Monday, May 31, 2010

  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the IDF: The iron bars, Molotov cocktail and dagger are especially interesting. No doubt the anti-Israel terror-supporting "peace" activists would say that most of the knives are ordinary kitchen knives. Yet we have seen them used against people. UPDATE: A reader sends me in audio, played on Israel Army radio today, of Israel's radio warnings and the terror flotilla's responses. I have not verified it. "Jihad, Jihad, Jihad"...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
There is an important facet of the events of last night that has not been emphasized. The IDF soldiers went on board the ship with the expectation that they would be met with "non-violent resistance." The reason that they had those expectations was because the flotilla organizers made very clear that this is what they planned to do - as they said, "The only resistance that there might be would be passive resistance such as physically blocking the...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
A stomach-turning article from Tikkun Magazine, which wants to say Kaddish for violent Islamists: We regret and deplore the killings which took place as Israeli troops, in defiance of international law, boarded and assaulted, wounded many and killed some of the participants in a flotilla seeking to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza (itself a morally outrageous policy) to bring humanitarian aid. We ask all people of peace to dedicate at least fifteen...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press reports that a Gazan citizen, upon hearing of the events of last night, threw himself into the Mediterranean in an attempt to help out the brave peace activists. Of course, the boats were a bit further away than swimming distance, and he drowned. Even the commenters in the Arabic-language forum are laughing at this guy, saying that it was obviously a suicide that he tried to mask as martyrdom. Yet somehow I think that he will be listed...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the IDF: And Free Gaza says these peaceful people were only waving white flags.... They are no longer the Flotilla of Fools. They are the Flotilla of Tool...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Their Twitter feed says "They were waving white flags not clubs...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ha'aretz, a picture of one of the "peace protesters" and "humanitarian aid activists" on board one of the boats. Doesn't he look like he cares deeply about peace? ...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Palestinian Media Watch: On the day before the Gaza flotilla confronted the Israeli navy, Al-Jazeera TV documented the pre-battle atmosphere created by men on board the flotilla, who chanted a well-known Islamic battle cry invoking the killing and defeat of Jews in battle: "[Remember] Khaibar, Khaibar, oh Jews! The army of Muhammad will return!" Khaibar is the name of the last Jewish village defeated by Muhammad's army in 628. Many Jews...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
The IDF released video showing what happened on the Mavi Marmara: See how peaceful the pro-Hamas "activists" ar...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the MFA (via email): 1. A maritime blockade is in effect off the coast of Gaza. Such blockade has been imposed, as Israel is currently in a state of armed conflict with the Hamas regime that controls Gaza, which has repeatedly bombed civilian targets in Israel with weapons that have been smuggled into Gaza via the sea. 2. Maritime blockades are a legitimate and recognized measure under international law that may be implemented as part of an...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
...then how come the only dead people were on the ship that attacked the IDF soldiers? The other five ships surrendered and no one was hurt. Just more proof of Free Gaza lies. News organizations must be careful not to trust a single word that they say. They know that their lies get broadcast as fact in real time, and FGM has a history of taking advantage of that, especially when the media is hungry for new details. ------------ I am not as available...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Jameel at the Muqata is live-blogging the events at sea. You can't do better than reading his blog right now. 2:54 PM News1 reports that the IDF soldiers were not prepared for the violence that errupted from the flotilla terrorist peace activists. The soldiers testified that Sheikh Raed Salakh was among the violent attackers. military correspondents who accompanied the soldiers said the soldiers were given paintball rifles. When they...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Channel 2 news, via Ma'ariv:...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
The San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea says in paragraph 67: 67. Merchant vessels flying the flag of neutral States may not be attacked unless they: (a) are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search or capture. There is abundant evidence from both...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
It was an ambus...
  • Monday, May 31, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Although the details are sketchy of what happened so far on the Mavi Marmara, it is clear that some of the "peace activists" who organized the flotilla were not very peaceful. What is certain is that Free Gaza's characterization of the events is a lie: Under darkness of night, Israeli commandoes dropped from a helicopter onto the Turkish passenger ship, Mavi Marmara, and began to shoot the moment their feet hit the deck. They fired directly into...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

