Monday, April 07, 2014

From Ian:

John B. Judis and the Future of Liberal Support for Israel
Judis’ historical narrative, where it is not outright erroneous, is marked by the tendentiousness of someone with an ideological ax to grind. For example, he usually describes Arab violence in low-key terms, and mostly explains it as a response to Zionist actions; whereas Jewish violence repeatedly seems to amount to wanton brutality.
The Arab riots of 1929, for one, are presented as being triggered by Jewish provocation. The Palestinian leader, Haj Amin al-Husseini, writes Judis, “was not trying to start protests, and certainly not a riot, but… when Zionist groups began to claim that the [Western] wall was theirs, Palestine’s Arabs took to the streets.” Omitted is the fact that Jewish claims were voiced peacefully, while the Arabs quickly turned to brutal violence. Judis does note that “In Hebron, Arab mobs killed between 65 and 70 Jews and in Safed 18 Jews were killed,” but the whole affair seems to come out rather even. “Overall, 123 Jews were killed and 116 Arabs—the latter primarily by British police.” This anodyne summary contrasts with that of Sir John Chancellor, the British High Commissioner, who reported “acts of unspeakable savagery” being “perpetrated upon defenseless members of the Jewish population regardless of age or sex.”
More on that destructive Obama interview about Israel
Last month, Jeffrey Goldberg published an interview with President Barack Obama, ahead of Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to the United States to attend the AIPAC conference. The President wasn’t at all friendly in the interview, warning (in Goldberg’s words) that “time is running out.” Roughly four weeks later, Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority refused to continue negotiations with Israel. Is there a connection between the two?
Put a different way, in the words of Neo-Neocon Did Obama Sabotage Kerry on Peace Talks?
The answer is “yes,” and here’s how.

There are two points that Obama made in his interview worth recalling.
1) Obama implies that if Israel doesn’t make peace he may no longer be willing to defend it in international fora.
2) Israel has a unique opportunity to make a deal with Abbas, something it may not have again.
Democracy, Friedman-style
What remains for Thomas Friedman now that his idols have failed him? The same thing other Jews have done throughout history -- beat on their people's battered chest. Eureka, Friedman declared, I have found the most amazing analogy: Sheldon Adelson and the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have something in common: "They are both trying to destroy Israel. Adelson is doing it by loving Israel to death and Khamenei by hating Israel to death." Lovely, isn't it? Courtesy of the newspaper that caters to people who have long ago stopped thinking of themselves as thinking people.

  • Monday, April 07, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

Muhammad Al-Daya, longtime bodyguard of Yasser Arafat, said in a recent TV interview that Arafat used to lie when he denounced bombings in Israel. Arafat "would condemn the bombing in his own special way, saying: 'I am against the killing of civilians.' But that wasn’t true," said Al-Daya, in a BBC Arabic interview which aired on April 3, 2014.

Following are excerpts:

Interviewer: Ariel Sharon used to say that Arafat was a pathological liar. Many politicians who had dealings with Arafat said he was an excellent liar.

Muhammad Al-Daya: Islam allows you to lie in three cases: In order to reconcile two people...

Interviewer: For the sake of reconciliation.

Muhammad Al-Daya: If your wife is ugly, you are allowed to tell her she is the most beautiful woman alive. The third case is politics. You are allowed to lie in politics.

Interviewer: So you acknowledge this...

Muhammad Al-Daya: Yes.

Interviewer: So he used to lie in your presence?

Muhammad Al-Daya: Abu Ammar? Yes. When there was a bombing in Tel Aviv, for example, he would say... This would happen due to pressure, especially by President Hosni Mubarak. Mubarak would call Arafat and say to him: “Denounce it, or they will screw you.” Arafat would say to Mubarak: “Mr. President, we have martyrs. The [Israelis] have destroyed us. They have massacred us.” But Mubarak would say to him: “Denounce it, or they will screw you.”

Then Arafat would condemn the bombing in his own special way, saying: “I am against the killing of civilians.” But that wasn’t true.
This is no surprise to those who followed Arafat's reflexive "condemnations" of bombings during the Oslo "peace" process.

Even The New York Times almost, almost noticed the lie back in 2002:
Before Yasir Arafat condemned "terror against civilians" on Saturday, his wife, Suha al-Taweel Arafat, told an Arabic-language magazine that she endorsed suicide attacks as legitimate resistance against Israeli occupation.

In an interview published Friday in Al Majalla, a London-based, Saudi-owned weekly, Mrs. Arafat said that if she had a son, there would be "no greater honor" than to sacrifice him for the Palestinian cause.

