Showing posts with label Big Lie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Big Lie. Show all posts

Friday, November 25, 2022

ResumeBuilders commissioned a survey of antisemitic attitudes of hiring managers and recruiters in the United States, and the results show that discrimination against Jews in the workplace is far more widespread than has been reported.

Nearly one third of the respondents, 32%, said antisemitism is "common" or "very common" at their workplaces.

Over a quarter of them, 26%, say they are less likely to move forward in the hiring process with Jewish applicants.

23% say they want fewer Jews in their industry, and an astounding 17% say that their leadership has told them to not hire Jews. 

The recruiters and hiring managers make assumptions on who is Jewish based on the applicant’s educational background (35%), last name (33%), past or current experiences with Jewish organizations (28%), and even their appearance (26%). But some also make their assumptions based on antisemitic criteria, saying their assumptions are based on the job applicant's  “voice,” “mannerisms,” or even saying “they are very frugal.”

When asked the reasons for not wanting to hire Jews, the answers were a summary of why people are antisemitic altogether. They included "Jews have too much power and control" (38%), "Jews claim to be the ‘chosen people’" (38%), and "Jews have too much wealth" (35%).

Is this discrimination coming from the political Right or the Left? The reasons given above seem to indicate it is the former, but that is not necessarily so.

The report notes that antisemitism is worse in industries that tend to be more politically liberal and that  people traditionally associated with Jews. 48% of hiring managers in both education and entertainment say antisemitism is common at their workplace, while 45% of hiring managers in business say antisemitism is acceptable in their workplace.

Moreover, Resumebuilder has had other surveys done recently of recruiters and hiring managers, and the results showed that they tend to lean left. 

More than one-third of hiring managers are more likely to interview applicants who list their pronouns in their resumes. Additionally, 52% believe their company practices “reverse discrimination” in hiring; 1 in 6 have been asked to deprioritize hiring white men and 48% have been asked to prioritize diversity over qualifications. 

It may be that the combination of companies demanding a more diverse environment and  hiring managers' latent antisemitic attitudes work together to provide a perfect storm against hiring Jews, with diversity being used as a way for the managers to justify their antisemitic practices. 

For comparison, studies show less than 10% bias against applicants who appear to be Black. Those results garner major headlines. 

It is unclear what the geographic scope of the survey was. Resumebuilder itself is geared towards jobs in the United States. (I requested more data.)

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Zionist pigs (according to "anti-Zionists")

The IMEU brings back one of our favorite stories of the Zionist Attack Zoo: that religious Jewish settlers raise (decidedly unkosher) wild pigs and release them to attack Palestinians and their fields.

Israel is using wild boars to strengthen its colonial hold on Palestinian land. Yes, you read that right. But how? 

Palestinian farmers have long documented the impact of wild boar populations, which dig up crops and destroy farmland. This has only worsened in recent years, thanks to the Israeli Nature and Parks Authority intentionally dumping large numbers of pigs onto Palestinian land. 

Aggressive wild boars have caused significant damage to Palestinian livelihoods, and have injured and killed many. This is the outcome of Israel’s colonialism, which endangers Palestinian lives by causing irreparable damage to their environment. 

Even Israeli settlers have been found to release wild boars onto Palestinian farmland as a form of abuse. These illegal settlers use the boars to pressure and intimidate Palestinians, hoping to drive them away from their lands and vacate it for illegal settlement growth. 

Thanks to Israel, Palestinians have been left with no way to protect themselves from the wild boars. Though Israel has no right to control the West Bank, it has turned large swathes of Palestinian land into nature reserves, making boar population control a crime. 

Israel not only causes environmental harm to Palestinian land, but is also weaponizing nature against Palestinians, turning the land itself into a source of destruction and violence for the indigenous population. 

Palestinians deserve to live free and to cultivate the land that their families have lived on for centuries. But under Israeli apartheid and settler colonialism, their connection to their land is under attack
Believe it or not, IMEU stands for the Institute for Middle East Understanding,

But then for additional reading, they link to a story this past week on Mondoweiss!

That article is just as ridiculous, and perhaps more so.
In 2005, in a village north of Nablus called Sabastia, the family of Jawad Ghazal was shocked by the murder of his 84-year-old father. Jawad and his father were picking olives when a wild boar attacked them, killing Jawad’s father and severely injuring Jawad. 
It was....MURDER!
In the past, wild boars have never been a problem in Palestine. Renowned Palestinian historian Mustafa Murad Al-Dabbagh mentioned in his seminal encyclopedia, Palestine, Our Home, that in 1943 there were around 12,145 wild boars in Palestine, located in Jabal al-Tur near Nazareth, as well as in the Jordan Valley, al-Hula, and Wadi Araba.  
Um, 12,145 sounds like a problem. 