  • Sunday, May 30, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
I've been Tweeting a ton of messages today, labeling them all #Flotilla of Fools, going over years of news about Gaza that people do not know. Getting lots of retweets, too. Check them out:
  • Sunday, May 30, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the BBC: For a man who knows that he would face almost certain death if he ever returned home, Mohammad Saad appears remarkably at ease and sanguine about his predicament. Mr Saad is among perhaps the most reviled class of person in Palestinian society - someone who has given or sold information to Israel. In a frank and remarkably open interview, Mr Saad has told the BBC why he betrayed his own people and why, he thinks, he now deserves more...
  • Sunday, May 30, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Something nice to look at, related to the book Start-Up Nation that I reviewed recently....
  • Sunday, May 30, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
An interesting article in Al Arabiya (Arabic) says that many Lebanese, especially Maronite Christians, do not consider themselves Arabs - but rather Phoenicians. The Christians remain upset at a provision in the Taif Agreement that considers Lebanon to have an "Arab character," although on the other hand it also makes it clear that Lebanon is independent from the rest of the Arab world. According to the article, a geneticist finds that some 30%...
  • Sunday, May 30, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas deputy political chief Abu Marzouk was interviewed in the Algerian daily El Chourouk. He claimed that Hamas has opened channels of communication with the US: There are various channels of communication [between Hamas and the US], some official and some unofficial, but everyone asks permission from the State Department and the White House in this for authorization to communicate, but without fanfare. The official rhetoric in the media is...
  • Sunday, May 30, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Arabiya (Arabic) reports that three Arabs were killed and seven injured, two seriously, by Iranian Revolutionary Guards as they were protesting a land dispute. Which means that Iran killed more Arab civilians in May than the IDF di...
  • Sunday, May 30, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Khaled Meshaal, Hamas' "political" leader in Damascus, was on the Charlie Rose show where he put on a moderate face for his credulous inteviewer: "We don't have a problem whatsoever with the United States or with American interests," Khaled Meshaal told PBS television in an interview."America is a great state, a superpower," he continued. "But its interest should not be at the expense of the interests of others and the peoples of in the region."Rose,...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

  • Saturday, May 29, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today, a UNRWA spokesman named Adnan Abu Hasna told a German news agency that Gaza was suffering from a "humanitarian crisis." The idea that Gaza was suffering from a "humanitarian crisis" has been around for a long, long time: November 17, 1993:...the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza continues to grow.December 6, 2000:...impoverishing families across The West Bank and Gaza Strip and risking a humanitarian crisis, according to international...
  • Saturday, May 29, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an: Gaza medics said six Palestinians were killed and 12 others were injured on Saturday when a gas cylinder exploded inside a southern Gaza tunnel. Chief of Ambulance and Emergency services in Gaza Muawiya Hassanein told Ma’an that the workers were inside the tunnel when the cylinder exploded and that three sustained critical injuries. Gas cylinders are one of the many items smuggled into the coastal enclave following Israel's siege,...

Friday, May 28, 2010

  • Friday, May 28, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
All this week, the media have been saying that the Flotilla of Fools aiming towards Gaza is bringing in some 10,000 tons of aid. For example, in Business Week: The eight ships, organized by an international group called the Free Gaza Movement, are carrying about 10,000 tons of cargo, including cement for rebuilding homes destroyed by war in Gaza, medical equipment and school...
  • Friday, May 28, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Since some of my readers have said that they use my site as a portal, I created a widget that includes all of my Google Reader feeds in one place, making it easy to read many blogs and news sources from a single page.(I even included the comments here as a feed.) This widget can be found in a new EoZ News Feeds page that can be accessed from my sidebar.Let me know what you think, or if you want me to add other sources you consider essential. For...
  • Friday, May 28, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
As I mentioned previously, the moonbats who are trying to sail to Gaza have to document how terrible the lives of Gazans are have wonderful choices for fine dining and for working out. But where can they stay? Surely they must be forced to sleep under the stars, or in tents, because the entire sector has been flattened by the IDF. Luckily for them, the Al Deira hotel is...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

