Friday, March 11, 2022

  • Friday, March 11, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Jewish Insider:

Following Amnesty International’s recent report that accused Israel of “apartheid” in its treatment of Palestinians, the group’s USA director appeared to go a step further on Wednesday, suggesting to a Women’s National Democratic Club audience that the bulk of American Jews do not want Israel to be a Jewish state, but rather “a safe Jewish space” based on “core Jewish values.”

Paul O’Brien said one of Amnesty’s goals in publishing the report, which was roundly criticized by Israeli and American officials, is to “collectively change the conversation” on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “It needs to start first and foremost with the Jewish community,” O’Brien, who is not Jewish, said. 

The Amnesty official rejected a 2020 survey conducted by the Ruderman Family Foundation that found that eight in 10 Jewish Americans identify as “pro-Israel,” and two-thirds feel emotionally “attached” or “very attached” to the Jewish state. 

“I actually don’t believe that to be true,” O’Brien said regarding those figures. “I believe my gut tells me that what Jewish people in this country want is to know that there’s a sanctuary that is a safe and sustainable place that the Jews, the Jewish people can call home.” 

Rather than a Jewish state, American Jews want “a safe Jewish space,” O’Brien continued. “I think they can be convinced over time that the key to sustainability is to adhere to what I see as core Jewish values, which are to be principled and fair and just in creating that space.”
I can't even.

This modern antisemite is telling Jews what our core Jewish values are? 

He's saying that Jews don't really give a damn about Jerusalem and they only want a safe space, which could be in Miami Beach. He's saying that millennia of Jewish longing to return to Zion isn't a core Jewish value. 

And how does he know? His gut tells him!

It gets worse:
Israel “shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state,” O’Brien told some 20 in-person and 30 virtual attendees at the Wednesday lunch event, before adding “Amnesty takes no political views on any question, including the right of the State of Israel to survive.”

The right of the people to self-determination and to be protected is without a doubt something that we believe in, and I personally believe that,” said O’Brien. But “we are opposed to the idea — and this, I think, is an existential part of the debate — that Israel should be preserved as a state for the Jewish people.”
So what exactly does self-determination mean for the Jewish people? Living as "protected dhimmis" under benevolent Muslim rule? Not being allowed to defend yourself from those who want to destroy you and your people?

This is Amnesty's antisemitism in a nutshell - claiming that Jews have the right to a "safe space" but demanding that non-Jews define what the parameters of that space are.

It wasn't that long ago that there were regular terror attacks blowing Jews up in Israel. It wasn't long before that when Arab armies fully intended to utterly destroy Israel and throw the Jews into the sea. Israeli Jews are safe because Jews decided to defend themselves and prioritize the safety of their own people, as every other state does. 

Amnesty wants to take that right away, and wants Jews to return to living as second-class citizens who must beg their non-Jewish leaders to treat them with basic human rights. Amnesty wants the Jews to be oppressed so it can issue sympathetic reports while Jews are being slaughtered. 

That, according to Amnesty, is "human rights."

Paul O'Brien has discredited whatever little credibility Amnesty used to have.

Read all about it here!


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