It took me about two minutes to find that wild boars were damaging vineyards in Palestine in 1862:

This 1855 account discusses the wild boars in Palestine and surrounding lands, and notes that the Muslims would call the boars "Christians" by way of insult of that faith.

Thanks, Mondoweiss, for helping us document historic Palestinian Arab intolerance!

This isn't the end of Mondoweiss' litany of lies. Not even close.
Another significant reason for the spread of wild boars in Palestine is Israeli colonial practices — recent reports have indicated that settler-owned boars are being intentionally released into Palestinian villages, even though solid documentation has lagged behind. Others claim that the Israeli military is releasing the boars with the purpose of  destroying crops, the main source of income for many rural communities.   
Yes, professional soldiers are rounding up wild boars and releasing them in Palestinian fields. They must put them in bulletproof settler buses. 

Mohammad Hassan from Salfit has indicated to the Land Research Center (LRC) that he personally saw Israeli colonists unload wild pigs in the area of al-Ashara located between the city of Salfit and the village of Iskaka. Some of those I interviewed in the village of Aboud near Ramallah said they witnessed settler trucks unloading wild boars in the village’s nearby mountains.

Palestinian eyewitnesses are amazing. They see such cool things like settlers and the army trucking wild pigs throughout the West Bank, but somehow they keep forgetting to take out their mobile phones and take photos and video. Maybe they are hypnotized by Joo-Rays. 

Notably, hunting wild boars is out of the question for Palestinians. The use of firearms by Palestinian civilians is strictly forbidden by the Israeli colonial regime. 

Yeah, it is real difficult for Palestinians in the West Bank to get weapons.

And the rare times they manage to find M16s, they use them for shooting at Jews and shooting in the air at weddings, so there is no ammunition left for the boars.

The half-measure of constructing a fence or wall has also proven ineffectual, as pigs have demolished or jumped over them. ....Israeli settlements, of course, are mountaintop fortresses, and hence shielded from the boars. 

The boars can apparently distinguish between Jewish and Arab fences.

Using wild boars is part of an older Zionist imperative to colonize nature. 

Yes! Colonizing nature has been a Zionist imperative since Herzl. Or perhaps from the time of earlier Zionists like Choni HaMe'agel.

The article then repeats the lie that JNF planted non-indigenous trees that, this article claims, turns the ground to acid to destroy all other plants. It doesn't mention the name of the trees - the Jerusalem (or Aleppo) pine, which are indeed indigenous to the region. Whoops.

There is a lot of competition, but this may be the dumbest Mondoweiss article yet. 

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Sunday, November 13, 2022

AlQuds (UK - Arabic) has an article on the gap between Jews and Arabs in health statistics in Israel. It starts off saying:
A  new study based on official medical data revealed that the rate of common diseases among Palestinians of the interior is many times greater than that of Jews, as a result of several factors, including external factors related to poverty and racial discrimination between Arabs and Jews...
 For death from heart diseases, the percentage of Arabs is one and a half times higher than among Jews, and in death as a result of diabetes, the percentage of Arabs increases by two and a third of times compared to Jews. Vascular and kidney diseases cause two and three-quarters of deaths in Arabs more than Jews, and the rate of death rises to twice as high as a result of respiratory diseases.
One has to read much further to find out that the main reasons for the gaps aren't because of poverty or discrimination - but lifestyle:
16.5% of Jews are obese, compared to 23.5% among Arabs. The percentage of older Jewish women (ages 55-74) who are obese is 41%, compared to 70% among their Arab counterparts. 

The percentage of smokers is 22.9% for Jewish men and 35.5% for Arab men. In the category in which the individual smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day among Arab men and women, there are twice as many Arabs as the Jews.
Wouldn't that explain the differences in diabetes and heart related diseases far more than any difference in poverty?

Also, if poverty causes illness and shorter life expectancy, then one would expect that the Haredi (ultra-religious Jewish) community in Israel would have shorter life expectancies as well. The truth is the opposite - they generally have better health than their non-religious counterparts. One reason offered is that they have much higher "social capital" than others, and less feelings of loneliness. But it is also significant that haredi men (unlike their stereotype) are much less likely to smoke than most Israeli men - i 2010, only 13.4% smoked, compared to 23.9% of all Jewish men at that time. (However, haredi Jews are seven times as likely to be obese than all Israelis. )

Again, we see how statistics can be easily manipulated for anti-Israel propaganda purposes, and most people don't know enough to recognize how they are being brainwashed.