"Would you expect me and my children to be less patriotic and more eager to live than my countrymen and their father and leader who is seeking martyrdom?" she was quoted as saying.
Other media would occasionally notice Arafat's doubletalk.

It was described well in Barry Rubin's biography of Arafat about a 1997 incident:

Of course, there are whose who have a vested interest in pretending that Arafat was a saint. Daoud Kuttab, award winning journalist, claimed in 2002 that Arafat condemned terror attacks in Arabic without the slightest skepticism. Of course, that happened years after he was called on not condemning terror in Arabic.
  • Monday, April 07, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Rabbi Eric Yoffie in Haaretz asks why young US Jews are supposedly turning off from Israel. What he doesn’t realize is that he is part of the problem.

To be sure, students don’t want to hear sweeping generalizations about how everyone, everywhere is hostile to Israel and the Jews. Rabbi Daniel Gordis, speaking recently in Atlanta, told his audience that “the Palestinians hate Israel (and let’s be honest, the Jews, too) far more than they care about themselves.” American Jewish students are just not buying this; they are appropriately skeptical about Palestinian intentions, but are open-minded about the possibility of some kind of settlement. Their professors—and their parents—have taught them to avoid dismissive, categorical, uncritical thinking; and they know that Israel still has champions and friends, and that yes, moderation does exist, even in parts of the Arab world.

In short, our students are a sensible bunch. Why then do we have a problem with them? Because I have described only the first half of the discussion—the part where the basic arguments are made. But there is always a second part, during which the students prod and challenge. What about settlements, they want to know? If Israel is committed to two states, as I say it is, why the unending declarations from Israel’s government about more settlement construction? How is that consistent with a desire for a Jewish and democratic Israel? How are they to explain settlements to the anti-Israel activists on campus? How are they to explain settlements to themselves?

And even if I am right that Palestinian refusal to accept Israel is the heart of the problem, what, they ask, does Israel propose to do about it? How does it make sense for Israel’s government to do nothing other than build more settlements and wait for a restive, impoverished Palestinian population to explode?

Well, I admit, they are right. And I explain possible courses of action that Israel could take to ease the dangers of international isolation and strained relations with the United States: A unilateral withdrawal from some of the territories; a general settlement freeze; a decision by Israel to define its borders; an announcement that settlement will be confined to the major settlement blocs.

But, the students want to know, will Israel actually do any of these things? I hope so, I tell them, but I just don’t know.

What’s wrong with this picture?

First of all, it is very saddening to see that a rabbi who used to head one of the major American Jewish denominations seems to believe that the bulk of a college student’s Zionist education must occur on campus and that support of Israel is dependent on Israeli actions. Being pro-Israel must have solid arguments behind it, to be sure, but very few people become Zionists because of arguments. There is no substitute for experience - both the experience of growing up in a home with committed Jewish values and the experience of actually going to Israel for a week, month or year and seeing things first-hand.

The Jewish commitment to the Jewish state is not dependent on who is leading the government and whether you support them.

This doesn’t mean Jews cannot criticize Israel, but it does mean that supporting Israel is a wholehearted effort that is driven by emotions and love of your people; and that if you want to change Israel then the proper way to do it is by moving there and starting or joining with those who believe as you do, not by lobbying foreign organizations to bypass Israeli democracy.

Secondly, Yoffie doesn’t even seem to know that Israel’s settlement building is already being done inside existing settlement blocs with extraordinarily few exceptions. The idea that the West Bank is being steadily taken over by Jewish-owned homes is simply a lie, the percentage of the WB that is being taken up by Jewish settlements is virtually the same as it was 20 years ago. His inability to articulate that and instead to commiserate with students who don’t know any better indicates that perhaps Yoffie is not the best candidate for defending Israel on campus. Even liberal Jews should support building in communities that will remain in Israel no matter what, especially within Jerusalem's boundaries.

Thirdly, Yoffie completely ignores the fact that there is a Jewish claim to some or all of the territories. Whether it is a legal claim, indicated by UNSC 242’s wording of “secure and recognized boundaries,” or the emotional and historic claim of Jews having the right to have access to their holiest places in Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem, Shechem and elsewhere, he does not seem to mention that to these students. Whatever you think about the wisdom of Israel’s actions in Judea and Samaria, you must at least acknowledge that the negotiations are partially over the final borders, and it is silly for Israel to unilaterally concede land that is terrifically important historically, religiously and strategically - especially to people who say explicitly that they want to use that land as a springboard for the next phase of their campaign to destroy Israel.

