Why is this report still under wraps?The EU Commission is still keeping an investigation report it commissioned into Palestinian textbooks under lock and key. From the report it becomes clear: Palestinian children are brought up in class with anti-Semitic agitation and incited to violence - financed by the EU!BILD has seen the full report.In 2019, Federica Mogherini, then the EU foreign affairs representative, commissioned a large study to clarify what is actually taught in Palestinian schoolbooks. The Georg Eckert Institute was commissioned for international textbook research, but its report has still not been published.︎For their almost 200-page report, the researchers examined 156 textbooks and 16 teaching instructions published by the Palestinian Ministry of Education between 2017 and 2019. Since ongoing changes were made in school books from 2016 onwards, 18 other books that were published in 2020 were examined, the researchers write in a preliminary remark.A “narrative” of “resistance” would be used in the “Israeli-Palestinian conflict”.What this "resistance" looks like can then be seen in numerous examples.So there are always times in which the “Palestinian liberation struggle” is referred to as “jihad”. Both killed Palestinian civilians and terrorists are referred to as “martyrs”.
The report goes on to describe antisemitism, support for terrorism, idolizing terrorists, and erasure of Israel, all of which we've seen numerous times in other reports on Palestinian textbooks.
When the EU Commission will publish the report is still unclear. The results should reignite the discussion about EU funding: because both the EU and the individual EU member states largely finance the Palestinian educational institutions and the staff there.