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Daniel Seidemann tweeted, "In Jerusalem, 1948, the Christian community of Jerusalem was almost 20% of the city's population. Today that number is approximately 1.5%.  The interests of the vulnerable Christian community in the Holy Land are not served by hollow hasbarah. "

So what is he saying? That the Christians left because of Israeli policies?

The actual number of Christians increased, albeit slowly, since 1967. The only time the Christian population went down was under Jordanian rule, from 29,400 in 1944 to 12,400 in 1967.

The Christians didn't leave under Israeli rule, but they flocked away under Muslim rule.

Which is consistent with the Christian population in the entire Middle East - save for Israel.

In fact, the raw numbers of Christians has slowly increased under Jewish rule, it has gone down under Palestinian rule. 

This Christian site, citing survey research, describes why:

The main factor driving Christian emigration is persecution. In the survey conducted by the Philos Project and the PCPSR, over 40% of Palestinian Christians surveyed indicated that they feel that Muslims do not wish to see them in Palestine. Additionally, 44% feel that there is discrimination against Christians when seeking employment, and 50% describe their economic situation as “bad or very bad.” Nearly 30% have been called a “non-believer” or “crusader” by Muslims.

Palestinian Christians are no strangers to violence. Father Justinus, a monk at Jacob’s Well Monastery on the outskirts of Nablus, a Palestinian city in the West Bank, was beaten in January 2022. The elderly monk has survived 32 life-threatening attacks throughout his time at the monastery.

Seidemann uses percentages, not raw numbers, because the actual number of Christians in Jerusalem has not gone down at all. But the reason that the percentage of Christians has gone down is because the number of Jews in Jerusalem has skyrocketed - and the number of Muslims has gone up far faster than the Jews, from 55,000 to 320,000 since 19671

If Seidemann is suggesting that Christians are leaving because of persecution by Jews - and that is exactly what he wants people to think - then by that logic, Israel has made Jerusalem into a paradise for Palestinian Muslims!

This is another instance where anti-Israel activists rely on their readers being innumerate - subject to propaganda using misleading statistics.

And it happens all the time. 

(h/t YMedad)

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Someone named Laith Hanbali, of Al-Shabaka -The Palestinian Policy Network, tweeted  "Israel arrested 690 Palestinians in October. That's about 1 Palestinian arrested every hour for a whole month!"

Sounds awful, doesn't it? Over a 1300 people thought so.

This is where it is important to discuss innumeracy - mathematical illiteracy. Seemingly, most people cannot look at this statistic critically to realize how deceptive it is. 

Let's start with another Palestinian source, Muetta, a Palestinian think tank that issues monthly statistics on "acts of resistance." They count 1,999 such acts in October. Some of them are vague like "resisting settler attacks" which could mean anything, but nearly a thousand of the events listed are potentially deadly - shootings, firebombs, stabbings, car rammings, stone throwing. 

By their own count, Israel didn't arrest close to the number of Palestinians who were engaged in violent acts. And that number has increased a great deal this year.

Are 690 arrests a huge number compared to the number of attacks? Clearly not. If anything, this proves that Israeli arrests aren't arbitrary, and if anything they are not aggressive enough given the number of violent acts aimed towards the IDF and ordinary Israelis. 

Given the number of Palestinians, is 690 arrests excessive? On the contrary. The number looks positively puny compared to the number of arrests in large American cities with comparable populations.

There are about 4.7 million Palestinians in the territories, about 2.7 million in the West Bank. This is more than in the city limits of Chicago, Houston and Philadelphia. But in October, in Philadelphia (1.6 million people), police arrested 1858 people, a rate roughly 5 times the arrest rate of Palestinians in the West Bank per million.

Sounds bad? Just wait.

Chicago arrested over 13,000 people - over 18 every hour - during October.

That's nothing compared to Houston, with over 40,000 arrests in September(the most recent month with statistics.) That's  56 people every hour!

Is 690 arrests in a month really that bad?  That is about the number of October arrests in Chattanooga, TN (pop. 182,000.) 

What about cities outside the United States? Maybe it is the US that is the anomaly?

Nope. In October, the London police arrested 11,263 people. In fact, they arrested 988 minors! 

Just imagine the outcry if Israel arrested 1000 Palestinian minors every month!

(London has nearly 9 million people, but even if you cut that number by 75% to match only the West Bank, it still dwarfs the number of arrests done by Israel.)