As much as Yoffie thinks he loves Israel, he seems to be conflicted, and he is passing his own insecurities to the students that he thinks he is empowering. You can be sure that none of the “pro-Palestinian” speakers on campus are betraying any doubts about their cause. And students will naturally gravitate towards those that seem more sure of themselves.

Even that may be forgivable if Yoffie was willing to honestly describe the "right wing" or religious or national defense perspective on these topics and give them a fair airing while saying that he disagrees. Someone who really loves Israel also loves those he disagrees with. From this article, it appears that he cannot give the benefit of the doubt to the democratically elected Israeli government.

Rabbi Eric Yoffie needs to figure out his own feelings before he attempts to give what he thinks is a pro-Israel message to students who are very attuned to self-doubt.

From Ian:

The Myth of the Thirsty Palestinian
The latest line of anti-Israel attack claims the Jewish state withholds water from the Palestinians. As usual, the haters have their facts wrong.
The issue of water rights in the West Bank is constantly raised in regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, appearing again and again in public discourse around the world. According to critics of Israel, the Jewish state selfishly exploits the area’s water supplies and denies access to the local population. In doing so, the critics say, Israel is not only abandoning its responsibilities to the West Bank Palestinians, but ruthlessly and illegally abusing the natural resources of the occupied territory. This idea has become extremely widespread in the international media, and was recently voiced from the Knesset plenum by the President of the European Parliament, Herman Schultz, causing a minor scandal in Israel and abroad.
As with all attacks on Israel, the truth is much more complicated and, to a great extent, precisely the opposite of what the critics claim. When one examines the relevant data, it becomes clear that, under Israeli rule, the Palestinian water supply has become larger, more technologically sophisticated, of higher quality, and much easier to access; almost entirely due to Israeli efforts.
Erekat: Hamas Not, and Never Was, a Terror Group
The Palestinian Authority, controlled by the Fatah terror group, is once again trying its hand at “unification” with its sister terror group, Hamas. As a sign of Fatah's “goodwill,” Saeb Erekat, the PA's top negotiator and a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, called on Hamas to implement all previous agreements with Fatah in order to “fight together against Israel.”
Erekat made the comments Saturday at a conference titled “The Strategy of Resistance.” Erekat said that “we demand that Hamas, more than ever before, implement the Cairo and Doha agreements. The political movements have an obligation to resolve their differences at the ballot box, and not through bullets.”
“I hereby declare, in the make of President Mahmoud Abbas and the directorate of Fatah, that Hamas is a Palestinian movement, and is not and never was a terror group,” Erekat added.
NATO’s new secretary-general: Problematic not only for Israel
Stoltenberg spoke at several meetings over the years in which there were brutal verbal attacks on Israel, while he remained silent. A prime minister indicates his support by not confronting these attacks.
The most recent case was at the May 1 celebration of the umbrella Trade Union LO in Oslo in 2013. Salma Abudahi from Gaza’s Union of Agriculture Work Committees (UAWC) spoke at the event. Earlier she had given an interview in which she called rockets a “symbol of resistance” and said that occupied people have a right to defend themselves. “It is important,” said Abudahi, “to understand the proportions. The Israelis are killing our loved ones all the time.” This was yet another example of Palestinian hatemongering.
Stoltenberg spoke after Abudahi at the meeting and ignored her incitement in his speech.
If NATO states believe that out of all potential candidates this person is the most qualified to coordinate the workings of the alliance and head its staff, this is indication of poor judgment. Regarding Israel’s contacts with this powerful organization, Stoltenberg’s anticipated appointment is at best moving several steps backward.
Stop UNRWA War Education : What You Can Do
The collapse of talks with the Palestinian Authority leave an agency in tact which is capable of galvanizing nearly half a million Palestinian students into violent, direct action against Israel, under the slogan of the “right of return”.
That agency is UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.
During the second week of March, 2014, education experts Dr. Arnon Groiss and Mr. Jonathan HaLevi provided academic presentations at venues in the US Congress and the British Parliament concerning lethal aspects of UNRWA education:

  • Monday, April 07, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
There was a press conference in the Al-Ram neighborhood Sunday morning, sponsored by the "Consumer Protection Association", to emphasize the importance of Palestinian Arabs buying Arab products rather than Israeli products. The name of the conference was "Palestinian Products First."

Speakers at the conference included the PA Minister of Communications, the head of the Consumer Protection Association, and the Under Secretary of Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs, as well as a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture.

During the conference, one of the attendees went to the head table and plopped down a box of Israeli biscuits, saying that these were the cookies being served at the hospitality table at the entrance of the meeting! She recognized them and retrieved the box from the kitchen.