  • Thursday, May 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From TheJC: A Muslim campaign group has written to the new Education Secretary Michael Gove to object to state-aided Jewish schools promoting Zionism. Mohammed Asif, the chief executive of Engage (not to be confused with the antisemitism monitoring group of the same name), said he was "more than a little surprised" to see Zionism included as part of the ethos of several Jewish...
  • Thursday, May 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Something that Jews and Muslims can agree on: Dutch doctors' group calls for circumcision ban AMSTERDAM (Reuters Life!) - The Royal Dutch Medical Association on Thursday suggested a possible ban on elective circumcisions for young boys, saying they were medically unnecessary and violated children's rights. The 161-year-old organization, which represents more than 46,000 doctors and students, called the procedure "a violation of the integrity of...
  • Thursday, May 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah claimed to have new weapons that would be able to accurately reach all Israeli ports, and threatened to use them if Israel tried to blockade Lebanon. Syria's Al Watan newspaper reports that it has confirmed this story. According to the story, Hezbollah is in possession of missiles with a range of 300 km, which is about the distance necessary to shoot from north of the Litani river to Ashkelon. This would...
  • Thursday, May 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From FoxNews: The Muslim teenager from Ohio who converted to Christianity and fled to Florida in fear of retaliation is being treated for an "aggressive" form of uterine cancer, a close friend told Fathima Rifqa Bary, 17, has undergone two operations and has a third scheduled for Thursday, said Jamal Jivanjee, an ordained pastor who heads an Orlando-based ministry. "The biopsy did come back malignant," Jivanjee told "It's...
  • Thursday, May 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the new Amnesty International annual report, Israel is specifically censured for having "targeted and killed medical staff" in Gaza. I have seen accusations, by Goldstone and others, of IDF targeting of medical facilities, but I have never seen any reports by international NGOs that detailed any alleged Israeli targeting of medical personnel. The best I saw was Goldstone's...
  • Thursday, May 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday there was a terrorism scare on a Tel Aviv bus:  Passengers on a number 5 bus reported that a man, who was sitting in the back seat of the bus wearing a heavy coat, suddenly yelled out "itbach al yahud" in Arabic (slaughter the Jews). "A heavyset man, around 50 years old, was sitting at the back of the bus," eyewitness Ortal Neuman told Haaretz. Neuman, who...
  • Thursday, May 27, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
(I meant to post this yesterday.) Zvi, as always, writes a great comment: The bus analogy is ridiculous. It presupposes that Jews have no place there, whereas Arabs - many descended from illegal migrant labor which, attracted by the growth that Jews brought, migrated into the area in the early 20th century - have a right to every inch of it. That's simply bogus. Jewish ties to the land of Israel are ancient, well documented and unbroken....
From the Jerusalem Post: In a bid to stir awareness of anti-Israeli slants in foreign media coverage of Gaza, the Government Press Office sent an e-mail on Wednesday to members of the Foreign Press Association in Israel containing a guide to a luxurious restaurant in the Strip and a recently opened Olympic-sized pool. The e-mail was based on a recent dispatch by journalist and commentator Tom Gross, in which he highlighted what he described as...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

  • Wednesday, May 26, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JPost: More than two decades after former Jordanian king Hussein renounced his country's claim to the West Bank, a Jordanian official referred on Tuesday to a unified Jordanian state on both sides of the Jordan river at a ceremony presided over by Jordanian King Abdullah and attended by more than a thousand guests and dignitaries, according to a Wednesday report by al-Quds al-Arabi. Taher al-Masri, head of the Jordanian Senate, spoke at a ceremony...


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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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