Without context, statistics are meaningless. Which is why anti-Israel activists never, ever compare Israel to anyone else.

Because it would make them look like idiots.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Wednesday, July 06, 2022

The official Palestinian Wafa news agency writes:
Israel is using withheld corpses of Palestinians for use in laboratories of medical schools in flagrant violation of human rights, today said Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh.

“The (Israeli) occupation authorities are augmenting the pain of the families bereaved at the loss of their children by withholding the corpses of their children and using them in the laboratories of medical schools in Israeli universities in flagrant violation of human rights, values, principles and scientific ethics,” said Shtayyeh in remarks at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting held in Ramallah.

He called on universities around the world to boycott those Israeli universities involved in the withholding and the exploitation of the corpses of Palestinians killed by Israeli army gunfire in order to put pressure on the Israeli occupation authorities to show respect for the dead Palestinians and to immediately release the dozens of withheld corpses so that their families can bid them farewell in a manner that befits them and respect their feelings.
This is fiction. And it is being repeated in media worldwide.

Usually, Palestinian fantasies about Israel are based on a wild misreading of a tiny kernel of truth, and this is no exception. 

Israel withholds the bodies of Palestinian terrorists for various reasons, often to prevent violent riots at their funerals. The main site that the bodies are held is the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute,whose official name is the L. Greenberg National Institute of Forensic Medicine. 

The institute is a department of the Israeli Health Ministry and affiliated with the Sackler Faculty of Medicine at the University of Tel Aviv.

That affiliation is probably the source of Shtayyeh's blood libel, as there have been previous calls to boycott Tel Aviv University for its affiliation with the forensics institute. Shtayyeh has added the idea that the university uses the corpses in its laboratories, and from there it is easy to expand the lie to all Israeli medical schools. 

Normally, when a prime minister is caught in such an obvious lie, the media would be merciless in calling it out. The leader would be chastened and would be more careful in future statements to avoid embarrassment. 

But Palestinian leaders have no such fear. Even though Israel has more foreign journalists per capita than any other country, and even though this story was reported in English in the official Palestinian news site, there is no media interest in a top public official spouting antisemitic lies.

The Israeli government rarely comments on these fabrications, because they know how the media would handle it. Instead of emphasizing that a Palestinian leader is blatantly lying, the media would detail stories from the 1990s when Israel did remove corneas and other tissues from a small number of bodies of Israelis, Palestinians and foreign workers, a practice that ended decades ago. Readers would end up with the impression that there is something to the story, and probably Israel is doing really bad things to these bodies today, and how awful it is to withhold bodies of terrorists anyway. 

This underlying hate for Israel is the reason that Palestinian leaders can lie with impunity.

UPDATE: A Palestinian medical examiner refuted the allegation on PA TV - not that it matters. 
Acting Director-General of the PA Ministry of Justice’s Forensic Medicine Administration Dr. Ashraf Al-Qadi: “Of course, all the Martyrs we have checked and seen, none of them had any theft of their organs. I don’t know about the Martyrs from before, whom we did not check as a Palestinian side or authority.” 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Monday, July 26, 2021

Recently, Palestinian artist Taqi al-Din Sabateen painted a picture on the separation barrier, showing an Israeli soldier who removes his helmet to reveal a KKK mask, as he glares at a Palestinian child hilding a goldfish bowl.

Calling Israeli Jews racists has been fashionable since Israel existed, and it is not considered outrageous anymore. 

It should be.

The cumulative effect of this slur - along with "genocide" and "apartheid" and all the others - is that people believe it and eventually it becomes something that you cannot even argue against because they are accepted as historic fact. 

Which is entirely the point.

To the immediate left of this mural is another, of PFLP terrorist and airplane hijacker Leila Khaled.

At the very same time that the audience is being told that Israeli Jews are like the KKK, we see that killing Israeli Jews is a heroic act - it is the "struggle" and the "resistance."  Terror against Jews is not only allowed, but mandatory, because they are evil racists who think they are "chosen" and better than goyim - which is a mainstream Palestinian view. 

And Westerners are not allowed to criticize this because the Palestinian experience makes their opinions tantamount to facts - if they are antisemites, they are justified in being antisemites.  

Therefore, antisemitism is a legitimate opinion. 

And when repeated over and over without pushback (because it is considered vaguely racist to question Palestinian hate,)  it becomes more and more accepted.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Amnesty International just issued a report on Israel's arrests for the attacks between Arabs and Jews inside Israel during May.