The organizers scrambled to remove the offending box of biscuits. The head of the consumer protection  organization who organized the conference, Azmi Shyoukhi, claimed that the biscuit box was planted there "in order to sabotage the conference and to promote the products of the settlements in front of the cameras."

Al Quds newspaper confirmed that the cookies were indeed there, as someone innocently simply went to a local market to buy cookies to serve at the entrance without realizing their poisoned provenance.

After the story was published, the Al Quds reporter who wrote the story received a threatening phone call for daring to publicize such an embarrassing incident.

Note also that the PA department that guards against using Israeli goods is the Consumer Protection Association, presumably because of Jew-cooties.  Also note that the embarrassed official referred to the Israeli cookies as a "settlement product."

This week, Israel is supposed to be besieged by cyber-attacks by one of the "Anonymous" groups.

“On April 7, 2014, we call upon our brothers and sisters to hack, deface, hijack, database leak, admin takeover, and DNS terminate the Israeli Cyberspace by any means necessary,” the group said in a YouTube video posted on April 2.
An early list of sites that have been hacked include an insurance company, a business consultant, a meditation/yoga site and a construction company. (Turn down your speakers if you want to see the hacked sites.)

Hardly earth-shaking targets.

Another target was  a Michigan swim club that the hackers thought was Israeli!

Most notable, however, is that one of the sites they bragged about hacking is a service that offers therapy for cancer survivors. And, unlike the swim club, they knew exactly what it was.

It appears that the #OpIsrael hackers are just as moral as the other "pro-Palestinian" groups, willing to hurt any Israeli Jew in the name of "rights."

  • Monday, April 07, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent last week:
Power outages could be extended from two and a half hours to 6 hours aday due to fuel shortage, Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy Mohamed Shaker told CBC Channel Wednesday.

If the fuel available to the Ministry of Electricity becomes 10 percent less than the required quantity to run power plants, deficit in the capacity of electricity will reach 3,000 megawatts, which means power outage would be from two and a half hours to three hours a day, the minister said.

He added if a shortage in fuel reached 20 percent, power outage could extend to six hours a day.

The Minister of Petroleum Sherif Ismail said more quantities of natural gas would be available between July to September and the crisis could be solved if liquid fuel was used to run power plants.

Ismail added that using available liquid fuel would decrease power outage daily to reach only one hour and a half or two hours. Ismail called for rationalizing the consumption of electricity in peak hours saying the ministry would do its best to provide the needed fuel.
And Sunday:
Cabinet sources said Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb is meeting on Sunday evening with the ministers of electricity and petroleum to discuss ways of ending the power cuts problem and appease public anger.
Israeli gas is not yet ready for export to Egypt, and little upsets people more than regular, extended blackouts.

Things will be heating up in Egypt this summer, quite literally.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

  • Sunday, April 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Tablet:

Salt 424, which gets its name from the fact that the surface of the Dead Sea is 424 meters below sea level, is the first company to bring gourmet salt from the Dead Sea to the Israeli and international market. Less than a year after its launch, the company is selling its products in seven countries, including the United States and Canada, and it already has European chefs as acolytes.

The company produces several different lines. The “natural” series includes simple blends: salt with black pepper, salt with hot chili pepper, as well as smoked salt and “wild fire salt” with jalapeños. The “organic” series features pink salt with organic paprika, or salt with organic spinach, dill, or rosemary. ...

Lior started his career as insurance assessor, “but my midlife crisis hit me early, when I was in my mid-thirties,” he told me. “Since I love food and cooking, I started looking for things to do in the food industry. I managed the Haifa branch of the Agadir Burger chain. Then I opened a pancake house in Haifa. That’s when I took a day trip with my kids to the Dead Sea and by chance met Hoosam Hallak, the Paletstinian owner of a salt factory in the Dead Sea called West Bank Salt. We talked and he invited me to see how he makes salt. Two weeks later I came to visit him.”

From 1956 to 1967 there was a small Jordanian/British potash factory located on Jordanian land where West Bank Salt stands today. “After the Six Day War, Hoosam’s father Othman Hallak made an agreement with the Jordanian government to continue operating the plant, and it reopened as a salt extraction business,” Lior continued. “The company has been producing traditional commercial table salt for the West Bank and Gaza and Jordan ever since. The Dead Sea has a desert climate of 40 degrees Celsius, almost no precipitation, and clean dry air, which results in high-quality salt that is rich in minerals. It’s an amazing thing. At the end of my visit, Hoosam gave me a bag of salt to take home. I took that salt to food technologist Dr. Eli Sigler, who analyzed it in his lab. Dr. Sigler told me that this is the richest mineral salt he ever saw.”

