Friday, September 30, 2005
Friday, September 30, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Interesting article about the incredibly naive "listening tour" that President Bush sent Karen Hughes on.
Faux pas trifecta
By Diana West
September 30, 2005
The president's confidante has been on a "listening tour" to "start a conversation with the rest of the world"—namely, the Muslim world, beginning with Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey — but there were too many times when she just didn't know what to say.
A Washington Post anecdote from...

Thursday, September 29, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
I was stunned at the sheer intellect and clarity of the comment put on my blog a few hours ago by a King Ubu. Best as I can tell, he was upset at something written here, and his blog has a Palestinian flag on it.Here is his comment in its entirety: Flock of bastards stupids! The Bin goes to eat the mother of all land of Sion!A thing of beauty....

Thursday, September 29, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
The Truth Laid Bear has evidently started a "topic list" for blogs where you can see postings on specified topics, somewhat like Technorati's tags. TTLB also ranks blogs within a topic. For reasons I cannot quite fathom, here are the top 20 blogs that talk about Israel according to their algorithm:1. Power Line2. Marathon Pundit3. Desde Sefarad4. Apropos Of Nothing5. ...

Thursday, September 29, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
A long article from an iconoclastic Israeli journalist that is worth reading. I disagree with his still too-optimistic conclusion but it has some excellent parts. Excerpts: During my journey into Islam in Gaza, I met General Nasser Youssef (who at the time of our meeting was head of one of the Palestinian security forces and is now the PA Interior Minister). At one point during our conversation, I asked the general to describe his vision of the...

Thursday, September 29, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
When Hamas lies and pretends to be a tiny bit more moderate, headlines explode across the globe.
When the Palestinian Authority threatens war (and says that the Palestinians are preparing for war) against Israel, the media doesn't notice. This is the only article in Google News that mentions the name "Muhammad Ranaim."
Muhammad Ranaim, a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, and a Fatah leader, said a third intifada was very possible....

Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
It always amazes me to see how much attention the world pays to Palestinian refugees and their descendents, and how little to the larger number of Jewish refugees, direct victims of bigotry by Arab nations.It is equally amazing how the Arab countries, who pride themselves on their hospitality, have kept Palestinian Arabs in refugee camps for decades while Israel, which was...

Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Today's news is more of the same - Palestinian Arab terror and lies, Arabs blaming Israel, and not a peep from Abbas.Syrian leader Bashir Assad told Hamas and Islamic Jihad to escalate attacks so as to take pressure off of his adventures in Lebanon and Iraq.The terrorists seems to have gladly done so, continuing to send rockets into Israel even after their "promise" to stop.Meanwhile, the IDF Intelligence chief says "Al-Qaeda is in Gaza," and Hamas...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
On September 28, 1943, two days before Rosh Hashanah, a German diplomat in Denmark, Georg Ferdinand Duckwitz, warned the Danish political leaders (one of whom later became the Danish Prime Minister, as this article indicates) that the Germans were planning to deport all of Danish Jewry to Theresienstadt within days. Duckwitz, a maritime attache, arranged...

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Moshe Arens used to be my favorite Israeli politician before he withdrew from politics (and before Natan Sharansky emerged from the Gulag.) His stuff is worth reading.One mistake after anotherBy Moshe ArensAuthor and columnist Hillel Halkin, who initially had not been critical of the Oslo accords, writes in the September issue of Commentary: "It has long been obvious to all...

Monday, September 26, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
This small story from 1933 illustrates, more than anything else, the root of the "conflict" between Israel and the Arab countries.Arabs do not want Jews to own or control land in the Middle East.Everything else - pretending to care about Palestinian refugees, or about "war crimes", or "international law" or "UN resolutions" - are all lies, window dressing to cover the naked...

Monday, September 26, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
A Jewish resident of Jerusalem was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists and murdered, police said Monday.
The body of Sasson Nuriel, 50, of the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Pisgat Ze'ev, who was kidnapped earlier this week was found Monday morning in the Beitunia industrial zone.
Nuriel's body was discovered following a four-day Shin Bet and Israel Police manhunt which resulted in the capture of one of the suspected members of Hamas cell believed...

Monday, September 26, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
It used to be that Iranian "news" sources would "report" about news from Israel and "Palestine" with a liberal use of "scare-quotes" around the word "Israel," usually referring to it as the "Zionist regime."Today, for some strange reason, I am seeing that they are scare-quoting "Zionist" and not Israel.Maybe next they'll start getting rid of the vowels of anything vaguely Jewish, so we'll be reading about "Z**n*sts" and "*sr**l".LONDON, September...