The report includes outright lies:

Amnesty International has documented unnecessary and excessive force used by Israeli police to disperse Palestinian protests against forced evictions in East Jerusalem as well as against the Gaza offensive. The protests were mostly peaceful though a minority attacked police property and threw stones. In contrast, Jewish supremacists continue to organize demonstrations freely. On 15 June thousands of Jewish settlers and supremacists marched provocatively through Palestinian neighbourhoods of East Jerusalem. 
Those "mostly peaceful" Arab protests resulted in the deaths of two Jews, synagogues burned, apartments firebombed, people knifed. 

The Flag March on June 15 was not "organized freely." Israeli police limited the route of the march specifically to avoid Arab neighborhoods. While some Jews may have deviated from the route, Amnesty is saying that Israeli police allowed the marchers to do whatever they wanted, which is a lie. 

And look how Amnesty describes the Jews: "settlers" and "Jewish supremacists." Really? Every marcher either lives across the Green Line or considers Arabs to be less than human? 

Most of the marchers were not extremists or bigots. Some were. But Amnesty is saying all the Jews who support Jerusalem as their capital are "supremacists." 

In fact, Amnesty uses the phrase "Jewish supremacists" ten times in this report. Not "Jewish nationalists," not "Zionists," but "Jewish supremacists."

In the entire voluminous Amnesty website, there are only two types of "supremacists" mentioned: "White" and "Jewish."

People who demand that Israel be replaced with a Palestinian state "from the river to the sea" are never called "Palestinian supremacists." Members of ISIS are not once called "Muslim supremacists."

The word choice is deliberate: Amnesty is saying that Zionists who support the existence of a Jewish state are the moral equivalent of white supremacists and Nazis.

Amnesty is demonizing proud Jews as being in the same category as the most reprehensible racists. That is antisemitism, pure and simple.

What is even more ironic is that the report quotes Saleh Hijazi, Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International, a "human rights" activist who is literally a supporter of terrorists. His Facebook page, even today, includes tributes to senior Islamic Jihad leader Khader Adnan (who openly advocates blowing up Jews) and to airplane hijacker Leila Khaled, with admiring pictures of Yasir Arafat, cartoons from antisemite Carlos Latuff  and evil caricatures of Benjamin Netanyahu.

His bias is blatant. 

For Amnesty, that is why they hired him to begin with. 

This is yet more proof that Amnesty International, at least its Middle East division, is systematically antisemitic. 

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

This week, Americans for Peace and Tolerance issued an alert:

Boston University to hire radical anti-Israel lecturer
Sarah Ihmoud says Jews are rapists and Jewish women orgasm to fantasies of the IDF bombing Palestinian civilians.

Here is an excerpt:

“Rape and killing of Palestinian women was a central aspect of Israeli troops’ systematic massacres and evictions during the destruction of Palestinian villages in 1948. During the Deir Yassin massacre, for instance:

All the inhabitants were ordered into the village square. Here, they were lined up against a wall and shot. One eyewitness said her sister, who was nine months pregnant, was shot in the back of the neck. Her assailants then cut open her stomach with a butcher’s knife and extracted the unborn baby. When an Arab woman tried to take the baby, she was shot… Women were raped before the eyes of their children before being murdered and dumped down the well.”

(This is fiction.)

There are claims of criminal actions and pronouncements attributed to Jewish leaders and community similar to the blood libel, accusations of poisoning of the wells, etc. NONE of them is supported by any references to evidence because the supporting evidence does not exist — the claims made are false. The paper, like all of Ihmoud’s writings, is not simply anti-Israeli, it is blatantly anti-Semitic and unsupported by any facts and does not merit “academic scholarship” status.

Boston University should not hire a person who portrays Jews as rapists, Jewish leaders and academics as promoting rape, Jewish women as having orgasms while thinking about bombs being dropped on Gaza, and more. This hateful propaganda, posing as scholarship, is no different from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the crudest German junk science proving that Jews are genetically inferior to Aryans.
This paper was not published in any scholarly journal. It was published instead by the  Arab Studies Institute website Jadaliyya. There does not appear to be any peer review.

But despite that, Ihmoud's lies and sick theories in this article have been accepted by academia. I found 10 academic papers and books that used this paper as a source.

Meaning that absolute lies posted on a website can become seemingly trusted source materials for academic papers.

In the social sciences, any crackpot theory - or even lie - can become mainstream as long as it is quoted by others. No evidence or proof is required. Here we see that the libels and antisemitism of Ihmoud and her co-authors can be converted into respectability, as long as academics who share the same hate launder the source though their own papers.

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