Hallak was looking for ways to expand his own business: “In 2004, we started marketing our salt to Germany and other European countries. That’s when we understood that we have a product that stands out,” he said. “For the past four years we have been participating in the Fancy Food Show in the U.S., and from that point on we understood that we have an edge. We were looking for someone who can market that for us.”

...Development began in 2011, and Salt 424 launched last May. “We work together in full cooperation,” said Lior, who buys salt from Hallak’s factory and turns it into gourmet salt by refining and infusing it in Haifa. “Hoosam Hallak lives in East Jerusalem, the factory workers live in Jericho, I live in Haifa, and we all work together in perfect harmony.”

“Me being a Palestinian and Alon being an Israeli, for me it’s about the human nature of working together with someone that will make you better,” said Hallak. “If I can make my salt better to market this will benefit me and my company and my workers, and if Alon can help me do that, I won’t judge him for his background. … As far as politics are concerned, we believe that there is room from everybody. We’re industrialists. Our contribution is making the lives of the people around us and those that work for us economically viable. Part of the history of this company is perseverance and resilience, despite being in a very tough area.”
My guess is that the Israel haters will boycott Salt 424. They will also claim that it is violating international law by profiting off of "Palestine" natural resources, even though the factory that produces the salt is completely Arab.

The article notes that many major European chefs are loving the product.

  • Sunday, April 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Terrorist Marwan Barghouti, one of the architects of the deadly second intifada, released a statement that"liberation of the prisoners should be considered a core national priority of the march of resistance to the occupation.... as part of the doctrine of national resistance to the occupation."

In a paper he wrote that was read by his wife in a conference, he blamed the current leadership for their failure to get prisoners - like himself - to be released.

The idea that releases of terrorists are conducive to peace is certainly one of the more Orwellian ideas to come out of the failed Oslo process.
  • Sunday, April 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Munib al-Masri, the richest Palestinian Arab businessman and associate with Mahmoud Abbas, wrote an article in Walla where he seems to support a two-state solution. He denies that the Saudi "Arab Peace Initiative" would result in flooding Israel with Palestinian Arab "refugees" and he claims that Yasir Arafat understood and supported the existence of Jews in the region. He ends off with:

When Edmond Rothschild visited Palestine in 1914, he urged the leaders of Zionism live with "their Arab brothers" - Palestinians, for all are children of Abraham. I still believe that the future of our two countries, Israel and the Palestinians, is based on the recognition of our common heritage as Jews, Muslims and Christians.

After this interview was published, Hamas attacked him, saying that if the article is accurate, then al-Masri is a traitor. Other Palestinian Arabs denounced al-Masri as well, including the Palestinian Resistance Committee , which insisted that his statements amounted to "normalization" and they demanded that he publicly apologize.

When contacted by Arab media, al-Masri responded that he is not responsible for how his article was translated into Hebrew. He confirmed that he wants to see a Palestinian state on the 1967 "borders," with Jerusalem as its capital, and that all Palestinian "refugees" "return" as well as the release of all prisoners.

He didn't tell the Arab media that Israel must be recognized in any fashion.

He had a chance to push back and say that it is time for Palestinian Arabs to accept Israel as a permanent state and to stop trying to destroy it so everyone could benefit - but he chose not to.

From Ian:

