhood in Jerusalem plan to combat Arab prayer-calls by blasting music from loudspeakers, in defiance of Arab religious conventions. According to Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot, Israelis plan to broadcast music from loudspeakers positioned toward a mosque in the Arab village Al Issawiya, located in Jerusalem on Mount Scopus near Hadassah Hospital.
A widespread practice among Muslims,...

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:
An Olympic insult to Israel’s murdered athletes
A 12 word exchange tells you all you need to know about the international community and Israel
“You didn't hear the voice of the world,“ the two ladies exclaimed. “'Yes, I did," he replied. That, according to the Jewish Chronicle, was the exchange of words at a meeting earlier this week between two Munich massacre widows and the president of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge,...

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Elder of Ziyon

Ma'ariv reports on the discovery of a stone seal that seems to depict an image of a man holding onto a lion-like animal with a large head and tail.
The seal was excavated in Tel Bet Shemesh, and comes from around the 11th century BCE, the same time period that the biblical Samson was said to have lived, according to the archaeologists who discovered it, Prof. Shlomo Bunimovitz...

Sunday, July 29, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
archaeology, Temple Mount

From Israel HaYom:
Remains of thousands of Jews massacred by the Romans on the Temple Mount at the time of the destruction of the Second Temple may have been uncovered in Jerusalem, according to a veteran archaeological journalist.
During a conference on Thursday at Megalim – the City of David Institute for Jerusalem Studies, journalist Benny Liss screened a movie recorded...

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