Friday, September 30, 2016
From Ian:
George Soros’ Israel-Hatred Spills Out Into the Open
Billionaire George Soros generally does not hide the fact that he uses the considerable funds at his disposal to support his extremist, leftist ideals.
So when he does hide something, it should raise some serious questions. A series of leaked documents recently revealed that Soros’ philanthropy network, the Open Society Foundations, has been giving money to a number of anti-Israel organizations...

Friday, September 30, 2016
Elder of Ziyon
Friday, September 30, 2016
Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:
Melanie Phillips: Israel, not the West, stands for international law
In fact the US, Britain and Europe have long displayed this contempt by supporting the big lie that Israel behaves illegally or belligerently.
The West maintains that Israel occupies Palestinian territory in the “West Bank.” This is untrue. There has never been any “Palestinian territory.”

Friday, September 30, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

Even though the Gulf countries are seemingly warming up to Israel's existence, they aren't moderating in their other behaviors.
A Saudi teenager has been arrested and faces three years in prison for posting a series of popular videos of online conversations with an American blogger.
Abu Sin, which allegedly translates as “toothless” because of his gap tooth, was having...

Friday, September 30, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

From The Telegraph:
The world's top female chess players have reacted with horror after being told they must compete at next year's world championship wearing a hijab.
Within hours of Iran being revealed as its host country, the prestigious event was plunged into crisis as it emerged players taking part face arrest if they don't cover up.
In response, Grandmasters lined...

Friday, September 30, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

Right after Shimon Peres' death, Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party published this cartoon:
There was controversy among Palestinians about whether Abbas should attend Peres' funeral, and in the end Abbas decided he had to go.
Today, Abbas' Fatah is praising Abbas for making that decision. They cynicism of Abbas' decision is shown in the press release:
The participation of...

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

Besides the usual obituary talking points about Shimon Peres, there is a lot more that he accomplished in his lifetime. In this EoZTV we discuss some of them - like how he helped fix Israel's severe economic problems, how he was a poet and wrote a song that was recorded earlier this year, how and why he embraced technology, and finally parts of a remarkable interview he gave...

09/29 Links Pt2: Australian MP Blasts UNHRC Silence Over Syrian Massacre & Distorted Focus on Israel
From Ian:
As Hives Collapse Worldwide, Bees Hold Steady in the Land of Milk and Honey
Honeybees across the world are in a sticky situation. Their numbers are dwindling dramatically due to colony collapse disorder (CCD) for reasons that are not fully understood.
Yet the honeybee population in Israel is holding steady.
That’s great news at this time of year, when sweet Jewish...

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Elder of Ziyon
This is the time of year that religious Jews wake up early to say Selichot, prayers to prepare for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Many of these prayers are in the form of intricate poetry that draws heavily on astounding knowledge of the entire Hebrew Bible, called piyutim. Every day different piyutim are recited. Unfortunately, they are often said so quickly that the multiple layers of meanings behind them get left behind.
On Wednesday, I was struck...

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Elder of Ziyon
Opinion, Vic Rosenthal

Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column
This week I would like to wish all of my readers the very best possible year, in the personal, spiritual and economic realms. I would like to thank the Elder of Ziyon for the opportunity to appear on his pages, and wish him continued success. And I beg the pardon of those I have offended.There are also some other people, most of whom...

From Ian:
President Reuven Rivlin: You were our heart
I am writing to you for the last time, Shimon, "one president to another," as you would say every time you called to lend me support and advice, after I followed you into this office. As a young boy, you proposed adopting the surname "Ben Amotz," the name of the prophet Isaiah, a man of vision.
You, however, were not...

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

On Twitter, Electronic Intifada's Rania Khalek has an interesting series of tweets trying to draw a distinction between Hamas and ISIS:
Hmmm. Hamas has used Palestinians as human shields by every definition of the term, telling civilians to stay in their homes when the IDF warned them of upcoming bombs and physically forcing Fatah members to stay as human shields.

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

Israel's MDA emergency services issued a statement on the number of terror attacks since last Rosh Hashanah.
The first attack of the year killed Alexander Levlovich, 64, when the car he was driving after a Rosh Hashanah dinner was hit with rocks, causing him to crash.
Since then, the wave of terror attacks only increased.
The 499 attacks resulted in 40 killed and 459...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Elder of Ziyon

From the EU site:
The Iranian nuclear deal reached last July is already bringing concrete results, High Representative Federica Mogherini said on Thursday evening in New York.
“I can share that we have seen this year, since the beginning of the year, an increase of 43% of trade between the EU and Iran compared to last year; that several European banks have started...

From Ian:
Eugene Kontorovich: If FIFA kicks Israeli teams out of soccer, it has to also kick out a Korea
The absurdity of the Palestinian reading of FIFA rules is powerfully illustrated by the soccer status of the two Koreas.
Both North and South Korea’s soccer federation’s are FIFA members. Yet the governments of both Koreas claim the entire territory of the other as their own. Indeed, the constitution of the ROK (South Korea) asserts its sole sovereignty...

Shimon Peres is gone. For two
weeks, we held our tongues and our collective breath, knowing this would likely be the end. You don't curse
someone on death's edge, but bless him. You think of anything you can that will
serve in his merit, because that's what we do as Jews. You go gentle.
We care about each other, as a people, as a nation. We know
that when death...

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Elder of Ziyon
humor, Preoccupied

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.
Check out their Facebook page.
Amman, September 28 - Human rights organizations and diplomatic officials expressed shock and dismay today upon hearing the news that Israel had signed an agreement to pump 10 billion dollars' worth of explosive, poisonous methane into Jordanian territory...

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