David Singer: Kerry can’t keep kidding himself
Kerry now needs to immediately focus his attention on Jordan – the last Arab State to have occupied the West Bank between 1948 -1967 and which – together with Israel – comprise the two successor States to the Mandate for Palestine 1920-1948.
Redrawing Jordan’s international boundary with Israel to restore the status quo existing before the outbreak of the 1967 Six Day War – as far as is now possible given the changed circumstances on the ground – provides a realistically achievable alternative to the doomed Israel-PLO negotiations.
Lorenzo Kamel – a historian at Bologna University and a visiting fellow at Harvard’s Center for ­Middle Eastern Studies – has published an error-riddled article attempting to distance Jordan from becoming involved in any such negotiations – which Kerry should unequivocally reject.
Kamel’s following misleading claims have been corrected by my bold responses:
'Palestinianism' Doesn't Allow for The Peace Process to Succeed
Abbas reportedly issued three “No’s” in his meeting last month with President Obama: no recognition of Israel as a Jewish state; no giving up on the “right of return” of millions of Palestinian descendants of 1948 refugees to Israel; and no final end to the conflict with Israel in any agreement.
Those three “No’s” were no surprise. A “Yes” on any of those issues would give Jewish Israel legitimacy and permanence, and thus would be wholly inconsistent with Palestinian identity. Even though, from a practical standpoint, recognition of a Jewish state of Israel would cost the Palestinians nothing, it would undermine the basic tenets of Palestinianism.
The Palestinians have been offered a state three times since 2000 on virtually all of the disputed territories. They have rejected each offer. They cannot accept a “two states for two peoples” formula without compromising who they are.
Staring Down the Devil at the University of Michigan
I was not prepared to be told that, if I cared about human rights, I could not support Israel. I was not prepared to be told that my community was racist. I was not prepared to see my fellow students attacked with anti-Semitic slurs. And I was most definitely not prepared to be told that “anyone wearing the Israeli army uniform is a Ku Klux Klansman who does not deserve any place at any table in polite society because they are racist killers trying to break the back of Palestine, and they have succeeded.”
I heard these words for the first time as a newly elected student government representative in the winter of 2012. The University of Michigan’s Central Student Government (CSG) consists of a 50-person elected assembly with representatives from every undergraduate and graduate school. During the weekly assembly meetings, there is a section for Community Concerns, during which people have three minutes to address the assembly on any topic. I expected that this time slot would consist of students discussing new curriculum requirements or better dining facilities. Instead, it often consisted of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hate speech. Every week certain individuals would urge students to take action against “the racist, Nazi state of Israel”; and every week I would sit there feeling utterly helpless.

  • Sunday, April 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

From The Toronto Star:
At the entrance to the Beirut office of the March organization, there is a well-stocked bookshelf. Its contents include notables such as Of Mice and Men, The Diary of Anne Frank, The Da Vinci Code, Sophie’s Choice and the slightly less classy Little Book of Big Penis.

Crack the covers and you’ll realize this isn’t any ordinary book collection. The pages are all blank. The Lebanese government has banned them. The reasons range from homosexual references and politics to religion and vague connection to things Jewish.

On an adjacent shelf sits an eclectic CD collection of banned music, including Frank Sinatra (Zionist tendencies), Lady Gaga (offensive to Christianity), The Buddha Bar Compilation (religion) and Bad Religion (offensive name).

March, a Lebanese NGO and the owner of this collection, has been documenting these obscure and arbitrary censorship practices in Lebanon via its Virtual Museum of Censorship since the group was founded in 2011.
While censorship decisions are bizarre enough, the methods of censorship can be even more absurd.

In some cases, material that is banned in one medium can be allowed in another. For example, while a movie may be banned in cinemas it could be approved on DVD.
In the Virgin Megastore in downtown Beirut, some box sets have a sticker warning customers of “missing items that were confiscated by general security for censorship reasons.”

Others are distinguished by what is known locally as “black marker” censorship: the name and title are simply blacked out with a marker. You can listen to the song, you just can’t read the title or artist name.

One reason for censorship is the 1955 Lebanese Anti-Israeli Boycott law, which outlaws any material related to the State of Israel. Although the law targets Israel, rather than Jews, it has been interpreted broadly by some censors. This has resulted in decisions to ban some movies in which Jewish actors appear while allowing others, and the random black markering of any name that has a Jewish ring to it.

The classic Of Mice and Men was recently banned when an officer thought the name John Steinbeck sounded Jewish, according to the Daily Star newspaper. After discovering he wasn’t Jewish, the ban was lifted.

The Israeli factor also extends to actors, composers or artists who, while not being Jewish, have had some connection to Israel. All movies featuring Jane Fonda (banned since visiting Israel in 1982), Elizabeth Taylor (who converted to Judaism) or the music of Frank Sinatra are banned because they have been labelled in Lebanon as supporters of the Israeli state.

The New York Times reported that Francis Ford Coppola was refused entry by airport security in 2009 after attempting to fly his private jet to Lebanon for the opening of the Beirut Film Festival. The reason? Part of the engine was made in Israel. He was forced to land in Damascus and travel overland.

The original article was written a month ago, and has some amazing examples of censored materials:

 1. "Puss in Boots" – Censored – Reason: Obscene and immoral. The name "Puss in Boots" was changed to "Cat in Boots" for Lebanese audiences / 2. Nirvana – Banned – Reason: witchcraft, Satanic. While every Nirvana album has been banned in Lebanon, the Nirvana best-of collection strangely passed inspection. / 3. "Nutty Professor" – Seized during a security services raid on the Beirut Virgin Megastore along with numerous other movies because the films "undermined religions, contravened good morals and Israeli boycott laws, or included texts inciting young people to commit suicide". / 4. "The Nanny" – Banned – Reason: Jewish.