Monday, September 26, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
media bias
As a followup to yesterday's media circus, with hundreds of articles breathlessly reporting Hamas' latest lie that they will stop all attacks from Gaza, there was another statement from a Hamas spokesman yesterday:“We decided to participate in the elections as part of our legitimate struggle against the occupation”, Al Masry said, “Resistance is a legitimate and strategic right, Hamas will not disarm”Even more explicitly, Hamas' leader Mahmoud A-Zahhar...

Sunday, September 25, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
media bias
Many hundreds of media outlets picked up on this story earlier Sunday:GAZA (Reuters) - A senior Hamas leader said on Sunday that his militant group would stop launching rocket and other attacks against Israel, hours after Israel killed a top Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza in an air strike.'The movement declares an end to its operations from the Gaza Strip against the Israeli occupation, which came ... in response to the assaults by the enemy,' Hamas's...

Sunday, September 25, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
The wacky ramblings of George Galloway plummeted to new depth a couple of weeks ago, in this little reported interview with an obscure far-left blog.. It is hard, however, to distinguish between what is a paraphrase of Galloway and what are the editorial comments of the bizarre blog that interviewed him.(Hat tip to WW4 Report.)
Of course, the past masters of government sponsored terrorism were the Zionists, who created the condition in the Arab countries,...

Sunday, September 25, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
This article makes clear that the sudden pretense of thawing in relations between Israel and some Muslim countries is more the results of US arm-twisting than any real change in attitudes.But ya gotta love the name of the anti-Israeli group in Bahrain:At the demand of the US, the Persian Gulf state of Bahrain has announced the removal of its boycott of Israelis goods. The US made canceling the boycott and closing down the boycott offices in Manama,...

Friday, September 23, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Poor Mort Zuckerman. Imagine what Israel could have done with $14 million.
A week after they descended like locusts on the greenhouses that Jewish settlers nurtured in Gaza, looters continue to pillage what should be a prize asset for a fledgling Palestinian state.
And the Palestinian Authority, which took over Gaza after the Israelis evacuated the territory, appears powerless to stop them.
When a Daily News correspondent visited abandoned Jewish...

Friday, September 23, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
From Maariv-Hebrew, via Daily Alert:
While the Gaza-Egypt border was open last week, senior Hizballah official Kais Obeid flew from Beirut to Egypt where he met in El Arish in northern Sinai with leaders of Fatah's Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades from Gaza, a Palestinian news agency reported.
Obeid is considered by the Israeli security services as responsible for the group's operations in the territories; he was directly involved in kidnapping IDF officer...

Thursday, September 22, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
One of the favorite Arab games in trying to destroy Israel is starting again.NABLUS, West Bank (Reuters) - Hamas could one day amend a charter calling for the destruction of Israel and hold negotiations with the Jewish state, a political leader of the Islamic militant group in the West Bank said."The charter is not the Koran," Mohammed Ghazal told Reuters in an interview...

Thursday, September 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
This article from Egypt is interesting from a couple of angles.
It shows how Israel's existence is still not accepted, and never will be accepted, by religious leaders of Israel's "peace partner."
It also shows how the famous Al Azhar university, possibly the most influential Muslim institution in the world, will change its religious rulings to be in sync with the Egyptian government. (Read the entire article for more examples of that; this is...

Thursday, September 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
The US and the EU are falling over themselves to give more money to the PA.Secretary Rice is a little uneasy over the PA's foot-dragging on disarming Fatah, but not enough to actually stop sending them more money:"Now, I think it would be a good start for the Palestinians, by the way, if they would disarm the militias of Fatah. That would be a good start. They have a roadmap obligation to disarm terrorist organizations and militias. But as a starting...

Thursday, September 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
How many stories have we read that mentioned how terrible the conditions are in Gaza, how overpopulated and destitute it is, how Arabs who live there are in such desperate straits that they have no choice but to turn to terror?
Evidently, Egyptians have a much different picture of Gaza.
Many Palestinian men who flocked into Egypt after the IDF evacuated the Philadelphi corridor have seized the opportunity to search for brides. Palestinian sources...

