There is little doubt that the current wave of absurd charges that Israel is guilty of apartheid that kicked off
a year ago has been a coordinated attack, meant to multiply its effects by keeping the charge in the news as additional organizations issue tendentious reports that ignore any facts that contradict their foregone conclusions.
There is also little doubt that the strategy started at the Durban conference of 2001, where these same NGOs participated and where the apartheid libel first emerged from the fringes.
While the current wave of reports was clearly planned, after years of setting the stage with "Israel Apartheid Weeks" and similar stunts, the question comes up of the timing. Why have these anti-Israel groups decided that this was the best time to bring out the big guns of HRW and Amnesty to write these reports?
Until someone leaks the memos and emails and conversations between these organizations and the Palestinian NGOs who feed them the raw information for them to twist, we cannot be sure. But it is difficult to think that the timing has nothing to do with the Abraham Accords which were signed only months before this wave of slanderous reports.
Anti-Israel groups love to say that they are on the right side of history. As they have orchestrated this apartheid weapon, they are careful to position it as a natural progression of world awareness of supposed Israeli crimes. Even as Israeli Arabs become
more and more integrated into Israeli society, which thoroughly demolishes the claim of "Jewish supremacy," the hateful NGOs know that the media won't cover Arab-Israeli cooperation and prefer to frame Israel as racist and Palestinians as hapless, helpless victims. Between their incitement against Israel and the willing media, they had a clear path towards demonization of Israel as an inexorable consequence of Israel's faux racism.
They had a solid wall of support from the Arab world, a Western Europe that hosted regular anti-Israel events, a United Nations that was reliably antisemitic, and a generation of students who had been brainwashed into thinking that hating Israel was a liberal cause along with being pro-environment, pro-LGBTQ and anti-war.
Then the Abraham Accords happened.
The consistent anti-Israel position of the Arab world had been disintegrating for years, but just as with Arab integration into Israeli society, it was under the radar and therefore could be ignored by those who think that they are uniquely able to view the great tides of history as supporting their beliefs. Even Israel's peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan didn't hurt their cause because the public rhetoric from those states remained anti-Israel.
The Israel-haters were caught flat-footed. The people who claim to support world peace and cooperation were confronted with the two enemies they could count on to further their agenda being peaceful and cooperating. The "racist" Jews welcomed the partnership with their Arab counterparts, and more importantly, the moderate Arabs were equally enthusiastic about cooperating with supposed "Jewish supremacists. "
Jewish-Arab peace was not only possible but wildly successful. And the effect on the larger Arab world was electrifying, as Israeli athletes were now appearing in events throughout the Arab world with Hatikva playing when they won, and Saudi Arabia allowing El Al planes to fly over their territory. The cold peace with Egypt and Jordan have been warming up.
The Israel haters who spent decades cultivating their aura of liberalism, their hate of hate and bigotry, and their support of peace at any price were suddenly on the wrong side of history by their own definition of how history is supposed to progress.
For the two decades since Durban, the Israel haters set the agenda of carefully inciting world hatred against the only Jewish state by preaching anti-racism. Yet even the media that they could rely on to show their side of the story could not ignore Jews and Arabs enthusiastically visiting each other's states, signing new agreements every week, and praising each other.
Their plan of making Israel look like South Africa was being destroyed with the photos of Jews and Arab Muslims literally embracing each other. Anyone could see that Israel was not racist - on the contrary, Zionist Jews and Arabs could cooperate and could work together.
Isn't that the right side of history?
The Israel haters could not stomach losing the progress they made at demonizing Israel. They need to take back the initiative of inciting hate against today's proud Jews. They need to take back the narrative of Jewish racism against Arabs, or at the very least against Palestinian Arabs. They want to control the conversation back to their agenda.
In this light, it is ever more clear that the far-Left activists of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty are in fact antisemites in every sense.
Real anti-racists would fully support Jews being treated as equals in the Arab world. Real opponents of bigotry would welcome Jewish/Arab cooperation.
Only bigots would prioritize separation and boycotts against Jews over partnership. Only antisemites would be aghast at the prospect of "normalization" between the Jewish state and its neighbors.

This week, Jews and Arabs are holding a high level summit on regional cooperation - in Israel. No one who truly cares about peace can oppose this. Yet the "anti-racists" who have spent so much time, money and energy to normalize modern antisemitism - people who pretend to care about human rights - are silent on the miraculous progress that has been made. Ever since Israel and the UAE made their partnership public, the anti-Israel groups have tried to move the conversation back on how terrible Israel is, and additionally, how terrible Israel's new Arab friends are as well.
Their inability to say a positive word about the biggest earthquake in Israel/Arab relations since Camp David proves that they are the real bigots, and that their attacks on Israel in the name of anti-bigotry is in fact proof of their own bigotry and hate.