 1. "Will it pass or won’t it?" A play by March about censorship in Lebanon – Banned – Reason: Does not portray reality and bad artistic quality. That bad artist quality was celebrated in the UK when the play was nominated for a Freedom of Expression award. / 2. Kanye West – Live performance banned – Reason: This image that appeared on the cover of the Rolling Stone. / 3. Beirut Rock festival – Banned – Reason: Gothic people will spread their death culture and they will spread dark thoughts. / 4. Graffiti artist Yazan Halwani – Two works censored – Reason: Immoral. Two faces were painted over at the order of general security. One, the painting of a homeless man named Ali, who died on a cold winters night in the street where the image was painted, was to ensure Ali and others like him were not forgotten.

 1. TIME magazine – Nov 1973 edition suspended – Reason: The article titled ‘Arabs: The Forgotten Palestinians’ incites sectarianism. / 2. Wolf of Wall Street – Censored - Two scenes, deemed inappropriate by the General Security were cut to make the movie shorter as "Lebanese audiences do not have the attention span for a three hour movie.” / 3. The West Wing – Banned – Anti-Arab. / 4. Brokeback Mountain – Censored – Reason: Homosexuality. While the movie itself was not banned, scenes depicting homosexuality were removed.

 1. "Marilyn, The Premiere Collection" – Items Confiscated – Reason: homosexuality/ 2. Charlie Chaplin – Items confiscated – Reason: anti-Nazi content / 3. Robert Redford Collection – Items confiscated – Reason: Jewish/ 4.Various music compilations, victims of the black marker

1. 3rd Rock from the Sun – Items confiscated – Reason: Jewish / 2. Ben Hur - Banned – Reason: Jewish / 3. You don’t mess with the Zohan - Banned – Reason: Israeli / 4. Clockwork Orange – Banned – Reason: Despite the movie's controversial glorification of rape and violence it was banned solely for featuring Jewish actress Mariam Karlin.

  • Sunday, April 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
An article by David Gardner in the Financial Times squarely blames Israel for, well, everything, including forcing the US to be too pro-Israel:

The ostensible new roadblock concerns prisoners. Mahmoud Abbas, president of the interim Palestinian Authority, came back to the negotiating table even though Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, refused yet again to freeze settlement building, thus allowing Israel to continue eating up the shrinking territory over which the Palestinians are negotiating to eventually build their state.
As I've shown, virtually all settlement building supported by Israel since 1992 has been within already established settlement blocs.  The "shrinking territory" meme is simply a lie, there has been extraordinarily little new land taken up by recognized settlements for decades.

Mr Abbas, seen by admirers as a moderate and by critics as a quisling, has abjured radical siren calls for resistance in favour of a negotiated solution. He has nothing to show his people. He looks weak and discredited.

To offset this, Israel was persuaded to release 104 Palestinian long-term prisoners. The Netanyahu government’s refusal to hand over the last batch on the due date precipitated the current crisis. In retaliation, Mr Abbas this week signed articles of accession to 15 multilateral treaties, investing Palestine with some of the international attributes of a state – which he had promised the US to defer while negotiations continued.
Actually, at the time Abbas signed the articles, Israel's final decision about the prisoner release had not been made, although it was delayed. Only after Abbas' stunt did Israel announce that the last batch of prisoners would not be released.

Now that we know how closely Gardner adheres to facts, we can go on:
The prisoners in question were supposed to have been released 20 years ago as part of the Oslo accords, at the high water mark for hopes that these two peoples could close a deal on sharing the Holy Land. They were not.
Wrong again. The only document about pre-Oslo prisoners was the Sharm el-Sheikh Memorandum of 1999. Israel was to release two batches of pre-Oslo prisoners. They released the first, but did not release the second because of a long list of violations of the agreement by the PLO, such as the "revolving door" policy of releasing terrorists, their refusal to give Israel a list of their policemen by September 13 1999, their refusal to collect weapons from terrorists, and many others.

But Palestinian Arab violations of agreements don't exist in Gardner's mind.

[There is] a pattern of the US consistently over-rewarding a recalcitrant ally, as well as being snubbed by Israel for its pains.

In 2009, for example, it was Mr Obama who blinked when Mr Netanyahu simply refused to halt colonisation of Palestinian land. Instead, in 2010, the US president offered Israel the Jordan Valley – a big chunk of the occupied West Bank that is not his to give – in return for a short pause in settlement building. Mr Netanyahu, in any event, refused.
The US offered Israel the Jordan Valley? Really?

And Netanyahu did freeze settlement construction for 10 months, during which Abbas refused to talk for nine of them.