Thursday, September 22, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Another Palestinian peace gesture.
The destroyed synagogue in the evacuated Gaza settlement of Netzarim is expected to be converted into a temporary Hamas museum in the next few days.
On Saturday members of Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades , Hamas’ military wing, plan to set up an exhibit of the terror group’s “military industry” in what used to be a synagogue.
The exhibit is set to be on display for three days, and will be open to the public from...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
One of the many racist "news" sources indexed by Google News is Jihad Unspun, a Canadian website that unapologetically supports terror. It is always nice to check in with this site once in a while to see what many Muslims really think, not filtered by the smokescreens eretced by CAIR or similar groups.
In the middle of an incoherent article that seems to support Al Qaeda's declaration of war against Shiites comes this beauty:
while many="" muslims=""...

Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Since the Palestinian Arabs did such a good job over the past couple of weeks in destroying Gaza's economy and future prospects, smuggling weapons and drugs in from Egypt, burning synagogues, looting, pillaging, creating complete chaos and threatening Israeli Jews with genocide, the EU has decided that they deserve more money.
Brussels - The European Union on Monday announced an increase in aid for the Palestinians this year, saying help is crucial...

Monday, September 19, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
In the wake of Israel's seeming diplomatic victories that accompanied the Gaza withdrawal, notably the overtures from Pakistan, it is interesting to see how isolated some Arabs are feeling from their Muslim counterparts.In this funny screed published in the "Arab American News", Ramzy Baroud writes an article titled "The risks of normalizing relations with Israel." As part of his "historical overview" showing the supposed centrality of Palestine...

Monday, September 19, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
by Alastair Gordon, President, Canadian Coalition for DemocraciesMonday, September 19, 2005Toronto, Canada - Saturday, 17 September 2005 - On September 15, Prime Minister Paul Martin announced from New York that Canada will give another $24.5 million to the Palestinian Authority (PA). This past May, Mr. Martin announced $12.2 million in aid during the visit to Canada of PA President Mahmoud Abbas, bringing the total Canadian aid to the Palestinians...

Monday, September 19, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Authority policemen went on a rampage in Nablus on Saturday night, setting a car and a house on fire and shooting indiscriminately in one of the city's main squares. The policemen were protesting against the killing of one of their colleagues, Khalil Kharmah, by a security officer from the PA's National Security Forces. Kharmah, 35, was shot to...

Monday, September 19, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
This story has it all! NEVE DEKALIM, Gaza Strip (AFP) - Once the epitome of high-tech and worth millions in desperately needed trade, the greenhouses of Gaza have been stripped bare by their former Jewish owners and pillaged by the Palestinians. Fitted out with sophisticated, computer-programmed irrigation systems, rich New York Jews forked out 14 million dollars to buy the hothouses from former Israeli settlers and donate them to the Palestinians....

Sunday, September 18, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Temple Mount
The "Islamic Republic News Agency", based in Iran, quotes from Iranian newspapers about various topics. One recent article quotes a "Kayhan International" editorial with the usual blather about Zionists usurping etenal Muslim lands and how disgusting it is for any Muslim to even think of having cordial relationships with "the Zionist entity."
But then comes this interesting paragraph, referring to Jerusalem:
Press blast Sharon for irrelevant words...

Sunday, September 18, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
About 60 members of rival Palestinian security units engaged in a shootout in the center of the West Bank town of Ramallah after two officers feuded over a parking space, security officials said. No one was hurt. We have seen quite a few stories like this, where there are huge shootouts involving Palestinian "security" forces and no one getting injured. Is their aim...

Sunday, September 18, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
SoccerDad hosts this weeks' Best of the Jewish Blogosphere, this week misspelled in his title (though not in the content) as "Haveil Havlim."Oh, and he very nicely mentions this article of mine, along with a unusually large number of other excellent posts from around the JBlogosphere. Check it ou...

Friday, September 16, 2005
Friday, September 16, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
This article is, hands down, the best attempt by anyone to nail down the facts about how many people lived in Palestine before 1948. The group that wrote this has no political agenda I could detect on either side - many articles on the site are clearly not pro-Israel.The major conclusions were:1. The nature of the data do not permit precise conclusions about the Arab population of Palestine in Ottoman and British times, 2. Palestine was not an...

Friday, September 16, 2005
Elder of Ziyon
Via Oceanguy comes this amazing article from neo-neocon.An article in Atlantic Monthly from 1961 shows how the Palestinian Arabs were being exploited mercilessly by the Arab nations, blaming Israel and the West for all their problems - exactly like they still do.A tiny excerpt:Although no one knows exactly how many refugees are scattered everywhere over the globe, it is estimated that since World War II, and only since then, at least thirty-nine...

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