It is not just that Washington is behaving more like a crooked lawyer than an honest broker, bullying the weaker Palestinian party into keeping talks going while Israel continues to settle illegally occupied territory.

Far from pushing Israel to roll back the occupation enough to enable Palestinians to build a viable state on the occupied West Bank and Gaza, with Arab East Jerusalem as its capital, it looks as though the US is planning to hand Israel almost all the settlement blocs, about three-quarters of East Jerusalem, and the Jordan Valley.
Since when does the US award territory? The framework was never completed, as far as I can tell. Gardner, based in Beirut, seems to be getting his news from Al Quds rather than any honest source.

Gardner's selective memory and disregard for the facts is bad enough, but for FT to publish such obvious untruths makes its self-described "high quality journalism" more than suspect.

(h/t Herb G)

  • Sunday, April 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The newest winner of Master Chef Israel is Nof Atamna-Ismaeel, a Muslim Arab-Israeli woman.

Or, as visceral haters like Max Blumenthal would say, "Tokenism!"

You see, the idea that Israelis would love an Arab on a TV competition - consistently! - completely destroys his thesis of a racist Israeli society. So when things like this happen, he gets a bit defensive. People like Nof might hurt his book sales, and we can't have that! (Max is going to shill for his book next at a CAIR banquet.)

Back to Nof, you can see how effusive the TV hosts and judges were about her performance, obviously all engaged in a massive case of chef-washing:

But that is not the most impressive thing about her.

Nof is a post-doctoral research scientist in microbiology! 

According to her LinkedIn profile, she received her PhD from that evil racist Israeli school known as Technion, and now is pursuing her research at another racist school that must be boycotted, Oranim College of Education.

And if the Israel-hating faux boycotters would get their way, she wouldn't have a job.

Who are the racists again?

UPDATE: Third place was an Ethiopian native.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

From Ian:

Caroline Glick: A chance to move on
His desperate behavior showed PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas that there are no depths Kerry will not plumb to prolong the fictional peace process.
And so on Tuesday, in an open act of contempt for Kerry, Abbas applied for membership in international bodies, in breach of the foundational requirement of the peace process: that a Palestinian state only be formed as a consequence of a peace agreement with Israel to prevent such a state from gaining independence while in a state of war with Israel.
Until now, it was US pressure on Israel for concessions to the Palestinians that kept the Israeli Left going. Now, without any leadership, with its power base in the permanent bureaucracy weakened, and the US role as mediator wholly discredited not only among the Israeli public, but in the US media, the Left has nothing to latch on to.
If the government uses the opportunity to abandon the two-state paradigm, it stands its best chance in 20 years of succeeding.
To my colleague Caroline, a caveat
Regrettably, I feel this is the case with her new book, The Israeli Solution: A One-State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, which has received a warm reception among leading rightwing and conservative circles.
The book has considerable value for two reasons. First, it represents a welcome, and much needed, challenge to the monopolistic stranglehold the two-state approach has had on much of the public discourse on the Palestinian issue.
Second, it provides a penetrating historical review of how this choke-hold developed, particularly regarding the formulation of US Mideast policy, and of why this detrimental impediment should be removed.
However, while I strongly endorse her admirable analysis of the pernicious pervasiveness of the two-state principle, I strongly disagree with the conclusions she draws from that analysis. I therefore find myself compelled to take issue with her prescription for the measures with which the problem should be confronted, and with the nature of the alternatives she proposes to replace the dysfunctional paradigm that hitherto dominated the discourse. (h/t Bob Knot)
The Bad Faith of Mahmoud Abbas
The conclusion can only be that Abbas on behalf of the Palestinians is trying to prevent the peace process from continuing by preventing the possibility of negotiations. At his meeting with President Obama on March 17, 2014 he made it clear that he would not recognize Israel as a Jewish State, knowing that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had made this a condition for resumption of negotiations.
Most important of all is the sad realization that the Palestinian leaders show bad faith in their unwillingness to abide by international agreements. The crucial factor involved is the Oslo Accord of September 13, 1993, with Article V on permanent status negotiations issues that needs quoting in full. It says “It was understood that several issues were postponed to permanent status negotiations, including: Jerusalem, refugees, settlements, security arrangements, borders, relations and co-operation with other neighbors, and other issues of common interest. The outcome of these permanent status negotiations should not be prejudiced or pre-empted by the parties.”
It is essential that the officials of the 15 bodies to which Abbas is making applications for membership, as well as President Obama and the US State Departments should remind him of Article V before any action is taken. (h/t Elder of Lobby)


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